ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1264-1271 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01264



王祯, 杨丽娴,

福建师范大学心理学院, 福州 350100

Stereotype lift and stereotype boost

WANG Zhen, YANG Lixian,

School of Psychology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350100, China

通讯作者: 杨丽娴,

收稿日期: 2017-08-14   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: 全国教育科学“十二五”规划教育部青年课题(EBA130365)

Received: 2017-08-14   Online: 2018-07-15

Fund supported: (EBA130365)


刻板印象提升指个体意识到外群体具有消极刻板印象, 而产生与受诋毁的外群体向下的社会比较, 以提高个体自我效能感和动机, 进而提高表现; 刻板印象促进是积极刻板印象被激活后的积极结果, 指当个体处在他们的积极刻板印象身份被激活的情境中, 表现上升的一种现象。在刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进概念论述的基础上, 重点探讨了调节变量和结果影响这两种联系, 并从相关概念、被试要求和心理机制这三方面论述了这两者的区别。最后, 指出未来研究应加强对二者的关注, 消除其在概念上的混淆, 开展相关心理与神经机制的研究, 以及结合刻板印象阻抗进行探讨。

关键词: 刻板印象提升; 消极刻板印象; 刻板印象促进; 积极刻板印象


Stereotype lift means that the individuals who are aware of negative stereotype of outgroups can elevate self-efficacy and motivation after comparison with the denigrated outgroups, resulting in improving performance. While stereotype boost is the positive result of activation of positive stereotype, which refers to performance improvement of individuals in situations when their positive stereotype identities are activated. This paper is mainly focused on the relationships between moderators and results based on stereotype lift and stereotype boost. Meanwhile, their distinctions are discussed in terms of related concepts, the requirements of participants and psychological mechanisms. Finally, our paper points out that the further research in the future would pay more attention to these two concepts, and be attempt to eliminate the confusion of them. Also their psychological mechanisms and neural mechanisms would be further studied as well as combination with stereotype reactance to explore.

Keywords: stereotype lift; negative stereotype; stereotype boost; positive stereotype

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王祯, 杨丽娴. 刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1264-1271 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01264

WANG Zhen, YANG Lixian. Stereotype lift and stereotype boost. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(7): 1264-1271 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01264

1 引言

刻板印象威胁(stereotype threat)指当个体处于一种验证自己所属群体消极刻板印象的风险时, 因担心自己会验证这种消极刻板印象, 而表现下降的一种现象(Steele & Aronson, 1995)。该概念最开始是Steele和Aronson (1995)用于解释美国黑人学生相比于美国白人学生在标准化测试上表现较差的原因。此后, 该领域的研究层出不穷(Beasley & Fischer, 2012; Bowen, Wegmann, & Webber, 2013; Joanisse, Gagnon, & Voloaca, 2013; Mazerolle, Régner, Morisset, Rigalleau, & Huguet, 2012; Shapiro & Williams, 2012; Spencer, Logel, & Davies, 2016)。截止2005年, 有关刻板印象威胁的实证研究已有300多篇(Davies, Spencer, & Steele, 2005), 2012年时, 仅Psycinfo上搜索刻板印象威胁的关键词, 已达376篇相关文献(Chalabaev, Sarrazin, & Brisswalter, 2013)。究其原因刻板印象威胁属于消极刻板印 象, 不仅会干扰个体的认知加工, 使其表现下降(Régner et al., 2010), 更甚会导致个体对该领域的解离(disengagement)和否定认同(disidentification)等(Steele, Spencer, & Aronson, 2002)。为此, 大量研究对刻板印象威胁进行了探讨, 其最终目的是提出相应的干预措施, 以减少刻板印象威胁对个体的不良影响。

既然刻板印象威胁是从刻板印象群体的角度来论述消极刻板印象, 那么从非刻板印象群体 的角度来阐述消极刻板印象又是怎样的呢?为此, Walton和Cohen (2003)提出了刻板印象提升(stereotype lift), 即个体意识到外群体具有消极刻板印象, 而这种意识会产生与受诋毁外群体向下的社会比较, 以提高自我效能感和动机, 最终提高表现。然而, 相比于刻板印象威胁, 同为消极刻板印象的刻板印象提升的相关研究却鲜少。截止2012年, 在Psycinfo上搜寻有关刻板印象提升的相关研究仅6篇(Chalabaev et al., 2013)。导致这种失衡现象的原因之一是刻板印象提升与另一个概念刻板印象促进(stereotype boost)存在相似之处, 易令人混淆。所谓刻板印象促进, 指个体的积极刻板印象身份被激活后, 其行为表现得以提高的一种现象(Shih, Pittinsky, & Ambady, 1999)。赵守良(2010)在探究积极刻板印象下任务难度和领域认同对个体表现的影响时, 就将刻板印象促进与刻板印象提升误认为一个概念。此外, 还有很多研究也存在类似的混淆现象(Krendl, Gainsburg, & Ambady, 2012; Swift, Abrams, & Marques, 2013)。

因而对刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的对比分析尤为重要。相比于单一论述其中某一个概念, 将这两者进行对比分析, 更有助于加深对刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的理解, 进而提高研究者对这两者的探讨力度。此外, 以往研究大都是从刻板印象威胁与刻板印象促进这两者出发, 探讨消极刻板印象与积极刻板印象。而刻板印象提升和刻板印象威胁一样, 同属于消极刻板印象范畴, 并且易与积极范畴的刻板印象促进混淆。因此, 通过探讨刻板印象提升和刻板印象促进的联系与区别对于继续研究消极刻板印象和积极刻板印象具有扩展作用。基于此, 本文拟从刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的概念出发, 重点探讨这两者之间联系与区别。一方面旨在将以往文献中与这两者有关的研究进行一个系统梳理, 加深对刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的理解, 降低这两者混淆不清的可能; 另一方面, 为相关领域研究者在日后积极探索刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进提供一条全新的思路, 以进一步促进消极刻板印象与积极刻板印象的研究。

2 相关概念

2.1 刻板印象提升

因为以往众多研究都只是关注消极刻板印象对刻板印象目标群体的不良影响, 而忽略了在该情境中非刻板印象目标群体。为此, Walton和Cohen (2003)通过元分析发现, 相比于非诊断性测试情境中(控制组)男性被试的数学成绩, 在诊断性测试情境中(刻板印象威胁组)男性被试的数学测试成绩会更高(由于女性被刻板地认为不擅长数学, 因此其在数学测试情境中为刻板印象目标群体; 而男性被刻板地认为擅长数学, 因此其在该情境中为非刻板印象目标群体)。这种非刻板印象目标群体意识到外群体(即刻板印象目标群体)具有消极刻板印象, 而导致其表现提高的一种现象, 即为刻板印象提升。也就是说, 当外群体的能力或价值遭到明显的怀疑时, 个体会受益于刻板印象提升。

2.2 刻板印象促进

Levy (1996)发现激活与老年人有关的消极词(如年老、痴呆), 会使老年人的记忆能力下降(有威胁情境); 而激活与其有关的积极词(如聪慧、经验丰富), 则会使老年人的记忆能力上升(无威胁情境)。针对这种现象, Shih等人(1999)认为可以通过激活个体积极刻板印象来促进他们在任务上的表现, 于是提出了刻板印象表现促进(stereotype performance boosts)的概念。实验通过分别启动亚洲女性的种族和性别身份得以实现, 结果发现启动种族身份的被试(亚洲人在数学方面的能力较强的积极刻板印象)在数学测试上的得分会显著高于启动性别身份的被试(女性在数学方面的能力较差的消极刻板印象)。为进一步完善刻板印象表现促进, Shih, Pittinsky和Ho (2012)提出了刻板印象促进的概念, 他们认为刻板印象促进是指当个体处在其积极刻板印象身份被激活的情境中表现上升的一种现象。换句话说, 刻板印象促进是积极刻板印象被激活后的积极结果。

3 联系与区别

3.1 刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的联系

刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进之所以易令人混淆, 是因为这两者存在一些相似之处, 比如有相似的调节变量和结果影响。

3.1.1 调节变量

刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进存在相同的调节变量:认同(identification)。Walton和Cohen (2003)在研究中提到, 认同主试所测问题的被试相比于不认同的被试, 其刻板印象提升效应更大。在此基础上, 有研究进一步对刻板印象提升的调节变量进行梳理, 并再次证明了认同对刻板印象提升的调节作用(Marx & Stapel, 2006)。此外, 该研究还发现对某一群体的认同水平会影响产生刻板印象提升所需“推动力(pushing)”的数量。即如果男性已经对他们的性别群体非常认同, 那么只需要一个轻微的社会自我提示, 就能产生刻板印象 提升; 而当他们对自己的性别群体认同较弱时, 则需要更多的社会自我提示才能引发刻板印象 提升。

与此相同, 很多研究发现在刻板印象促进的调节变量中, 也存在认同这个调节变量。赵守良(2010)分别在实验1和实验2中探讨了领域认同对男性数学成绩和女性言语能力的影响。结果发现, 无论是对男性数学成绩还是对女性言语能力的影响, 高领域认同个体的成绩都显著高于低领域认同个体的成绩。但也有研究显示较强的领域认同并不能导致刻板印象促进(Smith & Johnson, 2006)。此外, Gibson, Losee和Vitiello (2014)以及Moon和Roeder (2014)在对Shih等人(1999)的刻板印象促进实验进行重复性证明的同时, 也探讨了领域认同的影响, 结果仍否定了领域认同对刻板印象促进的调节作用。而这种争议性的结果可能是因为当前研究者对刻板印象促进的理解还不够深 入, 很多必要条件也还没完全掌握(Gibson et al., 2014)。

虽然刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进各自还存在其它的调节变量, 但在领域认同这一调节变量上两者是一致的。即都认为被试对主试所测问 题越认同, 刻板印象提升效应和促进效应就会 越强。

3.1.2 结果影响

刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进对个体表现的影响是相同的, 即都会使个体在任务上的表现提高。除了Walton和Cohen (2003)通过元分析发现刻板印象提升能提高非刻板印象群体的表现外, 还有很多研究以普通男女为被试证明了刻板印象提升对个体表现的促进作用(Chalabaev et al., 2013; Franceschini, Galli, Chiesi, & Primi, 2014; Marx & Stapel, 2006)。而Cotner和Burkley (2013)将注意集中在了同性恋群体上, 发现同性恋群体相比于非同性恋群体在时尚方面的优越性主要受刻板印象提升的影响。

刻板印象促进的研究方面, Gaither, Remedios, Schultz和Sommers (2015)发现当启动黑白混血被试的白人身份后, 其在测试上的表现会更好; 而启动被试的黑人身份后, 他们在测试上的表现会更差。这说明白人身份的启动对黑白混血个体具有刻板印象促进效应。此外, 还有很多研究也证明了刻板印象促进会使个体的表现提高(Gibson et al., 2014; Shih et al., 1999, 2012; Shih, Ambady, Richeson, Fujita, & Gray, 2002; Shih, Pittinsky, & Trahan, 2006)。虽然刻板印象促进作为积极刻板印象对个体的表现具有促进作用, 但也有研究显示这种积极刻板印象在一定条件下, 也会导致个体的表现下降。比如, Krendl等人(2012)发现大多数与积极刻板印象有关的研究, 都是在无群众压力的条件下予以探讨的, 而现实情况是很多个体在实际表现时会受到来自周围人群的期望和关注, 而这种期望和关注对个体来说可能是一种压力。因此, Krendl等人探讨了在群众压力(observer pressure)条件下被试的表现。最后发现积极刻板印象虽然能促进个体的运动表现, 但前提是需要在无群众压力的条件下; 当存在群众压力时, 积极刻板印象反而会损害个体的运动表现。这种积极刻板印象反过来损害个体表现的现象即为压力窒息效应(choking under pressure)。不仅如此, Cheryan和Bodenhausen (2000)也发现在完成困难的数学测试前, 提示被试的亚洲身份, 其在测试上的表现下降了, 这其中一种可能的解释就是上述提到的压力窒息效应。一系列的研究发现在一定程度上说明了刻板印象促进效应具有前提条件, 也让很多研究者开始关注刻板印象中的窒息效应(Tagler, 2012)。

总之, 刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进在结果上的相似性是其容易混淆的最主要原因。也正因如此, 有些研究在实验最后, 会通过论述刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的相关概念, 以证实其实验所得结果为刻板印象提升(Chalabaev, Stone, Sarrazin, & Croizet, 2008)或刻板印象促进(Gaither et al., 2015)。

3.2 刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的区别

尽管刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进很相似, 尤其是在对个体表现的提高作用上。但这两者在概念、被试要求以及心理机制等方面还是存在明显的区别。

3.2.1 相关概念

刻板印象提升属于消极刻板印象领域(Walton & Cohen, 2003)。而这种消极刻板印象不同于刻板印象威胁(关注的是消极刻板印象影响下的刻板印象群体), 它不是对个体自我群体的积极刻板印象的激活, 而是对另一个群体的消极刻板印象的激活, 即消极外群体刻板印象(negative outgroup stereotype)。比如, 强调被试的女性身份(女性被刻板地认为数学成绩很差)会使男性被试在数学测试上的表现上升。相反, 刻板印象促进所导致的个体表现上升是由于对积极内群体刻板印象(positive ingroup stereotype)的激活。比如, 激活亚裔美国女性的亚洲身份(亚洲人被刻板地认为数学成绩很好)会使其数学测试成绩提高。也就是说刻板印象促进属于积极刻板印象领域。简而言之, 刻板印象提升关注的是非刻板印象群体, 而刻板印象促进关注的是积极刻板印象群体。虽然这两个概念之间的区别得到了很多研究者的阐述(Chalabaev et al., 2013; Seunanden, 2011; Shih et al., 2012), 但仍有研究将其错误地视为一个概念(赵守良, 2010; Krendl et al., 2012; Swift et al., 2013)。

3.2.2 被试要求

因为刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进在概念上的指向性不同, 所以这两个领域所要求的被试条件也就存在差异, 而这种差异也是区分刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进最关键的一点。刻板印象提升是对外群体刻板印象的激活, 对被试无特殊要求。在一定程度上可以看作是刻板印象威胁的另一面(Johnson, Barnard-Brak, Saxon, & Johnson, 2012):对某个群体存在消极刻板印象时, 受消极刻板印象的群体(目标群体)表现会下降, 即刻板印象威胁; 而非消极刻板印象群体(非目标群体)的表现会上升, 即刻板印象提升。比如, Marx和Stapel (2006)在研究中挑选出一些男性被试和女性被试来完成一项数学测试, 在测试的首页需要填写性别。实验结果发现相比于控制组(即不填写性别的被试), 女性在数学测试上的表现下降(刻板印象威胁), 而男性在数学测上的表现上升(刻板印象提升)。除了以男女被试来探讨性别刻板印象提升外, 也有研究将这种提升效应扩展到了种族刻板印象。以土耳其学生(被刻板地认为智力低)和德国学生(被刻板地认为智力高)为被试, 让他们完成一个被描述为对言语智力具有诊断作用的测试。结果发现土耳其学生在测试上的表现下降, 而德国学生的表现上升, 即刻板印象提升效应(Froehlich, Martiny, Deaux, Goetz, & Mok, 2016)。

而刻板印象促进是对积极内群体刻板印象的激活, 因而对该领域研究所需被试必须是单一且具有特殊身份的被试。一方面, 这类身份可以是具有积极属性和消极属性的单一身份。如Levy (1996)通过激活与老年人有关的不同效价的词汇, 发现积极刻板印象词(即积极属性词)与消极刻板印象词(即消极属性词)对其工作记忆的影响存在显著差异。另一方面, 这类身份也可以是具有积极刻板印象与消极刻板印象的双重身份(double identities)。比如, 为进一步验证刻板印象促进的相关结论, Shih等人(2006)通过启动亚裔美国女性的种族身份和性别身份来考察刻板印象对其言语技能的影响。结果发现启动性别身份的被试(女性身份在言语测试上具有积极刻板印象)在语言测试上的成绩显著高于启动种族身份的被试(亚洲身份在语言测试上具有消极刻板印象)。简而言之, 相比于刻板印象促进所需特殊身份的单一被试, 刻板印象提升则需要单一身份的两类被试。

3.2.3 心理机制

Walton和Cohen (2003)提出刻板印象提升是因为个体意识到外群体具有消极刻板印象, 而正是这种意识会使其与受诋毁的刻板印象外群体作比较, 进而提高其自我效能感(self-efficacy)和动机(motivation), 最后提高表现。但因为这两种潜在机制并没有得到相关的实证研究, 为此Chalabaev等人(2013)在研究中将动机定义为努力(effort), 即个体所使用的大量精力和注意资源。实验1用心率(Heart Rate, HR)测试法与自我报告法相结合探讨了男女在平衡任务上的表现, 结果发现当消极外群体刻板印象显著与个体表现相联时, 实验组比控制组的表现会更好, 即刻板印象提升效应, 而努力是其主要机制。为了进一步探索刻板印象提升的机制, 研究者又开展了第二个实验, 用心率变异(Heart Rate Variability, HRV)测试法与开放式问题相结合, 同样考察了男女在平衡任务上的表现, 其结果与实验1相一致, 即出现了刻板印象提升效应, 而自信(self-confidence)和能量调动(energy mobilization)是其主要机制。此外, 也有研究通过运动任务探讨了在刻板印象威胁和刻板提升效应中, 躯体焦虑(somatic anxiety)和认知焦虑(cognitive anxiety)的中介作用(Laurin, 2013)。

而对于刻板印象促进的心理机制, 一些研究认为该现象源于“观念运动加工” (ideomotor process), 即一个行为表征的激活会引发个体从事同样行为的倾向(Dijksterhuis & Bargh, 2001; Wheeler & Petty, 2001)。根据这一理论, 如果刻板印象被激活后, 刻板印象中所包含的某些行为将会自动启动(赵守良, 2010)。比如, 对“年老、痴呆”这些消极词的激活, 会使老年人的记忆能力下降, 而激活“聪慧、经验丰富”等积极词, 会使老年人的记忆力上升。Armenta (2010)结合了Dijksterhuis等人和Wheeler等人对观念运动的解释, 提出观念运动是即使在无意识层面上, 少量的行动想法也会增加个体从事这种行动的倾向。而对于刻板印象促进而言, 观念运动加工理论认为是刻板印象促进激活了其相应的积极概念, 从而使个体的表现有促进现象。即刻板印象促进先是激活一些关联特征, 这些关联特征又反过来激活更具体的行为表征, 最后这些行为表征再激活运动程序以解释实际的行为。此外, 也有研究者提出刻板 印象促进的机制还包含了焦虑的降低(reducing anxiety)和神经加工的效率增加(increasing efficiency in neural processing)等(Shih et al., 2012)。

值得注意的是, 有研究发现不仅是刻板印象提升能提高个体的自我效能感, 刻板印象促进也能提高自我效能感(Swift et al., 2013)。既然如此, 自我效能感为何仅作为刻板印象提升的心理机制?这可能是因为相比于通过启动积极刻板印象身份而提高自我效能感的刻板印象促进(Shih et al., 1999, 2002, 2012), 刻板印象提升是通过呈现外群体的消极刻板印象, 可能会引发非刻板印象群体较强的社会比较, 进而自我效能感或自我价值感会更高; 相反, 自我怀疑感、焦虑感以及被拒恐惧感会更低, 最终提高非刻板印象群体的表现(Seunanden, 2011; Walton & Cohen, 2003)。基于此, 可能是因为刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的自我效能感提高方式不同, 进而导致机制的差异。

4 总结与展望

刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进都会对个体的表现起到提高作用, 所以使得很多研究者对这两个概念存在混淆, 导致误用。因此, 对刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的讨论具有重要的积极意义, 不仅可以丰富该领域的研究, 同时也能扩展对该领域的认知, 为干预刻板印象威胁提供新思路。

第一, 提高对刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的关注度。刻板印象促进与刻板印象提升从该概念的提出至今已有10几年, 相关研究却寥寥可数。但刻板印象威胁和刻板印象促进在研究地位上是平等的(Shih et al., 2012), 这就意味着刻板印象促进与刻板印象威胁理应享有同等的的关注。此外, Walton和Cohen (2003)也提到对刻板印象提升的研究至少存在4个重要的影响:(1)能提高在严格避免提及种族或性别的评估测试上个体的智力成就; (2)只要每个群体比刻板印象外群体有更高的地位, 刻板印象提升就能提高很多社会群体而不只是一个群体的表现; (3)刻板印象提升间接显示内群体的优势, 而不是直接显示, 这样也就不会产生对个体表现削弱的现象, 因为这种现象有时是由于对积极内群体刻板印象的直接实施而产生的(Cheryan & Bodenhausen, 2000); (4)虽然刻板印象提升的效应在很多已知测试上较为微弱, 但当这种效应在一个庞大的参与者群体中聚集或当单个个体有大量的表现机会时, 对非刻板印象的影响将会很显著。基于此, 未来研究应该将重点放在刻板印象提升及刻板印象促进上, 加大对这两个领域的探讨, 一方面可以加深对这两个概念的理解, 使日后研究不易混淆; 另一方面也能进一步促进消极刻板印象与积极刻板印象的研究。

第二, 消除刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的概念混淆。刻板印象提升方面, 最大的问题是有研究者将其定义为积极刻板印象(Krendl et al., 2012; Marx & Stapel, 2006), 但根据Walton和Cohen (2003)对刻板印象提升的定义, 该领域应该属于消极刻板印象, 只是在消极刻板印象中刻板印象威胁关注的是刻板印象群体, 而刻板印象提升关注的是非刻板印象群体。这一点Seunanden (2011)在对刻板印象威胁冲突的影响研究中也有提及。至于刻板印象促进方面, 正如管健和柴民权(2011)在对刻板印象威胁的描述中, 虽然结合的是Shih等人于2002年的实证研究, 却将刻板印象的积极效应定义为刻板印象威胁的促进效应(stereotype threat boost effects), 这一点在张宝山、袁菲和徐靓鸽(2014的研究中也有提及; 但Shih等人(1999, 2002, 2006, 2012)却将这个具有积极效应的概念定义为刻板印象促进。这也就意味着国内一些研究者认为这种积极效应是基于刻板印象威胁, 而刻板印象促进的概念本身是基于刻板印象。因此, 可以看出研究者对刻板印象促进的理解仍存在偏差。此外, 正如上述而言, 还有研究将刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进当作同一个概念使用。比如Cheryan和Bodenhausen (2000)认为刻板印象促进即为刻板印象提升, 是促使个体表现上升的一种现象。更甚, 很多研究者是通过单一的两类被试进行实验, 却将实验结果解释为刻板印象促进, 而非刻板印象提升(Armenta, 2010; Swift et al., 2013)。因此, 未来研究应该在明确刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进之间存在明显区别的基础上, 加大对这二者的探讨, 以更好的利用积极刻板印象, 干预刻板印象威胁。

第三, 进一步加强刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进心理机制的研究。相比于刻板印象威胁的心理机制, 比如焦虑、唤醒、低预期、降低工作记忆量和减少努力与多注意、过分努力等(阮小林, 张庆林, 杜秀敏, 崔茜, 2009; Lin, 2014), 研究者对刻板印象促进与刻板印象提升的心理机制探讨还不够深入, 甚至对刻板印象促进的个别心理机制还存在争议。比如, Shih等人(2012)认为焦虑是刻板印象促进的心理机制, 而Swift等人(2013)在对刻板印象威胁与刻板印象促进的机制进行分析时提到, 焦虑是刻板印象威胁的重要中介变量, 但是否是刻板印象促进的中介变量暂不清楚。而心理机制是个体心理内在的一种工作方式, 包括构成心理结构成分之间的相互关系和发展变化, 以及这其间所包含的生理变化和相互联系。通过对心理现象内在机制的探讨, 不仅可以深入了解心理现象产生的原因, 同时也可以通过这些内在的心理机制, 探索出有利于心理现象发展的相应条件。当前, 对刻板印象威胁的心理机制已然较为明确, 而对刻板印象促进与刻板印象提升的心理机制还存在较大的探索空间。未来研究应该积极探索刻板印象促进与刻板印象提升的心理机 制, 从而使人们更加了解刻板印象促进与刻板印象提升。

第四, 探索刻板印象提升与刻板印象促进的认知神经机制。刻板印象提升和刻板印象促进与刻板印象威胁一样, 是很复杂的社会心理现象, 对其研究不仅仅要掌握概念、影响因素等表层信息, 更应该对其表层信息背后所蕴藏的认知生理层面的信息进行深究。而随着生物科学技术的不断提高和认知神经学科的不断发展, 研究者可以利用功能性核磁共振、事件相关电位和近红外等技术揭示众多心理现象的脑机制。比如, 在刻板印象威胁领域, Krendl, Richeson, Kelley和Heatherton (2008)利用fMRI以及Derks, Inzlicht和Kang (2008)利用EEG和ERPs进行实验, 证明了在刻板印象威胁效应中涉及了监控过程(monitoring processes)和想法抑制(thought suppression)。因此, 未来研究应该考虑将这些技术与刻板印象提升及刻板印象促进相结合, 以更加科学地揭示刻板印象提升及刻板印象促进的神经机制。

第五, 探讨刻板印象提升、刻板印象促进与刻板印象阻抗(stereotype reactance)的关系。近年来有很多研究对刻板印象阻抗进行了探讨, 该概念是基于心理阻抗理论(psychological reactance theory)提出, 即当个体感到其自由受到威胁时, 他们会比没有受到威胁时更强有力地宣称自己的自由(Ruback & Juieng, 1997)。比如, 当一个人在停车场准备驾车驶出车位时, 知道有人在后面等他, 他就会比没人等待时更加缓慢的将车驶出车位。基于此, Kray, Thompson和Galinsky (2001)将刻板印象阻抗定义为一种表现出和刻板印象非一致的行为倾向。简而言之, 在某些研究中, 个体在本应受刻板印象威胁的任务上并未表现下降, 甚至出现上升情况。比如, Hausmann (2014)在研究性别刻板印象对个体在STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)和人文学科上的影响中发现男性在人文学科方面的表现竟然上升了(男性被刻板地认为在人文学科方面的能力较差, 因而本应该在刻板印象威胁的影响下表现下降), 即刻板印象阻抗效应。由此可见, 刻板印象阻抗和刻板印象提升及刻板印象促进都会使个体的表现上升。为了使这三者的概念不易混淆, 未来研究应该也将该理论纳入刻板印象提升及刻板印象促进, 共同探讨。


管健, 柴民权 . ( 2011).

刻板印象威胁: 新议题与新争议

心理科学进展, 19( 12), 1842-1850.

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阮小林, 张庆林, 杜秀敏, 崔茜 . ( 2009).


心理科学进展, 17( 4), 836-844.

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张宝山, 袁菲, 徐靓鸽 . ( 2014).

刻板印象威胁效应的消除: 干预策略及其展望

心理科学, 37( 1), 197-204.

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赵守良 . ( 2010). 正性刻板印象下任务难度和领域认同对绩效的影响 (硕士学位论文). 西南大学, 重庆.

[本文引用: 4]

Armenta, B. E . ( 2010).

Stereotype boost and stereotype threat effects: The moderating role of ethnic identification

Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16( 1), 94-98.

DOI:10.1037/a0017564      URL     PMID:20099969      [本文引用: 2]

Belonging to a stereotyped social group can affect performance in stereotype-relevant situations, often shifting performance in the direction of the stereotype. This effect occurs similarly for members of positively and negatively stereotyped groups (i.e., stereotype boost and stereotype threat, respectively). This study examined ethnic group identification as a moderator of these effects in the math performance of Asian Americans and Latinos, who are positively and negatively stereotyped in this domain, respectively. Results showed that high ethnically identified Asian Americans performed better and high ethnically identified Latinos performed worse when an ethnicity-ethnic stereotype cue was present. The performance of low ethnically identified Asian Americans and Latinos was not affected by this cue.

Beasley, M. A., & Fischer, M. J . ( 2012).

Why they leave: The impact of stereotype threat on the attrition of women and minorities from science, math and engineering majors

Social Psychology of Education, 15( 4), 427-448.

DOI:10.1007/s11218-012-9185-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper examines the effects of group performance anxiety on the attrition of women and minorities from science, math, and engineering majors. While past research has relied primarily on the academic deficits and lower socioeconomic status of women and minorities to explain their absence from these fields, we focus on the impact of stereotype threat he anxiety caused by the expectation of being judged based on a negative group stereotype. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen, our findings indicate that minorities experience stereotype threat more strongly than whites, although women do not suffer from stereotype threat more than men. Our findings also reveal that stereotype threat has a significant positive effect on the likelihood of women, minorities, and surprisingly, white men leaving science, technology, engineering and math majors.

Bowen N. K., Wegmann K. M., & Webber K. C . ( 2013).

Enhancing a brief writing intervention to combat stereotype threat among middle-school students

Journal of Educational Psychology, 105( 2), 427-435.

DOI:10.1037/a0031177      URL     [本文引用: 1]

N2 - Experimental research has demonstrated both the deleterious effects of negative stereotypes about ability on academic performance and the relative ease with which stereotypes can be countered in educational settings. The extent to which stereotypes contribute to the achievement gap between American students from dominant social and economic groups and students from other groups is not precisely known, but the potential of brief, inexpensive interventions targeting stereotype threat to reduce the gap is worthy of further examination. Although researchers studying brief social psychologicalinterventions sometimes mention the importance of the context in which interventions occur, they have not included manipulations of the environment in their interventions. In the current experimental study, a test of the effects of a brief self-affirming writing assignment was conducted in a new sample of middle-school students (n 132), and an environmental enhancement to the writing exercise was tested (n274). Consistent with previous findings, the self-affirming intervention reduced the average decline in Social Studies grades over the school year compared with a neutral condition (effect size, ES,.57). The combination of the affirming writing assignment with an environmental enhancement had superior effects to the writing assignment alone (ES.53). 2012 American Psychological Association.

Chalabaev A., Sarrazin P., & Brisswalter, J .( 2013) .

>Heart rate and heart rate variability responses to stereotype activation among non- stereotyped individuals: Stereotype lift in the motor domain

In B. Derks, D. Scheepers, & N. Ellemers (Eds.), Neuroscience of Prejudice and Intergroup Relations (pp. 146-163). New York: Psychology Press.

DOI:10.4324/9780203124635      URL     [本文引用: 5]

ABSTRACT Understanding how social beliefs (e.g., stereotypes) create social reality is a major topic in social psychology. We (Philippe Sarrazin and A茂na Chalabaev) investigate this question in the domain of human movement. Our goal is to identify more effectively to what extent motor behaviors reflect internalization of cultural beliefs, and notably gender stereotypes (e.g., Chalabaev, Sarrazin, & Fontayne, 2009; Chalabaev, Sarrazin, Stone, & Cury, 2008; Chalabaev, Sarrazin, Trouilloud, & Jussim, 2009). In this chapter, we present a research program in which we employed cardiovascular (CV) measures to uncover the processes underlying the phenomenon of stereotype lift (i.e., the performance-boosting consequences of salient negative out-group stereotypes) among males performing in the motor domain.

Chalabaev A., Stone J., Sarrazin P., & Croizet J. C . ( 2008).

Investigating physiological and self-reported mediators of stereotype lift effects on a motor task

Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30( 1), 18-26.

DOI:10.1080/01973530701665256      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Achievement gaps between social groups may result from stereotype threat effects but also from stereotype lift effects he performance boost caused by the awareness that an outgroup is negatively stereotyped. We examined stereotype lift and threat effects in the motor domain and investigated their mediation by task involvement and self-confidence, measured by heart rate reactivity and self-reported indices. Males and females performed a balance task about which negative stereotypes about either males or females were given. No gender information was given in a control condition. Results showed no stereotype threat but a stereotype lift effect, participants performing significantly better after negative outgroup stereotypes were explicitly linked to performance on the balance task compared to the control condition. Concerning males, this effect was mediated by higher self-confidence and task involvement. The implications of these results for understanding the gender inequalities in the motor domain are discussed.

Cheryan, S., & Bodenhausen, G. V . ( 2000).

When positive stereotypes threaten intellectual performance: The psychological hazards of "model minority" status

Psychological Science, 11( 5), 399-402.

DOI:10.1111/1467-9280.00277      URL     PMID:11228911      [本文引用: 3]

Asian-American women's performance on a test of quantitative skill was studied as a function of whether their Asian, female, or individual identity was salient at the time of testing. In previous research, ethnicity salience was found to result in enhanced math performance among Asian women. However, the investigators relied on a subtle manipulation of ethnicity salience that likely did not invoke concerns about group reputation nor make salient the common cultural stereotypes concerning Asians' mathematical prowess. We induced a focus on ethnic identity in a manner that was likely to make other people's high performance expectations more salient. Under these conditions, ethnicity salience resulted in diminished ability to concentrate, which in turn led to significantly impaired math performance. Thus, although people commonly hold positive stereotypes about Asians' mathematical skills, making these stereotypes salient prior to performance can create the potential for 'choking' under the pressure of high expectations.

Cotner, C. C., & Burkley, M . ( 2013).

Queer eye for the straight guy: Sexual orientation and stereotype lift effects on performance in the fashion domain

Journal of Homosexuality, 60( 9), 1336-1348.

DOI:10.1080/00918369.2013.806183      URL     PMID:23952926      [本文引用: 1]

Stereotype lift is defined as a boost in performance caused by an awareness of a positive ingroup stereotype. This study investigated if gay men experience stereotype lift in the fashion domain. To date, no studies have examined stereotype lift in regards to stereotypes about sexual orientation or in regards to a non-academic task. To address this gap in the literature, gay and straight men completed a test of fashion knowledge under conditions where the relevant gay stereotype was either salient or not by reminding participants of their sexual orientation before or after completing the test. A sample of 66 undergraduate male students (31 heterosexual and 35 homosexual) showed that gay men did outperform straight men on the fashion test, but only when the relevant stereotype was made salient, F(1, 62) = 5.23, p = .03. Implications of stereotype lift in gay men and on non-academic tasks are discussed.

Davies P. G., Spencer S. J., & Steele C. M . ( 2005).

Clearing the air: Identity safety moderates the effects of stereotype threat on women's leadership aspirations

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 88( 2), 276-287.

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Derks B., Inzlicht M., & Kang S . ( 2008).

The neuroscience of stigma and stereotype threat

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 11( 2), 163-181.

DOI:10.1177/1368430207088036      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article reviews social neuroscience research on the experience of stigma from the target's perspective. More specifically, we discuss several research programs that employ electroencephalography, event-related potentials, or functional magnetic resonance imaging methods to examine neural correlates of stereotype and social identity threat. We present neuroimaging studies that show brain activation related to the experience of being stereotyped and ERP studies that shed light on the cognitive processes underlying social identity processes. Among these are two projects from our own lab. The first project reveals the important role of the neurocognitive conflict-detection system in stereotype threat effects, especially as it pertains to stereotype threat `spillover'. The second project examines the role of automatic ingroup evaluations as a neural mediator between social identity threats and compensatory ingroup bias. We conclude with a discussion of the benefits, limitations, and unique contributions of social neuroscience to our understanding of stigma and social identity threat.

Dijksterhuis, A., & Bargh, J. A . ( 2001).

The perception- behavior expressway: Automatic effects of social perception on social behavior

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 33, 1-40.

DOI:10.1016/S0065-2601(01)80003-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Franceschini G., Galli S., Chiesi F., & Primi C . ( 2014).

Implicit gender-math stereotype and women's susceptibility to stereotype threat and stereotype lift

Learning and Individual Differences, 32, 273-277.

DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2014.03.020      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract: This study explored the effects of implicit gender09“math stereotyping on women's math self-efficacy and mathematics performance under stereotype threat and stereotype lift conditions. It was conducted with a sample of female undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory statistics course. Results showed that girls with implicit gender09“math stereotype were sensitive to a stereotype threat-lift manipulation, whereas girls with weak implicit stereotype were not. Data suggest that implicit gender09“math stereotyping acts as a critical variable in determining women's math self-efficacy and performance. These findings give some suggestions about the improvement of the teaching of math and related disciplines to female students.

Froehlich L., Martiny S. E., Deaux K., Goetz T., & Mok S. Y . ( 2016).

Being smart or getting smarter: Implicit theory of intelligence moderates stereotype threat and stereotype lift effects

British Journal of Social Psychology, 55( 3), 564-587.

DOI:10.1111/bjso.12144      URL     PMID:27117190      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract This research explores implicit theory of intelligence (TOI) as a moderator of stereotype activation effects on test performance for members of negatively stereotyped and of favourably stereotyped groups. In Germany, Turkish-origin migrants are stereotyped as low in verbal ability. We predicted that on a test diagnostic of verbal intelligence, endorsement of an entity TOI predicts stereotype threat effects for Turkish-origin students and stereotype lift effects for German students. This effect could account for some of the performance gap between immigrants and host society members after stereotype activation. Study 1 ( N = 107) established structural equivalence of implicit theories across the ethnic groups. In two experimental studies (Study 2: N = 182, Study 3: N = 190), we tested the moderating effect of TOI in a 2 (stereotype activation: diagnostic vs. non-diagnostic test) 2 (ethnicity: German vs. Turkish migration background) experimental design. The results showed that when the test was described as diagnostic of verbal intelligence, higher entity theory endorsement predicted stereotype threat effects for Turkish-origin students (Study 2 and Study 3) and stereotype lift effects for German students (Study 3). The results are discussed in terms of practical implications for educational settings and theoretical implications for processes underlying stereotype activation effects.

Gaither S. E., Remedios J. D., Schultz J. R., & Sommers S. R . ( 2015).

Priming White identity elicits stereotype boost for biracial Black-White individuals

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18( 6), 778-787.

DOI:10.1177/1368430215570504      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Psychological threat experienced by students of negatively stereotyped groups impairs test performance. However, stereotype boost can also occur if a positively stereotyped identity is made salient. Biracial individuals, whose racial identities may be associated with both negative and positive testing abilities, have not been examined in this context. Sixty-four biracial Black/White individuals wrote about either their Black or White identity or a neutral topic and completed a verbal GRE examination described as diagnostic of their abilities. White-primed participants performed significantly better than both Black-primed and control participants. Thus, biracial Black/White individuals experience stereotype boost only when their White identity is made salient.

Gibson C. E., Losee J., & Vitiello C . ( 2014).

A replication attempt of stereotype susceptibility (Shih, Pittinsky, & Ambady, 1999)

Social Psychology, 45( 3), 194-198.

DOI:10.1027/1864-9335/a000184      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Hausmann, M . ( 2014).

Arts versus science — academic background implicitly activates gender stereotypes on cognitive abilities with threat raising men's (but lowering women's) performance

Intelligence, 46, 235-245.

DOI:10.1016/j.intell.2014.07.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

There is ongoing debate as to whether “innate” cognitive sex differences contribute to the underrepresentation of women in science and engineering careers. Decades of gender research have revealed good evidence that both biological (e.g. sex hormones) and socio-cultural factors (e.g. gender stereotypes) contribute significantly to cognitive sex differences. Research on gender stereotypes has revealed that priming gender can have adverse or beneficial effects on cognitive performance, depending on whether primed participants appraise the testing situation as threatening or challenging. Several contextual factors have been investigated in this respect. Despite the debate on women in STEM disciplines, however, surprisingly little attention has been paid to academic discipline as a potentially relevant contextual factor. The present study investigated whether gender stereotypes affect cognitive sex differences differently in STEM (chemistry, engineering) and arts (English, philosophy) students. In Experiment 1, male and female arts and science students were tested on two sex-sensitive cognitive tests (mental rotation and verbal fluency) after gender stereotypes were activated. In Experiment 2, arts versus science stereotypes were activated. It was hypothesized that beliefs linked to gender and academic discipline are strongly associated (science02=02male, arts02=02female) with similar cognitive effects. Regardless of which identity is primed, it was hypothesized that female arts students would be particularly vulnerable to stereotype threat and would show the lowest performance of all groups in a male cognitive domain (i.e., mental rotation). Due to men's higher confidence in their cognitive abilities, it was hypothesized that primed men would show a performance increase in both spatial (stereotype lift) and verbal abilities (stereotype reactance). The results supported these hypotheses. The two experiments suggest that prompting participants' academic discipline implicitly activated gender stereotypes with considerable negative consequences for women's cognitive test performance. The results also suggest that the well-known sex difference in mental rotation (with men outperforming women) primarily occurs when negative stereotypes about women's spatial abilities are implicitly primed.

Joanisse M., Gagnon S., & Voloaca M . ( 2013).

The impact of Stereotype Threat on the simulated driving performance of older drivers

Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 530-538.

DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2012.05.032      URL     PMID:22727883      [本文引用: 1]

Older drivers are perceived as being dangerous and overly cautious by other drivers. We tested the hypothesis that this negative stereotype has a direct influence on the performance of older drivers. Based on the Stereotype Threat literature, we predicted that older driving performance would be altered after exposure to a Stereotype Threat. Sixty-one older drivers aged 65 and above completed a simulated driving assessment course. Prior to testing, half of the participants were told that the objective of the study was to investigate why older adults aged 65 and above were more implicated in on-road accidents (Stereotype Threat condition) and half were showed a neutral statement. Results confirmed that exposure to the threat significantly altered driving performance. Older adults in the Stereotype Threat condition made more driving mistakes than those in the control group. Interestingly, under a Stereotype Threat condition, older adults tended to commit more speeding infractions. We also observed that domain identification (whether driving is deemed important or not) moderated the impact of the threat. Taken together, these results support recent older drivers performance models suggesting that the interaction between individual and social factors need to be considered when examining older drivers performance.

Johnson H. J., Barnard-Brak L., Saxon T. F., & Johnson M. K . ( 2012).

An experimental study of the effects of stereotype threat and stereotype lift on men and women's performance in mathematics

The Journal of Experimental Education, 80( 2), 137-149.

DOI:10.1080/00220973.2011.567312      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this study the authors examined the differential effects of stereotype threat and lift between genders on math test performance. They asked 3 questions: (a) What is the effect of gender on math test performance?, (b) What is the effect of stereotyping condition (threat, lift, or neither) on math test performance?, and (c) What is the effect of the interaction of gender and stereotyping condition on math test performance? Findings indicated that men performed better on math tests under conditions of stereotype threat than on stereotype lift; women performed better under stereotype lift than on stereotype threat. Practical applications are discussed regarding math test anxiety, social identities, and how teachers might address gender differences regarding stereotype threat and stereotype lift.

Kray L. J., Thompson L., & Galinsky A . ( 2001).

Battle of the sexes: Gender stereotype confirmation and reactance in negotiations

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 80( 6), 942-58.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.80.6.942      URL     PMID:11414376      [本文引用: 1]

The authors examined how gender stereotypes affect negotiation performance. Men outperformed women when the negotiation was perceived as diagnostic of ability (Experiment 1) or the negotiation was linked to gender-specific traits (Experiment 2), suggesting the threat of negative stereotype confirmation hurt women's performance relative to men. The authors hypothesized that men and women confirm gender stereotypes when they are activated implicitly, but when stereotypes are explicitly activated, people exhibit stereotype reactance, or the tendency to behave in a manner inconsistent with a stereotype. Experiment 3 confirmed this hypothesis. In Experiment 4, the authors examined the cognitive processes involved in stereotype reactance and the conditions under which cooperative behaviors between men and women can be promoted at the bargaining table (by activating a shared identity that transcends gender).

Krendl A. C., Gainsburg I., & Ambady N . ( 2012).

The effects of stereotypes and observer pressure on athletic performance

Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34( 1), 3-15.

DOI:10.1123/jsep.34.1.3      URL     PMID:22356881      [本文引用: 4]

Although the effects of negative stereotypes and observer pressure on athletic performance have been well researched, the effects of positive stereotypes on performance, particularly in the presence of observers, is not known. In the current study, White males watched a video either depicting Whites basketball players as the best free throwers in the NBA (positive stereotype), Black basketball ...

Krendl A. C., Richeson J. A., Kelley W. M., & Heatherton T. F . ( 2008) .

The negative consequences of threat

Psychological Science, 19( 2), 168-175.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02063.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the neural structures associated with women's underperformance on math tasks. Although women in a control condition recruited neural networks that are associated with mathematical learning (i.e., angular gyrus, left parietal and prefrontal cortex), women who were reminded of gender stereotypes about math ability did not recruit these regions, and instead revealed heightened activation in a neural region associated with social and emotional processing (ventral anterior cingulate cortex).

Laurin, R . ( 2013).

Stereotype threat and lift effects in motor task performance: The mediating role of somatic and cognitive anxiety

Journal of Social Psychology, 153( 6), 687-699.

DOI:10.1080/00224545.2013.821098      URL     PMID:24236380      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The aim of this investigation was to replicate the stereotype threat and lift effects in a motor task in a neutral sex-typed activity, using somatic and cognitive anxiety as key mediators of these phenomena. It was hypothesized that an ingroup/outgroup social categorization based on gender would have distinctive effects for female and male participants. A total of 161 French physical education students were randomly assigned to three threat conditions--no threat, female threat, and male threat--thus leading to a 3 x 2 (threat by gender) design. The analyses revealed a stereotype lift effect on the performances for both male and female participants, as well as a stereotype threat effect only for female participants. They also indicated that somatic anxiety had a mediating effect on the performance of female participants targeted by a negative stereotype, but that it had a facilitating effect on their performance. The stereotype threat and lift effects on motor tasks were replicated in a neutral sex-typed activity and somatic anxiety seems to have a facilitating mediating effect of the relationships between the gender-conditions (control or female threat) interaction and free-throw performance. The model used to distinguish somatic and cognitive anxiety appeared to be a relevant means of explaining the stereotype threat and lift mechanisms.

Levy, B. R . ( 1996).

Improving memory in old age through implicit self-stereotyping

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71( 6), 1092-1107.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.71.6.1092      URL     PMID:8979380      [本文引用: 2]

This research demonstrates that subliminally activated stereotypes can alter judgments about oneself and can change cognitive performance. In the first study, an intervention that activated positive stereotypes of aging without the participants' awareness tended to improve memory performance, memory self-efficacy, and views of aging in old individuals; in contrast, an intervention that activated negative stereotypes of aging tended to worsen memory performance, memory self-efficacy, and views of aging in old participants. A second study demonstrated that for the strong effects to emerge from the shifting stereotypes, the stereotypes must be important to one's self-image: Young individuals randomly assigned to the same conditions as the old participants in the first study did not exhibit any of the significant interactions that emerged among the old participants. This research highlights the potential for memory improvement in old individuals when the negative stereotypes of aging that dominate the American culture are shifted to more positive stereotypes.

Lin, C. H . ( 2014).

Stereotype threat versus stereotype boost

Proposal for the 2014 Great Lakes Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stereotype threat, a predicament that arises when one is at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about one competence in a given domain, has been found to be a factor in explaining the underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Research indicates stereotype threat could undermine performance through producing anxiety, decreasing performance expectations, and impairing self-efficacy. While the research on the effect of negative stereotypes has been relatively consistent, the findings on the effect of positive stereotypes have been mixed. This review will examine previous efforts relating to stereotype threat, stereotype boost theory, and their mechanisms. Implications for future research and practice will also be discussed.

Marx, D. M., & Stapel, D. A . ( 2006).

Understanding stereotype lift: On the role of the social self

Social Cognition, 24( 6), 776-792.

DOI:10.1521/soco.2006.24.6.776      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Stereotype lift occurs when non–targets perform better in a stereotype–relevant testing situation compared to a testing situation that is less stereotype–relevant. The boundary conditions of this effect, however, are not well understood. To this end, the present research focuses on one critical moderator of stereotype lift, namely activation of non–targets' social self in stereo- type–relevant (i.e., diagnostic) testing situations. Results showed that simply describing a test as diagnostic of ability did not lead to strong lift effects unless the social self was also activated (either indirectly or directly): non–targets need more “pushing” to activate their social self in diagnostic testing situations because they are notthreatened by a negative stereotype. In contrast, we found that the test diagnosticity manipulation was enough to cause stereotype threat because targets need less pushing to activate their social self and the associated negative stereotype in diagnostic testing situations.

Mazerolle M., Régner I., Morisset P., Rigalleau F., & Huguet P . ( 2012).

Stereotype threat strengthens automatic recall and undermines controlled processes in older adults

Psychological Science, 23( 7), 723-727.

DOI:10.1177/0956797612437607      URL     PMID:22609539      [本文引用: 1]

The threat of being judged stereotypically (stereotype threat or ST) may impair memory performance in the elderly, resulting in inflated age differences in memory tasks. However, the underlying mechanisms of ST in the elderly or other stigmatized groups remain poorly understood. Here, we offer evidence that ST consumes working memory resources in the elderly. More importantly, we rely on a process dissociation procedure (PDP) and show for the first time that ST undermines the controlled use of memory and simultaneously intensifies automatic response tendencies. These new findings indicate that seemingly concurrent models of ST are actually compatible, and offer further reasons to pay special attention to aging stereotypes during standardized neuropsychological testing.

>Moon,A., & Roeder,S. S . ( 2014).

A secondary replication attempt of stereotype susceptibility (Shih, Pittinsky, & Ambady, 1999)

Social Psychology, 45( 3), 199-201.

DOI:10.1027/1864-9335/a000193      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Régner I., Smeding A., Gimmig D., Thinus-Blanc C., Monteil J. M., & Huguet P . ( 2010).

Individual differences in working memory moderate stereotype-threat effects

Psychological Science, 21( 11), 1646-1648.

DOI:10.1177/0956797610386619      URL     PMID:20959509      [本文引用: 1]

Author information: (1)Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Aix-Marseille University 1–Psychology, Case D, 3 Place Victor Hugo, Marseille cedex 13331, France.

Ruback, R. B., & Juieng, D . ( 1997).

Territorial defense in parking lots: Retaliation against waiting drivers

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27( 9), 821-834.

DOI:10.1111/j.1559-1816.1997.tb00661.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three studies showed that drivers leaving a public parking space are territorial even when such behavior is contrary to their goal of leaving. In Study 1 (observations of 200 departing cars), intruded-upon drivers took longer to leave than nonintruded-upon drivers. In Study 2, an experiment involving 240 drivers in which level of intrusion and status of intruder were manipulated, drivers took longer to leave when another car was present and when the intruder honked. Males left significantly sooner when intruded upon by a higher rather than lower status car, whereas females' departure times did not differ as a function of the status of the car. There was evidence that distraction might explain some of this effect. In Study 3, individuals who had parked at a mall were asked about how they would react to intruders. Compared to what they believed other people would do, respondents said they would leave faster if the car were just waiting for them to leave but they would take longer to leave if the driver in the car honked at them.

Seunanden, T. C . ( 2011). The impact of inter-group conflict on stereotype threat or lift (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

[本文引用: 3]

Shapiro, J. R., & Williams, A. M . ( 2012).

The role of stereotype threats in undermining girls’ and women’s performance and interest in stem fields

Sex Roles, 66( 3-4), 175-183.

DOI:10.1007/s11199-011-0051-0      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In the present manuscript we draw on the Multi-Threat Framework to explore gender-related math attitudes and how they put girls and women at risk for stereotype threats. Gunderson et al. ( 2011 ) detail how negative stereotypes about women’s math abilities are transmitted to girls by their parents and teachers, shaping girls’ math attitudes and ultimately undermining performance and interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. The social psychological phenomenon of stereotype threat complements this approach and demonstrates the additional ways in which gender-related math attitudes undermine girls’ and women’s interest and performance in STEM domains. Considering the phenomenon of stereotype threat also identifies how stereotypes and other gender-related math attitudes can undermine women’s and girls’ interest and performance in STEM domains even when women and girls have positive math attitudes.

Shih M. J., Ambady N., Richeson J. A., Fujita K., & Gray H. M . ( 2002).

Stereotype performance boosts: The impact of self-relevance and the manner of stereotype activation

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 83( 3), 638-647.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.83.3.638      URL     PMID:12219859      [本文引用: 3]

The activation of positive stereotypes has been shown to produce academic performance boosts. Evidence regarding the role of self-relevance in producing such effects has been mixed. The authors propose that the subtlety of stereotype activation plays a key role in creating performance boosts among targets and nontargets of stereotypes. Study 1 found that subtle stereotype activation boosted performance in targets, but blatant activation did not. Study 2 was conducted on both targets and nontargets using different methods of stereotype activation. Again, targets showed performance boosts when stereotypes were subtly activated but not when they were blatantly activated. Nontargets, however, showed boosts in performance only when stereotypes were blatantly activated. The role of self-relevance in mediating sensitivity to stimuli is discussed.

Shih M. J., Pittinsky T. L., & Ambady N . ( 1999).

Stereotype susceptibility: Identity salience and shifts in quantitative performance

Psychological Science, 10( 1), 80-83.

DOI:10.1111/1467-9280.00111      URL     [本文引用: 6]

Abstract Recent studies have documented that performance in a domain is hindered when individuals feel that a sociocultural group to which they belong is negatively stereotyped in that domain. We report that implicit activation of a social identity can facilitate as well as impede performance on a quantitative task. When a particular social identity was made salient at an implicit level, performance was altered in the direction predicted by the stereotype associated with the identity. Common cultural stereotypes hold that Asians have superior quantitative skills compared with other ethnic groups and that women have inferior quantitative skills compared with men. We found that Asian-American women performed better on a mathematics test when their ethnic identity was activated, but worse when their gender identity was activated, compared with a control group who had neither identity activated. Cross-cultural investigation indicated that it was the stereotype, and not the identity per se, that influenced performance.

Shih M. J., Pittinsky T. L., & Ho, G. C. .( 2012).

Stereotype boost: Positive outcomes from the activation of positive stereotypes

In M Inzlicht & T Schmader (Eds), Stereotype threat: Theory, process, and application. (pp 141-158) New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199732449.003.0009      URL     [本文引用: 7]

Abstract Stereotype Boost: Positive Outcomes from the Activation of Positive Stereotype.

Shih M. J., Pittinsky T. L., & Trahan A . ( 2006).

Domain specific effects of stereotypes on performance

Self and Identity, 5( 1), 1-14.

DOI:10.1080/15298860500338534      URL     [本文引用: 3]

We report the results of an experiment mirroring an earlier study that found that Asian American women performed better on a math test when their Asian identity was salient and worse when their female identity was salient (Ambady, Shih, Kim, & Pittinsky, 2001; Shih, Ambady, Richeson, Fujita, & Gray, 2002; Shih, Pittinsky, & Ambady, 1999). In this paper, we assessed the performance of Asian American women on a verbal test, a situation in which the valence of the stereotypes associated with the same two identities (i.e., female, Asian) is reversed. Consistent with the stereotypes, women performed better on the verbal test when their female identity was made salient than when their Asian identity was made salient. These results, taken together with the previous findings, indicate that identities are not globally adaptive or maladaptive.

Smith, J. L., & Johnson, C. S . ( 2006).

A stereotype boost or choking under pressure? Positive gender stereotypes and men who are low in domain identification

Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 28( 1), 51-63.

DOI:10.1207/s15324834basp2801_5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In 3 studies, we examined the effect of a positive gender stereotype (e.g., men are superior to women in math and computer science) on performance and motivation as a function of domain identification, with a special emphasis on men low in domain identification. Drawing from past research on stereotype boost and choking under pressure, we predicted that for men low in domain identification, performance would ironically suffer in the positive stereotype condition compared to a nullified stereotype condition. In all 3 studies, we found that men lower in domain identification performed better in nullified stereotype conditions and poorly in gender- stereotypical conditions. Results suggest that the interaction between the expectancies conveyed by a stereotype and the value placed on a domain by an individual may influence performance and motivation regardless of stereotype valence.

Spencer S. J., Logel C., & Davies P. G . ( 2016).

Stereotype threat

Annual Review of Psychology, 67, 415-437.

DOI:10.1146/annurev-psych-073115-103235      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Steele, C. M., & Aronson, J . ( 1995).

Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 69( 5), 797-811.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797      URL     PMID:7473032      [本文引用: 2]

Stereotype threat is being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype about one's group. Studies 1 and 2 varied the stereotype vulnerability of Black participants taking a difficult verbal test by varying whether or not their performance was ostensibly diagnostic of ability, and thus, whether or not they were at risk of fulfilling the racial stereotype about their intellectual ability. Reflecting the pressure of this vulnerability, Blacks underperformed in relation to Whites in the ability-diagnostic condition but not in the nondiagnostic condition (with Scholastic Aptitude Tests controlled). Study 3 validated that ability-diagnosticity cognitively activated the racial stereotype in these participants and motivated them not to conform to it, or to be judged by it. Study 4 showed that mere salience of the stereotype could impair Blacks' performance even when the test was not ability diagnostic. The role of stereotype vulnerability in the standardized test performance of ability-stigmatized groups is discussed.

Steele C. M., Spencer S. J., & Aronson J . ( 2002).

Contending with group image: The psychology of stereotype and social identity threat

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 34, 379-440.

DOI:10.1016/S0065-2601(02)80009-0      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Swift H. J., Abrams D., & Marques S . ( 2013).

Threat or boost? Social comparison affects older people’s performance differently depending on task domain

Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68( 1), 23-30.

DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbs044      URL     PMID:22512994      [本文引用: 5]

Objectives. In this research, we investigate whether social comparison with younger people can result in either a stereotype-based threat or boost in older people's performance.Methods. Study I used nationally representative data to establish domains of performance in which older people are either stereotypically disadvantaged or advantaged relative to younger people. Study 2 was an experiment to test how a potentially threatening versus control versus enhancing comparison with younger people would affect performance in negatively and positively stereotyped task domains.Results. As predicted, compared with the control condition, stereotype threat caused performance decrements in both task domains. This effect was partially mediated by anxiety. Moreover, the enhancing social comparison boosted performance, but only on a crossword task, a task on which older people's abilities are favorably stereotyped.Discussion. The research demonstrates that a threatening comparison can result in underperformance by older people both in negatively and positively self-stereotyped task domains. It also demonstrates that social comparison with younger people can enhance older people's performance in a positively stereotyped task domain. The implications for creating circumstances likely to enable older people to achieve their full potential are discussed.

Tagler, M. J . ( 2012).

Choking under the pressure of a positive stereotype: Gender identification and self-consciousness moderate men's math test performance

The Journal of Social Psychology, 152( 4), 401-416.

DOI:10.1080/00224545.2011.615353      URL     PMID:22822682      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Choking under pressure occurs when an individual underperforms due to situational pressure. The present study examined whether being the target of a positive social stereotype regarding math ability causes choking among men. Gender identification and self-consciousness were hypothesized to moderate the effect of math-gender stereotypes on men's math test performance. Men high in self-consciousness but low in gender identification significantly underperformed when exposed to gender-relevant test instructions. No significant effects were found under a gender-irrelevant condition. These findings are discussed in the contexts of research on stereotype threat, stereotype lift, and choking under pressure.

Walton, G. M., & Cohen, G. L . ( 2003).

Stereotype lift

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39( 5), 456-467.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-1031(03)00019-2      URL     [本文引用: 9]

Wheeler, S. C., & Petty, R. E . ( 2001).

The effects of stereotype activation on behavior: A review of possible mechanisms

Psychological Bulletin, 127( 6), 797-826.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.127.6.797      URL     PMID:11726072      [本文引用: 1]

Considerable recent research has examined the effects that activated stereotypes have on behavior. Research on both self-stereotype activation and other-stereotype activation has tended to show that people behave in ways consistent with the stereotype (e.g., walking more slowly if the elderly stereotype is activated). Interestingly, however, the dominant account for the behavioral effects of self-stereotype activation involves a hot motivational factor (i.e., stereotype threat), whereas the dominant account for the behavioral effects of other-stereotype activation focuses on a rather cold cognitive explanation (i.e., ideomotor processes). The current review compares and contrasts the behavioral research on self- and other-stereotype activation and concludes that both motivational and cognitive explanations might account for effects in each domain.


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