ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1680-1688 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01680



吴莹皓, 蒋晶,

中国人民大学商学院, 北京 100872

The numerosity effects in consumer behavior

WU Yinghao, JIANG Jing,

School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China

通讯作者: * 蒋晶,

收稿日期: 2017-08-2   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

Received: 2017-08-2   Online: 2018-09-15


经济学理性人假说判定, 个体对同一个事物的认知和需求不会随事物表征方式以及个体信息处理方式的改变而改变。同时, 消费者旨在运用最低成本获得最大收益, 实现经济效用最大化。然而消费者行为领域的学者对此提出了相反的主张。他们指出, 当个体解读刺激物数量化属性时, 不仅会对用不同数字和单位表征的同一数量判断出现偏差, 还会受到数字启动的影响, 对用不同数字表示的同一商品产生不同的需求, 甚至做出违反经济效用最大化的决策, 产生了数字效应。不同的心理机制对数字效应如何导致消费者非理性行为进行了解释。在此基础上, 对数字效应在消费者行为领域的未来研究方向进行了展望。

关键词: 数字; 数字效应; 表征; 非理性; 消费者行为


Economists believe that individuals are absolutely rational when making decisions, that is, individuals’ preference remains consistent no matter how a specific entity is represented. Moreover, individuals tend to choose the most profitable option to maximize their utility. However, findings in the domain of consumer behavior reveal that the representation of numbers can trigger individuals’ irrationality and thereby affect their subsequent consumption decision and judgment. Individuals exhibit cognitive biases facing numerical representations in general and quantitative expressions in particular. Moreover, when numerosity effect is activated, individuals are more likely to trade off the utility maximization principle and make an irrational consumption decision. The current research therefore reviews how and why these numerosity effects bias consumers’ cognition, judgment, metaphorical association, information processing, and goal pursuit. Directions for future research in numerosity effect are also discussed.

Keywords: number; numerosity effect; numerical representation; irrationality; consumer behavior

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吴莹皓, 蒋晶. 数字效应对消费者行为的影响及其心理机制. 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1680-1688 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01680

WU Yinghao, JIANG Jing. The numerosity effects in consumer behavior. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(9): 1680-1688 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01680

1 引言

个体记忆中存在一个数量化的表征系统, 可以将几乎所有刺激物的各项属性信息进行定量编码、存储和调用(Adaval, 2013)。因此, 数字是个体进行决策时所遵循的外部线索之一。例如, 个体会通过一幢房子拥有房间的数量来判断这幢房子的面积(Pelham, Sumarta, & Myaskovsky, 1994), 认为拥有8间屋子的房子面积比拥有4间屋子的房子面积大的可能性更高。

几乎每一天, 消费者都会面临各种与数字有关的决策, 如吃多少块饼干、买多少瓶果汁、产品标价是否合理、快递寄送到指定地点需要几天等。这些与数字相关的决策都基于一个基本假设, 即个体是理性的, 他们有能够辨别不同刺激物所包含的数字是否存在差异的能力。然而, 消费者行为学学者对此提出了相反的主张。他们指出, 当个体采用语言和大脑表征系统来解读量化刺激物属性时, 他们不仅会对同一数量的不同表征形式出现判断偏差, 还会受到数字启动的影响, 对用不同数字表示的同一商品产生不同的需求, 甚至做出违反经济效用最大化的决策, 即“数字效应” (Numerosity Effect; Adaval, 2013)。换言之, 数字会引发个体的非理性行为(Tversky & Kahneman, 1974)。

从数字效应造成消费者非理性认知偏差的视角入手, 本文首先综述了学者们关于数字效应违反经济学理性人不变性原则和经济效用最大化原则的相关研究; 接着基于记忆容量有限性、信息提取易得性、信息处理流畅性等理论总结了数字对消费者行为产生影响的心理机制; 最后探讨了数字效应在消费者行为学领域未来的研究方向。

2 数字效应对消费者行为的影响

数字效应对消费者行为的影响违背了经济学理性人假说的两个原则。第一, 不变性原则。经济学家指出, 通过对选择集内部各个备选物属性之间的权衡, 个体能够对备选物进行偏好排序, 并选择偏好程度最高的选项。由于排序的基础是商品的属性权衡, 因此不论是表征方式还是个体信息处理方式都不会影响到排序结果, 即“不变性原则” (Mas-Colell, Whinston, & Green, 1995)。然而, 消费者行为领域学者研究发现, 不论是商品属性中数字的表征方式, 还是数字引起个体对信息处理方式的变化都会导致消费者决策行为的变化(Mas-Colell et al., 1995)。第二, 经济效用最大化原则。理性人追求经济效用最大化, 即运用最低的成本获得最高的收益。帕累托最优理论指出, 个体最终会达到一个状态, 此时他的效用不会因改变决策结果而变得更好(Mas-Colell et al., 1995)。然而, 消费者行为领域学者的研究再一次质疑了这一假说, 发现由于数字效应的存在, 消费者的决策行为将不再遵循经济效用最大化模型。

2.1 数字效应对经济学理性人“不变性原则”的违背

2.1.1 同一数量的不同表征对消费者行为的影响

同一数量的不同表征方式会显著影响消费者行为, 即消费者偏好会随着数字表征的变化而变化。因此, 这一现象违背了经济学理性人的不变性原则。根据对数字效应的研究背景, 学者们提出了“面值效应”、“粒度效应”、“单位效应”和“度量衡效应”。虽然情境不同, 但本质上都是数字表征方式的变化所引发的消费者非理性行为, 如感知价格偏差、商品价值与质量判断偏差、以及感知目标达成进度偏差等。

首先, 当定价涉及到货币单位时, 使用不同货币单位的表征方式会引发感知价格偏差。学者们根据数量表征的单位大小的变化所导致的数字大小的变化, 提出了面值效应(Face Value Effect; Raghubir & Srivastava, 2002)。他们指出, 消费者到弱货币国旅游时, 花费会比到强货币国更少。例如, 20美元大约相当于247墨西哥元, 因此美国消费者到墨西哥旅游时会感知到同样的物品在墨西哥卖的更贵, 从而减少消费; 而20美元大约相当于13欧元, 因此美国消费者到欧盟成员国旅游时会感知到同样的物品在欧洲卖的更加便宜, 从而促进了消费。但是, 当个体意识到度量衡可以互相转换时, 面值效应就不再存在(Raghubir & Srivastava, 2002)。如当美国游客在墨西哥或欧洲游玩时有意识地将商品标价按照汇率折算为本国货币后, 他们在三国的消费水平没有显著差异。

其次, 商家运用精确度不同的数字描述商品属性也会影响到消费者对商品的价值判断。同样的数字能够被不同的精确度所表征, 例如在“1年”、“12个月”和“365天”三种表征方式中, 精确度随着数字的增大而增大。Zhang和Schwarz (2012)据此提出了“粒度效应” (Granularity Effect), 指出当商家用精确度较高的数字估计送货时间和保修期限等指标时, 消费者会感知到商家对产品和服务更加自信, 因此更倾向于认为估计值准确, 从而选择该商家的产品或服务。同样, 单位表征方式也会对消费者的质量判断产生影响。现有研究显示, 消费者会通过表征单位的大小来推测数值变化程度的大小, 即当他们的注意力从数字转移到单位时, 会感知到用大单位表征的数量变化更大, 即产生了单位效应(Unitosity Effect; Monga & Bagchi, 2012)。例如, 快递公司可以承诺其送达日期为7~21天(大数字, 小单位)或1~3周(小数字, 大单位), 当消费者更关注单位(天vs. 周)时, 会感知到送达时间延后0.5周比延后3天更加不能容忍; 反之, 当消费者更关注数字(7~21 vs. 1~3)时, 会感知送达时间延后3天比延后0.5周更加不能容忍。之所以产生单位效应是因为消费者的个体建构水平存在差异。建构水平理论指出, 个体对事物的表征的判断存在高低两种不同水平, 其中高建构水平的个体对事物表征的判断是抽象的且结构化的, 而低建构水平个体对事物表征判断是具体的但非结构化的(Trope & Liberman, 2010)。在此理论的基础上, 学者们进一步指出高建构水平个体会倾向于关注抽象的“单位”, 而低建构水平个体则更有可能关注具体的“数字” (Monga & Bagchi, 2012)。因此, 当消费者关注于数字时(处在低建构水平情境下), 他们会认为单位越小而感知商品属性变化越大; 当消费者关注于单位时(处在高建构水平情境下), 他们会表现出单位效应, 即单位越大感知商品属性变化越大。

最后, 同一数量的不同表征方式影响消费者到其对目标达成进度的感知。Bagchi和Li (2011)研究了在用“印花”营销方式来维持消费者忠诚的项目中, 设置不同的度量衡/步长组合对消费者目标追寻产生的影响, 如“每次消费累积10积分, 满100积分免费赠送一杯咖啡(10/100)”和“每次消费累积1积分, 满10积分免费赠送一杯咖啡(1/10)”。虽然都是每次消费达成目标的10%, 但是Bagchi和Li (2011)发现, 两种表述的效果存在显著差异:度量衡和步长共同影响了消费者对于目标达成程度的感知以及对目标追寻的动力强弱, 而度量衡和步长哪一个指标影响更大则取决于消费者的注意力集中点。具体而言, 在步长信息很模糊的情境下, 消费者很大程度上只通过度量衡(100 vs. 10)来推断目标进度, 即度量衡越大(100), 消费者感知到自己与其他消费者的积分差距越大; 在步长信息清晰明了的情境下, 消费者会转向通过步长(10 vs. 1)信息来判断目标进度, 即步长越大(10), 消费者感知到自己与其他消费者的积分差距越大。消费者感知差距越大, 其重复购买与达成兑换目标的动机就越强。

不仅是消费目标, 数字呈现对消费者日常目标追寻同样存在影响。绝对差异和相对差异会共同影响个体对于数值的判断, 而且相对差异的影响往往比绝对差异更大(Palmeira, 2011)。同样的属性值差别, 相比于用小度量衡表征来说, 用大度量衡表征使个体感知该差别更大(Pandelaere, Briers, & Lembregts, 2011)。因此, 商家可以利用食品标签上营养素的呈现方式引导消费者选择更健康的产品。具体而言, 食品热量有千焦和卡路里两种表现方式(1,000千焦 ≈ 240卡路里), 当商家用“千焦”标识食品所含热量时, 消费者容易感知到垃圾食品热量更高, 从而选择热量更低的健康食品。因为对于正在控制体重的消费者来说, 选择健康食品能够降低热量摄入, 所以食品营养素含量的数字呈现方式能够一定程度上影响消费者日常目标的达成。

2.1.2 同一商品的不同数字启动对消费者行为的影响

经济学不变性原则假定消费者有稳定的、不随情境改变的偏好, 按照此理论, 不同的促销方式不会对消费者需求产生影响。同时由于消费者本身对于商品需求有规划, 因此也不会改变购买数量。然而消费者行为学领域的研究表明, 对同一商品采用不同数字表征会启动消费者认知中的数量判断信息, 从而影响其后续购买行为。因此, 数字对消费者数量认知的启动违背了经济学理性人的不变性原则。具体而言, 商品属性数字会启动消费者对数量的感知程度、相关概念的隐喻联想、以及不同信息处理方式, 并通过溢出效应影响后续的消费行为, 使得消费者决策不再仅仅根据对商品属性的权衡, 而是更加依赖情境。

第一, 在消费者行为学领域, 学者们发现数字能够启动消费者对于数量的感知程度, 其研究领域主要集中于库存估计(Chandon & Wansink, 2006)、购买数量预测(Wansink, Kent, & Hoch, 1998)以及商品含量判断(Madzharov & Block, 2010; Raghubir & Krishna, 1999)。首先, 物品数量启动会影响消费者的库存估计。Chandon和Wansink (2006)发现消费者倾向于用日常家用商品的平均库存数量作为“锚”, 来调整他们对于每一种日用品的库存。然而, 由于“锚”的存在, 消费者不能充分准确地估计家中每种日用品的库存数量, 因此会造成一部分日用品堆积的同时另一部分日用品短缺的情况。其次, 数量启动会影响消费者的购买数量。Wansink等(1998)发现, 超市运用“建议消费量”的促销方式, 能够显著地提升销量。例如, 采用“为你的红酒购买18个冰袋” (vs. “为你的红酒购买6个冰袋”)会启动消费者对于更大数字的认知, 显著提升其对红酒的购买数量。最后, Madzharov和Block (2010)通过一系列实验发现饼干袋外包装上的饼干呈现数量多少能够显著影响消费者对袋内饼干含量的估计和真实的购买行为。具体来讲, 消费者认为包装袋上印有15块(vs. 3块)的产品内部饼干数量更多, 尽管二者都表明了含量为100g。学者们还进一步探讨了该数量感知偏差发挥作用的边界条件。视觉加工能力是指个体处理所见图片信息, 并正确理解其含义的能力, 学者发现消费者的视觉加工能力越强, 越倾向于认为包装袋上印有饼干数量越多, 包装袋内饼干含量也越多(Madzharov & Block, 2010)。

第二, 数字会启动消费者对不同概念的隐喻联想。“隐喻” (Metaphor)是指一种事物的存在能够激发个体对与其相联系的另一种事物的联想的过程(Lakoff, 1987), 能够显著影响个体行为(Zaltman & Coulter, 1995)。例如, Stiving和Winer (1997)发现消费者倾向于通过数字0联想到高质量, 而通过数字9联想到低质量, 从而认为价格以数字0结尾的产品有更高的质量, 而价格以数字9结尾的产品质量较低(Stiving & Winer, 1997)。这一发现与之前研究和实践中发现商家较多采用以数字9作为价格末端数字的策略相悖, 因为以数字9结尾为商品定价同时代表了更多折扣和更低质量的商品定位。基于上述理论研究发现, 商家可以按照自身希望向消费者传达出的品牌形象为商品定价, 如高端品牌和以质量上乘著称的品牌应该将商品价格的最末端数字设为0, 而折扣超市等经济品牌则应当将商品价格的最末端数字设为9。

学者们发现, 数字精确度也会启动消费者对不同概念的隐喻联想。数字的精确度是由其末端数字0的个数定义的。以0结尾的数字被称为整数; 反之, 以非0结尾的数字被称为精确数。学者发现, 精确数比整数, 如:19.41% vs. 20%, 更能够使消费者联想到可信赖(Schindler & Yalch, 2006)、准确(Zhang & Schwarz, 2012)、自信(Jerez-Fernandez, Angulo, & Oppenheimer, 2014)以及有能力(Xie & Kronrod, 2012), 而整数能够使消费者联想到稳定(Pena-Marin & Bhargave, 2016)。例如, Pena-Marin和Bhargave (2016)发现当商品属性被用整数表征时, 消费者会感知到商品能够为其带来更加长久的好处。如咖啡因饮料能够为个体提供能量, 但是饮料中能够提供能量的主要成分——咖啡因——的作用却是随时间衰减的。商家可以利用整数(200 mg)对饮料中咖啡因含量进行标注, 因为整数比精确数(203 mg)能够让消费者感觉饮料发挥作用的时间更长。基于上述理论研究发现, 商家可以根据自身产品和服务的定位(例如:有能力 vs. 耐用持久)来制定不同的营销沟通策略。例如, 因为精确数(vs. 整数)往往与科学和数学相连, 因此商家在高科技产品营销中可以采用精确数来描述产品特征或为产品定价, 继而提升消费者对产品“科技尖端”的感知。

此外, 学者们进一步指出数字有性别之分, 其中整数更加女性化, 而精确数则更加男性化(Yan, 2016)。从隐喻联想角度来讲, 相比于整数, 精确数能够启动消费者与自信(Jerez-Fernandez et al., 2014)和攻击性(Backus, Blake, & Tadelis, 2015)相关的概念。性别的常人理论(Lay Theories)指出自信与攻击性代表了男性特征(Bem & Steven, 1975; Lawless, 2004), 而灵活性和包容性等是典型的女性特征(Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux, 1993)。精确数引发的概念与男性特征相符, 因而数字有性别之分。

第三, 数字能够启动个消费者不同的信息处理方式。数字作为情境因素的一种, 会对个体信息处理方式产生影响。学者们发现, 数字精确度会启动消费者不同的信息处理方式。King和Janiszewski (2011)发现人们处理整数比处理精确数更加流畅。进一步地, Wadhwa和Zhang (2015)的研究表明, 整数使消费者更倾向于依赖感觉处理信息, 而精确数使消费者更倾向于运用认知分析处理信息。因此, 当消费者处于依赖感觉处理信息的情境下时, 将商品属性用整数表示能够提升消费者对该商品的积极态度; 反之, 当消费者处于依赖认知处理信息的情境下时, 将商品属性用精确数表示能够显著提升消费者对该商品的积极态度。这一发现同样适用于品牌形象定位领域:一方面, 女性更倾向于依赖感觉处理信息, 而男性更倾向于用认知处理信息(Spence, Helmreich, & Holahan, 1979), 与整数(vs. 精确数)启动消费者用感觉(vs. 认知)处理信息相匹配; 另一方面, Lawless (2004)发现随着信息处理难度的增加, 消费者会感知到任务的挑战越大, 触发更加男性化的思维模式来迎战困难, 与消费者精确数(vs. 整数)难度更大相匹配。因此, 当品牌形象偏男性化(vs. 女性化)时, 用精确数(vs. 整数)表示商品属性能够提高消费者对品牌的评价。

2.2 数字效应对经济学理性人“效用最大化原则”的违背

经济学提出, 理性的消费者会在成本和收益之间进行权衡, 进而做出以最低成本获得最大收益的最优决策。然而, 由于数字效应的存在, 消费者往往不能够做出理性判断, 即做出违反经济效用最大化原则的决策。

首先, 商家在定价时较常使用9作为商品价格的末端数字, 引发了过度表征, 继而引发了一系列的数字效应(如Stiving & Winer, 1997)。例如Stiving和Winer (1997)利用超市金枪鱼和酸奶销售数据, 实证分析了价格末端数字9被过度表征对消费者商品价格的感知偏差的影响, 即感知价格低于实际价格, 如消费者会觉得$2.99比$3.00价格低很多, 因为他们倾向于向下约整, 只记住左端的整数$2。由此可见, 杯子定价为$2.99和$2.91对消费者来讲都是$2“多一点”, 因此商家将商品定价为以9结尾能够在不影响消费者价格感知的情境下, 攫取最大的利润。

其次, 商家在定价时采用精准数字表征方式引发了感知价格偏差。例如, Thomas, Simon和Kadiyai (2010)以美国房地产市场为数据来源, 研究结果发现, 消费者会低估用精确价格定价的房屋的实际价格, 他们将这一现象命名为价格精确性效应(Price Precision Effect)。在一系列实验室实验中, 他们发现消费者会错误地认为$395,425比$395,000要价格更低, 尤其是当消费者感知不确定性较高时, 这种价格判断偏差更加显著。此外, 消费者会认为房地产商之所以用精确数定价, 是经过了准确的成本估价, 因此议价的意愿更低。当学者们将这一发现应用于美国房地产市场时, 发现当房屋定价为精确数($364,578)而不是与之相差无几的整数($365,000)时, 前者的成交价更高。

3 数字效应对消费者行为影响的作用机制

通过对上述文献的综述, 我们发现数字效应会引发消费者的非理性行为, 违反了经济学理性人的不变性原则和效用最大化原则。具体表现为消费者会对用不同表征方式表征的同一事物展现出不同的偏好, 会被数字启动不同的概念、隐喻联想和信息处理方式, 也会做出不满足最大化效用的次优决策。纵观这些研究, 我们发现记忆容量有限性、信息提取易得性、和信息处理流畅性在数字效应中发挥了重要的心理机制作用。

3.1 记忆容量有限性

第一种对数字效应的解释机制源于对记忆的理论研究。个体对价格数字的识别和记忆形成了以下两种倾向:第一, 由于个体的记忆容量有限, 因此他们很难完全准确地回忆出之前看到过的数字(Brenner & Brenner, 1982)。个体有限的记忆容量使其发展出两种处理数字的方式:四舍五入和截断。消费者不习惯用精确数表示较大的数字, 较大的数字往往被四舍五入或截断到十位、百位、甚至千位来方便记忆。因此, 与整数相比, 当消费者看到较大的精确数字时(例如:$364,578), 他们不会对该精确数的大小有非常准确的概念(Thomas et al., 2010), 因此会产生前文所述的精准数字引发的认知偏差。

第二, 当比较两个数字的相对大小时, 个体会从左至右逐位对这两个数字进行比较(Hinrichs, Berie, & Mosell, 1982; Stiving & Winer, 1997)。例如在给定以下两组价格的情况下, $0.89和$0.75(第一组)、$0.93和$0.79(第二组), 大多数消费者会觉得第二组中的$0.79是一个更划算的交易, 但实际上两组价格的差都是$0.14, 并且第一组的整体价格都更低。出现该认知偏差的原因就是消费者对定价进行了从左至右的逐位比较, 第一组价格最左端数字差是1(即8-7=1), 而第二组价格最左端数字差是2(即9-7=2), 因此当比较完最左端数字后, 消费者感知到第二组的$0.79是一个更加划算的价格。进一步地, Thomas和Morwitz (2005)总结了前人对数字认知的“类比模型” (Analog Model)的研究成果(Adaval & Monroe, 2002; Dehaene, Dupoux, & Mehler, 1990; Hinrichs, Yurko, & Hu, 1981; Monroe & Lee, 1999), 指出当个体比较两个数字时, 会同时将其映射在大脑内部的数量表征系统中, 如果两个数字的最左端数字相同, 那么被表征后的距离会很近, 个体认知不足以敏锐到辨别这种细微的差别, 因此以数字9结尾的价格优势也将不复存在, 并将这种现象命名为“最左端数字效应” (Left-Most Digit Effect)。

3.2 信息提取易得性

第二种对于数字效应的解释机制源于认知理论视角。学者们从进化论影响个体认知视角出发, 理论上解释了数字0和数字5高频出现在数字末端的原因, 即易得性。具体来讲, 一个单元能够从记忆中被提取的容易程度被界定为易得性(Tversky & Kahneman, 1973)或可接近性(Fazio, Chen, McDonel, & Sherman, 1982; Higgins, Rholes, & Jones, 1977)。在人类发明复杂的算术系统之前, 需要依靠其他工具来进行计数, 由于人类有一双手, 可以从1数到5、再数到10, 这种便利的计数方式一直沿用, 导致个体对数字5和数字10的认知可得性更高。当个体处理数字信息时, 为了减少认知努力, 会将数字去精确化, 即用离它最近的、可得性更高的数字来替代(Kaufman, Lord, Reese, & Volkmann, 1949), 因此数字5和数字0出现在数字表征结尾的概率更大(Schindler & Kirby, 1997)。Baird, Lewis和Romer (1970)进一步发现, 以数字0结尾的数字被过度表征的程度要高于以数字5结尾的数字, 说明以数字0结尾的数字可得性更高, 这与现实生活中的“前十效应” (Top-Ten Effect; Isaac & Schindler, 2014)相呼应, 例如用“十全十美”来表示非常完美、毫无欠缺的状态, 或评选“十佳教师”、“十佳青年”等。

3.3 信息处理流畅性

第三种对于数字效应的解释机制源于信息加工理论视角。决策理论(Decision Making Theory; Bettman, Luce, & Payne, 1998)指出个体在决策时, 会在寻求最优结果和花费最少认知努力之间作权衡。个体在处理与数字有关信息时, 多处体现了信息处理流畅性的应用。例如, 默认单位就是人类在自然选择下习得的最优结果和最少认知努力之间的最优解, 默认单位(Default Unit)是指文化背景下普遍接受的对某一属性的最常见单位, 如形容人类体重的单位是“千克”而不是“吨”, 形容1年有365天而不是31,536,000秒等, 使用默认单位能够提高个体处理信息的流畅性(Schwarz, 2004)。

4 未来研究展望

以数字效应质疑经济学理性人假说这一思路为主线, 本研究探讨了数字效应对经济学理性人假说的不变性原则和效用最大化原则的违背, 未来的研究可以继续深入探讨数字效应如何促使消费者做出非理性决策及其心理机制。具体来说, 探讨数字效应如何违背经济学理性人假说的研究可以从以下五个方面展开:

第一, 数字表达形式对消费者行为的影响。除了数字本身的大小外, 数字的表达形式也可能会影响消费者行为。学者们发现, 连续多次采用百分比方式打折比单次打折的效果更好(Chen & Rao, 2007)。然而前人研究大都集中在阿拉伯数字对个体认知、信息加工方式和行为的影响上, 未来研究可以着眼于百分比形式、汉字形式等不同数字表达形式对消费者行为的影响及其心理机制。例如, 当用阿拉伯数字“2”表征时, 个体不仅会视觉上感知数字形态的存在(看到数字“2”), 也会从认知上理解数字的数量意义(数字“2”代表的含义), 未来研究可以着眼于当同样数值用汉字“二”表征时, 汉字对个体的感知存在何种影响。

第二, 数字的位置对消费者行为的影响。现有研究表明, 个体倾向于认为右边的数字要比其左边的数字大, 这是因为个体依据习得的画“X轴”的习惯, 认为越往右侧, 数字越大(Cai, Shen, & Hui, 2012)。因此, 消费者在超市进行产品选择时, 会出现在不看价格的情况下, 认为摆放在货架右侧的东西比左侧的更贵。那么, 依据人类画“Y轴”的习惯, 是否越往上方的数字, 给个体感觉越大, 继而消费者会认为超市货架上方的货品会更贵?未来的研究可以针对数字上下位置如何影响消费行为及其心理机制进行探讨。

第三, 奇偶数对消费者行为的影响。学者们已经探讨了数字的不同类别(例如:精确数和整数)在消费者行为中的不同作用, 但鲜有研究探讨另一种数字分类方式, 即奇数和偶数, 是否能够对消费者的认知和行为产生不同的效应。虽然没有直接的实证研究结论证实奇偶数对个体的不同影响, 但是一些间接的发现, 例如命名方式, 为这一研究提供了理论依据。Lambert (1975)将整数定价命名为“偶数定价”, 而Nijs, Srinivasan和Pauwels (2007)进一步将其余非整数定价全部命名为“奇数定价”, 这样的命名方式暗示了整数和偶数、精确数和奇数之间可能存在的相似之处。近年来学者已经展开了相关的研究, 例如Wilkie和Bodenhausen (2015)发现:在个体认知中, 奇数与男性化连接更密切, 偶数和女性化连接更密切。结合上文综述中精确数(vs. 整数)更男性化(vs. 女性化), 因此, 未来的研究可以着眼于是否适用于整数/精确数的研究结论同样适用于对奇数和偶数的研究上, 例如可以探讨当采用奇数(vs. 偶数)定价时, 个体是否更依赖于认知(vs. 情感)做决策?

第四, 以不同数字结尾的定价对消费者决策模式的影响。消费者在进行产品选择时经常面临着整合比较和分开比较两种情境, 其中在整合比较时, 消费者以选择集内的选项互为参照物, 因此属性之间的比较更容易, 此时个体更容易依照属性之间的内部权衡来判断, 那么以某个数字结尾, 如9, 其对消费行为的影响会出现什么样的变化?其优势会减弱甚至不见吗?相反, 当消费者对产品进行分开比较时, 选择集内选项没有明显参照, 因此属性之间的比较困难, 此时个体更容易依照外部信息源来判断, 如以某个数字结尾的价格。同样以9为例, 未来研究可以探讨在分开(vs. 整合)情境中, 以9结尾的数字对个体决策的影响是否会更大。

第五, 数字对个体目标制定和执行的影响。Labroo和Kim (2009)指出元认知上的不流畅性可能会让个体在目标追寻的过程中, 觉得做一件困难的事情会得到更有用的结果, 就像歌词“阳光总在风雨后”、“不经历风雨怎能见彩虹”中所讲述的, “认知不流畅性”就是目标追寻中的“风雨”。因为准确的数字会让个体觉得处理更不流畅, 因此在目标追寻的过程中, 准确的数字更能够激发个体实现目标的动力。例如在健身时, 健身教练为顾客制定1个月减重9.8千克, 可能就要比承诺1个月减重10千克的效果更好。未来研究可以进一步探索准确数字是如何通过降低认知流畅性来促进消费者目标制定和完成的, 研究结果有利于提高消费者的个人福利。


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Elsevier’s Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Search and access research from the science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities fields.

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The constraints introduced in the analysis of individual behavior in economics were mainly two: income and time. Although we do sometimes find references to biological constraints like stomach capacity, this and other biological constraints' implications on market behavior were not investigated. The purpose of this paper is to show that taking into account the limited memory capacity of human beings sheds light both on specific features of literature and arts and on characteristics of advertising.

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Journal of Marketing, 70( 4), 118-135.

DOI:10.1509/jmkg.70.4.118      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The authors develop a model of how consumers estimate the level of product inventory in their households. Two laboratory experiments and two field studies involving 29 product categories show that (1) consumers anchor their estimates on their average inventory and fail to adjust sufficiently; (2) adjustments follow an inelastic psychophysical power function, leading to overestimations of low levels of inventory and underestimations of high levels; and (3) adjustments are more elastic and, thus, more accurate when inventory is salient. Contrary to the assumptions of practitioners and academic modelers, these inventory estimates, not actual inventory levels, drive subsequent purchase incidence. Simulation results further show that biased estimates increase overstocking and spoilage among stockout-averse consumers but increase stockouts and unmet demand among overstocking-averse consumers. By predicting the magnitude, not just the direction, of estimation biases, the model and the results offer new insights into accelerating the consumption of healthy foods and improving the targeting of stockpiling-inducing sales promotions.

Chen, H. P., & Rao, A. R. ( 2007).

When two plus two is not equal to four: Errors in processing multiple percentage changes

Journal of Consumer Research, 34( 3), 327-340.

DOI:10.1086/518531      URL     [本文引用: 1]

When evaluating the net impact of a series of percentage changes, we predict that consumers may employ a “whole number” computational strategy that yields a systematic error in their calculation. We report on three studies conducted to examine this issue. In the first study we identify the computational error and demonstrate its consequences. In a second study, we identify several theoretically driven boundary conditions for the observed phenomenon. Finally we demonstrate in a real‐world retail setting that, consistent with our premise, sequential percentage discounts generate more purchasers, sales, revenue, and profit than the economically equivalent single percentage discount.

Dehaene S., Bossini S., & Giraux P. ( 1993).

The mental representation of parity and number magnitude

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 122( 3), 371-396.

DOI:10.1037//0096-3445.122.3.371      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Nine experiments of timed odd-even judgments examined how parity and number magnitude are accessed from Arabic and verbal numerals. With Arabic numerals, Ss used the rightmost digit to access a store of semantic number knowledge. Verbal numerals went through an additional stage of transcoding to base 10. Magnitude information was automatically accessed from Arabic numerals. Large numbers preferentially elicited a rightward response, and small numbers a leftward response. The Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect depended only on relative number magnitude and was weaker or absent with letters or verbal numerals. Direction did not vary with handedness or hemispheric dominance but was linked to the direction of writing, as it faded or even reversed in right-to-left writing Iranian Ss. The results supported a modular architecture for number processing, with distinct but interconnected Arabic, verbal, and magnitude representations.

Dehaene S., Dupoux E., & Mehler J. ( 1990).

Is numerical comparison digital? Analogical and symbolic effects in two-digit number comparison

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16( 3), 626-641.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.16.3.626      URL     PMID:2020202032020202020202020      [本文引用: 1]

Do Ss compare multidigit numbers digit by digit (symbolic model) or do they compute the whole magnitude of the numbers before comparing them (holistic model) ? In 4 experiments of timed 2-digit number comparisons with a fixed standard, the findings of Hinrichs, Yurko, and Hu (1981) were extended with French Ss. Reaction times (RTs) decreased with target-standard distance, with discontinuities at the boundaries of the standard's decade appearing only with standards 55 and 66 but not with 65. The data are compatible with the holistic model. A symbolic interference model that posits the simultaneous comparison of decades and units can also account for the results. To separate the 2 models, the decades and units digits of target numbers were presented asynchronously in Experiment 4. Contrary to the prediction of the interference model, presenting the units before the decades did not change the influence of units on RTs. and cons of the holistic model are discussed.

Fazio R. H., Chen J. M., McDonel E. C., & Sherman S. J. ( 1982).

Attitude accessibility, attitude-behavior consistency, and the strength of the object-evaluation association

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 18( 4), 339-357.

DOI:10.1016/0022-1031(82)90058-0      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Higgins E. T., Rholes W. S., & Jones C. R. ( 1977).

Category accessibility and impression formation

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13( 2), 141-154.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-1031(77)80007-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The present study examined the immediate and delayed effects of unobtrusive exposure to personality trait terms (e.g., “reckless”, “persistent”) on subjects' subsequent judgments and recollection of information about another person. Before reading a description of a stimulus person, subjects were unobtrusively exposed to either positive or negative trait terms that either could or could not be used to characterize this person. When the trait terms were applicable to the description of the stimulus person, subjects' characterizations and evaluations of the person reflected the denotative and evaluative aspects of the trait categories activated by the prior exposure to these terms. However, the absence of any effects for nonapplicable trait terms suggested that exposure to trait terms with positive or negative associations was not in itself sufficient to determine attributions and evaluations. Prior verbal exposure had little effect on reproduction of the descriptions. Moreover, no reliable difference in either evaluation or reproduction was found between subjects who overtly characterized the stimulus person and those who did not. Exposure to applicable trait terms had a greater delayed than immediate effect on subjects' evaluations of the stimulus person, suggesting that subjects may have discounted their categorizations of the stimulus person when making their immediate evaluations. The implications of individual and situational variation in the accessibility of different categories for judgments of self and others are considered.

Hinrichs J. V., Berie J. L., & Mosell M. K. ( 1982).

Place information in multidigit number comparison

Memory & Cognition, 10( 5), 487-495.

DOI:10.3758/BF03197652      URL     PMID:7176910      [本文引用: 1]

How do we use place information in a number comparison task involving multidigit numbers? In four experiments, subjects identified stimulus numbers as larger or smaller than the number 5,000 in a choice reaction time task. As the difference between the number of places in the stimulus number and the number of places in the standard decreased, response time and errors significantly increased. When the number of places was held constant, the type of numeric information extracted depended on the value of the standard (5,000 or 5,555). In some cases, irrelevant place information affected choice time.

Hinrichs J. V., Yurko D. S., & Hu J. M. ( 1981).

Two-digit number comparison: Use of place information

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7( 4), 890-901.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.7.4.890      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Results of 2 experiments with 137 undergraduates suggest that 2-digit numbers are compared as integrated quantities with comparison time decreasing as a logarithmic function of the absolute difference between the 2 numbers. A place-value effect occurred only when the presented number was in the same decade as the standard. In that case, the comparison process appeared to shift to an evaluation of the ones-place digit. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Isaac, M. S., & Schindler, R. M. ( 2014).

The top-ten effect: Consumers' subjective categorization of ranked lists

Journal of Consumer Research, 40( 6), 1181-1202.

DOI:10.1086/674546      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Long lists of ranked items, such asBloomberg Businessweek rankings of MBA programs, are ubiquitous in Western culture, and they are often used in consumer decision making. Six studies show that consumers mentally subdivide ranked lists into a smaller set of categories and exaggerate differences between consecutive items adjacent to category boundaries. Further, despite prior work suggesting that people might subjectively produce place-value categories (e.g., single digits, the twenties), this research shows that consumers interpret ranked lists by generating round-number categories ending in zero or five (e.g., top 10, top 25). Thus, for example, consumers will more favorably evaluate improvements in rank that cross round-number-category boundaries (e.g., shifting from rank 11 to rank 10) than improvements in rank that cross place-value-category boundaries (e.g., shifting from rank 10 to rank 9). This phenomenon, labeled thetop-ten effect, occurs because round numbers are cognitively accessible to consumers due to their prevalent use in everyday communication.

Jerez-Fernandez A., Angulo A. N., & Oppenheimer D. M. ( 2014).

Show me the numbers: Precision as a cue to others’ confidence

Psychological Science, 25( 2), 633-635.

DOI:10.1177/0956797613504301      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Kaufman E. L., Lord M. W., Reese T. W., & Volkmann J. ( 1949).

The discrimination of visual number

The American Journal of Psychology, 62( 4), 498-525.

DOI:10.2307/1418556      URL     PMID:15392567      [本文引用: 1]


King, D., & Janiszewski, C. ( 2011).

The sources and consequences of the fluent processing of numbers

Journal of Marketing Research, 48( 2), 327-341.

DOI:10.2307/23033434      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Consumers often like fluently processed stimuli. The authors find that one source of fluency for numerical stimuli is the generation of a number through common addition (e.g., 1 + 1 through 10 + 10) and common multiplication (2 01— 2 through 10 01— 10) problems (study 1). Common addition and multiplication problems (arithmetic), or their operands, can be used to prime a number and increase its fluency (study 3). The benefits of arithmetic and operand primes are limited to single primes (i.e., more primes are not necessarily better) (study 5). Number fluency is relevant to creating numeric brand names (study 2), enhancing the liking of numeric brand names through advertising (study 4), and executing price promotions (study 6).

Labroo, A. A., & Kim, S. ( 2009).

The “instrumentality” heuristic: Why metacognitive difficulty is desirable during goal pursuit

Psychological Science, 20( 1), 127-134.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02264.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The literature overwhelmingly demonstrates that feelings of ease are good and that objects that are easy to process are much liked. We propose, and demonstrate across three experiments, that this is not the case when people are pursuing a goal. This is because people pursuing a goal (e.g., 鈥渂ecome kinder鈥 usually invest efforts in whichever means (e.g., donate to a particular charity) they perceive as most instrumental for attaining their goal. Consequently, in their minds there is a correspondence between instrumentality of a means and feelings of effort. This correspondence becomes reversed in people's minds during goal pursuit, and they also come to view an object that is associated with feelings of effort rather than ease as more instrumental for goal attainment and consequently more desirable. When an object is not a means to fulfill an accessible goal, or when goals relating to the means are not accessible, subjective feelings of ease improve evaluation, as found in previous research on ease of processing.

Lakoff, G. ( 1987). Women, fire and dangerous things: What categories reveal about the mind. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Lambert, Z. V. ( 1975).

Perceived prices as related to odd and even price endings

Journal of Retailing, 51( 3), 45-56.

DOI:10.2307/3151107      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Despite the importance of odd price endings in retailing, there have been extremely few published studies of the psychological effect of odd prices on consumers. The literature lacks conclusive evidence to show whether or not odd prices are perceived to be lower in dollar-and-cents terms than even prices. The study reported in this article measured monetary perceptions of odd and even prices, followed by a comparative analysis. The results suggested lower price illusions were associated with odd prices under some but not all circumstances.

Lawless, J. L. ( 2004).

Women, war, and winning elections: Gender stereotyping in the post-September 11th era

Political Research Quarterly, 57( 3), 479-490.

DOI:10.1177/106591290405700312      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Madzharov, A. V., & Block, L. G. ( 2010).

Effects of product unit image on consumption of snack foods

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20( 4), 398-409.

DOI:10.1016/j.jcps.2010.06.007      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Across a series of three studies, we demonstrate that the number of product units displayed on a package biases consumers' perceptions of product quantity (i.e., the number of snack items the package contains) and actual consumption. Specifically, we demonstrate that consumers use an anchoring heuristic to infer that packages that display a greater number of product units (e.g., 15 pretzels vs. 3 pretzels) have a higher product quantity inside. Importantly, we demonstrate that actual consumption of the food product follows this anchor judgment. The studies demonstrate that these effects are moderated by level of visual processing and that they are robust even in the presence of verbal information.

Mas-Colell, A., Whinston, M. D., & Green, J. R.( 1995) . Microeconomic theory. New York: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 3]

Monga, A., & Bagchi, R. ( 2012).

Years, months, and days versus 1, 12, and 365: The influence of units versus numbers

Journal of Consumer Research, 39( 1), 185-198.

DOI:10.1086/662039      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Quantitative changes may be conveyed to consumers using small units (e.g., change in delivery time from 7 to 21 days) or large units (1–3 weeks). Numerosity research suggests that changes are magnified by small (vs. large) units because a change from 7 to 21 (vs. 1–3) seems larger. We introduce a reverse effect that we term unitosity: changes are magnified by large (vs. small) units because a change of weeks (vs. days) seems larger. We show that numerosity reverses to unitosity when relative salience shifts from numbers to units (study 1). Then, arguing that numbers (units) represent a low-level (high-level) construal of quantities, we show this reversal when mind-set shifts from concrete to abstract (studies 2–4). These results emerge for several quantities—height of buildings, time of maturity of financial instruments, weight of nutrients, and length of tables—and have significant implications for theory and practice.

Monroe, K. B., & Lee, A. Y. ( 1999).

Remembering versus knowing: Issues in buyers’ processing of price information

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27( 2), 207-225.

DOI:10.1177/0092070399272006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A traditional assumption concerning how prices influence buyers purchasing behaviors has been that buyers know the prices of the products and services that they consider for purchase. However, empirical research during the past four decades repeatedly has discovered that buyers often are not able to remember the prices of items they had recently purchased. One conclusion that has been drawn is that buyers often do not attend to price information in purchase decisions. The authors argue that this conclusion may be incorrect in that what consumers can explicitly remember is not always a good indicator of what they implicitly know. Price information not consciously remembered can still influence internal reference prices and product evaluations. In this article, the authors discuss the conceptual and methodological ramifications of the distinction between remembering and knowing to reassess and refine our understanding of how buyers process and use price information.

Nijs V. R., Srinivasan S., & Pauwels K. ( 2007).

Retail- price drivers and retailer profits

Marketing Science, 26( 4), 473-487.

DOI:10.1287/mksc.1060.0205      URL     [本文引用: 1]

What are the drivers of retailer pricing tactics over time? Based on multivariate time-series analysis of two rich data sets, we quantify the relative importance of competitive retailer prices, pricing history, brand demand, wholesale prices, and retailer category-management considerations as drivers of retail prices. Interestingly, competitive retailer prices account for less than 10% of the over-time variation in retail prices. Instead, pricing history, wholesale price, and brand demand are the main drivers of retail-price variation over time. Moreover, the influence of these price drivers on retailer pricing tactics is linked to retailer category margin. We find that demand-based pricing and category-management considerations are associated with higher retailer margins. In contrast, dependence on pricing history and pricing based on store traffic considerations imply lower retailer margins.

Palmeira, M. M. ( 2011).

The zero-comparison effect

Journal of Consumer Research, 38( 1), 16-26.

DOI:10.1086/657998      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pandelaere M., Briers B., & Lembregts C. ( 2011).

How to make a 29% increase look bigger: The unit effect in option comparisons

Journal of Consumer Research, 38( 2), 308-322.

DOI:10.1086/659000      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pelham B. W., Sumarta T. T., & Myaskovsky L. ( 1994).

The easy path from many to much: The numerosity heuristic

Cognitive Psychology, 26( 2), 103-133.

DOI:10.1006/cogp.1994.1004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

People are especially sensitive to numerosity as a cue for judging quantity or probability. That is, people sometimes judge amount or likelihood on the basis of the number of units into which a stimulus is divided without fully considering other important variables (e.g., the size of the units). People appear to be especially likely to make use of this numerosity heuristic when their cognitive resources are taxed. Consistent with this idea, five experiments showed that people are especially likely to overinfer quantity or probability from numerosity (a) when they are asked to make inherently difficult judgments, (b) when they are asked to render judgments while performing a concurrent task, and (c) when they are forced to make especially rapid judgments

Pena-Marin, J., & Bhargave, R. ( 2016).

Lasting performance: Round numbers activate associations of stability and increase perceived length of product benefits

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26( 3), 410-416.

DOI:10.1016/j.jcps.2015.11.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Raghubir, P., & Krishna, A. ( 1999).

Vital dimensions in volume perception: Can the eye fool the stomach?

Journal of Marketing Research, 36( 3), 313-326.

DOI:10.2307/3152079      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Given the number of volume judgments made by consumers, for example, deciding which package is larger and by how much, it is surprising that little research pertaining to volume perceptions has been done in marketing. In this article, the authors examine the interplay of expectations based on perceptual inputs versus experiences based on sensory input in the context of volume perceptions. Specifically, they examine biases in the perception of volume due to container shape. The height of the container emerges as a vital dimension that consumers appear to use as a simplifying visual heuristic to make a volume judgment. However, perceived consumption, contrary to perceived volume, is related inversely to height. This lowered perceived consumption is hypothesized and shown to increase actual consumption. A series of seven laboratory experiments programmatically test model predictions. Results show that perceived volume, perceived consumption, and actual consumption are related sequentially. Furthermore, the authors show that container shape affects preference, choice, and postconsumption satisfaction. The authors discuss theoretical implications for contrast effects when expectancies are disconfirmed, specifically as they relate to biases in visual information processing, and provide managerial implications of the results for package design, communication, and pricing.

Raghubir, P., & Srivastava, J. ( 2002).

Effect of face value on product valuation in foreign currencies

Journal of Consumer Research, 29( 3), 335-347.

DOI:10.1086/344430      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Schindler, R. M., & Kirby, P. N. ( 1997).

Patterns of rightmost digits used in advertised prices: Implications for nine-ending effects

Journal of Consumer Research, 24( 2), 192-201.

DOI:10.1086/209504      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Analysis of the rightmost digits of selling prices in a sample of retail price advertisements confirmed past findings indicating the overrepresentation of the digits 0, 5, and 9. The high cognitive accessibility of round numbers can account for the overrepresentation of 0‐ and 5‐ending prices and suggests the existence of two effects that could account for the overrepresentation of 9‐ending prices: (1) a tendency of consumers to perceive a 9‐ending price as a round‐number price with a small amount given back and (2) a tendency of consumers to underestimate a 9‐ending price by encoding it as the first round number evoked during incomplete left‐to‐right processing. Analysis of the patterns of rightmost digits observed in the sample provides supportive evidence particularly for the second of these two 9‐ending effects.

Schindler, R., & Yalch, R. F. ( 2006).

It seems factual, but is it? Effects of using sharp versus round numbers in advertising claims

Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 586-590.


Abstract This paper compares sharp versus round numbers in advertising claims. Round numbers have a salient conceptual basis (e.g., 10 years are a decade). Sharp numbers do not (e.g., 11 years). Estimates tend to be expressed with round numbers. An experiment is described that examines whether consumers make the false assumption that claims using sharp numbers are less likely to be estimates (i.e., are more factual) than those using round numbers and, if so, whether this makes sharp-number claims more believable. The results demonstrate that such assumptions do occur, even for those consumers considered to be advertising skeptics.

Schwarz, N. ( 2004).

Metacognitive experiences in consumer judgment and decision making

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14( 4), 332-348.

DOI:10.1207/s15327663jcp1404_2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Human reasoning is accompanied by metacognitive experiences, most notably the ease or difficulty of recall and thought generation and the fluency with which new information can be processed. These experiences are informative in their own right. They can serve as a basis of judgment in addition to, or at the expense of, declarative information and can qualify the conclusions drawn from recalled content. What exactly people conclude from a given metacognitive experience depends on the naive theory of mental processes they bring to bear, rendering the outcomes highly variable. The obtained judgments cannot be predicted on the basis of accessible declarative information alone; we cannot understand human judgment without taking into account the interplay of declarative and experiential information.

Spence J. T., Helmreich R. L., & Holahan C. K. ( 1979).

Negative and positive components of psychological masculinity and femininity and their relationships to self-reports of neurotic and acting out behaviors

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37( 10), 1673-1682.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.37.10.1673      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stiving, M., & Winer, R. S. ( 1997).

An empirical analysis of price endings with scanner data

Journal of Consumer Research, 24( 1), 57-67.

DOI:10.1086/209493      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Several consumer behavior theories have been offered to explain the preponderance of prices that end in the digit 9. This study attempts to incorporate these proposed behaviors into the implicit utility function of consumer choice models, resulting in both a more accurate tool for managerial decision making and additional insights into how consumers actually behave toward price endings. An attempt is made to compensate for both level effects (those effects in which consumers may underestimate the value of a price) and image effects (those effects in which consumers may infer meaning from the right and digits). The models are estimated using scanner panel data for two frequently purchased products, tuna and yogurt. The results support the importance of accounting for the digits in consumer choice models, providing evidence for both image effects and level effects.

Thomas, M., & Morwitz, V. G. ( 2005).

Penny wise and pound foolish: The left-digit effect in price cognition

Journal of Consumer Research, 32( 1), 54-64.

DOI:10.1086/jcr.2005.32.issue-1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Thomas M., Simon D. H., & Kadiyali V. ( 2010).

The price precision effect: Evidence from laboratory and market data

Marketing Science, 29( 1), 175-190.

DOI:10.1287/mksc.1090.0512      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We examine two questions: Does the roundness or precision of prices bias magnitude judgments? If so, do these biased judgments affect buyer behavior? Results from five studies suggest that buyers underestimate the magnitudes of precise prices. We term this the precision effect. The first three studies are laboratory experiments designed to test the existence of the precision effect and examine the underlying psychological processes. In Study 1, we find that precise prices are judged to be smaller than round prices of similar magnitudes. For example, participants in this experiment incorrectly judged $395,425 to be smaller than $395,000. In Study 2, we show that precision is more likely to affect magnitude judgments under conditions of uncertainty. Study 3 demonstrates that manipulating prior experience with the pattern of roundness and precision in numbers can moderate the precision effect. Studies 4 and 5 examine whether the precision effect influences buyers' willingness to pay for negotiated purchases (e.g., houses). In Study 4, we conduct an experiment on a nationally representative sample of homeowners to demonstrate that participants are willing to pay more for houses when the sellers use precise (e.g., $364,578) instead of comparable round (e.g., $365,000) prices. In Study 5, we analyze data from residential real estate transactions in two separate markets and find that buyers pay higher sale prices when list prices are more precise. These empirical results enrich our understanding of the psychological processes that underlie price magnitude judgments and have substantive implications for buyer and seller behavior.

Trope, Y., & Liberman, N. ( 2010).

Construal level theory of psychological distance

Psychological Review, 117( 2), 440-463.

DOI:10.1037/a0018963      URL     PMID:3152826      [本文引用: 1]

People are capable of thinking about the future, the past, remote locations, another person's perspective, and counterfactual alternatives. Without denying the uniqueness of each process, it is proposed that they constitute different forms of traversing psychological distance. Psychological distance is egocentric: Its reference point is the self in the here and now, and the different ways in which an object might be removed from that point-in time, in space, in social distance, and in hypotheticality-constitute different distance dimensions. Transcending the self in the here and now entails mental construal, and the farther removed an object is from direct experience, the higher (more abstract) the level of construal of that object. Supporting this analysis, research shows (a) that the various distances are cognitively related to each other, (b) that they similarly influence and are influenced by level of mental construal, and (c) that they similarly affect prediction, preference, and action.

Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. ( 1973).

Availability: A heuristic for judging frequency and probability

Cognitive Psychology, 5( 2), 207-232.

DOI:10.1016/0010-0285(73)90033-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. ( 1974).

Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases

Science, 185( 4157), 1124-1131.

DOI:10.1126/science.185.4157.1124      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wadhwa, M., & Zhang, K. J. ( 2015).

This number just feels right: The impact of roundedness of price numbers on product evaluations

Journal of Consumer Research, 41( 5), 1172-1185.

DOI:10.1086/678484      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wansink B., Kent R. J., & Hoch S. J. ( 1998).

An anchoring and adjustment model of purchase quantity decisions

Journal of Marketing Research, 35( 1), 71-81.

DOI:10.2307/3151931      URL     [本文引用: 2]

How do consumers decide how many units to buy? Whereas prior research on individual consumers' purchases has focused primarily on purchase incidence and brand choice, the authors focus on the psychological process behind the purchase quantity decision. The authors propose that a simple anchoring and adjustment model describes how consumers make purchase quantity decisions and suggests how point-of-purchase promotions can increase sales. Two field experiments and two lab studies show that anchor-based promotions-presented as multiple-unit prices, purchase quantity limits, and suggestive selling-can increase purchase quantities. The final study shows that consumers who retrieve internal anchors can counter these anchor-based promotions effectively. Firms might receive net benefits from anchor-based promotions depending on whether increases in unit sales reflect increased category consumption, brand switching, variety switching, store switching, or stockpiling.

Wilkie, J. E. B., & Bodenhausen, G. V. ( 2015).

The numerology of gender: Gendered perceptions of even and odd numbers

Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 810.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00810      URL     PMID:4462645      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Do numbers have gender? Wilkie and Bodenhausen (2012) examined this issue in a series of experiments on perceived gender. They examined the perceived gender of baby faces and foreign names. Arbitrary numbers presented with these faces and names influenced their perceived gender. Specifically, odd numbers connoted masculinity, while even numbers connoted femininity. In two new studies (total N = 315), we further examined the gendering of numbers. The first study examined explicit ratings of 1-digit numbers. We confirmed that odd numbers seemed masculine while even numbers seemed feminine. Although both men and women showed this pattern, it was more pronounced among women. We also examined whether this pattern holds for automatic as well as deliberated reactions. Results of an Implicit Association Test showed that it did, but only among the women. The implicit and explicit patterns of numerical gender ascription were moderately correlated. The second study examined explicit perceptions of 2-digit numbers. Again, women viewed odd numbers as more masculine and less feminine than even numbers. However, men viewed 2-digit numbers as relatively masculine, regardless of whether they were even or odd. These results indicate that women and men impute gender to numbers in different ways and to different extents. We discuss possible implications for understanding how people relate to and are influenced by numbers in a variety of real-life contexts.

Xie, G. X., & Kronrod, A. ( 2012).

Is the devil in the details?

Journal of Advertising, 41( 4), 103-117.

DOI:10.1080/00913367.2012.10672460      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Yan, D. F. ( 2016).

Numbers are gendered: The role of numerical precision

Journal of Consumer Research, 43( 2), 303-316.

DOI:10.1093/jcr/ucw020      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Marketing communications often contain numerical information that can be expressed more or less precisely. Earlier research has identified a number of ways in which consumers respond differently to precise versus round numbers. The current research attempts to enrich this literature by introducing a new theoretical perspective. Drawing on recent findings in the numerical cognition literature, this work proposes that individuals project gendered meanings to precise versus round numbers, with precise numbers seen as more masculine relative to round ones. Seven studies provided convergent evidence for this proposition and demonstrated its marketing implications. Studies 1, 2, and 3, employing various approaches, show that participants do subscribe to this precision-masculinity intuition, at both implicit and explicit levels. Study 4 suppresses this effect by priming participants with examples where precision is connected to femininity. Building on these findings, subsequent studies demonstrate that marketing communications using precise (round) numbers lead to more favorable evaluations when the products or attributes are positioned as masculine (feminine).

Zaltman, G., & Coulter, R. H. ( 1995).

Seeing the voice of the customer: Metaphor-based advertising research

Journal of Advertising Research, 35( 4), 35-51.

DOI:10.1016/0165-4101(94)00377-H      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Seven basic premises for improving traditional quantitative and qualitative advertising research techniques are proposed. It is proposed that most communication is nonverbal, thoughts occur as images, metaphors are vital components of thought, the senses generate important metaphors , consumer behavior and knowledge are embodied in mental models, deep structures of thought can be brought to the surface, and emotion and reason co-mingle. Aside from these premises, the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) is also introduced. ZMET is an approach for understanding consumers' mental models that influence their thinking and behavior relating to such issues as brands, products, product usage, brand equity, and purchase designs and concepts. This technique has been proven to generate results consistent with the outcomes of other advertising research methods, as well as deeper insights not provided by traditional methods.

Zhang, Y. C., & Schwarz, N. ( 2012).

How and why 1 year differs from 365 days: A conversational logic analysis of inferences from the granularity of quantitative expressions

Journal of Consumer Research, 39( 2), 248-259.

DOI:10.1086/662612      URL     [本文引用: 2]


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