ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2020, 28(8): 1232-1245 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01232



雷铭,, 李朋波

北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院, 北京 100024

Neural mechanism underlying the attentional modulation of auditory sensory gating

LEI Ming,, LI Pengbo

School of Tourism Sciences, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China

通讯作者: 雷铭,

收稿日期: 2020-02-22   网络出版日期: 2020-08-15

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31800923)

Received: 2020-02-22   Online: 2020-08-15


前脉冲抑制(prepulse inhibition, PPI)是听感觉门控的测量模型, 反映了听觉系统的早期信息选择功能。尽管PPI的主要神经环路位于脑干, 研究发现PPI可以被注意自上而下调节。然而, 已有研究并未区分不同注意(特征注意和空间注意)对PPI的特异性调节, 并且神经机制方面的研究集中于听皮层区域, 仍缺乏对皮层下机制的探讨。在以往研究的成果基础之上, 借助听觉信息加工的双通路模型, 采用行为测量、脑电和脑成像技术, 揭示特征和空间两种注意调节PPI的神经活动在听觉系统中的层次性神经表达。包括1)建立特征注意和空间注意调节PPI的统一行为模型, 考察两种注意调节PPI的时间动态性异同; 2)两种注意调节PPI的脑干分离机制, 即前脉冲刺激包络和精细结构成分加工在注意调节PPI中的作用差异; 3)两种注意调节PPI的关键脑区和脑网络差异。

关键词: 注意; 听感觉门控; 前脉冲抑制; 双通路模型


Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is considered as a measurement of sensory gating, reflecting the function of early auditory sensory information selection. Although the main neural correlates of PPI lie in the brainstem, previous researches have revealed that PPI could be top-down modulated by attention. However, different forms of attention, such as feature-based attention and spatial attention, have not been investigated together in the specific modulation of PPI. Moreover, the neural mechanism of attentional modulation of PPI in humans has been focused on the cortical level, whereas the subcortical mechanism has remained unclear. Based on the dual-pathway model for auditory processing, the present project aims to use behavioral testing, electroencephalogram recording and functional magnetic resonnance imaging, to investigate the various levels of neural representations of attentional modulation of PPI in the auditory system. The paper will 1) establish the behavioral paradigm of feature-based attentional and spatially attentional modulation of PPI, and examine the temporal dynamic processing differences between feature-based attentional modulation and spatially attentional modulation of PPI; 2) use brainstem frequency following responses (FFRs) to examine the subcortical neural mechanism of two types of attentional modulation of PPI, focusing on the envelope and fine structure processing differences of prepulse stimuli in the two types of attentional PPI modulation; 3) investigate the key brain areas and neural networks involved in feature-based attentional modulation and spatially attentional modulation of PPI.

Keywords: attention; auditory sensory gating; prepulse inhibition; dual-pathway model

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雷铭, 李朋波. 不同注意形式调节听感觉门控的神经机制. 心理科学进展, 2020, 28(8): 1232-1245 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01232

LEI Ming, LI Pengbo. Neural mechanism underlying the attentional modulation of auditory sensory gating. Advances in Psychological Science, 2020, 28(8): 1232-1245 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01232

1 问题提出

听觉信息加工是人类大脑最基本最重要的认知机能之一。然而, 面对海量的听觉输入信息, 听觉系统的信息处理能力有限。这就意味着听觉系统必须对信息进行选择, 将有限的神经资源集中于重要的听觉信息进行优先加工。大脑实现这种选择重要听觉信息的功能离不开两种机制, 一种是位于前脑的听觉注意(attention)机制, 另一种是位于脑干的听感觉门控(auditory sensory gating)机制。听感觉门控反映了大脑对听感觉刺激的早期加工能力, 能特异性的抑制无关感觉刺激的输入, 从而保证大脑高级认知过程(如记忆、思维、决策等)不受感觉刺激超载影响(Csomor et al., 2014; Jones, Hills, Dick, Jones, & Bright, 2016)。目前研究者普遍认为, 听感觉门控机制反映了大脑的早期信息选择能力, 是一种自动化的加工机制, 涉及到的神经环路主要位于脑干(Li, Du, Li, Wu, & Wu, 2009); 听觉注意机制对信息的选择反映了高级认知过程, 涉及的脑区主要在皮层区域(Chen et al., 2014; Fritz, Elhilali, David, & Shamma, 2007)。注意一直是心理学和认知神经科学的研究热点, 可以将注意分为基于特征的注意、基于空间的注意和基于客体的注意。不过, 注意和感觉门控并不是独立的两个加工过程, 人类和动物研究都发现注意对听感觉门控存在自上而下的调节(Du, Li, Wu, & Li, 2009, 2010, 2011b; Hazlett et al., 2003, 2007; Lei, Luo, Qu, Jia, & Li, 2014; Li et al., 2009)。

惊反射的前脉冲抑制(prepulse inhibition, PPI)是学术界所公认的一种人和动物共有的听感觉门控测量模型, 指引发惊反射的强刺激之前(30~500 ms)出现了一个弱感觉刺激(即前脉冲刺激)对随后出现的惊反射的抑制。尽管PPI的主要神经环路位于脑干(综述见Davis, 2006), 反映了早期信息的选择性加工机制, 前人的研究发现PPI会受到高级认知过程(如注意)自上而下(top-down)的调节(Li et al., 2009; 杜忆, 李量, 2011), 这种注意调节PPI在实验大鼠(Du et al., 2009, 2010, 2011; Lei et al., 2014)和人类被试中(Lei, Zhang, & Li, 2018; Yang et al., 2017)都得到证实。然而, 已有研究仅仅涉及了某一种注意对PPI调节的行为表现, 并未区分不同注意形式(如空间注意和特征注意)对PPI自上而下的特异性调节, 并且前人对注意调节PPI神经机制的研究集中于听觉皮层区域, 迄今尚未有研究对人类注意调节PPI的皮层下神经机制进行探讨。那么, 能否在同一行为范式中考察两种注意对PPI的调节呢?这种PPI注意调节在听觉皮层、听觉脑干、听觉高级认知网络中有怎样的神经表现呢?

以往的动物和人类研究已证实视觉信息在大脑皮层内沿两条分离的通路进行加工, 一条是枕颞通路或腹侧通路, 负责视觉物体识别, 称为“what”通路; 另一条是枕顶通路或背侧通路, 主要加工物体之间的空间联系以及引导朝向物体的运动, 称为“where”通路(de Haan & Cowey, 2011; Goodale & Milner, 1992)。最近的研究表明人类的听觉信息加工也包括两条分离的通路, “what”通路负责听觉模式识别, “where”通路负责加工听觉物体的空间信息, 这就是听觉信息加工的双通路模型(dual-pathway model) (Arnott, Binns, Grady, & Alain, 2004; Romanski et al., 1999; Zündorf, Lewald, & Karnath, 2016)。同时, 听觉信息加工的双通路模型不仅指大脑皮层分别加工听觉空间和内容的信息, 这种“what”和“where”的双通路信息加工在皮层下就已经存在(Smith, Delgutte, & Oxenham, 2002; Luo, Wang, & Li, 2017)。本研究构想在前人研究的基础上, 拟通过一系列行为学、脑电、脑成像研究证实特征注意和空间注意对PPI的调节同样符合听觉信息加工的双通路模型, 即特征和空间注意对PPI的调节在听觉脑干、听觉皮层、听觉高级认知网络中的神经表达同样包括两条分离的“what”通路和“where”通路。

2 研究现状及发展动态分析

2.1 惊反射和前脉冲抑制(PPI)

惊反射是人和动物共有的一种对强刺激的全身性反射活动(Landis & Hunt, 1939), 具有潜伏期短、刺激累加作用强、动态反应范围宽等特点。例如, 对头部的突然撞击激活了人体的听觉、前庭觉和三叉神经觉系统, 引发一个强的全身性惊反射活动, 这种惊反射的防御机制是在进化过程中应对头部撞击形成的保护机制(Yeomans, Li, Scott, & Frankland, 2002)。惊反射的神经环路比较简单, 外界刺激通过耳蜗核、三叉神经核以及前庭神经核纤维投射到尾侧桥脑网状核(caudal pontine reticular nucleus, PnC), 该结构中的巨型细胞发出投射纤维到脑神经运动核和脊髓中的运动或者前运动神经元(综述见Yeomans et al., 2002)。惊反射可以被情绪和学习所调节, 威胁性刺激(对人类来说可以是恐惧性电影片段, 对动物来说可以是与足底电击匹配的刺激)可以增强惊反射, 而中性电影片段和悲伤的电影片段则不影响惊反射(Röskam & Koch, 2006)。另外的研究表明, 奖赏刺激或者威胁降低的刺激(对人类来说可以是美好图片, 对大鼠来说可以是与奖赏相关的刺激)可以减弱惊反射(Filion, Dawson, & Schell, 1998)。目前, 惊反射可以用来研究恐惧、焦虑、敏感性、内稳态等多种情绪状态, 在临床精神病学中有广泛的应用(Rajji & Mulsant, 2008)。

惊反射是应对威胁性刺激的迅速的自我保护行为, 对人和动物适应环境有重要的意义。但是, 惊反射的出现也会干扰人和动物正在进行的认知和行为活动。为适应复杂的生存环境, 中枢神经系统也进化出了一种人和动物所共有的能抑制惊反射的门控机制(图1所示):当在引发惊反射的强刺激之前(30~500 ms)出现了一个弱感觉刺激(即前脉冲刺激)时, 尽管该弱感觉刺激不能引起惊反射, 但对惊反射有抑制作用, 这种抑制作用被称为前脉冲抑制(prepulse inhibition, PPI)。


图1   惊反射和前脉冲抑制示意图。惊刺激单独呈现时, 惊反射幅度较大(上图); 惊刺激呈现之前的短时间内出现的前脉冲刺激会抑制随后出现的惊刺激引起的惊反射(下图), 被称为前脉冲抑制(PPI)

目前研究认为, PPI的神经环路主要位于皮层下的脑干部位。解剖学上的研究证实PPI的神经环路位于皮层下的脑干, 包括听觉中脑下丘(inferior colliculus, IC), 上丘深/中层(deeper, intermediate layers of superior colliculus)以及桥脑脚被盖核(pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, PPTg)在内(Swerdlow et al., 2001; Swerdlow, Weber, Qu, Light, & Braff, 2008)。不过, 尽管PPI的主要神经环路位于脑干水平, PPI环路与感觉皮层、运动系统、边缘系统等都存在广泛的神经联系, 使PPI受到复杂的调节作用。比如, 动物研究发现, PPI受到边缘皮质-纹状体-苍白球-丘脑环路(cortico-striato-pallido-thalamic circuitry, CSPT环路)的调节(Swerdlow et al., 2001)。脑成像研究也证实, 正常人类被试的PPI环路涉及包括额叶、纹状体、海马、脑岛、前扣带回、丘脑等多个脑区(Campbell et al., 2007; Hazlett et al., 2001; Kumari, Antonova, & Geyer, 2008)。可见, PPI涉及的复杂神经网络从脑干经由丘脑到高级皮层多个区域, 这也为PPI受到高级认知过程自上而下的调节提供了生物学基础。

2.2 注意对PPI自上而下的调节及其神经机制

目前的动物行为学、人类行为测量和部分神经科学证据表明, 注意可以自上而下的调节PPI。

2.2.1 特征选择性注意对PPI的调节

人类研究和动物实验都发现特征选择性注意可以增强PPI (Blumenthal, Reynolds, & Spence, 2015; Dawson, Hazlett, Filion, Nuechterlein, & Schell, 1993; Dawson, Schell, Hazlett, Nuechterlein, & Filion, 2000; Hazlett et al., 2003; Hazlett et al., 2007; Poje & Filion, 2017)。人类研究中通常采用“注意前脉冲刺激(attention-to-prepulse)”范式, 给被试呈现两种频率不同的纯音作为前脉冲刺激, 标准纯音的长度是5 s, 探测纯音长度是8 s, 要求被试默数其中一种频率的探测纯音的个数, 同时忽略另外一种频率的纯音(Hazlett et al., 2003; Hazlett et al., 2007)。研究发现, 注意前脉冲刺激条件下引起的PPI大于忽略前脉冲刺激条件, 证明注意前脉冲刺激特征对PPI有增强作用(Hazlett et al., 2003; Hazlett et al., 2007; Poje & Filion, 2017)。Hazlett等人进一步考察了特征选择性注意调节PPI的神经机制, 发现注意前脉冲刺激条件下, 丘脑前核与背内侧核BOLD信号激活大于忽略条件, 说明丘脑参与了PPI特征选择性注意调节的神经环路(Hazlett et al., 2001)。此外, 动物研究发现, 对一个前脉冲声音(如1300 Hz复合纯音)进行恐惧条件化可使该声音具有生态学意义并引起大鼠对该声音的注意, 进而特异性地增强由该声音引起的PPI (Du et al., 2009; Du et al., 2010)。更进一步的研究发现, 情绪注意对PPI的调节具有刺激特征特异性, 对具有某种特征(如1300 Hz复合纯音而非2300 Hz复合纯音)的前脉冲刺激的选择性情绪注意可以增强PPI (Du et al., 2010, 2011)。

然而, 上述特征选择性注意调节PPI的范式并不完美。一般的PPI范式中前脉冲刺激的长度在20~200 ms之间, 而Hazlett等人的实验中前脉冲刺激长度是5 s甚至8 s。罗欢团队研究发现, 人类的注意具有时间震荡的节律性(Song, Meng, Chen, Zhou, & Luo, 2014; Wang & Luo, 2017), 被试的注意不可能一直长时间保持在需要注意的某频率的声音上, 也就是说被忽略的纯音也会有一些注意资源的分配。此外, 在该范式的fMRI实验中, 前脉冲刺激长度是5 s甚至8 s, 由于BOLD信号具有滞后性, 前脉冲刺激长度过长, BOLD信号反映的可能是对前脉冲刺激的感觉加工(sensory processing), 而不是感觉门控(sensory gating)信息。那么一个值得研究的问题就是:如果前脉冲刺激采用传统PPI范式中的刺激设置, 前脉冲刺激时长设定为20~200 ms, 注意某一种前脉冲刺激而忽略某一种前脉冲刺激时, 对前脉冲刺激特征的选择性注意是否会增强PPI, 其相应的神经机制是什么?

2.2.2 空间选择性注意对PPI的调节

空间选择性注意也可以增强PPI (Lei et al., 2014; Lei et al., 2018; Wu, Ding, Jia, & Li, 2016)。在一个嘈杂的听觉环境中, 听者不仅听到来自声源的直达声, 同时还听到多个时间延后的反射声。如果直达声和反射声之间的时间足够短(1~10 ms左右, 取决于声音的类型), 由于时间延后的反射声像被领先的直达声捕捉(Li, Qi, He, Alain, & Schneider, 2005), 听者只感到一个来自领先声源处的融合声像, 即一个听觉客体(Litovsky et al., 1999)。这种现象被称为听觉优先效应(precedence effect)。优先效应可以出现在人类以及大鼠、猫、猫头鹰等实验动物中(Lei et al., 2014; Lei et al., 2018; Wu, Zheng, et al., 2016)。

在实验室模拟条件下, 利用优先效应可以使不相关的声音信号在知觉上产生空间分离或者空间重合, 进而调节空间选择性注意。举例来讲(图2所示), 当左右两个喇叭都播放A、B两个不同声音时(图2 a), 如果对A声音来讲, 左喇叭提前3 ms, 而对B声音来讲, 右喇叭提前3 ms, 则两个喇叭发出的A声音就会有主观融合, 其声像来自左喇叭。同样, 两个喇叭发出的B声音也会有主观融合, 其声像来自右喇叭。这样, A、B两个声像就会出现知觉空间分离(图2 b)。相反, 如果A、B两个声音都是左喇叭领先右喇叭3 ms, 两个声像就会出现知觉空间重合(图2 c)。因为两个声音都由这两个喇叭发出, 所以并没有客观的分离, 进而不影响信噪比。当左右喇叭位置相对于听者对称时, 这种知觉分离也不影响声像的知觉密度。基于优先效应的声像之间的知觉空间分离反映了听觉认知系统对听觉客体特征的加工和空间属性的加工之间的整合。这种知觉空间分离可以使听者忽视一个声源的声像, 而同时选择性地强化对另一个声源声像的空间选择性注意(Li et al., 2009)。


图2   知觉空间分离示意图。A声音(音乐符号)和B声音(宽波符号)之间物理关系(图a), 知觉空间分离(图b)和知觉空间重合(图c)

信号刺激和掩蔽刺激之间的知觉空间位置的分离可以促进空间选择性注意集中在目标信号上, 从而提高对目标言语的识别成绩(Freyman et al., 2004, 2008; Wu, Zheng et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2005; Zheng et al., 2016) 。脑成像结果表明, 掩蔽条件下的知觉空间分离促进听觉言语识别会激活听觉注意网络中顶上小叶的活动(Zheng et al., 2016)。脑电研究发现, 知觉空间分离可以增强被试对目标刺激的选择性注意, 特异性的提高目标刺激的皮层诱发电位N1P2成分(Lei et al., 2018; Zhang, Lu, Wu, & Li, 2014)。动物行为研究表明, 知觉空间分离可以增强PPI (Du et al., 2011b; Lei et al., 2014)。在大鼠的实验中, 知觉空间分离可以增强大鼠的空间选择性注意, 提高大鼠的PPI (Du et al., 2009, 2010; Lei et al., 2014), 并且前脉冲抑制与掩蔽噪声之间的知觉空间分离对PPI的增强依赖于后顶叶内兴奋性谷氨酸的传递(Du et al., 2011)。这一结果在多个实验中得到验证(Lei et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016)。我们最新的研究将动物PPI的研究范式应用到人类被试中, 发现知觉空间分离也可以增强人类被试的PPI (Lei et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2017)。

PPI是精神分裂症公认的內表型之一。早在1978年, Braff等人就发现精神分裂症患者的PPI显著低于正常对照(Braff et al., 1978), 这一结果在后面的实验中得到多次验证。注意缺陷也是公认的精神分裂症內表型之一。一项跟踪研究显示, 后期发展成精神分裂症谱系障碍的高危人群在未出现任何临床症状的初期就可检测出注意的缺损(Smith & Cornblatt, 2005)。因此, 注意也是精神分裂症的內表型之一, 并且与PPI关系密切(Javitt & Sweet, 2015)。注意和PPI都是大脑选择重要信息并且抑制无关信息干扰的机制, 并且均可作为精神分裂症早期识别和筛查的內表型, 但是目前关于二者关系的研究还不多见。Hazlett等人的研究发现, 在精神分裂症患者中, 不仅基线PPI有缺失, 注意对PPI的调节也有缺失, 但只有注意对PPI调节的缺失才与精神分裂症特异性症状的严重程度有显著的相关(Hazlett et al., 2007)。在早期社会隔离建立的精神分裂症动物模型研究中, 早期社会隔离只减弱成年后大鼠的PPI, 但却能完全消除对PPI的恐惧条件化性增强和知觉分离性增强(Du et al., 2009; Du et al., 2010)。因此, PPI注意调节的缺失与精神分裂症的关系更为密切, 加强注意对PPI调节的认知和神经机制研究对于理解精神分裂症的发病机理, 探索新的内表型指标有重要意义。

然而, 尽管特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意调节PPI的行为研究已经取得很大进展, 但是很少有研究将特征注意和空间注意对PPI的调节综合考察。同时, 关于注意调节PPI的神经机制研究仍在起步阶段, 注意调节PPI的皮层机制和皮层下机制仍不清楚。仅有少量的研究涉及了注意调节PPI的皮层机制。例如, 脑影像研究发现丘脑前核与背内侧核BOLD信号增强与特征选择性注意调节PPI相关(Hazlett et al., 2001)。掩蔽条件下的知觉空间分离促进听觉言语识别会激活听觉注意网络中顶上小叶的活动(Zheng et al., 2016)。目前, 我们最新脑电研究发现, 知觉空间分离可以增强PPI, 并且知觉空间分离可以增强对前脉冲刺激的神经表征, 表现为前脉冲刺激诱发的皮层脑电成分N1/P2的增强, 并且PPI的知觉空间分离增强与N1成分的知觉空间分离增强正相关(Lei et al., 2018)。可能的原因是N1反映了听皮层的活动, 相关脑区位于听觉颞叶脑区, 包括赫氏回(Heschl’s gyrus)和颞上沟(STP), 而P2反映了非通道特异性的高级皮层活动, 相关脑区主要定位于联合皮层。这也进一步说明知觉空分离增强PPI是通过增强对前脉冲刺激的早期皮层诱发电位(N1), 从而增强对前脉冲刺激的空间选择性注意, 进而增强PPI (Lei et al, 2018)。

以上研究提示, 特征选择性注意和空间选择性对PPI的调节涉及到了不同的神经环路。但是, 目前的研究尚未关注特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的共同(或特异性)调节, 两种注意调节PPI的神经机制异同也不清楚。

2.2.3 注意调节PPI的皮层下机制和频率追随反应(FFRs)

如前说述, 在以往的注意调节PPI神经机制研究中, 主要关注了注意调节PPI的皮层机制, 但是注意对PPI调节的皮层下机制目前还不清楚。目前研究认为, PPI的神经环路主要位于皮层下的脑干部位。解剖学上的研究证实PPI的神经环路位于皮层下的脑干, 包括听觉中脑下丘(inferior colliculus, IC), 上丘深/中层(deeper、intermediate layers of superior colliculus)以及桥脑脚被盖核(pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, PPTg)在内, 然而, 皮层下的脑干部位是如何参与特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节的目前还不清楚。

频率追随反应(frequency following responses, FFRs)是一种源自听觉脑干的神经群体的放电活动, 反应了神经元对中低频听觉刺激的精确锁相活动(Chandrasekaran & Kraus, 2010; Du et al., 2011a; Kraus, Anderson, & White-Schwoch, 2017; Marsh, Worden, & Smith, 1970)。人类头皮脑电记录的FFRs可以反映对1.5 kHz以内的声音锁相活动(Glaser, Suter, Dasheiff, & Goldberg, 1976), 动物颅内电生理记录的FFRs可以反映4 kHz以内的声音锁相活动(Ping, Li, Galbraith, Wu, & Li, 2008)。FFRs反应了听觉脑干的神经活动, 脑干既是双耳信息传递到大脑中的重要中转通路, 又受到诸多下行皮层网络的调节, 因此脑干的神经活动反应了感觉信息加工与高级认知之间的交互作用, 是研究高层注意调节底层PPI的理想脑区。

在人类被试中, FFRs能够反应神经元群体对复杂声音刺激关键成分的加工(Coffey, Musacchia, & Zatorre, 2017), 相对于传统的听觉脑干诱发电位(ABR, 一般使用click或者纯音), FFRs可以选择的听觉刺激从简单纯音(Chimento & Schreiner, 1990; Galbraith, 1994) 直到复杂的语音刺激(Aiken & Picton, 2008; Akhoun et al., 2008; Krishnan, Xu, Gandour, & Cariani, 2004; Russo, Nicol, Musacchia, & Kraus, 2004; Song, Skoe, Wong, & Kraus, 2008)和音乐(Musacchia, Sams, Skoe, & Kraus, 2007)。同时, FFRs研究也发现, 目标信号引起的FFRs可以受到注意调节(Galbraith, Olfman, & Huffman, 2003; Hairston, Letowski, & Mcdowell, 2013; Lehmann & Schönwiesner, 2014)、短期训练(Skoe & Kraus, 2012; Song et al., 2008; Song, Skoe, Banai, & Kraus, 2012)、长期经验(Chandrasekaran & Kraus, 2010; Musacchia et al., 2007).等的影响。已有研究报告对目标声音的空间选择性注意都可以增强下丘的FFRs (Du et al., 2011a; Wilson & Krishnan, 2005), 反映了空间注意增强对目标信号表征的皮层下机制。

更重要的是, 通过适当的信号处理方式(希尔伯特变换), 可以从FFRs信息中分离出快速变化的声音精细结构(temporal fine structure)的锁相反应以及变化较为缓慢的包络结构(envelope)的锁相反应(Aiken & Picton, 2008; Ananthakrishnan, Krishnan, & Bartlett, 2015; Luo et al., 2017; Wang & Li, 2017)。根据听觉信息加工的双通路模型, “what”和“where”的双通路信息加工在皮层下就已经存在(Arnott et al., 2004)。Smith等人认为, 精细结构的加工可能更多的与声音的空间定位有关, 而包络的加工可能与声音客体和语义有关, 进而它们分别形成了听觉皮层的空间(where)环路与内容(what)环路的声学基础, 这就是2002年提出的“精细结构-包络双分离假说” (Smith et al., 2002), 是对听觉信息加工的双通路模型在皮层下表现的具体描述。因此, FFRs不仅是研究注意调节PPI的中脑机制的重要工具, 而且可以反映包络结构和精细结构在特征注意和空间注意调节PPI中的不同作用。因此, 一个有意思的研究问题是:下丘是否在注意调节PPI的神经环路中起到重要作用?特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节, 是否与FFRs信息中的包络加工和精细结构加工一一对应?

3 研究构想

本研究可以采用听觉行为测量、头皮脑电(EEG)、功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术, 系统研究特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节作用及在听觉系统多个层级的神经机制。首先建立特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意共同调节PPI的行为范式, 以EEG为测量手段, 在皮层水平上考察两种注意调节PPI的时间动态性差异; 同时在皮层下水平考察两种注意调节PPI的脑干分离机制, 重点探讨前脉冲刺激包络成分和精细结构成分加工在两种注意调节PPI中的作用差异; 最后, 以fMRI为测量手段, 考察特征注意和空间注意调节PPI的关键脑区和脑网络活动异同。具体来说, 我们计划开展如下三个方面的研究(图3所示)。


图3   本研究研究内容示意图

3.1 不同注意形式调节PPI的时间动态性异同

如前所述, 特征注意和空间注意均可以调节PPI。脑电技术具有毫秒级别的时间分辨率, 是研究两种注意调节PPI的时间动态性加工机制的理想工具。在“注意前脉冲刺激(attention-to- prepulse)”范式中, 对某个前脉冲刺激特征的注意(如400 Hz纯音而非800 Hz纯音)可以增强PPI (Hazlett et al., 2003, 2007)。神经层面的脑电研究发现, PPI出现时前脉冲刺激诱发的脑电成分P50 (50~75 ms)、N1 (75~150 ms)、P2 (150~200 ms)显著变化, 而P30 (10~40 ms)成分没有变化(Simons & Perlstein, 1996)。目前研究者认为P30反映了对前脉冲刺激的瞬时探测, 而P50反映了对前脉冲刺激的感觉加工, P30反映了快速的内侧丘系通路活动, 而P50反映了慢速的外侧丘系的活动, 这一结果支持了PPI中对前脉冲刺激的“加工-保护”理论(Graham, 1975)。同样, 前人发现PPI出现时P50、N1等反映听觉信息早期加工的脑电成分增强, 而P2和N2等反映听觉信息后期加工的脑电成分没有变化(Simons & Perlstein, 1996)。以上结果提示, 对前脉冲刺激特征的信息加工主要表现在信息加工的早期成分, 以P50、N1成分为主, 而晚期成分P2和N2不受影响。

另外, 如前所述, 在空间注意调节PPI范式中, 前脉冲刺激与背景噪声之间的知觉空间分离可以增强对前脉冲刺激的空间选择性注意, 进而增强PPI。我们的一项ERP研究发现(Let et al., 2018), 知觉空间分离可以增强PPI, 同时增强对前脉冲刺激的神经表征, 表现为皮层诱发电位N1/P2的反应增强, 更重要的是, PPI的知觉空间分离增强与皮层诱发电位N1成分的知觉空间分离增强正相关, 而与P2成分的知觉空间分离增强无关。

N1反映了听皮层的活动, 相关脑区位于听觉颞叶脑区, 包括颞中回(Heschl’s gyrus)和颞上沟(STP) (Näätänen & Picton, 1987), 而P2反映了非通道特异性的高级皮层活动, 相关脑区主要定位于联合皮层(Crowley & Colrain, 2004)。另一项脑损伤研究发现, IPL (顶下小叶)损伤的病人对听觉刺激反应的N1成分显著降低, 而P2成分不受影响, 顶下小叶是听觉空间选择性注意的重要脑区, 因此N1成分与听觉空间选择性注意密切相关(Woods, Knight, & Scabini, 1993)。不过, 前人的ERP研究仅使用简单白噪声作为前脉冲刺激, 并未考察更复杂的窄带噪声或者元音作为前脉冲刺激情况下的PPI, 因此并未考察听觉晚期脑电成分, 如N2的反应。可以推测, 对前脉冲刺激空间信息的加工主要表现在信息加工的稍晚期成分, 以N1、N2成分为主, 早期成分P50可能不受影响。

此外, 在言语感知的研究中, Du等人综合考察了听觉信息的频率线索和空间线索在语音分离中作用, 发现被试可以分别利用频率线索和空间线索提高对目标语音的识别, 被试利用两种线索提高语音识别的成绩在行为上具有线性叠加的作用。进一步的MEG研究发现, 频率线索和空间线索都会引起目标语音诱发的脑磁(AEF)反应N1成分(110 ms峰值)的增强, 而且频率线索和空间线索引起的N1成分增强具有线性叠加的特点, 也就是说频率和空间线索同时出现时N1成分的增加基本等同于频率线索和空间线索单独出现时N1成分增加之和。因此, 我们推测, 特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节可能都会影响听皮层诱发的脑电成分N1, 两种注意对PPI的增强对N1成分的影响可能是相互独立的, 存在线性叠加的关系。

根据听觉信息加工的双通路模型, 听觉皮层的空间(where)环路与内容(what)环路对听觉信息的加工速度不同(Arnott et al., 2004), 因此, 不同注意形式对PPI的调节作用可能具有不同的时间动态性。不过, 前人的研究结果和我们的工作并不能证明这一点。造成这一现象的原因有是在每一个研究中, 只是分别测量特征选择性注意调节PPI或者空间注意调节PPI, 并没有将两种注意调节PPI在同一被试、同一项研究中进行测量。因此, 在研究1中, 我们将采用行为测量和脑电技术, 建立特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意调节PPI的统一范式, 分别考察特征选择性注意调节PPI和空间选择性注意调节PPI的时间动态性异同。我们推测, 1)特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节具有不同的时间动态特征, 特征选择性注意对PPI的调节发生在信息加工的早期阶段, 反映了对刺激特征的快速加工, 主要与早期脑电成分P50特异性相关; 2)空间选择性注意对PPI的调节发生在信息加工的稍晚阶段, 反映了对刺激空间线索的慢速加工, 主要与晚期脑电成分N2特异性相关; 3)特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节均与听皮层密切相关的脑电成分N1有关, 而且两种注意对PPI的调节影响N1成分具有独立性, 表现为两种注意对N1成分的增强具有线性叠加的关系, 即两种注意共同对N1成分的增强与两种注意分别对N1成分的增强相加类似。

3.2 特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意调节PPI的脑干分离机制

如前所述, 频率追随反应(frequency following responses, FFRs)是一种源自听觉脑干的神经群体的放电活动, 反应了神经元对中低频听觉刺激的精确锁相活动(Chandrasekaran & Kraus, 2010; Du et al., 2011a; Kraus et al., 2017; Marsh et al., 1970)。目前在人类被试中使用头皮电生理记录的方法记录FFRs已经非常成熟(Kraus et al., 2017)。FFRs反应了听觉脑干的神经活动, 脑干既是双耳信息传递到大脑中的重要中转通路, 又受到诸多下行皮层网络的调节, 因此脑干的神经活动反应了感觉信息加工与高级认知之间的交互作用, 是研究高层注意调节底层PPI的理想脑区。

FFRs能够反应神经元群体对复杂声音刺激关键成分的加工(Coffey et al., 2017), 更重要的是, 通过适当的信号处理方式(希尔伯特变换), 可以从FFRs信息中分离出快速变化的声音精细结构(temporal fine structure)的锁相反应以及变化较为缓慢的包络结构(envelope)的锁相反应(Aiken & Picton, 2008; Ananthakrishnan et al., 2015; Luo et al., 2017; Wang & Li, 2017)。以往的研究证实, 声音的这两个成分(精细结构和包络结构)在中枢中的表达是可以被记录和测量的。例如, 实验动物的听神经和听觉中脑下丘(Luo et al., 2017)的听觉诱发反应都可以准确的表达包络和精细结构这两种声音成分。此外, 人类被试FFRs也可以被分解为包络和精细结构两个成分(Aiken & Picton, 2008)。这为研究特征注意和空间注意调节PPI的脑干表达分离机制提供了可行的记录方法, 即可以分别记录对目标声音信号神经反应的包络成分和精细结构成分。

2002年, Smith等人提出“精细结构-包络双分离”假说, 认为精细结构主要参与语音信号的空间定位, 而包络成分主要负责携带语义信息, 进而它们分别形成了听觉皮层的空间(where)环路与内容(what)环路的声学基础。这一假说与经典的听觉系统“where”和“what”双通路模型构成了优美的对应, 因此, “精细结构-包络双分离”假说被认为是听觉信息加工的双通路模型在听觉脑干的具体表现(Smith et al., 2002; Luo et al., 2017)。已有研究报告对目标声音的空间选择性注意都可以增强下丘的FFRs (Du et al., 2011a; Du et al., 2012; Wilson & Krishnan, 2005), 近期的动物神经电生理研究进一步证实了脑干中空间线索对同时呈现的声音信号的分离加工与记录到的FFRs中的精细结构成分有关(Luo et al., 2017)。因为声音刺激的包络主要对声音的内容识别起重要作用(Ding et al., 2016, 2017), 是形成内容(what)环路的声学基础, 我们推测, 特征注意对PPI的调节可能与目标信号的脑干包络结构表达增强有关。而声音刺激的精细结构信息对声音的空间定位起主要作用(Luo et al., 2017), 是形成空间(where)环路的声学基础, 因此, 我们推测空间注意对PPI的调节可能与目标信号的脑干精细结构表达增强有关。特征注意和空间注意对PPI的增强在脑干神经表达中出现分离。

此外, 特征注意和空间注意对PPI调节的脑干机制和皮层机制的对应关系也是值得研究的问题。听觉感觉信号的中枢表达存在编码策略的层级变化, 脑干的神经编码具有很高的冗余性, 而听皮层的神经编码整体显现出稀疏编码的策略(Ding et al., 2016, 2017)。因此, 大脑皮层上高频的精细结构的时序性表达较脑干有极大的减弱, 但是包络的时序性表达还很明显。Ding等人发现大脑听皮层通过EEG和MEG技术可以记录到反映言语音节节律的delta和theta波段的包络成分(Ding et al., 2016, 2017)。因此, 在皮层水平上, 听皮层可以通过时频分析, 得到对言语信号的包络成分反应(如Gama, Theta, Delta波段神经震荡指标)。通过对同一个被试进行脑干频率追随反应(FFRs)记录和皮层诱发电位记录(EEG), 可以考察特两种注意对PPI的调节的皮层下机制和皮层机制的对应关系。已有研究发现下丘和听皮层对窄带噪声包络信息的表征非常接近, 而且注意条件下, 二者记录到的电生理信号表现出Gama频带(50~100 Hz)的同步活动增强(Luo et al., 2017)。因此我们预测, 特征选择性注意调节PPI可以增强听觉脑干表达中的声音信号包络成分, 同时在皮层上可以进一步观察到信号包络成分的神经表达增强。二者在注意条件下记录到的电生理信号在Gama波段的反应同步性增强。

因此在研究2中, 我们将采用利用脑电技术(EEG)记录人类脑干频率追随反应(FFRs), 在研究1建立的特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意调节PPI的统一范式上, 分别考察特征选择性注意调节PPI和空间选择性注意调节PPI的脑干分离机制。我们推测, 特征注意和空间注意对PPI的调节在脑干表现出分离的作用:1)特征选择性注意对PPI的调节与前脉冲刺激的脑干包络结构表达增强有关; 2)空间选择性注意调节PPI与前脉冲刺激的脑干精细结构表达增强有关。综合研究1和研究2的内容, 我们对注意调节PPI的皮层和脑干的反应关系有如下基本假设, 3)特征注意和空间注意分别调节前脉冲刺激的脑干表达中的包络结构和精细结构, 在皮层下水平对PPI进行初步注意调节。特征选择性注意调节PPI可以增强听觉脑干表达中的声音信号包络结构, 同时, 信号包络结构的增强在皮层上有进一步的加强。二者在注意条件下记录到的电生理信号在Gama波段的反应同步性增强。

3.3 特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意调节PPI的关键脑区和脑网络

根据听觉信息加工的双通路模型, 特征和空间注意调节PPI的神经表达不仅存在加工速度的差异, 二者的脑区激活模式同样存在差异。以往研究发现, 神经层面上, fMRI研究发现, 注意前脉冲刺激特征条件下, 丘脑前核与背内侧核BOLD信号激活大于忽略条件, 说明丘脑参与了PPI特征注意调节的神经环路(Hazlett et al., 2001)。精神分裂症患者的研究表明, 正常被试在注意前脉冲刺激特征条件下, 额-纹状体-丘脑(frontal-striatal-thalamic, FST)环路中的背外侧前额叶、纹状体、丘脑背内侧核激活, 而精神分裂症患者的FST环路相关脑区激活减弱(Hazlett et al., 2001)。动物神经药理学研究发现, 对某种频率的前脉冲刺激恐惧条件化可以选择性的提高该频率前脉冲刺激引起的PPI (Du et al., 2011), 这种PPI的恐惧条件化增强表现出刺激特异性, 并且依赖于杏仁核和初级听皮层兴奋性谷氨酸的传递(Du et al., 2011)。以上结果提示, 特征选择性注意对PPI的调节可能涉及包括丘脑、初级听皮层、纹状体、额叶等脑区, 也就是听觉信息加工的what腹侧通路中的重要脑区。

同时, 人类和动物的行为研究均证实知觉空间分离也可以调节PPI (Lei et al., 2014, 2018)。神经层面上, 知觉空间分离促进言语识别的fMRI研究发现, 目标言语刺激与掩蔽言语刺激之间的知觉空间分离显著地激活了顶上小叶、楔前叶、额下回、额中回、前扣带回以及尾状核等脑区(Wu et al., 2016; Zheng et al., 2016)。这表明, 知觉空间分离促进言语识别过程涉及到了听觉系统以外的额叶、顶叶、扣带回和基底神经节等多个脑网络环路的活动。动物研究页发现, 知觉空间分离可以增强PPI (Lei et al., 2014), 且这种知觉空间分离引起的PPI增强与后顶叶兴奋性谷氨酸的传递有密切关系(Du et al., 2011)。因此可以推测, 楔前叶、顶下小叶及其所在的背侧通路(where通路)可能是利用知觉空间分离线索提高PPI的重要神经基础之一。

因此在研究3中, 我们将采用脑成像技术, 在研究1建立的特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意调节PPI的统一范式上, 分别考察特征选择性注意调节PPI和空间选择性注意调节PPI的关键脑区和脑网络。我们推测, 1)特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节可能具有不同的关键脑区, 特征选择性注意对PPI的调节涉及听觉what通路中的脑区, 主要包括听觉丘脑、初级听皮层、纹状体、颞上回在内; 2)空间选择性注意调节PPI涉及听觉where通路中的脑区, 包括初级听皮层、楔前叶、顶下小叶在内; 3)特征注意调节PPI和空间注意调节PPI虽然是不同注意形式对PPI的调节, 由于听觉信息加工的双通路的神经网络有部分重叠, 因此二者都可能涉及一些共同脑区的激活, 例如听觉加工中枢的初级听皮层、注意网络中的额叶的活动以及抑制功能的脑区如尾状核:初级听皮层作为听觉加工的中枢脑区, 对听觉信息的加工起到承上启下的作用, 因此两种注意形式对PPI的调节都涉及初级听皮层的活动增强; 特征注意网络和空间注意网络的研究发现二者在高级皮层区域, 如背外侧前额叶存在共同的激活, 因此两种注意形式对PPI的调节在经历了不同神经通路之后, 可能共同激活背外侧前额叶的活动; 最后, PPI的注意调节涉及到对目标信号的注意增强以及对干扰信息的加工抑制, 因此, 某些抑制功能相关的脑区, 如尾状核的功能可能会激活。

4 理论建构

人和动物在面对复杂的信息输入时, 会利用感觉门控系统抑制无关感觉刺激的输入, 保证重要感觉信息的深度加工(Du et al., 2011; Yeomans et al., 2002)。当突然出现一个强的感觉刺激时, 人和动物会出现一个强烈的全身性反射活动, 称为惊反射, 这是信息加工的第一个层次。惊反射对人和动物的生存至关重要, 可以让生物体对威胁性刺激快速地做出反应。不过惊反射也会干扰正在进行的行为和认知活动, 为了保证重要行为和认知活动的进行, 中枢系统发展出了一种抑制惊反射的门控机制:前脉冲抑制, 这是信息加工的第二个层次, 反映了对惊反射的调节作用。尽管作为一种前注意门控过程的PPI的神经环路位于脑干, 但它与感觉皮层、联合皮层、运动系统、边缘系统等都有广泛的联系, 并受到自上而下的注意调节(Li et al., 2009)。本研究假设, 基于空间的注意和基于特征的注意可以增强PPI, 这是感觉门控信息加工的第三个层次, 反映了对PPI的调节作用(杜忆, 李量, 2011)。根据听觉信息加工的双通路模型, 空间注意和特征注意对PPI的调节具有不同的神经基础, 本研究将建立统一的特征注意和空间注意调节PPI的行为模型, 考察空间注意和特征注意调节PPI在听觉脑干、听觉皮层、高级皮层中的加工速度和激活模式的异同。基于指导语让被试注意某一频率的刺激而忽略另一种频率的刺激是常用的听觉特征注意的范式, 基于听觉优先效应的知觉空间分离范式可以很好地引起被试对目标刺激的空间选择性注意。因此, 将对特定频率的注意和知觉空间分离范式相结合, 可以在行为上测量特征注意和空间注意对PPI的共同调节, 以及一种注意形式对PPI的单独调节作用。这个新的行为模型为进一步研究选择性注意增强PPI的神经机制提供了重要前提。

结合前人的研究发现和本文的研究理论假设, 注意调节PPI的神经活动在听觉系统同样具有层次性表现。听觉系统信息加工具有层次性, 同时听觉感觉信号的中枢表达存在编码策略的层级变化, 脑干的神经编码具有很高的精确性和冗余性, 而听皮层的神经编码整体显现出稀疏编码的策略。脑干可以精确的表达听觉信号的精细结构成分和包络成分, 听皮层上高频的精细结构表达较脑干有极大的减弱, 但是包络的表达还很明显。首先, 在脑干水平, 特征注意对PPI的调节可能与目标信号的脑干包络结构表达增强有关, 空间注意对PPI的调节可能与目标信号的脑干精细结构表达增强有关。脑干精细结构主要参与语音信号的空间定位, 而包络成分主要负责携带语义信息, 在听觉脑干水平, 特征注意和空间注意对PPI的增强在脑干神经表达中出现分离, 支持了听觉加工的双通路模型。其次, 在听皮层水平, 特征选择性注意和空间选择性注意对PPI的调节具有不同的时间动态特征, 特征选择性注意对PPI的调节发生在信息加工的早期阶段, 反映了对刺激特征的快速加, 而空间选择性注意对PPI的调节发生在信息加工的稍晚阶段, 反映了对刺激空间线索的慢速加工。脑电研究从时间动态性的角度进一步考察听觉加工双通路加工速度的分离。最后, 在高级皮层水平, 特征选择性注意对PPI的调节涉及听觉what通路中的脑区, 空间选择性注意调节PPI涉及听觉where通路中的脑区。脑成像研究进一步证实了两种注意调节PPI具有不同的脑激活模式, 从皮层水平验证了听觉加工的双通路模型。

同时, 特征注意和空间注意对前脉冲抑制的调节也具有共同规律。尽管大脑对前脉冲刺激的特征注意和空间位置注意分别依赖于听觉信息加工的“what”通路和“where”通路, 但特征注意和空间注意的神经网络有部分重叠, 两种注意对PPI的调节也涉及一些共同的脑区。前人的动物研究发现, 初级听皮层在空间注意调节PPI和情绪注意调节PPI中均起到重要作用(Du et al., 2011)。PPI脑环路中位于脑干的上丘深层(deeper layers of the superior colliculus, DpSC)同样参与了空间注意和情绪注意对PPI的调节, 有可能通过前脑对前脉冲刺激的自上而下调节和中脑前脉冲信号表征自下而上的调节两个通路共同起作用(Ding, Xu, Gao, Wu, & Li, 2019)。最新的动物研究表明, 大鼠的内侧无颗粒额叶皮层(the medial agranular cortex, AGm)在空间注意和情绪注意对PPI的强化调节中也起了作用, AGm神经投射到背内侧纹状体, 再到脑干黑质的网状部, 进而实现对PPI的注意调节(Meng, Ding, Chen, & Li, 2020)。因此, 我们认为听觉加工中枢的初级听皮层、上丘、次级运动皮层(对应大鼠的AGm区域)等脑区在不同注意对PPI的强化调节中共同起作用。

最后, 本研究具有临床应用前景。精神分裂症患者表现出的诸多认知障碍可能与早期信息加工紊乱有关(Javitt & Sweet, 2015; Jones et al., 2016), 感觉门控及其高级认知调节异常被认为是精神分裂症重要的病理生理基础之一。因此, 本研究探讨注意调节感觉门控的认知和神经机制, 对理解精神分裂症的病理机理、探索潜在的生物标记物、辅助疾病的早期客观诊断和干预有重要意义(雷铭, 田晴, 王传跃, 李量, 2017)。本研究同样具有工业应用前景。语音识别一直是人工智能的重要课题之一。许多算法可以很好地识别安静条件下的语音信号, 但是和人脑相比, 计算机在嘈杂环境下的语音识别要逊色很多。本研究考察大脑在嘈杂环境下的感觉门控过程如何受到不同注意形式自上而下的调节, 对于其神经机制的研究或能为计算机语音识别技术的发展带来启示。


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Ear and Hearing, 37(2), e91-e103.

DOI:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000247      URL     PMID:26583482      [本文引用: 2]

OBJECTIVE: Listeners with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) typically experience reduced speech perception, which is not completely restored with amplification. This likely occurs because cochlear damage, in addition to elevating audiometric thresholds, alters the neural representation of speech transmitted to higher centers along the auditory neuroaxis. While the deleterious effects of SNHL on speech perception in humans have been well-documented using behavioral paradigms, our understanding of the neural correlates underlying these perceptual deficits remains limited. Using the scalp-recorded frequency following response (FFR), the authors examine the effects of SNHL and aging on subcortical neural representation of acoustic features important for pitch and speech perception, namely the periodicity envelope (F0) and temporal fine structure (TFS; formant structure), as reflected in the phase-locked neural activity generating the FFR. DESIGN: FFRs were obtained from 10 listeners with normal hearing (NH) and 9 listeners with mild-moderate SNHL in response to a steady-state English back vowel /u/ presented at multiple intensity levels. Use of multiple presentation levels facilitated comparisons at equal sound pressure level (SPL) and equal sensation level. In a second follow-up experiment to address the effect of age on envelope and TFS representation, FFRs were obtained from 25 NH and 19 listeners with mild to moderately severe SNHL to the same vowel stimulus presented at 80 dB SPL. Temporal waveforms, Fast Fourier Transform and spectrograms were used to evaluate the magnitude of the phase-locked activity at F0 (periodicity envelope) and F1 (TFS). RESULTS: Neural representation of both envelope (F0) and TFS (F1) at equal SPLs was stronger in NH listeners compared with listeners with SNHL. Also, comparison of neural representation of F0 and F1 across stimulus levels expressed in SPL and sensation level (accounting for audibility) revealed that level-related changes in F0 and F1 magnitude were different for listeners with SNHL compared with listeners with NH. Furthermore, the degradation in subcortical neural representation was observed to persist in listeners with SNHL even when the effects of age were controlled for. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our results suggest a relatively greater degradation in the neural representation of TFS compared with periodicity envelope in individuals with SNHL. This degraded neural representation of TFS in SNHL, as reflected in the brainstem FFR, may reflect a disruption in the temporal pattern of phase-locked neural activity arising from altered tonotopic maps and/or wider filters causing poor frequency selectivity in these listeners. Finally, while preliminary results indicate that the deleterious effects of SNHL may be greater than age-related degradation in subcortical neural representation, the lack of a balanced age-matched control group in this study does not permit us to completely rule out the effects of age on subcortical neural representation.

Arnott, S. R., Binns, M. A., Grady, C. L., & Alain, C. (2004).

Assessing the auditory dual-pathway model in humans

NeuroImage, 22(1), 401-408.

URL     PMID:15110033      [本文引用: 3]

Blumenthal, T. D., Reynolds, J. Z., & Spence, T. E. (2015).

Support for the interruption and protection hypotheses of prepulse inhibition of startle: Evidence from a modified attention network test

Psychophysiology, 52(3), 397-406.

DOI:10.1111/psyp.12334      URL     PMID:25234706      [本文引用: 1]

The startle response may interrupt information processing (interruption hypothesis), and prepulse inhibition of startle (PPI) may protect that processing from interruption (protection hypothesis). These hypotheses were tested by measuring startle eyeblinks during an Attention Network Test (ANT), a combined flanker and cue reaction time (RT) task that measures the efficiency of multiple attentional networks. ANT trials with and without startle stimuli presented in the interval between the visual cue (prepulse) and target were compared. Results showed that the startle stimulus served as an alerting stimulus, speeding RT in the ANT. However, this reaction time speeding was most pronounced on trials with no startle response (100% PPI). This suggests that the alerting effect of the startle stimulus was attenuated by the startle response, and that PPI decreased the degree of this interference, in support of the interruption and protection hypotheses.

Braff, D., Stone, C., Callaway, E., Geyer, M., Glick, I., & Bali, L. (1978).

Prestimulus effects on human startle reflex in normals and schizophrenics

Psychophysiology, 15(4), 339-343.

DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8986.1978.tb01390.x      URL     PMID:693742      [本文引用: 1]

Campbell, L. E., Hughes, M., Budd, T. W., Cooper, G., Fulham, W. R., Karayanidis, F., ... Schall, U. (2007).

Primary and secondary neural networks of auditory prepulse inhibition: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of sensorimotor gating of the human acoustic startle response

European Journal of Neuroscience, 26(8), 2327-2333.

DOI:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05858.x      URL     PMID:17908169      [本文引用: 1]

Feedforward inhibition deficits have been consistently demonstrated in a range of neuropsychiatric conditions using prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle eye-blink reflex when assessing sensorimotor gating. While PPI can be recorded in acutely decerebrated rats, behavioural, pharmacological and psychophysiological studies suggest the involvement of a complex neural network extending from brainstem nuclei to higher order cortical areas. The current functional magnetic resonance imaging study investigated the neural network underlying PPI and its association with electromyographically (EMG) recorded PPI of the acoustic startle eye-blink reflex in 16 healthy volunteers. A sparse imaging design was employed to model signal changes in blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses to acoustic startle probes that were preceded by a prepulse at 120 ms or 480 ms stimulus onset asynchrony or without prepulse. Sensorimotor gating was EMG confirmed for the 120-ms prepulse condition, while startle responses in the 480-ms prepulse condition did not differ from startle alone. Multiple regression analysis of BOLD contrasts identified activation in pons, thalamus, caudate nuclei, left angular gyrus and bilaterally in anterior cingulate, associated with EMG-recorded sensorimotor gating. Planned contrasts confirmed increased pons activation for startle alone vs 120-ms prepulse condition, while increased anterior superior frontal gyrus activation was confirmed for the reverse contrast. Our findings are consistent with a primary pontine circuitry of sensorimotor gating that interconnects with inferior parietal, superior temporal, frontal and prefrontal cortices via thalamus and striatum. PPI processes in the prefrontal, frontal and superior temporal cortex were functionally distinct from sensorimotor gating.

Chandrasekaran, B., & Kraus, N. (2010).

The scalp-recorded brainstem response to speech: Neural origins and plasticity

Psychophysiology, 47(2), 236-246.

DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2009.00928.x      URL     PMID:19824950      [本文引用: 3]

Considerable progress has been made in our understanding of the remarkable fidelity with which the human auditory brainstem represents key acoustic features of the speech signal. The brainstem response to speech can be assessed noninvasively by examining scalp-recorded evoked potentials. Morphologically, two main components of the scalp-recorded brainstem response can be differentiated, a transient onset response and a sustained frequency-following response (FFR). Together, these two components are capable of conveying important segmental and suprasegmental information inherent in the typical speech syllable. Here we examine the putative neural sources of the scalp-recorded brainstem response and review recent evidence that demonstrates that the brainstem response to speech is dynamic in nature and malleable by experience. Finally, we propose a putative mechanism for experience-dependent plasticity at the level of the brainstem.

Chen, J., He, Y., Zhu, Z., Zhou, T., Peng, Y., Zhang, X., & Fang, F. (2014).

Attention-dependent early cortical suppression contributes to crowding

The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(32), 10465-10474.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1140-14.2014      URL     PMID:25100582      [本文引用: 1]

Crowding, the identification difficulty for a target in the presence of nearby flankers, is ubiquitous in spatial vision and is considered a bottleneck of object recognition and visual awareness. Despite its significance, the neural mechanisms of crowding are still unclear. Here, we performed event-related potential and fMRI experiments to measure the cortical interaction between the target and flankers in human subjects. We found that the magnitude of the crowding effect was closely associated with an early suppressive cortical interaction. The cortical suppression was reflected in the earliest event-related potential component (C1), which originated in V1, and in the BOLD signal in V1, but not other higher cortical areas. Intriguingly, spatial attention played a critical role in the manifestation of the suppression. These findings provide direct and converging evidence that attention-dependent V1 suppression contributes to crowding at a very early stage of visual processing.

Chimento, T. C., & Schreiner, C. E. (1990).

Selectively eliminating cochlear microphonic contamination from the frequency-following response

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 75(1-2), 88-96.

[本文引用: 1]

Coffey, E. B., Musacchia, G., & Zatorre, R. J. (2017).

Cortical correlates of the auditory frequency-following and onset responses: EEG and fMRI evidence

Journal of Neuroscience, 37(4), 830-838.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1265-16.2016      URL     PMID:28123019      [本文引用: 2]

The frequency-following response (FFR) is a measure of the brain's periodic sound encoding. It is of increasing importance for studying the human auditory nervous system due to numerous associations with auditory cognition and dysfunction. Although the FFR is widely interpreted as originating from brainstem nuclei, a recent study using MEG suggested that there is also a right-lateralized contribution from the auditory cortex at the fundamental frequency (Coffey et al., 2016b). Our objectives in the present work were to validate and better localize this result using a completely different neuroimaging modality and to document the relationships between the FFR, the onset response, and cortical activity. Using a combination of EEG, fMRI, and diffusion-weighted imaging, we show that activity in the right auditory cortex is related to individual differences in FFR-fundamental frequency (f0) strength, a finding that was replicated with two independent stimulus sets, with and without acoustic energy at the fundamental frequency. We demonstrate a dissociation between this FFR-f0-sensitive response in the right and an area in left auditory cortex that is sensitive to individual differences in the timing of initial response to sound onset. Relationships to timing and their lateralization are supported by parallels in the microstructure of the underlying white matter, implicating a mechanism involving neural conduction efficiency. These data confirm that the FFR has a cortical contribution and suggest ways in which auditory neuroscience may be advanced by connecting early sound representation to measures of higher-level sound processing and cognitive function. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The frequency-following response (FFR) is an EEG signal that is used to explore how the auditory system encodes temporal regularities in sound and is related to differences in auditory function between individuals. It is known that brainstem nuclei contribute to the FFR, but recent findings of an additional cortical source are more controversial. Here, we use fMRI to validate and extend the prediction from MEG data of a right auditory cortex contribution to the FFR. We also demonstrate a dissociation between FFR-related cortical activity from that related to the latency of the response to sound onset, which is found in left auditory cortex. The findings provide a clearer picture of cortical processes for analysis of sound features.

Crowley, K. E., & Colrain, I. M. (2004).

A review of the evidence for P2 being an independent component process: Age, sleep and modality

Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(4), 732-744.

DOI:10.1016/j.clinph.2003.11.021      URL     PMID:15003751      [本文引用: 1]

This article reviews the event-related potential (ERP) literature in relation to the P2 waveform of the human auditory evoked potential. Within the auditory evoked potential, a positive deflection at approximately 150-250 ms is a ubiquitous feature. Unlike other cognitive components such as N1 or the P300, remarkably little has been done to investigate the underlying neurological correlates or significance of this waveform. Indeed until recently, many researchers considered it to be an intrinsic part of the 'vertex potential' complex, involving it and the earlier N1. This review seeks to describe the evidence supportive of P2 being the result of independent processes and highlights several features, such as its persistence from wakefulness into sleep, the general consensus that unlike most other EEG phenomena it increases with age, and the fact that it can be generated using respiratory stimuli.

Csomor, P. A., Preller, K. H., Geyer, M. A., Studerus, E., Huber, T., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2014).

Influence of aripiprazole, risperidone, and amisulpride on sensory and sensorimotor gating in healthy “low and high gating” humans and relation to psychometry

Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(10), 2485-2496.

DOI:10.1038/npp.2014.102      URL     PMID:24801767      [本文引用: 1]

Despite advances in the treatment of schizophrenia spectrum disorders with atypical antipsychotics (AAPs), there is still need for compounds with improved efficacy/side-effect ratios. Evidence from challenge studies suggests that the assessment of gating functions in humans and rodents with naturally low-gating levels might be a useful model to screen for novel compounds with antipsychotic properties. To further evaluate and extend this translational approach, three AAPs were examined. Compounds without antipsychotic properties served as negative control treatments. In a placebo-controlled, within-subject design, healthy males received either single doses of aripiprazole and risperidone (n=28), amisulpride and lorazepam (n=30), or modafinil and valproate (n=30), and placebo. Prepulse inhibiton (PPI) and P50 suppression were assessed. Clinically associated symptoms were evaluated using the SCL-90-R. Aripiprazole, risperidone, and amisulpride increased P50 suppression in low P50 gaters. Lorazepam, modafinil, and valproate did not influence P50 suppression in low gaters. Furthermore, low P50 gaters scored significantly higher on the SCL-90-R than high P50 gaters. Aripiprazole increased PPI in low PPI gaters, whereas modafinil and lorazepam attenuated PPI in both groups. Risperidone, amisulpride, and valproate did not influence PPI. P50 suppression in low gaters appears to be an antipsychotic-sensitive neurophysiologic marker. This conclusion is supported by the association of low P50 suppression and higher clinically associated scores. Furthermore, PPI might be sensitive for atypical mechanisms of antipsychotic medication. The translational model investigating differential effects of AAPs on gating in healthy subjects with naturally low gating can be beneficial for phase II/III development plans by providing additional information for critical decision making.

Davis, M. (2006).

Neural systems involved in fear and anxiety measured with fear-potentiated startle

American Psychologist, 61(8), 741-752.

DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.61.8.741      URL     PMID:17115806      [本文引用: 1]

A good deal is now known about the neural circuitry involved in how conditioned fear can augment a simple reflex (fear-potentiated startle). This involves visual or auditory as well as shock pathways that project via the thalamus and perirhinal or insular cortex to the basolateral amygdala (BLA). The BLA projects to the central (CeA) and medial (MeA) nuclei of the amygdala, which project indirectly to a particular part of the acoustic startle pathway in the brainstem. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, as well as various intracellular cascades in the amygdala, are critical for fear learning, which is then mediated by glutamate acting in the CeA. Less predictable stimuli, such as a long-duration bright light or a fearful context, activate the BLA, which projects to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), which projects to the startle pathway much as the CeA does. The anxiogenic peptide corticotropin-releasing hormone increases startle by acting directly in the BNST. CeA-mediated behaviors may represent stimulus-specific fear, whereas BNST-mediated behaviors are more akin to anxiety. NMDA receptors are also involved in extinction of conditioned fear, and both extinction in rats and exposure-based psychotherapy in humans are facilitated by an NMDA-partial agonist called D-cycloserine. ((c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).

Dawson, M. E., Hazlett, E. A., Filion, D. L., Nuechterlein, K. H., & Schell, A. M. (1993).

Attention and schizophrenia: Impaired modulation of the startle reflex

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 102(4), 633-641.

DOI:10.1037//0021-843x.102.4.633      URL     PMID:8282934      [本文引用: 1]

The startle reflex (SR) elicited by abrupt stimuli can be modified by attention to nonstartling stimuli that shortly precede the startle-eliciting stimulus. The present study of 15 recent-onset, relatively asymptomatic schizophrenic outpatients and 14 demographically matched normal control subjects demonstrated that attentional modulation of SR is impaired in schizophrenic patients. Specifically, the control group exhibited greater startle eye-blink modification following to-be-attended prestimuli than following to-be-ignored prestimuli, whereas the patients failed to show the attentional modulation effect. These results suggest traitlike attentional deficits in schizophrenia because the patients were relatively asymptomatic. The measurement of attentional modulation of SR may provide a nonverbal, reflexive, state-independent marker of the vulnerability to schizophrenia.

Dawson, M. E., Schell, A. M., Hazlett, E. A., Nuechterlein, K. H., & Filion, D. L. (2000).

On the clinical and cognitive meaning of impaired sensorimotor gating in schizophrenia

Psychiatry Research, 96(3), 187-197.

DOI:10.1016/s0165-1781(00)00208-0      URL     PMID:11084215      [本文引用: 1]

Schizophrenia patients have been shown to have a defective sensorimotor gating process as indexed by impaired prepulse inhibition of the startle eyeblink reflex. Moreover, we have previously reported that schizophrenia patients have dysfunctional attentional modulation of prepulse inhibition. The present experiment combined our previous sample of 14 schizophrenia outpatients and 12 demographically matched control subjects with a new sample of 10 outpatients and 6 control subjects. All participants performed a tone-length judgement task that involved attending to one pitch of tone (the attended prepulse) and ignoring another pitch of tone (the ignored prepulse). During this task the acoustic startle eyeblink reflex was electromyographically recorded from the orbicularis oculi muscle. The results replicated the finding of impaired attentional modulation of prepulse inhibition in the new sample of schizophrenia outpatients compared to demographically matched control subjects. Specifically, the new control group exhibited greater startle modification during the attended prepulse, whereas the new patient group failed to show this differential effect. In addition, impaired prepulse inhibition following the attended prepulse was significantly correlated with heightened delusions, conceptual disorganization, and suspiciousness as measured with the expanded Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. These correlations were significant with prepulse inhibition to the attended prepulse but not with prepulse inhibition to the ignored prepulse. Impaired prepulse inhibition was not correlated with negative symptoms. All in all, the results support the hypothesis that impaired attentional modulation of startle prepulse inhibition reflects basic neurocognitive processes related to thought disorder in schizophrenia.

de Haan, E. H. F., & Cowey, A. (2011).

On the usefulness of “what” and “where” pathways in vision

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(10), 460-466.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2011.08.005      URL     PMID:21906989      [本文引用: 1]

The primate visual brain is classically portrayed as a large number of separate 'maps', each dedicated to the processing of specific visual cues, such as colour, motion or faces and their many features. In order to understand this fractionated architecture, the concept of cortical 'pathways' or 'streams' was introduced. In the currently prevailing view, the different maps are organised hierarchically into two major pathways, one involved in recognition and memory (the ventral stream or 'what' pathway) and the other in the programming of action (the dorsal stream or 'where' pathway). In this review, we question this heuristically influential but potentially misleading linear hierarchical pathway model and argue instead for a 'patchwork' or network model.

Ding, N., Melloni, L., Zhang, H., Tian, X., & Poeppel, D. (2016).

Cortical tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures in connected speech

Nature Neuroscience, 19(1), 158-164.

DOI:10.1038/nn.4186      URL     PMID:26642090      [本文引用: 3]

The most critical attribute of human language is its unbounded combinatorial nature: smaller elements can be combined into larger structures on the basis of a grammatical system, resulting in a hierarchy of linguistic units, such as words, phrases and sentences. Mentally parsing and representing such structures, however, poses challenges for speech comprehension. In speech, hierarchical linguistic structures do not have boundaries that are clearly defined by acoustic cues and must therefore be internally and incrementally constructed during comprehension. We found that, during listening to connected speech, cortical activity of different timescales concurrently tracked the time course of abstract linguistic structures at different hierarchical levels, such as words, phrases and sentences. Notably, the neural tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures was dissociated from the encoding of acoustic cues and from the predictability of incoming words. Our results indicate that a hierarchy of neural processing timescales underlies grammar-based internal construction of hierarchical linguistic structure.

Ding, N., Patel, A.D., Chen, L., Butler, H., Luo, C., & Poeppel, D. (2017).

Temporal modulations in speech and music

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 81, 181-197.

DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.02.011      URL     PMID:28212857      [本文引用: 3]

Speech and music have structured rhythms. Here we discuss a major acoustic correlate of spoken and musical rhythms, the slow (0.25-32Hz) temporal modulations in sound intensity and compare the modulation properties of speech and music. We analyze these modulations using over 25h of speech and over 39h of recordings of Western music. We show that the speech modulation spectrum is highly consistent across 9 languages (including languages with typologically different rhythmic characteristics). A different, but similarly consistent modulation spectrum is observed for music, including classical music played by single instruments of different types, symphonic, jazz, and rock. The temporal modulations of speech and music show broad but well-separated peaks around 5 and 2Hz, respectively. These acoustically dominant time scales may be intrinsic features of speech and music, a possibility which should be investigated using more culturally diverse samples in each domain. Distinct modulation timescales for speech and music could facilitate their perceptual analysis and its neural processing.

Ding, Y., Xu, N., Gao, Y., Wu, Z., & Li, L. (2019).

The role of the deeper layers of the superior colliculus in attentional modulations of prepulse inhibition

Behavioural Brain Research, 364, 106-113.

DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2019.01.052      URL     PMID:30707906      [本文引用: 1]

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is the suppression of the startle reflex, when a weaker non-startling sensory stimulus (the prepulse) precedes the intense startling stimulus. Although the basic PPI neural circuitry resides in the brainstem, PPI can be enhanced by selective attention to the prepulse, indicating that this sensorimotor-gating process is influenced by higher-order perceptual/cognitive processes. Along with the auditory cortex, the brain structures involved in attentional modulations of PPI include both the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), which contributes to the fear-conditioning modulation, and the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), which contributes to the spatially attentional modulation. The deeper layers of the superior colliculus (DpSC), which has been suggested as a midbrain component in the PPI circuitry, receive descending axonal projections from some forebrain structures associated with auditory perception, emotional conditioning, or spatial attention. This study was to examine whether the DpSC are also involved in attentional modulations of PPI in rats. The results showed that both fear conditioning of a prepulse sound and precedence-effect-induced perceptual separation between the conditioned prepulse and a noise masker facilitated selective attention to the prepulse and consequently enhanced PPI. Reversibly blocking glutamate receptors in the DpSC with 2-mM kynurenic acid eliminated both the conditioning-induced and the perceptual-separation-induced PPI enhancements. However, the baseline magnitudes of startle and PPI were not affected. The results suggest that the DpSC play a role in mediating the attentional enhancements of PPI, probably through both receiving top-down signals from certain forebrain structures and modulating the midbrain representations of prepulse signals.

Du, Y., Kong, L., Wang, Q., Wu, X., & Li, L. (2011a).

Auditory frequency-following response: A neurophysiological measure for studying the "cocktail-party problem"

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(10), 2046-2057.

DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.05.008      URL     PMID:21645541      [本文引用: 13]

How do we recognize what one person is saying when others are speaking at the same time? The

Du, Y., Li, J. Y., Wu, X. H., & Li, L. (2009).

Precedence-effect-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in socially reared but not isolation-reared rats

Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 44-58.

[本文引用: 5]

Du, Y., Wu, X., & Li, L. (2010).

Emotional learning enhances stimulus-specific top-down modulation of sensorimotor gating in socially reared rats but not isolation-reared rats

Behavioural Brain Research, 206(2), 192-201.

DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2009.09.012      URL     PMID:19761801      [本文引用: 6]

Prepulse inhibition (PPI), the suppression of the startle reflex by a preceding sensory stimulus (prepulse), can be top-down modulated in both humans and rats. This study investigated whether emotional-learning-induced enhancement of PPI in rats is prepulse specific. The results show that in socially reared rats, PPI elicited by a narrowband-noise prepulse on the broadband-noise background (masker) was enhanced after the prepulse became fear conditioned. This fear-conditioning-modulated PPI was further enhanced by introducing a perceived spatial separation between the conditioned prepulse and the broadband-noise masker. However, these PPI enhancements disappeared if the conditioned prepulse was replaced by a different narrowband-noise prepulse that was not fear conditioned. In isolation-reared rats, who had both enhanced baseline startle and reduced PPI before conditioning, neither fear conditioning of the prepulse nor perceived spatial separation between the conditioned prepulse and noise masker could enhance PPI. Thus, the emotional-learning-induced enhancement of PPI in socially reared rats is prepulse specific, indicating that auditory processing interacts with mnemonic signaling in the formation of top-down modulation of PPI. Since the deficiency of attentional modulation of PPI in schizophrenic patients is correlated with the symptom severity, the deficiency of top-down modulations of PPI in isolation-reared rats is useful for modeling schizophrenia.

Du, Y., Wu, X., & Li, L. (2011b).

Differentially organized top-down modulation of prepulse inhibition of startle

The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(38), 13644-13653.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1292-11.2011      URL     PMID:21940455      [本文引用: 1]

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of startle is the suppression of the startle reflex when a weaker sensory stimulus (the prepulse) shortly precedes the startling stimulus. PPI can be attentionally enhanced in both humans and laboratory animals. This study investigated whether the following three forebrain structures, which are critical for initial cortical processing of auditory signals, auditory fear conditioning/memories, and spatial attention, respectively, play a role in the top-down modulation of PPI in rats: the primary auditory cortex (A1), lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), and posterior parietal cortex (PPC). The results show that, under the noise-masking condition, PPI was enhanced by fear conditioning of the prepulse in a prepulse-specific manner, and the conditioning-induced PPI enhancement was further increased by perceptual separation between the conditioned prepulse and the noise masker. Reversibly blocking glutamate receptors in the A1 with 2 mm kynurenic acid eliminated both the conditioning-induced and perceptual separation-induced PPI enhancements. Blocking the LA eliminated the conditioning-induced but not the perceptual separation-induced PPI enhancement, and blocking the PPC specifically eliminated the perceptual separation-induced PPI enhancement. The two types of PPI enhancements were also eliminated by the extinction manipulation. Thus, the top-down modulation of PPI is differentially organized and depends on operations of various forebrain structures. Due to the fine-tuned modulation by higher-order cognitive processes, functions of PPI can be more flexible to complex environments. The top-down enhancements of PPI in rats are also useful for modeling some mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Filion, D. L., Dawson, M. E., & Schell, A. M. (1998).

The psychological significance of human startle eyeblink modification: A review

Biological Psychology, 47(1), 1-43.

DOI:10.1016/s0301-0511(97)00020-3      URL     PMID:9505132      [本文引用: 1]

The human startle eyeblink reflex is reliably modified by both cognitive and emotional processes. This review provides a comprehensive survey of the current literature on human startle modification and its psychological significance. Issues raised for short lead interval startle inhibition include its interpretation as a measure of protection of processing, sensorimotor gating and early attentional processing. For long lead interval effects, interpretations related to attentional and emotional processing are discussed. Also reviewed are clinical applications to information processing dysfunctions in the schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and to emotional processing disorders. Finally, an integrative summary that incorporates most of the cognitive findings is presented and directions for future research are identified regarding both cognitive and emotional modification of startle.

Freyman, R. L., Balakrishnan, U., & Helfer, K. S. (2004).

Effect of number of masking talkers and auditory priming on informational masking in speech recognition

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(5), 2246-2256.

DOI:10.1121/1.1689343      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Freyman, R. L., Balakrishnan, U., & Helfer, K. S. (2008).

Spatial release from masking with noise-vocoded speech

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(3), 1627-1637.

DOI:10.1121/1.2951964      URL     PMID:19045654      [本文引用: 1]

This study investigated how confusability between target and masking utterances affects the masking release achieved through spatial separation. Important distinguishing characteristics between competing voices were removed by processing speech with six-channel envelope vocoding, which simulates some aspects of listening with a cochlear implant. In the first experiment, vocoded target nonsense sentences were presented against two-talker vocoded maskers in conditions that provide different spatial impressions but not reliable cues that lead to traditional release from masking. Surprisingly, no benefit of spatial separation was found. The absence of spatial release was hypothesized to be the result of the highly positive target-to-masker ratios necessary to understand vocoded speech, which may have been sufficient to reduce confusability. In experiment 2, words excised from the vocoded nonsense sentences were presented against the same vocoded two-talker masker in a four-alternative forced-choice detection paradigm where threshold performance was achieved at negative target-to-masker ratios. Here, the spatial release from masking was more than 20 dB. The results suggest the importance of signal-to-noise ratio in the observation of

Fritz, J. B., Elhilali, M., David, S. V., & Shamma, S. A. (2007).

Auditory attention—focusing the searchlight on sound

Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 17(4), 437-455.

DOI:10.1016/j.conb.2007.07.011      URL     PMID:17714933      [本文引用: 1]

Some fifty years after the first physiological studies of auditory attention, the field is now ripening, with exciting recent insights into the psychophysics, psychology, and neural basis of auditory attention. Current research seeks to unravel the complex interactions of pre-attentive and attentive processing of the acoustic scene, the role of auditory attention in mediating receptive-field plasticity in both auditory spatial and auditory feature processing, the contrasts and parallels between auditory and visual attention pathways and mechanisms, the interplay of bottom-up and top-down attentional mechanisms, the influential role of attention, goals, and expectations in shaping auditory processing, and the orchestration of diverse attentional effects at multiple levels from the cochlea to the cortex.

Galbraith, G. C. (1994).

Two-channel brain-stem frequency- following responses to pure tone and missing fundamental stimuli

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 92(4), 321-330.

URL     PMID:7517854      [本文引用: 1]

Galbraith, G. C., Olfman, D. M., & Huffman, T. M. (2003).

Selective attention affects human brain stem frequency- following response

Neuroreport, 14(5), 735-738.

DOI:10.1097/00001756-200304150-00015      URL     PMID:12692473      [本文引用: 1]

Selective attention modifies long-latency cortical event-related potentials. Amplitudes are typically enhanced and/or latencies reduced when evoking stimuli are attended. However, there is controversy concerning the effects of selective attention on short-latency brain stem evoked potentials. The objective of the present study was to assess possible attention effects on the brain stem auditory frequency-following response (FFR) elicited by a periodic tone. Young adult subjects heard a repetitive auditory stimulus while detecting infrequent target stimuli in either an auditory or visual detection task. Five channels of high frequency electroencephalographic (EEG) activity were recorded along the scalp midline with the center electrode positioned at the vertex. The FFR was elicited by the repetitive tone during both tasks. There were significant individual differences in the electrode sites yielding maximum response amplitudes, but overall FFR amplitudes were significantly larger during the auditory attention task. These results suggest that selective attention in humans can modify signal processing in sensory (afferent) pathways at the level of the brain stem. This may reflect top-down perceptual preprocessing mediated by extensive descending (efferent) pathways that originate in the cortex. Overall, the FFR appears to be a robust indicator of early auditory neural processing and shows effects not seen in brain stem auditory evoked response studies employing transient (click) acoustic stimuli.

Glaser, E. M., Suter, C. M., Dasheiff, R., & Goldberg, A. (1976).

The human frequency-following response: Its behavior during continuous tone and tone burst stimulation

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 40(1), 25-32.

DOI:10.1016/0013-4694(76)90176-0      URL     PMID:55345      [本文引用: 1]

The frequency following response (FFR) in humans has been elicited by continuous tones as well as tone bursts. The responses were observable over a range of frequencies extending from 70 c/sec to greater than 1.5 kc/sec. The threshold for the continuous response has a mean of about 40 dB SL and is perhaps several dB lower for the burst response. The response threshold as a function of sound pressure level (SPL) increases rapidly at frequencies below 125 c/sec and above 1 kc/sec. These thresholds are particularly sharp at the lower frequencies. Narrow-band noise that just produces subjective tone masking also masks the FFR. The latency of the FFR is about 6 msec when the tone burst intensity is 30 dB over FFR threshold. Comparison with click response latencies indicates that the onset of the FFR corresponds with early waves IV and V.

Goodale, M. A., & Milner, A. D. (1992).

Separate Visual Pathways for Perception and Action

Trends in Neurosciences, 15(1), 20-25.

DOI:10.1016/0166-2236(92)90344-8      URL     PMID:1374953      [本文引用: 1]

Accumulating neuropsychological, electrophysiological and behavioural evidence suggests that the neural substrates of visual perception may be quite distinct from those underlying the visual control of actions. In other words, the set of object descriptions that permit identification and recognition may be computed independently of the set of descriptions that allow an observer to shape the hand appropriately to pick up an object. We propose that the ventral stream of projections from the striate cortex to the inferotemporal cortex plays the major role in the perceptual identification of objects, while the dorsal stream projecting from the striate cortex to the posterior parietal region mediates the required sensorimotor transformations for visually guided actions directed at such objects.

Graham, F. (1975).

The more or less startling effects of weak prestimulation

Psychophysiology, 12(3), 238-248.

DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8986.1975.tb01284.x      URL     PMID:1153628      [本文引用: 1]

Hairston, W. D., Letowski, T. R., & Mcdowell, K. (2013).

Task-related suppression of the brainstem frequency following response

PloS One, 8(2), e55215.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0055215      URL     PMID:23441150      [本文引用: 1]

Recent evidence has shown top-down modulation of the brainstem frequency following response (FFR), generally in the form of signal enhancement from concurrent stimuli or from switching between attention-demanding task stimuli. However, it is also possible that the opposite may be true--the addition of a task, instead of a resting, passive state may suppress the FFR. Here we examined the influence of a subsequent task, and the relevance of the task modality, on signal clarity within the FFR. Participants performed visual and auditory discrimination tasks in the presence of an irrelevant background sound, as well as a baseline consisting of the same background stimuli in the absence of a task. FFR pitch strength and amplitude of the primary frequency response were assessed within non-task stimulus periods in order to examine influences due solely to general cognitive state, independent of stimulus-driven effects. Results show decreased signal clarity with the addition of a task, especially within the auditory modality. We additionally found consistent relationships between the extent of this suppressive effect and perceptual measures such as response time and proclivity towards one sensory modality. Together these results suggest that the current focus of attention can have a global, top-down effect on the quality of encoding early in the auditory pathway.

Hazlett, E. A., Buchsbaum, M. S., Tang, C. Y., Fleischman, M. B., Wei, T. C., Byne, W., & Haznedar, M. M. (2001).

Thalamic activation during an attention-to-prepulse startle modification paradigm: A functional MRI study

Biological Psychiatry, 50(4), 281-291.

DOI:10.1016/s0006-3223(01)01094-0      URL     PMID:11522263      [本文引用: 5]

BACKGROUND: Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex reflects early stages of information processing and is modulated by selective attention. Animal models indicate medial frontal-thalamic circuitry is important in PPI modulation. We report data from the first functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study examining whether attending to or ignoring a prepulse differentially activates brain areas within this circuitry. METHODS: Ten healthy subjects received structural and functional MRI. During fMRI acquisition, subjects heard intermixed attended and ignored tones serving as prepulses to the startle stimulus. Regions of interest were traced on structural MRI and coregistered to fMRI images. RESULTS: Greater amplitude fMRI blood-oxygen-level-dependent response to attended than ignored PPI conditions occurred in the right thalamus, and bilaterally in the anterior and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei, whereas the startle-alone condition showed deactivation. In transitional medial cortex (Brodmann Area 32), which is involved in affective processing of noxious stimuli, the startle-alone condition elicited the greatest response, the attended-PPI condition showed the smallest response, and the ignored-PPI condition was intermediate. CONCLUSIONS: These findings extend animal models to humans by indicating thalamic involvement in the modulation of PPI. Further fMRI investigations may elucidate other key structures in the circuitry underlying normal and disordered modulation of PPI.

Hazlett, E. A., Levine, J., Buchsbaum, M. S., Silverman, J. M., New, A., Sevin, E. M., ... Siever, L. J. (2003).

Deficient attentional modulation of the startle response in patients with schizotypal personality disorder

American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(9), 1621-1626.

DOI:10.1176/appi.ajp.160.9.1621      URL     PMID:12944337      [本文引用: 5]

OBJECTIVE: Attentional deficits have been identified as an abnormality that individuals with schizotypal personality disorder share with schizophrenia patients. The purpose of this study was to examine automatic sensorimotor gating and controlled attentional modulation of the startle eye blink response in unmedicated subjects with schizotypal personality disorder. METHOD: Eighteen unmedicated patients with schizotypal personality disorder and 16 healthy individuals were assessed in an acoustic attention-to-prepulse paradigm. The participants performed a selective attention task involving the presentation of attended, ignored, and novel tones that served as prepulse tones. Acoustic startle probes were presented at short and long lead intervals after the onset of tones and occasionally during the intertone interval. RESULTS: The comparison subjects showed greater prepulse inhibition and prepulse facilitation during the attended than the ignored prepulses, demonstrating early and later attentional modulation of startle eye blink response. In contrast, the subjects with schizotypal personality disorder failed to show this pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects with schizotypal personality disorder have deficits in controlled attentional processing, as indexed by modification of the startle eye blink response, that are similar to those observed in patients with schizophrenia.

Hazlett, E. A., Romero, M. J., Haznedar, M. M., New, A. S., Goldstein, K. E., Newmark, R. E., ... Buchsbaum, M. S. (2007).

Deficient attentional modulation of startle eyeblink is associated with symptom severity in the schizophrenia spectrum

Schizophrenia Research, 93(1-3), 288-295.

DOI:10.1016/j.schres.2007.03.012      URL     PMID:17478083      [本文引用: 6]

Patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders show deficient prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle eyeblink reflex which is thought to reflect an early stage of information processing called automatic sensorimotor gating. They also exhibit deficient attentional modulation of PPI and prepulse facilitation (PPF) of startle which is thought to reflect deficient early and later controlled attentional processing. This is the first study to assess attentional modulation of PPI and PPF in a 3-group schizophrenia-spectrum sample of age- and sex-matched unmedicated schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) and schizophrenia patients, and healthy controls. Participants performed a tone-length judgment task involving attended, ignored, and novel tone prepulses while the acoustic startle eyeblink reflex was measured. Healthy controls showed greater PPI and PPF during the attended prepulses compared with the ignored prepulses. In contrast, both the SPD and schizophrenia patient groups failed to show this pattern, indicating deficient early and later controlled attentional processing. These findings suggest abnormal attentional modulation of PPI and PPF may be a trait-like feature found in patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Among the schizophrenia-spectrum sample, more deficient PPI during the attended prepulses was associated with greater symptom severity as measured by the total 18-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale score.

Javitt, D. C., & Sweet, R. A. (2015).

Auditory dysfunction in schizophrenia: Integrating clinical and basic features

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 16(9), 535-550.

DOI:10.1038/nrn4002      URL     PMID:26289573      [本文引用: 2]

Schizophrenia is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder that is associated with persistent psychosocial disability in affected individuals. Although studies of schizophrenia have traditionally focused on deficits in higher-order processes such as working memory and executive function, there is an increasing realization that, in this disorder, deficits can be found throughout the cortex and are manifest even at the level of early sensory processing. These deficits are highly amenable to translational investigation and represent potential novel targets for clinical intervention. Deficits, moreover, have been linked to specific structural abnormalities in post-mortem auditory cortex tissue from individuals with schizophrenia, providing unique insights into underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.

Jones, L. A., Hills, P. J., Dick, K. M., Jones, S. P., & Bright, P. (2016).

Cognitive mechanisms associated with auditory sensory gating

Brain and Cognition, 102, 33-45.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandc.2015.12.005      URL     PMID:26716891      [本文引用: 2]

Sensory gating is a neurophysiological measure of inhibition that is characterised by a reduction in the P50 event-related potential to a repeated identical stimulus. The objective of this work was to determine the cognitive mechanisms that relate to the neurological phenomenon of auditory sensory gating. Sixty participants underwent a battery of 10 cognitive tasks, including qualitatively different measures of attentional inhibition, working memory, and fluid intelligence. Participants additionally completed a paired-stimulus paradigm as a measure of auditory sensory gating. A correlational analysis revealed that several tasks correlated significantly with sensory gating. However once fluid intelligence and working memory were accounted for, only a measure of latent inhibition and accuracy scores on the continuous performance task showed significant sensitivity to sensory gating. We conclude that sensory gating reflects the identification of goal-irrelevant information at the encoding (input) stage and the subsequent ability to selectively attend to goal-relevant information based on that previous identification.

Kraus, N., Anderson, S., & White-Schwoch, T. (2017). The Frequency-following response: A window into human communication. Boston, MA: Springer International Publishing.

[本文引用: 3]

Krishnan, A., Xu, Y., Gandour, J. T., & Cariani, P. A. (2004).

Human frequency-following response: Representation of pitch contours in Chinese tones

Hearing Research, 189(1-2), 1-12.

DOI:10.1016/S0378-5955(03)00402-7      URL     PMID:14987747      [本文引用: 1]

Auditory nerve single-unit population studies have demonstrated that phase-locking plays a dominant role in the neural encoding of both the spectrum and voice pitch of speech sounds. Phase-locked neural activity underlying the scalp-recorded human frequency-following response (FFR) has also been shown to encode certain spectral features of steady-state and time-variant speech sounds as well as pitch of several complex sounds that produce time-invariant pitch percepts. By extension, it was hypothesized that the human FFR may preserve pitch-relevant information for speech sounds that elicit time-variant as well as steady-state pitch percepts. FFRs were elicited in response to the four lexical tones of Mandarin Chinese as well as to a complex auditory stimulus which was spectrally different but equivalent in fundamental frequency (f0) contour to one of the Chinese tones. Autocorrelation-based pitch extraction measures revealed that the FFR does indeed preserve pitch-relevant information for all stimuli. Phase-locked interpeak intervals closely followed f0. Spectrally different stimuli that were equivalent in F0 similarly showed robust interpeak intervals that followed f0. These FFR findings support the viability of early, population-based 'predominant interval' representations of pitch in the auditory brainstem that are based on temporal patterns of phase-locked neural activity.

Kumari, V., Antonova, E., & Geyer, M. A. (2008).

Prepulse inhibition and "psychosis-proneness" in healthy individuals: An fMRI study

European Psychiatry, 23(4), 274-280.

URL     PMID:18222069      [本文引用: 1]

Landis, C., & Hunt, W. A. (Eds.). (1939). The startle pattern. New York: Farrar and Rinehart.

[本文引用: 1]

Lehmann, A., & Schönwiesner, M. (2014).

Selective attention modulates human auditory brainstem responses: Relative contributions of frequency and spatial cues

PloS One, 9(1), e85442.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0085442      URL     PMID:24454869      [本文引用: 1]

Selective attention is the mechanism that allows focusing one's attention on a particular stimulus while filtering out a range of other stimuli, for instance, on a single conversation in a noisy room. Attending to one sound source rather than another changes activity in the human auditory cortex, but it is unclear whether attention to different acoustic features, such as voice pitch and speaker location, modulates subcortical activity. Studies using a dichotic listening paradigm indicated that auditory brainstem processing may be modulated by the direction of attention. We investigated whether endogenous selective attention to one of two speech signals affects amplitude and phase locking in auditory brainstem responses when the signals were either discriminable by frequency content alone, or by frequency content and spatial location. Frequency-following responses to the speech sounds were significantly modulated in both conditions. The modulation was specific to the task-relevant frequency band. The effect was stronger when both frequency and spatial information were available. Patterns of response were variable between participants, and were correlated with psychophysical discriminability of the stimuli, suggesting that the modulation was biologically relevant. Our results demonstrate that auditory brainstem responses are susceptible to efferent modulation related to behavioral goals. Furthermore they suggest that mechanisms of selective attention actively shape activity at early subcortical processing stages according to task relevance and based on frequency and spatial cues.

Lei, M., Luo, L., Qu, T., Jia, H., & Li, L. (2014).

Perceived location specificity in perceptual separation-induced but not fear conditioning-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in rats

Behavioural Brain Research, 269, 87-94.

DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2014.04.030      URL     PMID:24780867      [本文引用: 9]

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is the suppression of the startle reflex when the startling stimulus is shortly preceded by a non-startling stimulus (the prepulse). Previous studies have shown that both fear conditioning of a prepulse and precedence-effect-induced perceptual separation between the conditioned prepulse and a noise masker facilitate selective attention to the prepulse and consequently enhance PPI with a remarkable prepulse-feature specificity. This study investigated whether the two types of attentional enhancements of PPI in rats also exhibit a prepulse-location specificity. The results showed that when a prepulse was delivered by each of the two spatially separated loudspeakers, fear conditioning of the prepulse at a particularly perceived location (left or right to the tested rat) enhanced PPI without exhibiting any perceived-location specificity. However, when a noise masker was presented, the precedence-effect-induced perceptual separation between the conditioned prepulse and the noise masker further enhanced PPI when the prepulse was perceived as coming from the location that was conditioned but not the location without being conditioned. Moreover, both conditioning-induced and perceptual separation-induced PPI enhancements were eliminated by extinction learning, whose effect could be blocked by systemic injection of the selective antagonist of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5), 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)-pyridine (MPEP). Thus, fear conditioning of a prepulse perceived at a particular location not only facilitates selective attention to the conditioned prepulse but also induces a learning-based spatial gating effect on the spatial unmasking of the conditioned prepulse, leading to that the perceptual separation-induced PPI enhancement becomes perceived-location specific.

Lei, M., Zhang, C., & Li, L. (2018).

Neural correlates of perceptual separation-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition of startle in humans

Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-10.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17765-5      URL     PMID:29311619      [本文引用: 9]

Zika virus (ZIKV) has recently caused a pandemic disease, and many cases of ZIKV infection in pregnant women resulted in abortion, stillbirth, deaths and congenital defects including microcephaly, which now has been proposed as ZIKV congenital syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the in situ immune response profile and mechanisms of neuronal cell damage in fatal Zika microcephaly cases. Brain tissue samples were collected from 15 cases, including 10 microcephalic ZIKV-positive neonates with fatal outcome and five neonatal control flavivirus-negative neonates that died due to other causes, but with preserved central nervous system (CNS) architecture. In microcephaly cases, the histopathological features of the tissue samples were characterized in three CNS areas (meninges, perivascular space, and parenchyma). The changes found were mainly calcification, necrosis, neuronophagy, gliosis, microglial nodules, and inflammatory infiltration of mononuclear cells. The in situ immune response against ZIKV in the CNS of newborns is complex. Despite the predominant expression of Th2 cytokines, other cytokines such as Th1, Th17, Treg, Th9, and Th22 are involved to a lesser extent, but are still likely to participate in the immunopathogenic mechanisms of neural disease in fatal cases of microcephaly caused by ZIKV.

Li, L., Du, Y., Li, N., Wu, X., & Wu, Y. (2009).

Top-down modulation of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in humans and rats

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 33(8), 1157-1167.

DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2009.02.001      URL     PMID:19747594      [本文引用: 5]

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is the attenuation of the startle reflex when the sudden intense startling stimulus is shortly preceded by a weaker, non-startling sensory stimulus (prepulse). PPI reflects a protective function of reducing disruptive influences to the processing of prepulse signals and is recognized as a model of sensorimotor gating. In humans, PPI is modulated by both attentional and emotional responses to prepulse, indicating that this early-stage gating is top-down modulated by higher-order cognitive processes. Recent studies have confirmed top-down modulation of PPI in animals, because PPI in rats is enhanced by auditory fear conditioning and perceived separation between fear-conditioned prepulse and masker. This review summarizes recent studies of top-down modulation of PPI conducted in humans and those in rats. Since both baseline PPI and attentional modulation of PPI in patients with schizophrenia are impaired, and both baseline PPI and conditional modulation of PPI in rats with isolation rearing are impaired, this review emphasizes that investigation of top-down modulation of PPI is critical for establishing new animal models for studying both cognitive features and neural bases of schizophrenia. Deficits in either baseline PPI or attentional modulation of PPI in either patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or ADHD-modeling rats are also discussed.

Li, L., Qi, J. G., He, Y., Alain, C., & Schneider, B. A. (2005).

Attribute capture in the precedence effect for long-duration noise sounds

Hearing Research, 202(1-2), 235-247.

DOI:10.1016/j.heares.2004.10.007      URL     PMID:15811715      [本文引用: 1]

Luo, L., Wang, Q., & Li, L. (2017).

Neural representations of concurrent sounds with overlapping spectra in rat inferior colliculus: Comparisons between temporal-fine structure and envelope

Hearing Research, 353, 87-96.

DOI:10.1016/j.heares.2017.06.005      URL     PMID:28655419      [本文引用: 8]

Perceptual segregation of multiple sounds, which overlap in both time and spectra, into individual auditory streams is critical for hearing in natural environments. Some cues such as interaural time disparities (ITDs) play an important role in the segregation, especially when sounds are separated in space. In this study, we investigated the neural representation of two uncorrelated narrowband noises that shared the identical spectrum in the rat inferior colliculus (IC) using frequency-following-response (FFR) recordings, when the ITD for each noise stimulus was manipulated. The results of this study showed that recorded FFRs exhibited two distinctive components: the fast-varying temporal fine structure (TFS) component (FFRTFS) and the slow-varying envelope component (FFRENV). When a single narrowband noise was presented alone, the FFRTFS, but not the FFRENV, was sensitive to ITDs. When two narrowband noises were presented simultaneously, the FFRTFS took advantage of the ITD disparity that was associated with perceived spatial separation between the two concurrent sounds, and displayed a better linear synchronization to the sound with an ipsilateral-leading ITD. However, no effects of ITDs were found on the FFRENV. These results suggest that the FFRTFS and FFRENV represent two distinct types of signal processing in the auditory brainstem and contribute differentially to sound segregation based on spatial cues: the FFRTFS is more critical to spatial release from masking.

Marsh, J. T., Worden, F. G., & Smith, J. C. (1970).

Auditory frequency-following response: Neural or artifact?

Science, 169(3951), 1222-1223.

DOI:10.1126/science.169.3951.1222      URL     PMID:5450700      [本文引用: 2]

An electrical response which reproduces the waveform and frequency of the sound stimulus can be recorded from the central neural pathway for audition. Controversy has existed for some years over whether this frequency-following response (FFR) is neural or an artifact such as remote pickup of the cochlear microphonic or cross talk in the recording system. Two experiments resolve this issue by demonstrating that the frequency-following response depends upon functionally intact neural pathways. The frequency-following response, as well as auditory evoked potentials, is abolished by section of the eighth nerve; it is reversibly abolished by cooling of the cochlear nucleus.

Meng, Q., Ding, Y., Chen, L., & Li, L. (2020).

The medial agranular cortex mediates attentional enhancement of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex

Behavioural Brain Research, 383, 112511.

DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112511      URL     PMID:31987934      [本文引用: 1]

The startle reflex, which interferes with on-going cognitive/behavioral activities, is of important protective function for humans and animals. Prepulse inhibition (PPI), as an operational measure of sensorimotor gating, is the suppression of the startle reflex in response to an intense startling stimulus (pulse) when this startling stimulus is shortly preceded by a weaker non-startling stimulus (prepulse). In both humans and laboratory animals, PPI can be enhanced by facilitating selective attention to the prepulse, suggesting that higher-order cognitive/perceptual processes modulate PPI. It has been well known that both the cholinergic system located in the basal forebrain and the deep layers of the superior colliculus in the PPI-mediating circuit are top-down modulated by the medial agranular cortex (AGm), which is a subdivision of the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) and has wide axonal connections with both cortical regions (including the posterior parietal cortex) and subcortical structures critical for attention/orientation processes. This study investigated whether the AGm is involved in attentional modulation of PPI. The results showed that PPI was enhanced by fear conditioning of the prepulse, and then further enhanced by perceived spatial separation between the conditioned prepulse and a back-ground masking noise based on the auditory precedence effect. Bilateral injection of 2-mM kynurenic acid, a broad spectrum antagonist of glutamate receptors, into the AGm, but not the primary somatosensory cortex, eliminated these two types of attentional enhancement of PPI. Thus, the AGm plays a role in facilitating attention to the prepulse and is involved in the top-down modulation of PPI.

Musacchia, G., Sams, M., Skoe, E., & Kraus, N. (2007).

Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(40), 15894-15898.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0701498104      URL     PMID:17898180      [本文引用: 2]

Musical training is known to modify cortical organization. Here, we show that such modifications extend to subcortical sensory structures and generalize to processing of speech. Musicians had earlier and larger brainstem responses than nonmusician controls to both speech and music stimuli presented in auditory and audiovisual conditions, evident as early as 10 ms after acoustic onset. Phase-locking to stimulus periodicity, which likely underlies perception of pitch, was enhanced in musicians and strongly correlated with length of musical practice. In addition, viewing videos of speech (lip-reading) and music (instrument being played) enhanced temporal and frequency encoding in the auditory brainstem, particularly in musicians. These findings demonstrate practice-related changes in the early sensory encoding of auditory and audiovisual information.

Näätänen, R., & Picton, T. (1987).

The N1 wave of the human electric and magnetic response to sound: A review and an analysis of the component structure

Psychophysiology, 24(4), 375-425.

DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8986.1987.tb00311.x      URL     PMID:3615753      [本文引用: 1]

Ping, J., Li, N., Galbraith, G. C., Wu, X., & Li, L. (2008).

Auditory frequency-following responses in rat ipsilateral inferior colliculus

Neuroreport, 19(14), 1377-1380.

URL     PMID:18766015      [本文引用: 1]

Poje, A. B., & Filion, D. L. (2017).

Erratum to: The effects of multiphasic prepulses on automatic and attention- modulated prepulse inhibition

Cognitive Processing, 18, 271.

DOI:10.1007/s10339-017-0823-8      URL     PMID:28616664      [本文引用: 2]

Romanski, L. M., Tian, B., Fritz, J., Mishkin, M., Goldman-Rakic, P. S., & Rauschecker, J. P. (1999).

Dual streams of auditory afferents target multiple domains in the primate prefrontal cortex

Nature Neuroscience, 2(12), 1131-1136.

DOI:10.1038/16056      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Röskam, S., & Koch, M. (2006).

Enhanced prepulse inhibition of startle using salient prepulses in rats

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 60(1), 10-14.

DOI:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2005.04.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractPrepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex occurs when a non-startling stimulus is presented shortly prior to the startling stimulus. PPI is an operational measure for sensorimotor gating. PPI in humans is enhanced by attention, but there is no evidence yet for attentional modulation of PPI in animals. We here combined PPI and conditioned inhibition paradigms in order to investigate attentional modulation of PPI in rats. PPI was assessed before and after training for conditioned inhibition of fear with the conditioned stimulus (auditory CS) and conditioned inhibitor (visual CI) as prepulses. The CI significantly enhanced PPI after training, whereas presentation of the CS had no effect on PPI. These data suggest attentional modulation of PPI in rats by biologically salient prestimuli. This new paradigm may be useful for examining attentional modulation of PPI in animals and to compare attentional modulation in humans and animals.]]>

Rajji, T. K., & Mulsant, B. H. (2008).

Nature and course of cognitive function in late-life schizophrenia: A systematic review

Schizophrenia Research, 102(1-3), 122-140.

URL     PMID:18468868      [本文引用: 1]

Russo, N., Nicol, T., Musacchia, G., & Kraus, N. (2004).

Brainstem responses to speech syllables

Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(9), 2021-2033.

DOI:10.1016/j.clinph.2004.04.003      URL     PMID:15294204      [本文引用: 1]

OBJECTIVE: To establish reliable procedures and normative values to quantify brainstem encoding of speech sounds. METHODS: Auditory brainstem responses to speech syllables presented in quiet and in background noise were obtained from 38 normal children. Brainstem responses consist of transient and sustained, periodic components-much like the speech signal itself. Transient peak responses were analyzed with measures of latency, amplitude, area, and slope. Magnitude of sustained, periodic frequency-following responses was assessed with root mean square, fundamental frequency, and first formant amplitudes; timing was assessed by stimulus-to-response and quiet-to-noise inter-response correlations. RESULTS: Measures of transient and sustained components of the brainstem response to speech syllables were reliably obtained with high test-retest stability and low variability across subjects. All components of the brainstem response were robust in quiet. Background noise disrupted the transient responses whereas the sustained response was more resistant to the deleterious effects of noise. CONCLUSIONS: The speech-evoked brainstem response faithfully reflects many acoustic properties of the speech signal. Procedures to quantitatively describe it have been developed. SIGNIFICANCE: Accurate and precise manifestation of stimulus timing at the auditory brainstem is a hallmark of the normal perceptual system. The brainstem response to speech sounds provides a mechanism for understanding the neural bases of normal and deficient attention-independent auditory function.

Skoe, E., & Kraus, N. (2012).

A little goes a long way: How the adult brain is shaped by musical training in childhood

Journal of Neuroscience, 32(34), 11507-11510.

URL     PMID:22915097      [本文引用: 1]

Smith, C. W., & Cornblatt, B. (2005).

Attention deficits in the development of schizophrenia: Recent evidence from genetic high-risk and prodromal studies

Current Psychosis & Therapeutics Reports, 3(4), 152-156.

[本文引用: 1]

Smith, Z. M., Delgutte, B., & Oxenham, A. J. (2002).

Chimaeric sounds reveal dichotomies in auditory perception

Nature, 416(6876), 87-90.

DOI:10.1038/416087a      URL     PMID:11882898      [本文引用: 3]

By Fourier's theorem, signals can be decomposed into a sum of sinusoids of different frequencies. This is especially relevant for hearing, because the inner ear performs a form of mechanical Fourier transform by mapping frequencies along the length of the cochlear partition. An alternative signal decomposition, originated by Hilbert, is to factor a signal into the product of a slowly varying envelope and a rapidly varying fine time structure. Neurons in the auditory brainstem sensitive to these features have been found in mammalian physiological studies. To investigate the relative perceptual importance of envelope and fine structure, we synthesized stimuli that we call 'auditory chimaeras', which have the envelope of one sound and the fine structure of another. Here we show that the envelope is most important for speech reception, and the fine structure is most important for pitch perception and sound localization. When the two features are in conflict, the sound of speech is heard at a location determined by the fine structure, but the words are identified according to the envelope. This finding reveals a possible acoustic basis for the hypothesized 'what' and 'where' pathways in the auditory cortex.

Song, J., Skoe, E., Wong, P., & Kraus, N. (2008).

Plasticity in the adult human auditory brainstem following short-term linguistic training

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(10), 1892-1902.

URL     PMID:18370594      [本文引用: 2]

Song, J. H., Skoe, E., Banai, K., & Kraus, N. (2012).

Training to improve hearing speech in noise: Biological mechanisms

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BACKGROUND: Individual with internet gaming disorder (IGD) often experience a high level of loneliness, and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that amygdala function is associated with both IGD and loneliness. However, the neurobiological basis underlying these relationships remains unclear. METHODS: In the current study, Granger causal analysis was performed to investigate amygdalar subdivision-based resting-state effective connectivity differences between 111 IGD subjects and 120 matched participants with recreational game use (RGUs). We further correlated neuroimaging findings with clinical measures. Mediation analysis was conducted to explore whether amygdalar subdivision-based effective connectivity mediated the relationship between IGD severity and loneliness. RESULTS: Compared with RGUs, IGD subjects showed inhibitory effective connections from the left pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pACC) to the left laterobasal amygdala (LBA) and from the right medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) to the left LBA, as well as an excitatory effective connection from the left middle prefrontal gyrus (MFG) to the right superficial amygdala. Further analyses demonstrated that the left pACC-left LBA effective connection was negatively correlated with both Internet Addiction Test and UCLA Loneliness scores, and it mediated the relationship between the two. CONCLUSION: IGD subjects and RGUs showed different connectivity patterns involving amygdalar subdivisions. These findings support a neurobiological mechanism for the relationship between IGD and loneliness, and suggest targets for therapeutic approaches that could be used to treat IGD.

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BACKGROUND: People with schizophrenia recognize speech poorly under multiple-people-talking (informational masking) conditions. In reverberant environments, direct-wave signals from a speech source are perceptually integrated with the source reflections (the precedence effect), forming perceived spatial separation (PSS) between different sources and consequently improving target-speech recognition against informational masking. However, the brain substrates underlying the schizophrenia-related vulnerability to informational masking and whether schizophrenia affects the unmasking effect of PSS are largely unknown. METHOD: Using psychoacoustic testing and functional magnetic resonance imaging, respectively, the speech recognition under either the PSS or perceived spatial co-location (PSC) condition and the underlying brain substrates were examined in 20 patients with schizophrenia and 16 healthy controls. RESULTS: Speech recognition was worse in patients than controls. Under the PSS (but not PSC) condition, speech recognition was correlated with activation of the superior parietal lobule (SPL), and target speech-induced activation of the SPL, precuneus, middle cingulate cortex and caudate significantly declined in patients. Moreover, the separation (PSS)-against-co-location (PSC) contrast revealed (1) activation of the SPL, precuneus and anterior cingulate cortex in controls, (2) suppression of the SPL and precuneus in patients, (3) activation of the pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus in both controls and patients, (4) activation of the medial superior frontal gyrus in patients, and (5) impaired functional connectivity of the SPL in patients. CONCLUSIONS: Introducing the PSS listening condition efficiently reveals both the brain substrates underlying schizophrenia-related speech-recognition deficits against informational masking and the schizophrenia-related neural compensatory strategy for impaired SPL functions.

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