ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1253-1263 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01253



黄玺1, 梁宏宇1, 李放1,2, 陈世民3, 王巍欣1, 林妙莲1,4, 郑雪,1

1 南师范大学心理学院, 广州 510631

2 川师范大学教师教育与心理学院, 成都 610068

3 国矿业大学公共管理学院, 徐州 221116

4 州银湖实验小学, 杭州 311422

Moral elevation: A positive moral emotion associated with elevating moral sentiment

HUANG Xi1, LIANG Hong-Yu1, LI Fang1,2, CHEN Shi-Min3, WANG Wei-Xin1, LIN Miao-Lian1,4, ZHENG Xue,1

1 School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

2 School of Teacher Education and Psychology, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China

3 School of Public Administration, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China

4 Hangzhou Yinhu Elementary School, Hangzhou 311422, China

通讯作者: 郑雪,

收稿日期: 2017-09-1   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: 华南师范大学研究生创新计划项目资助()

Received: 2017-09-1   Online: 2018-07-15

Fund supported: ()


道德提升感, 是指个体看到他人的道德行为时, 欣赏他人的美德并感到自己的道德情操被提升, 而产生的一种积极道德情绪。道德提升感具有情感、身体、认知和行为等四个成分。道德提升感可采用材料与情境进行诱发, 采用标识词与量表进行测量。道德提升感的产生需要积极的内归因与积极的上行社会比较两个关键环节, 还会受他人道德行为特点与个体自身特点的影响。道德提升感的产生还引起了脑神经、自主神经和内分泌反应。亲社会行为、积极的社会认知和对自身的积极作用是道德提升感所拥有的心理效应。未来对道德提升感的研究, 可探讨它的神经与生理机制, 探索它的扩展与建构效应, 开展跨文化和本土化研究, 并将它应用于道德教育中。

关键词: 道德提升感; 道德情操; 积极情绪; 道德情绪


Moral elevation refers to a positive moral emotion response to a situation that, when witnessing other’s moral behavior, people appreciates other’s virtue and feels moral sentiment elevated. Moral elevation has affective, physical, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. Moral elevation can be induced by materials and situations, and be measured by identifier words and scales. The formation of moral elevation needs two key mechanisms, including positive inner attribution and positive upward social comparison, and these mechanisms can be affected by the characteristics of other’s moral behavior and the observer’s characteristics. Moral elevation triggers activation of the cranial and autonomic nerve as well as endocrine reactivity. Psychological effects of moral elevation include promoting pro-social behavior and positive social cognition, and enhancing positive impact to oneself. Future researches of moral elevation should investigate its physiological mechanisms, explore its broaden-and-build effects, examine diverse cultural and indigenous populations, and consider applications to moral education.

Keywords: moral elevation; moral sentiment; positive emotion; moral emotion

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黄玺, 梁宏宇, 李放, 陈世民, 王巍欣, 林妙莲, 郑雪. 道德提升感:一种提升道德情操的积极道德情绪 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1253-1263 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01253

HUANG Xi, LIANG Hong-Yu, LI Fang, CHEN Shi-Min, WANG Wei-Xin, LIN Miao-Lian, ZHENG Xue. Moral elevation: A positive moral emotion associated with elevating moral sentiment. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(7): 1253-1263 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01253

1771年, 托马斯·杰斐逊在给一位私人图书馆馆长的回信中, 建议这位馆长收藏小说、戏剧等书籍, 并写道:“看到(小说与戏剧中的角色)他们表现出忠诚与慷慨时, 读者的胸怀被打开, 情操被提升, 不就像亲眼目睹真实历史事件一样吗?难道读者在阅读时不会觉得自己成为了一个更好的人, 并暗自下定决心要进行效仿?” (Jefferson, 1771)

杰斐逊描述的这种心理, 是一种积极道德情绪, 对于提升人们的道德情操具有重要作用(Haidt, 2000, 2003a, 2003b)。但长期以来, 情绪心理学家主要研究消极情绪(Haidt & Morris, 2009), 而道德心理学家主要研究道德认知(Haidt, 2008), 他们较少关注积极情绪与道德情绪。在20世纪末积极心理学思潮的带动下(Gable & Haidt, 2005)、道德心理学中情感革命的影响下(Haidt, 2008), 美国心理学家Haidt (2000)首次采用心理学的方法研究这种积极道德情绪, 并将其命名为道德提升感(moral elevation)。他发现, 道德提升感普遍存在于古今东西方文化中(Haidt, 2003a)。

杰斐逊描述的这种心理, 是一种积极道德情绪, 对于提升人们的道德情操具有重要作用(Haidt, 2000, 2003a, 2003b)。但长期以来, 情绪心理学家主要研究消极情绪(Haidt & Morris, 2009), 而道德心理学家主要研究道德认知(Haidt, 2008), 他们较少关注积极情绪与道德情绪。在20世纪末积极心理学思潮的带动下(Gable & Haidt, 2005)、道德心理学中情感革命的影响下(Haidt, 2008), 美国心理学家Haidt (2000)首次采用心理学的方法研究这种积极道德情绪, 并将其命名为道德提升感(moral elevation)。他发现, 道德提升感普遍存在于古今东西方文化中(Haidt, 2003a)。

杰斐逊描述的这种心理, 是一种积极道德情绪, 对于提升人们的道德情操具有重要作用(Haidt, 2000, 2003a, 2003b)。但长期以来, 情绪心理学家主要研究消极情绪(Haidt & Morris, 2009), 而道德心理学家主要研究道德认知(Haidt, 2008), 他们较少关注积极情绪与道德情绪。在20世纪末积极心理学思潮的带动下(Gable & Haidt, 2005)、道德心理学中情感革命的影响下(Haidt, 2008), 美国心理学家Haidt (2000)首次采用心理学的方法研究这种积极道德情绪, 并将其命名为道德提升感(moral elevation)。他发现, 道德提升感普遍存在于古今东西方文化中(Haidt, 2003a)。

杰斐逊描述的这种心理, 是一种积极道德情绪, 对于提升人们的道德情操具有重要作用(Haidt, 2000, 2003a, 2003b)。但长期以来, 情绪心理学家主要研究消极情绪(Haidt & Morris, 2009), 而道德心理学家主要研究道德认知(Haidt, 2008), 他们较少关注积极情绪与道德情绪。在20世纪末积极心理学思潮的带动下(Gable & Haidt, 2005)、道德心理学中情感革命的影响下(Haidt, 2008), 美国心理学家Haidt (2000)首次采用心理学的方法研究这种积极道德情绪, 并将其命名为道德提升感(moral elevation)。他发现, 道德提升感普遍存在于古今东西方文化中(Haidt, 2003a)。

近十几年来, 国外研究者对道德提升感开展了大量研究, 不断取得新的进展(Pohling & Diessner, 2016; Thomson & Siegel, 2017), 而国内的研究则相对较少。本文对已有文献进行评述, 对道德提升感进行界定, 总结它的研究方法, 分析它的成因、生理机制与心理效应, 以期对国内学者未来研究与应用提供一定参考。

1 道德提升感的界定

1.1 概念与特点

道德提升感, 是指个体看到他人的道德行为时, 欣赏他人的美德并感到自己的道德情操被提升, 而产生的一种积极道德情绪(Haidt, 2000, 2003a, 2003b; Haidt & Keltner, 2004)。

在最初的研究中, Haidt (2000)让研究对象回忆一件自己看到过的反映人性高尚(higher)与美好(better)一面的事情, 并写下这件事情及自己的感受。结果发现, 研究对象写下的事情大多是他人的道德行为, 且这些行为有共同的特点, 一般是他人对第三人所做并让第三人受益的、出人预料的、表现出美德的行为。Haidt又让另一些研究对象观看一段讲述诺贝尔和平奖得主特蕾莎修女道德事迹的视频后, 写下感受。结果发现, 不管是通过回忆还是观看视频, 研究对象对他人道德行为的感受是类似的, 均产生了一种具有情感、身体、认知、行为等四个成分的情绪。进一步的研究阐明了这四个成分的特点。在情感体验上, 这种情绪最显著的特点是让人感到惊讶、感动、被提升(Haidt, 2000), 同时还会产生其它积极情感, 例如尊敬、激励、钦佩、敬畏、感激、快乐、爱(Algoe & Haidt, 2009); 在身体反应上, 这种情绪让人流泪、打冷颤、起鸡皮疙瘩(Silvers & Haidt, 2008), 还会让人喉咙哽咽、肌肉放松、胸口温暖、心跳加快(Algoe & Haidt, 2009); 在认知变化上, 这种情绪一方面让人产生对自身的积极认知, 想成为一个更好的人(Haidt, 2000), 另一方面让人产生对他人的积极认知, 对人性更乐观(Haidt, 2000), 还会让人对他人的积极品质有新的看法、更喜欢他人、对他人更加开放(Algoe & Haidt, 2009); 在行为动机上, 这种情绪让人产生帮助他人、与他人亲近(Haidt, 2000)等积极动机, 还会让人想要效仿他人的道德行为(Algoe & Haidt, 2009)。

上述研究中, 研究对象产生的这些感受, 与杰斐逊在1771年回信中的描述是一致的。因此, Haidt (2000, 2003a)参考杰斐逊所写的“提升情操(elevate sentiments)”这一描述, 将这种情绪命名为“elevation”。后续研究者更多采用“moral elevation”这一命名方式, 以凸显其道德内涵(Silvers & Haidt, 2008; Englander, Haidt, & Morris, 2012; Lai, Haidt, & Nosek, 2014)。由于在中文语境中缺乏合适的词汇与之对应, 国内研究者最早将其意译为“崇高感” (郑信军, 孙洲, 缪芙蓉, 2009)或“美德钦佩感” (陈世民等, 2011), 后续研究者更多将其直译为“道德提升感” (吴玮, 2011; 廖珂, 2015; 董华华, 2016)。由于“崇高”是个体对他人的认知评价, 不是个体自身的情感体验, 且崇高感是美学的一个概念, 其定义与moral elevation并不一致, 因此不宜将moral elevation命名为“崇高感”。根据下文对moral elevation与钦佩(admiration)的辨别, 两者是不同的情绪, 因此不宜将moral elevation命名为“美德钦佩感”。由于“被提升(uplifted)”是moral elevation中一种独特的情感体验(Haidt, 2000), moral elevation这一英文命名也是对这一情感体验的体现, 因此将moral elevation命名为“道德提升感”比较恰当, 建议国内研究者统一采用这一命名。

道德提升感既是一种赞扬他人的积极情绪, 也是一种自我超越的道德情绪。一方面, 道德提升感的情感体验是正性的, 道德提升感所具有的认知变化与行为动机成分的特点, 与Fredrickson (1998)提出的积极情绪的扩展与建构(Broaden- and-Build)理论相符, 因此是一种积极情绪(Haidt, 2000); 同时, 个体看到他人的道德行为并对这种行为加以积极评价, 从而产生的道德提升感, 是关注他人并赞扬他人而引发的, 因此是一种赞扬他人(other-praising)的积极情绪(Haidt, 2003b; Algoe & Haidt, 2009)。另一方面, Haidt (2003b)从原型理论的视角出发, 提出道德情绪的原型模型, 将道德情绪定义为与自我利益无关的因素引发的、促进亲社会行为倾向的情绪, 并认为道德提升感的引发因素与自我利益最为无关, 且最能促进亲社会行为倾向, 因此是一种最为典型的道德情绪; 同时, Haidt和Morris (2009)认为, 道德提升感会引起个体对他人利益的关注, 让个体产生亲社会的认知变化与行为倾向, 因此是一种自我超越(self-transcendent)的道德情绪。

1.2 与相关情绪的辨别

1.2.1 道德提升感与钦佩感

钦佩感(admiration)是对优秀他人或榜样高度的喜欢和尊敬, 是看到他人优秀行为或品质时, 产生的一种积极情绪(陈世民等, 2011)。钦佩感与道德提升感都是赞扬他人的、自我超越的积极情绪(Algoe & Haidt, 2009; Haidt & Morris, 2009)。有的研究者认为, 钦佩感包括对能力的欣赏和对美德的欣赏(Immordino-Yang, McColl, Damasio, & Damasio, 2009; 陈世民等, 2011), 有的研究者则将对能力的欣赏和对美德的欣赏界定为不同的情绪(Haidt & Keltner, 2004)。研究表明, 对能力的欣赏和对美德的欣赏所产生的情绪, 虽然有着相似的情感、身体、认知与动机成分, 但两者相比, 对能力的欣赏有较强的尊敬、激励、钦佩、敬畏等情感体验以及打冷颤、心跳加快等身体反应, 而对美德的欣赏有较强的感激、爱等情感体验以及亲社会的认知变化、行为动机(Algoe & Haidt, 2009)。两者在脑神经反应上有一定的相同之处, 但两者的反应相比较, 对能力的欣赏更多激活了涉及肌肉骨骼系统认知与运动过程的上部与前部后内侧皮层(PMC)、侧顶叶、上顶叶、后脑岛、缘上回, 而对道德美的欣赏则更多激活了涉及内感受信息处理与内稳态调节的下部与后部PMC、前扣带、前脑岛、下丘脑, 这表明, 对能力的欣赏更多涉及对他人外在的感知, 而对美德的欣赏更多涉及对他人内在的感知(Immordino-Yang et al., 2009)。Haidt和Morris (2009)分析上述研究后认为, 对技艺美和道德美的欣赏所产生的情绪是不同的, 并将钦佩感限定为对技艺美的欣赏, 而将对道德美的欣赏界定为道德提升感。

1.2.2 道德提升感与敬畏

敬畏(awe)是指当人们面对广阔、浩大的、超越我们理解范围的事物时, 产生的惊异情绪体验(董蕊, 彭凯平, 喻丰, 2013)。敬畏与道德提升感都是自我超越的情绪, 但敬畏的引发因素多种多样, 包括欣赏自然事物、艺术、音乐和人类成就等, 而道德提升感的引发因素仅限于欣赏道德之美(Keltner & Haidt, 2003)。敬畏与道德提升感都会让人起鸡皮疙瘩, 但敬畏的情绪刺激更为强烈, 而道德提升感则有更多其它的情感体验与身体反应; 敬畏的效应更多是对时间知觉、信息加工、自我意识等认知的影响, 而道德提升感的效应主要是亲社会行为(董蕊等, 2013)

1.2.3 道德提升感与人际感恩

人际感恩(interpersonal gratitude)是指个体接受他人善意提供的、具有一定价值的恩惠后, 诱发的一种愉悦、心怀感激、意欲报答的认知性情绪(梁宏宇等, 2015)。人际感恩与道德提升感都是赞扬他人的积极道德情绪, 但人际感恩的引发因素是他人对自己的道德行为, 而道德提升感的引发因素是他人对第三人的道德行为(Haidt, 2003b)。人际感恩主要产生感激之情, 想亲近对方或建立关系, 想感谢对方并给予回报, 因此人际感恩最主要的效应是回报施恩者; 而道德提升感最主要的效应是效仿该道德行为或实施其它亲社会行为, 且这些行为的对象并不限于原来的道德行为实施者(Algoe & Haidt, 2009)。

2 道德提升感的研究方法

2.1 诱发

由于道德提升感是个体看到他人的道德行为时产生的情绪, 因此研究中通常让研究对象对他人的道德行为进行了解, 以诱发道德提升感。具体方法有材料诱发法和情境诱发法。

材料诱发法让研究对象对讲述他人道德行为的材料进行观看、阅读或聆听, 根据材料性质的不同可分为两类。一类是复合材料, 一般是一段时长为3~10分钟的有声视频, 材料内容有的反映了真实事件, 例如音乐教师启蒙贫穷学生改变命运(Silvers & Haidt, 2008)、地铁乘客勇救落轨者(Englander et al., 2012)、棒球运动员帮助受伤的对手完成比赛(Lai et al., 2014)、《感动中国》节目片段(董华华, 2016)等; 也有的是虚构事件, 例如拯救者主题电影《心灵访客》(Ash, 2013)、公益广告片(廖珂, 2015)等。另一类是单一材料, 例如图片(Immordino-Yang et al., 2009)、文字(Vianello, Galliani, & Haidt, 2010)、语音(Strohminger, Lewis, & Meyer, 2011)等, 材料内容与音视频复合材料类似。

情境诱发法让研究对象在真实情境中观察他人的道德行为, 可分为三类。第一类是情境经历, 例如参加志愿者活动(Cox, 2010)、在组织中工作(Vianello et al., 2010)、参与企业社会责任活动(Romani, Grappi, & Bagozzi, 2016)等。第二类是情境回忆, 例如回忆过往看到的人性中崇高与美好一面的事情(Haidt, 2000)、回忆听过或见过的印象最深刻的美德行为等(Ding, Wang, Sun, & Li, 2014)。第三类是情境日记, 让研究对象每天留意自己经历的道德之美, 并记录在日记中(Diessner, Rust, Solom, Frost, & Parsons, 2006; Proyer, Gander, Wellenzohn, & Ruch, 2016)。

对于道德提升感的诱发, 目前没有统一的方法。材料诱发法简单易行, 适宜在实验室研究中采用。复合材料通过多通道感官的刺激, 可充分而直接地展现他人道德行为, 诱发效果优于单一材料, 因此建议国内研究者统一采用在国内电视与互联网中传播较广、影响力较大、时长适宜的《感动中国》节目片段和公益广告片进行材料诱发。情境诱发法具有较高的生态效度, 适宜在现场研究中采用。由于研究对象在情境经历法中经历的情境可能包含其它行为, 在情境回忆法中回忆的情境可能与真实情境有偏差, 而情境日记法既限定了情境范围, 又减少了记忆偏差, 还提高了情绪体验频率, 诱发效果较好, 建议国内研究者统一采用这种方法进行情境诱发。

2.2 测量

由于道德提升感没有明显的、独特的表情(Haidt & Morris, 2009), 难以通过观察发现, 因此对道德提升感状态的测量, 通常采用研究对象自我报告的方法。具体方法有标识词评定法和量表测量法。

标识词评定法呈现若干反映道德提升感情感体验的标识词, 让研究对象评定对各标识词体验的强烈程度。国外研究者使用的标识词有“被提升(uplifted)” (Lai et al., 2014)、“触动(touched)、鼓舞(inspired)、感动(moved)” (Romani & Grappi, 2014)等, 国内研究者使用的标识词有“崇高、感动” (郑信军, 何佳娉, 2011)。

量表测量法呈现多维度多项目的量表, 让研究对象评定自身感受与各项目描述的符合程度。国外研究者早期分别编制了6个项目的道德提升感情感与认知评价问卷(Schnall, Roper, & Fessler, 2010)、6个项目的道德提升感身体、情感与动机清单(Vianello et al., 2010)、8个项目的情境经历道德提升感测量问卷(Cox, 2010)、15个项目的道德提升感情感、认知与行为问卷(Aquino, McFerran, & Laven, 2011)等。但前述问卷只反映了道德提升感的两个或三个成分, 为此, Thomson和Siegel (2013)整合前述问卷, 编制了三维度20个项目的道德提升感量表, 分为情感与身体维度、认知维度和行为维度, 完整反映了道德提升感的四个成分, 但未报告信度与效度。国内研究者吴玮(2011)编制了四维度的中文版道德提升感量表, 但只有13个项目, 对道德提升感的测量不够充分。而Ding等人(2014)编制的中文版道德提升感量表, 含有四维度21个项目, 项目数与Thomson和Siegel (2013)的量表相近, 对道德提升感的测量较为充分, 且具有良好的信度和效度。该量表的四个维度分别为:情感与身体维度, 包括“有时候会感动的流眼泪”等项目; 对他人的认知维度, 包括“相信人的本性都是善良的”等项目; 对自己的认知维度, 包括“感到自己更愿意去帮助有需要的人”等项目; 行为倾向维度, 包括“在以后自己会试着去效仿这些美德行为”等项目。

对于道德提升感状态的测量, 目前没有统一的方法, 国内外研究者各自根据道德提升感所具有的情感、身体、认知、行为等四个成分中的一个或多个成分开展测量。标识词评定法只测量了道德提升感的情感成分, 并不全面, 但简单易行, 可用于检验道德提升感的诱发是否有效。不同研究者使用的标识词均为道德提升感最显著的情感体验“感动/触动”和“崇高/被提升”, 建议国内研究者统一采用这两组词进行标识词评定。量表测量法内容较多, 耗时较长, 但测量了道德提升感的多个成分, 可用于对道德提升感的整体及不同成分进行测量。建议国内研究者统一采用完整测量道德提升感四个成分、项目数量适宜、具有良好信度和效度的中文量表进行测量。

3 道德提升感的成因

3.1 关键环节

看到他人的道德行为后, 个体进行积极的内归因与积极的上行社会比较, 是产生道德提升感的两个关键环节。

首先, 个体需对他人的道德行为进行积极的内归因, 将行为原因归于他人的美德, 并加以欣赏。Oliver, Hartmann和Woolley (2012)首先提出, 观众在观看有意义的电影后产生了道德提升感, 是由于这些电影中的角色展现了美好高尚的道德品质。Ash (2013)的研究证实, 观看了拯救者主题电影的观众, 通过对拯救者道德品质的积极认知, 产生道德提升感。van de Vyver和Abrams (2015)的研究进一步证明, 个体观看他人道德行为视频后产生道德提升感的过程中, 对他人道德品质的积极评价起了中介作用。

其次, 个体对他人的道德行为进行积极的内归因后, 还需进行积极的上行社会比较, 感到自己的道德情操被提升。Monin (2007)提出, 个体看到他人的道德行为后, 了解到他人高尚的道德品质, 因而会进行上行社会比较, 如果个体因为他人的道德品质高于自己而想要效仿, 就会产生道德提升感, 但如果个体因为他人的道德品质高于自己而感到受威胁, 则可能产生怨恨感(resentment)。

3.2 影响因素

看到他人的道德行为后, 个体产生道德提升感的强度, 会受他人道德行为特点与个体自身特点的影响。

他人道德行为特点对道德提升感的影响, 可能是通过影响个体归因来起作用的。越是反映出他人美德的行为, 越能让个体进行积极的内归因。Aquino等人(2011)研究发现, 相比看到常见的道德行为, 看到不常见的道德行为能让个体产生更强的道德提升感。Thomson和Siegel (2013)研究发现, 他人付出较大努力让具有良好品质的第三人受益的道德行为, 相比努力程度较小或让品质不良的第三人受益的道德行为, 会让看到这种行为的个体产生的道德提升感更强。Romani等人(2016)的研究发现, 如果他人的道德行为是出于真诚和道德的内部动机, 而非出于宣传和谋利的外部动机, 也会带来更强的道德提升感。

个体自身特点对道德提升感的影响, 可能是通过影响个体社会比较来起作用的。越是有助于个体提升道德品质的特点, 越能让个体进行积极社会比较。研究发现, 道德同一性越高 (Aquino et al., 2011; Lai et al., 2014)、特质道德提升感越高(Diessner, Iyer, Smith, & Haidt, 2013)、社会情绪感受能力越强(Sakai et al., 2016)的个体, 能够产生更强的道德提升感。

4 道德提升感的生理机制

道德提升感的产生具有一定的生理机制, 引起了脑神经、自主神经和内分泌的反应。道德提升感所具有的情感、身体、认知、行为等四个成分的特点, 可能是这些神经与生理反应导致的。

4.1 脑神经反应

首先, 道德提升感引起了基本情绪所使用的脑区的神经反应。Immordino-Yang等人(2009)使用fMRI研究发现, 一方面, 道德提升感激活了涉及自主调节的下丘脑与中脑、涉及身体感觉的前脑岛与缘上回, 还激活了扣带, 这些脑区是基本情绪所使用的; 另一方面, 与基本情绪相比较, 道德提升感的激活峰值出现得更晚, 持续时间更长, 这表明, 虽然与基本情绪使用了同样的脑区, 道德提升感的产生并不那么有效和直接, 可能需要更长的时间来感知他人与内省自我。

其次, 道德提升感引起了对自我与他人进行感知与意识的脑区的神经反应。Immordino-Yang等人(2009)使用fMRI研究发现, 道德提升感高度激活了涉及自我相关意识过程、观点采择与社会任务的后内侧皮层(PMC), 这与产生道德提升感的个体所报告的自我意识增强、将自我与他人的状况进行内省比较等认知过程相吻合。Englander等人(2012)使用fMRI研究发现, 道德提升感激活了涉及自我参照及内感受信息处理的内侧前额叶皮质(mPFC)、楔前叶及脑岛, 且不同研究对象在观看同一个道德行为视频过程中, 这些脑区的激活程度出现高度时间同步性。但Lewis (2014)使用fNIRS研究则发现了与上述研究矛盾的结果, 在道德提升感产生过程中, 其强度与mPFC激活程度负相关, 这表明道德提升感抑制了mPFC的激活。Piper, Saslow和Saturn (2015)使用fNIRS研究则发现, 连续观看两段诱发道德提升感的视频过程中, 存在两个道德提升感峰值, 在这两个峰值上, 一个峰值的道德提升感激活mPFC程度比快乐感激活mPFC程度更高, 而另一个峰值两种情绪对mPFC的激活程度无显著差异。该研究表明, 对于道德提升感诱发过程中不同的内容和时间, mPFC激活程度是不一样的, 这可以部分解释前两项研究结果的矛盾之处。

4.2 自主神经和内分泌反应

除了引起脑神经反应外, 道德提升感还引起了自主神经和内分泌反应。Piper等人(2015)研究发现, 道德提升感引起了一种不常见的交感神经与副交感神经联合反应:心率变快, 表明交感神经兴奋; 呼吸性窦性心率不齐增加, 间接表明了催产素的释放所导致的迷走神经副交感神经对心脏产生了影响。Silvers和Haidt (2008)研究发现, 道德提升感增加了新生儿母亲乳汁分泌量, 让母亲更多地哺乳和拥抱自己的孩子, 间接反映了母亲体内催产素的增加。

5 道德提升感的心理效应

5.1 亲社会行为

道德提升感让人产生一系列亲社会的行为动机, 包括效仿他人的道德行为、帮助他人、与他人亲近等(Haidt, 2000; Algoe & Haidt, 2009)。这些动机能否进一步转变为亲社会行为, 成为了研究者关注的一个焦点。

在最初的此类研究中, Cox (2010)研究发现, 个体在志愿活动中看到其他志愿者的道德行为后, 产生了道德提升感, 进而增加了参与后续志愿活动的意愿, 该效应在3个月后仍然存在, 但该效应仅限于参与同类志愿活动。Schnall等人(2010)的研究则发现, 相比观看普通视频, 观看他人道德行为视频的个体, 产生的道德提升感较高, 并在随后更多地志愿参与其它研究, 以及帮助研究者完成其它工作。这说明, 道德提升感不仅仅让人模仿所看到的道德行为, 还会增加其它类型的亲社会行为。

进一步研究发现, 这种亲社会效应在社会生活中具有多种形式。相比诱发中性情绪或快乐情绪的个体, 诱发道德提升感的个体, 有更多的捐款行为(Thomson & Siegel, 2013), 更愿意担任导师辅导他人(Thomson, Nakamura, Siegel, & Csikszentmihalyi, 2014), 更有可能登记成为身体器官捐献者(Siegel, Navarro, & Thomson, 2015), 更多对道德行为实施者给予奖励(廖珂, 2015), 有更高的环保意识内在价值观及环保行为倾向(董华华, 2016)。此外, 一些因素还能加强这种亲社会效应, 例如:能够自主选择观看他人道德行为视频而非被指定观看(Ellithorpe, Ewoldsen, & Oliver, 2015), 阅读容易模仿的道德榜样故事而非难以模仿的道德榜样故事(Han, Kim, Jeong, & Cohen, 2017), 诱发道德提升感后对自己的道德观念进行自我肯定(Schnall & Roper, 2012)等。但是, 这种亲社会效应只出现在涉及关怀的道德领域, 而没有出现在涉及正义的道德领域(van de Vyver & Abrams, 2015)。

还有研究发现, 这种亲社会效应在组织内部和外部也同样存在。在组织内, 领导者的道德行为, 会让下属产生道德提升感, 进而增加下属的组织公民行为和组织情感承诺(Vianello et al., 2010)。企业在外部实施的社会责任活动, 会让消费者产生道德提升感, 进而增加消费者对同类活动的捐助及志愿参与行为(Romani & Grappi, 2014)、对该活动的积极行为反应以及其它环保消费行为(Romani et al., 2016)。

5.2 积极的社会认知

道德提升感让人产生一系列对他人的积极认知变化, 包括对人性更乐观、对他人的积极品质有新的看法、更喜欢他人、对他人更加开放等(Haidt, 2000; Algoe & Haidt, 2009)。这些认知能否进一步转变为积极的社会认知, 成为了研究者关注的另一个焦点。此类研究集中在对外群体的态度、人际信任和道德判断等三个方面。

部分研究发现, 道德提升感能够改善个体对外群体的态度。首先, 道德提升感改善了个体对整体外群体的态度。Oliver等人(2015)研究发现, 道德提升感提高了个体对自我与人类全体的共享性及一致性认知, 进而感到对外群体有更强的联系及更友好的态度。Krämer等人(2017)研究发现, 道德提升感提高了世界主义取向, 进而提高与受刻板印象影响的外群体交往的意愿。其次, 道德提升感改善了个体对某些外群体的态度。Lai等人(2014)研究发现, 道德提升感降低了异性恋对同性恋的外显和内隐偏见, 但对种族偏见无显著影响。Freeman, Aquino和McFerran (2009)研究发现, 道德提升感让白人向黑人慈善团体捐款的态度变得更积极, 且该效应与社会支配倾向产生相反作用。但Ash (2013)的研究则发现, 道德提升感对传统、现代和内隐种族主义观并无显著影响。此外, 道德提升感也会影响人们对企业的态度, 看到企业将工作留在国内而非迁移到国外, 会诱发人们的道德提升感, 从而增强人们对该企业的积极态度(Grappi, Romani, & Bagozzi, 2013)。

对于道德提升感能否提高人际信任, 多项研究给出了肯定的结论。阅读关于领导者实施变革型领导行为(transformational leadership behaviour)来激励、鼓舞下属的故事, 能够诱发读者的道德提升感, 增强对该领导者的信任(Perlmutter, 2012)。观看他人道德行为视频诱发的道德提升感, 相比负性道德情绪, 产生了更高的人际信任(郑信军, 何佳娉, 2011)。即使诱发视频是一个负面新闻, 例如关于少女救人而溺水身亡的报道, 也能诱发道德提升感, 且相比诱发中性和负性道德情绪, 个体的人际信任水平更高(熊梦辉, 石孝琼, 骆玮, 余力, 王磊, 2016)。

对于道德提升感对道德判断的影响, 不同的研究发现了这一效应的不同表现。Strohminger等人(2011)研究发现, 诱发道德提升感后, 个体会将导致违反义务论的道德行为判断为更不道德。廖珂(2015)研究发现, 涉及关怀的道德领域的提倡性美德行为, 例如对受苦者的同情行为, 所诱发的道德提升感, 会让个体将该行为判断为更道德, 而其它类型和其它道德领域行为诱发的道德提升感, 则不会影响道德判断。综合这两项研究结果可以发现, 道德提升感会提高某些类型道德判断的强度。

5.3 对自身的积极作用

道德提升感让人产生亲社会行为和积极的社会认知, 还会对自身产生积极认知变化, 让人想成为一个更好的人(Haidt, 2000)。这些行为和认知能否建构个体资源, 从而对个体自身产生积极作用, 也成为了研究者关注的焦点。

一些研究发现, 道德提升感有助于个体建构社会资源, 从而改善心理健康。Erickson和Abelson (2012)让焦虑与抑郁患者在10天内每日测量自己的道德提升感水平, 结果发现, 在道德提升感水平较高的日子里, 相比水平低的时候, 患者对他人更加同情与亲近, 有较少的人际冲突与压力症状, 且效应持续6周。Siegel和Thomson (2017)研究发现, 道德提升感提高了抑郁患者寻求帮助的意愿。

也有研究者认为, 道德提升感可以提高个体的积极心理状态和特质, 有助于个体建构心理资源, 从而改善心理健康。Diessner等人(2006)实施了一项为期12周的干预, 让研究对象在日记中记录对道德美的经历, 结果发现, 干预提高了个体的特质希望和特质道德提升感。Proyer等人(2016)实施了一项为期一周的干预, 让研究对象在日记中每天记录三个对道德美的经历, 干预结束后发现, 个体的快乐水平得到提高且效应持续一个月, 抑郁水平得到了降低且效应持续一周。虽然这两项研究并未直接测量道德提升感, 但由于让个体记录对道德美的经历是为了诱发道德提升感, 因此道德提升感可能在其中发挥了作用。此外, van Cappellen, Saroglou, Iweins, Piovesana和Fredrickson (2013)研究发现, 道德提升感能够提高个体的生命意义感与仁慈世界观, 进而提高其精神境界(spirituality)。

6 未来研究方向

6.1 探讨道德提升感的生理机制

目前, 对于道德提升感的生理机制已有一定研究, 但这些研究遗留了许多问题, 可在未来研究中进一步探讨。

首先, 对于道德提升感脑神经机制的研究, 发现了不一致的结果。一方面, 道德提升感主要激活了涉及自我意识与自我参照的脑区(Immordino- Yang et al., 2009; Englander et al., 2012), 这一结果与道德提升感所具有的自我超越效应(Haidt & Morris, 2009; van Cappellen et al., 2013)是矛盾的。另一方面, 内侧前额叶皮质(mPFC)在道德提升感产生的过程中可能出现激活(Englander et al., 2012; Piper et al., 2015)、抑制(Lewis, 2014)、无变化(Piper et al., 2015)这三种情况。未来可使用EEG/ERP等技术进行研究, 了解道德提升感产生过程中不同时间段内, 大脑皮层各脑区的激活情况, 并与现有使用fMRI、fNIRS研究的结果进行比较, 分析是否存在mPFC先激活、后抑制的情况, 以了解道德提升感是否先引发自我意识, 后引发自我超越。

其次, 对道德提升感自主神经机制的研究, 发现了一种不常见的交感神经与副交感神经联合反应(Piper et al., 2015), 但对于这种联合反应的具体情况及成因仍不明确。未来可使用电生理测量手段, 了解道德提升感引起的皮电与心电的变化, 分析在该联合反应中交感神经与副交感神经的作用强度及作用时间, 进一步探明这一不常见反应是如何产生的。

最后, 对于道德提升感的内分泌机制, 现有研究只能间接表明, 道德提升感引起了催产素的产生(Silvers & Haidt, 2008; Piper et al., 2015)。未来可使用血液检验手段, 分析道德提升感引起的催产素及其它激素的变化情况, 了解道德提升感所引起的内分泌反应, 并进一步研究催产素在道德提升感的产生及效应中的作用, 例如催产素可能是道德提升感提高人际信任的中介因素(Kosfeld, Heinrichs, Zak, Fischbacher, & Fehr, 2005)。

6.2 探索道德提升感的扩展与建构效应

Fredrickson (1998)提出的积极情绪的扩展与建构理论认为, 积极情绪具有启动与扩展认知、激活思维与行为倾向、建构个体资源等效应。作为一种积极情绪, 道德提升感的现有研究所发现的效应, 基本符合这一理论。对于道德提升感所可能具有的其它效应, 未来可在这一理论框架下继续探索。

首先, 在启动与扩展认知方面, 现有研究主要关注道德提升感对于社会认知的影响, 而对于其它类型认知的效应则尚无研究。敬畏感与道德提升感同样来源于对美的欣赏, 敬畏感具有延长时间知觉、减少自我关注等效应(董蕊等, 2013), 道德提升感可能也有这些效应, 还可能对其它类型的意识与注意、感觉与知觉、记忆与思维等认知产生影响。

其次, 在激活思维与行为倾向方面, 现有研究主要关注道德提升感能否增加个体的亲社会行为, 而对于其中的作用机制以及其他类型的行为倾向则尚无研究。由于诱发道德提升感后, 对自己的道德观念进行自我肯定的个体, 相比未进行自我肯定的个体, 有更多的亲社会行为(Schnall & Roper, 2012), 因此, 道德提升感可能是通过激活个体的道德观念, 来促进个体实施亲社会行为的。在相同的作用机制下, 道德提升感还可能促进个体向他人传播道德观念, 以及让个体抑制自身的不道德行为。

再次, 在建构个体社会资源方面, 现有研究发现道德提升感让人想与他人亲近、对他人更加开放(Haidt, 2000; Algoe & Haidt, 2009), 并提高人际信任(Perlmutter, 2012; 郑信军, 何佳娉, 2011; 熊梦辉等, 2016), 但对于这些积极认知与动机能否进一步产生积极行为则尚无研究。道德提升感可能通过增加个体与他人的积极交往, 改善咨访关系、同伴关系和亲密关系等人际关系, 从而对个体的社会支持和心理健康产生积极影响。

最后, 在建构个体心理资源方面, 现有研究较少且说服力不足。未来可对Diessner等人(2006)设计的干预方法加以改进, 增加对道德提升感的测量, 检验是否能够通过长期频繁地诱发道德提升感, 来提高个体的特质道德提升感。由于特质道德提升感与焦虑和嫉妒负相关、与积极情绪和生活满意度正相关(Martínez-Martí, Hernández- Lloreda, & Avia, 2016), 道德提升感干预可能可以减少个体的消极情绪、增加积极情绪并提高生活满意度, 从而提升主观幸福感。由于特质道德提升感与自我控制正相关(Chang, Kim, & Lee, 2015), 与自我成长、自我超越和生命意义正相关(Martínez- Martí et al., 2016), 道德提升感干预可能可以提升个体的积极自我。

6.3 开展跨文化和本土化研究

对于道德提升感的研究, 目前大多数以西方国家现代世俗社会的个体作为研究对象, 存在一定的局限性。未来可通过跨文化研究, 了解不同国家、不同文化、不同宗教、不同社会发展水平下, 道德提升感是否具有一致的特点, 是否受文化与社会的影响。

针对中国人的道德提升感, 开展本土化研究尤为重要。中国文化长期受儒家影响, 儒家思想非常重视伦理道德。一方面, 儒家对道德品质十分推崇, 采用很多与“高”相关的词汇加以赞扬, 例如德高望重、高风亮节、高山景行等。另一方面, 儒家也强调对他人道德行为和品质的学习, 要求人们见贤思齐, 在这个过程中可能会产生道德提升感。但是, 中国文化与西方文化中的道德提升感可能存在差异。西方文化更强调消极道德义务, 而中国文化更强调积极道德义务(Hwang, 1998)。西方文化中的个体倾向于脱离整体情境看待个人行为, 更多地将行为的原因归于内在品质而非外在情境, 而中国文化的个体倾向于将个人行为放在整体情境中看待, 更多地将行为的原因归于外在情境而非内在品质(Choi, Nisbett, & Norenzayan, 1999)。这就可能导致, 对于他人的道德行为, 中国文化中的个体更多将其看作是履行道德义务的、受情境影响而产生的行为, 而不是自发自愿的、表现出道德品质的行为。因此, 相比西方文化, 中国文化中的道德提升感可能来源较窄、强度较低、效应较少。对于中国人的道德提升感, 目前只有少量以中国大学生为对象的研究。未来可从典籍中寻找道德提升感在中国文化中的来源, 通过更广泛的研究了解国内不同民族、不同地域、不同社会经济地位的中国人道德提升感特点, 探索道德提升感在中国传统与现代社会中发挥的作用。

6.4 应用于道德教育中

当前道德教育存在困境, 很多学生接受了道德教育却出现道德伪善、言行不一的情况, 这是由于道德教育只注重对道德规范的讲授与灌输, 虽然可以让学生掌握道德规范, 却难以塑造美德。喻丰、彭凯平、韩婷婷、柏阳和柴方圆(2012)提出, 应根据道德规范和美德的不同心理机制, 采取不同的教育方法, 对于美德的培养进行训练和实践。由于特质道德提升感是一种超越性美德(Haidt & Keltner, 2004), Diessner (2007)认为, 通过诱发道德提升感, 提高个体对美德的欣赏能力, 有助于塑造美德, 进而促进个体更多地实施道德行为。遗憾的是, 对于在道德教育中应用道德提升感干预, 现有研究很少且说服力不足。未来可对Diessner等人(2006)设计的干预方法加以改进, 增加对道德提升感的测量, 检验是否能够通过长期频繁地诱发道德提升感, 来提高个体的特质道德提升感。由于特质道德提升感与道德同一性、宽恕、共情和爱正相关(Diessner et al., 2013), 与利他和自我超越正相关(Martínez-Martí et al., 2016), 道德提升感干预还可能会提升个体的其它美德。

此外, 对于道德提升感的心理发展, 目前尚无研究。未来可对儿童和青少年的道德提升感进行研究, 揭示其发展特点及影响因素, 从而可以有针对性地开展道德教育。未来还可设计更多的教学方法, 在道德教育过程中增加对学生道德提升感的诱发频率与强度, 塑造学生的特质道德提升感及其它美德, 促进学生实施道德行为。


陈世民, 吴宝沛, 方杰, 孙配贞, 高良, 熊红星, 郑雪 . ( 2011).

钦佩感: 一种见贤思齐的积极情绪

心理科学进展, 19( 11), 1667-1674.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2011.01667      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Admiration is a feeling of great liking and respect for an excellent person or an emotional response to witness excellent deeds or character, whose prototypical components are appreciation and inspiration. This emotion is evoked by many factors including extraordinary skill, virtue, positive attitude, self-improvement motive, and similar values and so on. Secretion of oxytocin can be facilitated by admiration for virtue. Admiration for skill and virtue activate separate but also overlapping brain area. Admiration can function to inspire oneself, increase self-efficacy and outcome expectation, influence vocational intention, and motivate prosocial and affiliative behavior. Future research should broaden the concept and component of admiration, distinguish between admiration and worship, conduct the study of application and cross-cultural or localized research.

董华华 . ( 2016). 道德提升感对环保意识的影响研究(硕士学位论文). 浙江工业大学, 杭州.

[本文引用: 3]

董蕊, 彭凯平, 喻丰 . ( 2013).


心理科学进展, 21( 11), 1996-2005.

[本文引用: 3]

梁宏宇, 陈石, 熊红星, 孙配贞, 李放, 郑雪 . ( 2015).

人际感恩: 社会交往中重要的积极情绪

心理科学进展, 23( 3), 479-488.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.00479      URL     [本文引用: 1]


廖珂 . ( 2015). 道德提升感对道德判断和道德奖惩行为的影响——从道德基础理论视角出发研究(硕士学位论文). 浙江大学, 杭州.

[本文引用: 4]

吴玮 . ( 2011). 大学生道德提升感状况及其与亲社会行为的关系(硕士学位论文). 上海师范大学.

[本文引用: 2]

熊梦辉, 石孝琼, 骆玮, 余力, 王磊 . ( 2016).


心理技术与应用, 4( 8), 491-498.

[本文引用: 2]

喻丰, 彭凯平, 韩婷婷, 柏阳, 柴方圆 . ( 2012).

伦理美德的社会及人格心理学分析: 道德特质的意义、困惑及解析

清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 27( 4), 128-139.



郑信军, 何佳娉 . ( 2011).


中国临床心理学杂志, 19( 4), 508-511.

URL     [本文引用: 3]

目的:探究不同效价的诱发道德情绪对人际信任感的即时影响。方法:以140名大学生为被试, 以视频短片为材料,实验性诱发其正性、负性道德情绪,检测诱发结果对于被试倾向性与情境性人际信任的影响。结果:①正性和负性道德情绪存在诱发后效的显著 差异;②诱发正性道德情绪能显著提高被试的情境性人际信任,而诱发负性道德情绪则显著降低了被试的倾向性人际信任;③高移情被试在诱发道德情绪条件下表现 出显著更高的情境性人际信任。结论:诱发道德情绪能一定程度改善个体的人际信任。

郑信军, 孙洲, 缪芙蓉 . ( 2009).

道德情感的研究趋向: 从分立到整合

心理科学, 32( 6), 1408-1410.

[本文引用: 1]

Algoe, S. B., & Haidt, J . ( 2009).

Witnessing excellence in action: The 'other-praising' emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 4( 2), 105-127.

DOI:10.1080/17439760802650519      URL     PMID:2689844      [本文引用: 7]

People are often profoundly moved by the virtue or skill of others, yet psychology has little to say about the ‘other-praising’ family of emotions. Here we demonstrate that emotions such as elevation, gratitude, and admiration differ from more commonly studied forms of positive affect (joy and amusement) in many ways, and from each other in a few ways. The results of studies using recall, video induction, event-contingent diary, and letter-writing methods to induce other-praising emotions suggest that: elevation (a response to moral excellence) motivates prosocial and affiliative behavior, gratitude motivates improved relationships with benefactors, and admiration motivates self-improvement. Mediation analyses highlight the role of conscious emotion between appraisals and motivations. Discussion focuses on implications for emotion research, interpersonal relationships, and morality.

Aquino K., McFerran B., & Laven M . ( 2011).

Moral identity and the experience of moral elevation in response to acts of uncommon goodness

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100( 4), 703-718.

DOI:10.1037/a0022540      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Ash, E. M . ( 2013). Emotional responses to savior films: Concealing privilege or appealing to our better selves? (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). The Pennsylvania State University.

[本文引用: 2]

Chang Y.-H., Kim K.-J., & Lee J.-S . ( 2015).

The relationship between college student's character strengths (humanity), self-control, and altruistic behavior in the times of convergence: The mediating effect of moral elevation

Journal of Digital Convergence, 13( 9), 445-452.

DOI:10.14400/JDC.2015.13.9.445      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of moral elevation on the relationship between character strengths(humanity), self-control and altruistic behavior in the times of convergence. 647 college students in Cheongju were sampled. Four measurement instruments were employed; a Character Strengths(Humanity) Scale, Self-Control Scale, Moral Elevation Scale, and Altruistic Behavior Scale. The Collected data were analyzed with SPSS program and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). Fitness of the final model were CFI

Choi I., Nisbett R. E., & Norenzayan A . ( 1999).

Causal attribution across cultures: Variation and universality

Psychological Bulletin, 125( 1), 47-63.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.125.1.47      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Growing cross cultural evidence suggests that East Asians are less likely to show the correspondence bias, or a preference for explanations of behavior in terms of traits, dispositions, or other internal attributes of the target. The scope of this evidence spans several research paradigms and diverse methodologies. The cultural difference, however, appears not to be caused by an absence of dispositional thinking in East Asian cultures. Indeed, extensive ethnographic and psychological data indicate that "dispositionism" is a cross-culturally widespread mode of thinking, although East Asians believe dispositions to be more malleable and have a more holistic conception of the person as being situated in a broad social context. The East est split in attribution thus originates primarily from a stronger "situationism" or belief in the importance of the context of behavior in East Asia. Consequently, East Asians are more likely than Westerners to avoid the correspondence bias as long as situational constraints are salient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Cox, K. S . ( 2010).

Elevation predicts domain-specific volunteerism 3 months later

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 5( 5), 333-341.

DOI:10.1080/17439760.2010.507468      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Elevation, the feeling of moral uplift when viewing the virtuous action of another, has been shown to be a distinct moral emotion [Algoe, S.B., & Haidt, J. (2009). Witnessing excellence in action: The ‘other-praising’ emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 105–127]. Prosocial behaviors have been theorized to be one of the behavioral effects of elevation, but this behavioral connection has not been strongly established. This study followed college students in a naturalistic setting known to induce elevation, a spring break service trip. Self-reports of elevation during service trip were collected from participants at the conclusion of the trip. At 1 week and 3 months later, participants reported on trip-related and general volunteerism. Self-reports of elevation during the trip predicted trip-specific volunteerism at 1 week and 3 months, but did not relate to general volunteerism at either time. This predictive connection was maintained even when pre-trip volunteerism, trait empathy, and the dispositions of Extraversion, Openness to Experience, and Agreeableness were controlled for. These results suggest that the experience of elevation motivated participants to volunteer in the domain in which they felt elevation. This finding supports the hypothesis that prosocial responses are a behavioral effect of elevation, but further refines this hypothesis by suggesting that the prosocial response occurs in a domain linked to the context in which elevation was experienced.

Diessner, R . ( 2007).

Beauty and moral education

Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology, 21( 1), 11-21.

[本文引用: 1]

Diessner R., Iyer R., Smith M. M., & Haidt J . ( 2013).

Who engages with moral beauty?

Journal of Moral Education, 42( 2), 139-163.

DOI:10.1080/03057240.2013.785941      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Aristotle considered moral beauty to be the telos of the human virtues. Displays of moral beauty have been shown to elicit the moral emotion of elevation and cause a desire to become a better person and to engage in prosocial behavior. Study 1 (N = 5380) shows engagement with moral beauty is related to several psychological constructs relevant to moral education, and structural models reveal that the story of engagement with moral beauty may be considered a story of love and connectedness; it is uniquely predictive of caring for, being empathic of, loving, and valuing benevolence toward others. Study 2 (N = 542) demonstrates that the personality trait of engaging with moral beauty moderates susceptibility to elevation. These studies suggest that encouraging students to engage with moral beauty might increase their desire to become better persons and to do good. Convergent with other research showing that moral emotions motivate moral behavior, we suggest that moral education programs increase their focus on developing engagement with moral beauty.

Diessner R., Rust T., Solom R. C., Frost N., & Parsons L . ( 2006).

Beauty and hope: A moral beauty intervention

Journal of Moral Education, 35( 3), 301-317.

DOI:10.1080/03057240600874430      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Pedagogical intervention regarding engagement with natural, artistic and moral beauty can lead to an increase in trait hope. In a quasi‐experimental design with college students the intervention group showed significantly higher gain scores on trait hope than did the comparison group; the effect size was moderate. The experimental group also experienced significantly larger increases with engagement with moral beauty; the effect size was large. The discussion section focuses on integrating understanding beauty with moral education pedagogy, using a key element in philosophical definitions of beauty: unity‐in‐diversity. It is hypothesized that such pedagogy will increase engagement with natural, artistic and moral beauty and thus raise trait hope.

Ding W., Wang X. Z., Sun B. H., & Li W. J . ( 2014).

The structure and measurement of the moral elevation

Advances in Psychology, 4( 6), 777-787.

DOI:10.12677/AP.2014.46102      URL     [本文引用: 2]

本研究致力于澄清道德提升感在中国背景下的心理结构,并编制问卷。根据相关论著分析和文献梳理构建了道德提升感的结构,并通过访谈整理和专家评估,编制了针对大学生的道德提升感量表。通过对样本一(n = 283)和样本二(n = 220)进行探索性分析和验证性分析来检验量表的信效度。结果表明:1) 道德提升感具有稳定的心理结构,具体分为情感及其流露、对自己的认知、对他人的认知和行为倾向四个因子;2) 自编的中国大学生道德提升感量表具有良好的信度、效度和适用性。The present study aims to e...

Ellithorpe M. E., Ewoldsen D. R., & Oliver M. B . ( 2015).

Elevation (sometimes) increases altruism: Choice and number of outcomes in elevating media effects

Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4( 3), 236-250.

DOI:10.1037/ppm0000023      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Elevation is a feeling of meaningfulness and poignancy, which makes people feel more connected to humanity. The experience of elevation often arises as a result of media narratives, usually those that depict moral virtue or connectedness. Elevating media has a number of positive effects on media consumers, both emotionally and behaviorally. The present study expands on previous research by exploring the mechanisms underlying the behaviors associated with elevating media and identifying the variables that moderate these outcomes. In a randomized experiment, participants were assigned to watch either an elevating or a nonelevating but positive film clip. Perceived choice in the media experience was also manipulated, and perceived choice moderated the effects of film clip type, such that participants who believed they had chosen the elevating media were more altruistic in a noise-blast task than those who were not given a choice. However, this reversed in a subsequent task, where those who chose elevating media pledged fewer raffle winnings to charity. The differences between spontaneous and deliberative behaviors are discussed, as are possible mechanisms for the link between exposure to elevating media and behavior, including goal activation and elevating emotions.

Englander Z. A., Haidt J., & Morris J. P . ( 2012).

Neural basis of moral elevation demonstrated through inter-subject synchronization of cortical activity during free-viewing

PLoS One, 7( 6), e39384.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0039384      URL     PMID:22745745      [本文引用: 5]

Most research investigating the neural basis of social emotions has examined emotions that give rise to negative evaluations of others (e.g. anger, disgust). Emotions triggered by the virtues and excellences of others have been largely ignored. Using fMRI, we investigated the neural basis of two ther-praising" emotions Moral Elevation (a response to witnessing acts of moral beauty), and Admiration (which we restricted to admiration for physical skill). Ten participants viewed the same nine video clips. Three clips elicited moral elevation, three elicited admiration, and three were emotionally neutral. We then performed pair-wise voxel-by-voxel correlations of the BOLD signal between individuals for each video clip and a separate resting-state run. We observed a high degree of inter-subject synchronization, regardless of stimulus type, across several brain regions during free-viewing of videos. Videos in the elevation condition evoked significant inter-subject synchronization in brain regions previously implicated in self-referential and interoceptive processes, including the medial prefrontal cortex, precuneus, and insula. The degree of synchronization was highly variable over the course of the videos, with the strongest synchrony occurring during portions of the videos that were independently rated as most emotionally arousing. Synchrony in these same brain regions was not consistently observed during the admiration videos, and was absent for the neutral videos. Results suggest that the neural systems supporting moral elevation are remarkably consistent across subjects viewing the same emotional content. We demonstrate that model-free techniques such as inter-subject synchronization may be a useful tool for studying complex, context dependent emotions such as self-transcendent emotion.

Erickson, T. M., & Abelson, J. L . ( 2012).

Even the downhearted may be uplifted: Moral elevation in the daily life of clinically depressed and anxious adults

Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 31( 7), 707-728.

DOI:10.1521/jscp.2012.31.7.707      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Observing acts of virtue (e.g., generosity, courage) triggers moral elevation, an emotion characterized by a sense of feeling morally uplifted and inspired. Elevation triggers prosocial motivation and positive emotion, and may therefore bear relevance for disorders characterized by self-focus, interpersonal dysfunction, and distress (e.g., depression and anxiety disorders). The present study tested the interpersonal and emotional effects of elevation for ten days in clinically depressed and anxious individuals (N = 47). Multilevel models showed that on days that individuals experienced high elevation relative to their own average levels, they endorsed higher compassionate goals (striving to help others) and closeness to others, as well as lower interpersonal conflict and distress symptoms. In timelagged analyses, elevation predicted residual increases in compassionate goals toward others on subsequent days and a six-week posttest. Moreover, most effects were not attributable to gender, dysphoric mood, or feeling competent. Thus, moral elevation may uniquely contribute to social and emotional functioning, even in clinically distressed individuals.

Fredrickson, B. L . ( 1998).

What good are positive emotions?

Review of General Psychology, 2( 3), 300-319.

DOI:10.1037/1089-2680.2.3.300      URL     PMID:21850154      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract This article opens by noting that positive emotions do not fit existing models of emotions. Consequently, a new model is advanced to describe the form and function of a subset of positive emotions, including joy, interest, contentment, and love. This new model posits that these positive emotions serve to broaden an individual's momentary thought-action repertoire, which in turn has the effect of building that individual's physical, intellectual, and social resources. Empirical evidence to support this broaden-and-build model of positive emotions is reviewed, and implications for emotion regulation and health promotion are discussed.

Freeman D., Aquino K., & McFerran B . ( 2009).

Overcoming beneficiary race as an impediment to charitable donations: Social dominance orientation, the experience of moral elevation, and donation behavior

Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 35( 1), 72-84.

DOI:10.1177/0146167208325415      URL     PMID:19017786      [本文引用: 1]

Three studies examined the relationship between social dominance orientation (SDO), the experience of moral elevation, and Whites' donations to charitable organizations. Study 1 used video clips depicting acts of moral excellence to elicit a state of moral elevation (a distinctive feeling of warmth and expansion, which is accompanied by admiration, affection, and even love for people whose exemplary moral is being observed). Results show that moral elevation increased participants' willingness to donate to a Black-oriented charity and attenuated the negative effect of the group-based dominance (GBD) component of SDO on donation . Studies 2 and 3 replicate and extend these findings by using a written story to elicit a state of moral elevation and examining actual donations to a Black-oriented charity. Results show that moral elevation increased donations to the Black-oriented charity and neutralized the negative influence of GBD.

Gable, S. L., & Haidt, J . ( 2005).

What (and why) is positive psychology?

Review of General Psychology, 9( 2), 103-110.

DOI:10.1037/1089-2680.9.2.103      URL     [本文引用: 8]

Abstract Positive psychology is the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions. In this brief introduction, the authors give examples of current work in positive psychology and try to explain why the positive psychology movement has grown so quickly in just 5 years. They suggest that it filled a need: It guided researchers to understudied phenomena. The authors close by addressing some criticisms and shortcomings of positive psychology, such as the relative lack of progress in studying positive institutions.

Grappi S., Romani S., & Bagozzi R. P . ( 2013).

The effects of company offshoring strategies on consumer responses

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41( 6), 683-704.

DOI:10.1007/s11747-013-0340-y      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper develops a unique theoretical framework for explaining consumer reactions to corporate offshoring by testing the impact of the decision to offshore or to maintain domestic activities on two dependent variables: consumer attitudes toward the company and word-of-mouth communication. We conduct two controlled experiments administered in the field with adult consumers. Study 1 analyzes the processes underlying consumer reactions to corporate offshoring from the perspective of the perceived moral harm and good that offshoring produces. Results verify the mediating role of positive and negative moral emotions (i.e., gratitude and righteous anger) felt by consumers. Study 2 demonstrates the moderating role of consumer perceived risk of offshoring on the linkage between company offshoring and the same moral emotions and through these moral emotions on consumer attitudes toward the company and word-of-mouth communication. An unexpected finding is the mediation of the positive moral emotion of elevation on consumer attitudes.

Haidt J . ( 2000).

The positive emotion of elevation

Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 3.

DOI:10.1037/1522-3736.3.1.33c      URL     [本文引用: 22]

Abstract Posted 3/2000. The previously unstudied emotion of elevation is described. Elevation appears to be the opposite of social disgust. It is triggered by witnessing acts of human moral beauty or virtue. Elevation involves a warm or glowing feeling in the chest, and it makes people want to become morally better themselves. Because elevation increases one's desire to affiliate with and help others, it provides a clear illustration of B. L. Fredrickson's (see record 2000-03082-001) broaden-and-build model of the positive emotions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Haidt J . ( 2003 a).

Elevation and the positive psychology of morality

In C. L. M. Keyes & J. Haidt (Eds.), Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived( pp. 275-289). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

DOI:10.1016/j.resmic.2015.04.002      URL     [本文引用: 10]

ABSTRACT An abamectin (ABM)-degrading bacterium, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia ZJB-14120, was isolated and identified. This strain is capable of degrading 84.82% of ABM at an initial concentration of 200 mg/L over a 48 h incubation period. This strain showed efficient biodegradation ability (7.81 mg/L/h) to ABM and high tolerance (1,000 mg/L) to all macrolides tested. In addition to ABM, emamectin, erythromycin and spiramycin can also be degraded by this strain. Modifications involving either reduction of the double bond between C22-C23 or replacement of the C25-group of ABM with a cyclohexyl group can completely inhibit biodegradation of ABM. The ABM-degrading capability of strain ZJB-14120 is likely to be intrinsic to its metabolism and could be inhibited by incubating with erythromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin or rifampicin. A new and successive degradation pathway was proposed based on metabolite analysis. Although there is evidence for metabolite inhibition, this strain has high ABM degradation activity and reusability. Further investigation showed that activated macrolide efflux pump(s) and an undetermined mechanism for regulating the intracellular ABM concentration are responsible for normal uptake of essential metabolites while pumping out excess harmful compounds. Strain ZJB-14120 may provide efficient treatment of water and soil contaminated by toxic levels of abamectin and emamectin. Copyright 2015. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

Haidt J . ( 2003b).

The moral emotions

In R. J. Davidson, K. R. Scherer, & H. H. Goldsmith (Eds.), Handbook of affective sciences (pp. 852-870). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 8]

Haidt J . ( 2008).


Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3( 1), 65-72.

DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6916.2008.00063.x      URL     [本文引用: 8]

Haidt J., & Keltner, D. .( 2004) .

Appreciation of beauty and excellence

In C. Peterson & M. E. P. Seligman (Eds.), Character strengths and virtues (pp. 537-551). Washington DC, US: American Psychological Association Press.

[本文引用: 3]

Haidt, J., & Morris, J. P . ( 2009).

Finding the self in self-transcendent emotions

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106( 19), 7687-7688.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0903076106      URL     PMID:19416850      [本文引用: 9]

In source leaves of resistant tobacco, oxidative burst and subsequent formation of hypersensitive lesions after infection with Phytophthora nicotianae was prevented by inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) or NADPH oxidases. This observation indicated that plant defense could benefit from improved NADPH availability due to increased G6PDH activity in the cytosol. A plastidic isoform of the G6PDH-encoding gene, G6PD, displaying high NADPH tolerance was engineered for cytosolic expression (cP2), and introduced into a susceptible cultivar. After infection, transgenic (previously susceptible) lines overexpressing cP2 showed early oxidative bursts, callose deposition, and changes in metabolic parameters. These responses resulted in timely formation of hypersensitive lesions similar to resistant plants, although their extent varied considerably between different transgenic lines. Additional RNAi suppression of endogenous cytosolic G6PD isoforms resulted in highly uniform defense responses and also enhanced drought tolerance and flowering. Cytosolic G6PDH seems to be a crucial factor for the outcome of plant defense responses; thus, representing an important target for modulation of stress resistance. Because isoenzyme replacement of G6PDH in the cytosol was beneficial under various kinds of cues, we propose this strategy as a tool to enhance stress tolerance in general.

Han H., Kim J., Jeong C., & Cohen G. L . ( 2017).

Attainable and relevant moral exemplars are more effective than extraordinary exemplars in promoting voluntary service engagement

Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 283.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00283      URL     PMID:28326045      [本文引用: 1]

The present study aimed to develop effective moral educational interventions based on social psychology by using stories of moral exemplars. We tested whether motivation to engage in voluntary service as a form of moral behavior was better promoted by attainable and relevant exemplars or by unattainable and irrelevant exemplars. First, experiment 1, conducted in a lab, showed that stories of attainable exemplars more effectively promoted voluntary service activity engagement among undergraduate students compared with stories of unattainable exemplars and non-moral stories. Second, experiment 2, a middle school classroom-level experiment with a quasi-experimental design, demonstrated that peer exemplars, who are perceived to be attainable and relevant to students, better promoted service engagement compared with historic figures in moral education classes.

Hwang, K. K . ( 1998).

Two moralities: Reinterpreting the findings of empirical research on moral reasoning in Taiwan

Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 1( 3), 211-238.

DOI:10.1111/1467-839X.00015      URL     [本文引用: 4]

This paper reinterprets the findings of previous empirical research on moral reasoning and moral judgment conducted in Taiwan using Kohlberg’s research paradigm. It consists of three major parts. The first part explores Kohlberg's theory of moral development and its limitations. Gibb’s (1979) two-phase model is used to emphasize the necessity of studying cultural heritage in understanding the prevalent moral reasoning of existential phase adults in a given society. The second part presents an analysis of Confucian ethics (Hwang, 1995), and proposes a conceptual scheme for discerning the significant features of Confucian ethics by referring to distinctions between positive/negative and imperfect/perfect duties. The discretionary features of Confucian ethics are further analyzed in terms of Shweder .’s (1990) scheme for discerning a rationally defensible moral code. In addition, the Confucian moral dilemma and its modern fate in the New-Culture Movement of the May Fourth period on mainland China, and the 1960s Gong De Movement in Taiwan are discussed. The third part of this paper reinterprets the findings of several empirical studies on moral reasoning in Taiwanese society. Special attention is paid to Cheng’s (1991) data from interviews with a group of college students using Kohlberg’s moral dilemma. The implication of her findings is discussed on the basis of the new conceptual scheme.

Immordino-Yang M. H., McColl A., Damasio H., & Damasio A . ( 2009).

Neural correlates of admiration and compassion

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106( 19), 8021-8026.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0810363106      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Jefferson, T . ( 1771). To Robert Skipwith, with a list of books for a private library. Retrieved August 17, 2017, from

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Keltner, D., & Haidt, J . ( 2003).

Approaching awe, a moral, spiritual, and aesthetic emotion

Cognition & Emotion, 17( 2), 297-314.

DOI:10.1080/02699930302297      URL     PMID:29715721      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract In this paper we present a prototype approach to awe. We suggest that two appraisals are central and are present in all clear cases of awe: perceived vastness, and a need for accommodation, defined as an inability to assimilate an experience into current mental structures. Five additional appraisals account for variation in the hedonic tone of awe experiences: threat, beauty, exceptional ability, virtue, and the supernatural. We derive this perspective from a review of what has been written about awe in religion, philosophy, sociology, and psychology, and then we apply this perspective to an analysis of awe and related states such as admiration, elevation, and the epiphanic experience.

Kosfeld M., Heinrichs M., Zak P. J., Fischbacher U., & Fehr E . ( 2005).

Oxytocin increases trust in humans

Nature, 435( 7042), 673-676.

DOI:10.1038/nature03701      URL     PMID:15931222      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Trust pervades human societies. Trust is indispensable in friendship, love, families and organizations, and plays a key role in economic exchange and politics. In the absence of trust among trading partners, market transactions break down. In the absence of trust in a country's institutions and leaders, political legitimacy breaks down. Much recent evidence indicates that trust contributes to economic, political and social success. Little is known, however, about the biological basis of trust among humans. Here we show that intranasal administration of oxytocin, a neuropeptide that plays a key role in social attachment and affiliation in non-human mammals, causes a substantial increase in trust among humans, thereby greatly increasing the benefits from social interactions. We also show that the effect of oxytocin on trust is not due to a general increase in the readiness to bear risks. On the contrary, oxytocin specifically affects an individual's willingness to accept social risks arising through interpersonal interactions. These results concur with animal research suggesting an essential role for oxytocin as a biological basis of prosocial approach behaviour.

Krämer N., Eimler S. C., Neubaum G., Winter S., RÖsner L., & Oliver M. B . ( 2017).

Broadcasting one world: How watching online videos can elicit elevation and reduce stereotypes

New Media & Society, 19( 9), 1349-1368.

DOI:10.1177/1461444816639963      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Abstract Research on non-hedonic entertainment suggests the experience of elevation as an important construct leading to beneficial outcomes such as prosocial motivation. This study builds on first findings in this realm by distinguishing between different meaningful media contents. In a 3 × 4 between-subjects online experiment, we varied type of video (beauty of the earth, unity of humankind, portrayals of human kindness, and funny control videos) and context of proliferation (presentation on an unknown video platform or on YouTube with low vs high number of views). Meaningful videos indeed led to greater elevation, more universal orientation, and prosocial motivation—with videos showing human kindness standing out against other forms of meaningful videos. Human kindness videos additionally fostered more positive attitudes toward stereotyped groups—mediated by the feeling of elevation and the subsequent feeling of universal orientation.

Lai C. K., Haidt J., & Nosek B. A . ( 2014).

Moral elevation reduces prejudice against gay men

Cognition & Emotion, 28( 5), 781-794.

DOI:10.1080/02699931.2013.861342      URL     PMID:24320065      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Disgust is linked to social evaluation. People with higher disgust sensitivity exhibit more sexual prejudice, and inducing disgust increases sexual prejudice. We tested whether inducing moral elevation, the theoretical opposite of disgust, would reduce sexual prejudice. In four studies (N = 3622), we induced elevation with inspiring videos and then measured sexual prejudice with implicit and explicit measures. Compared to control videos that elicited no particular affective state, we found that elevation reduced implicit and explicit sexual prejudice, albeit very slightly. No effect was observed when the target of social evaluation was changed to race (Black-White). Inducing amusement, another positive emotion, did not significantly affect sexual prejudice. We conclude that elevation weakly but reliably reduces prejudice towards gay men.

Lewis, B. M . ( 2014). Neural and behavioral components of moral elevation (Unpublished bachelor thesis). Oregon State University, Corvallis.

[本文引用: 4]

Martínez-Martí M. L., Hernández-Lloreda M. J., & Avia M. D . ( 2016).

Appreciation of beauty and excellence: Relationship with personality, prosociality and well-being

Journal of Happiness Studies, 17( 6), 2613-2634.

DOI:10.1007/s10902-015-9709-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Appreciation of beauty and excellence (ABE) is one of the least studied character strengths. Therefore, this study aims at advancing the knowledge in this area by (1) developing a scale that measures

Monin B . ( 2007).

Holier than me? Threatening social comparison in the moral domain

Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 20( 1), 53-68.

DOI:10.1590/S1415-52732007000100001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This short review analyzes the specificity of upward social comparison in the moral domain, suggesting that it blends Festinger’s (1954) distinction between opinions and abilities. We discuss positive outcomes (elevation) and negative ones (resentment), and moderators of this reaction. Then we identify the ways in which moral comparison constitutes a uniquely stinging threat (moral inferiority, moral confusion, and imagined moral reproach). Finally, we explore some of the strategies that people might use to defuse this moral threat (suspicion, trivialization and rejection).

Oliver M. B., Hartmann T., & Woolley J. K . ( 2012).

Elevation in response to entertainment portrayals of moral virtue

Human Communication Research, 38( 3), 360-378.

DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2958.2012.01427.x      URL     PMID:3075308      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Media psychologists have long puzzled over how individuals can experience enjoyment from entertainment such as tragedies that often elicit profound feelings of sadness. The present research examines the idea that a focus on “meaningful” entertainment and affective responses identified as “elevation” may provide a framework for understanding many examples of sad or dramatic entertainment. The results of this study suggest that many types of meaningful cinematic entertainment feature portrayals of moral virtues (e.g., altruism). These portrayals, in turn, elicit feelings of elevation (e.g., inspiration) that are signified in terms of mixed affect and unique physical responses (e.g., lump in throat). Ultimately, elevation also gives rise to motivations to embody moral virtues, such as being a better person or helping others.

Oliver M. B., Kim K., Hoewe J., Chung M.-Y., Ash E., Woolley J. K., & Shade D. D . ( 2015).

Media-induced elevation as a means of enhancing feelings of intergroup connectedness

Journal of Social Issues, 71( 1), 106-122.

DOI:10.1111/josi.12099      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT The majority of research on media counter-stereotyping of race/ethnicity has tended to employ positive portrayals or counter-stereotypical exemplars as a primary strategy in eliciting positive attitudes among White participants. In contrast, this article reports the results of an experiment on the unique role of affective responses to media messages as a mechanism in inducing greater feelings of connectedness with a diversity of racial/ethnic groups. Our focus is on the affective response of elevation specifically, which refers to feelings of being moved, touched, and inspired by images of people engaged in morally beautiful acts such as love, generosity, and kindness. Results show that the experience of elevation in response to inspiring videos was associated with heightened feelings of overlap between the self and humanity, with this overlap associated with greater feelings of connectedness with those from a diversity of racial/ethnic groups. This connection was also associated with more favorable attitudes.

Perlmutter, L. S . ( 2012). Transformational leadership and the development of moral elevation and trust (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). University of British Columbia.

[本文引用: 6]

Piper W. T., Saslow L. R., & Saturn S. R . ( 2015).

Autonomic and prefrontal events during moral elevation

Biological Psychology, 108, 51-55.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.03.004      URL     PMID:25813121      [本文引用: 2]

Moral elevation, or elevation, is a specific emotional state triggered by witnessing displays of profound virtue and moral beauty. This study set out to characterize the physiology underlying elevation with measurements of heart rate (HR), respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activity. During elevation, HR and RSA increased. These findings illustrate that elevation involves an uncommon combination of both sympathetic and parasympathetic activation, which is present in circumstances where arousal and social engagement are both required. In addition, we show evidence of content-dependent alterations of mPFC activity during elevation peaks. Altogether, this study shows that the induction of moral elevation recruits an uncommon autonomic and neural pattern that is consistent with previous understanding of socioemotional-induced allostasis.

Pohling, R., & Diessner, R . ( 2016).

Moral elevation and moral beauty: A review of the empirical literature

Review of General Psychology, 20( 4), 412-425.

DOI:10.1037/gpr0000089      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Moral elevation is defined as the emotional response to witnessing acts of moral beauty. Studies have found that elevation entails pleasant feelings of warmth in the chest, feeling uplifted, moved, and optimistic about humanity. Elevation motivates affiliation with others as well as moral action tendencies. The main goal of this review was to gather and organize the empirical findings from the last 16 years of elevation research with regard to psychological and physiological characteristics, motivational tendencies, behavioral outcomes, neuronal mechanisms, moderators, and correlates of elevation. A secondary goal was to examine whether elevation is congruent with Fredrickson (2001) broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. It was concluded that there is strong evidence that elevation broadens the thought-action repertoire and relatively weak evidence that it builds lasting resources. Potential evolutionary functions, the forms of measurement of elevation, the process of how elevation is triggered, practical applications and directions for future research were also addressed.

Proyer R. T., Gander F., Wellenzohn S., & Ruch W . ( 2016).

Nine beautiful things: A self-administered online positive psychology intervention on the beauty in nature, arts, and behaviors increases happiness and ameliorates depressive symptoms

Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 189-193.

DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.028      URL     [本文引用: 2]

61Only few intervention studies on the appreciation of beauty and excellence exist.61A randomized placebo-controlled online study was conducted.61There were short term effects on happiness and depression.

Romani, S, & Grappi, S . ( 2014).

How companies’ good deeds encourage consumers to adopt pro-social behavior

European Journal of Marketing, 48( 5-6), 943-963.

DOI:10.1108/EJM-06-2012-0364      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Purpose - This paper aims to investigate the effects of company CSR initiatives on two consumers pro-social behaviors closely related to the social cause promoted by the company, such as consumers donating money and volunteering time. In addition, the role of moral elevation as a mediating variable in such relationships is tested. Design/methodology/approach - After an exploratory study, we tested the role of moral elevation as a mediator that facilitates the effects of company CSR activities in social domains on two specific types of pro-social behavior displayed by consumers: donating money and volunteering time for the same cause sponsored by the company. We conducted two quantitative studies to test our hypotheses. In Study 1, we considered the two pro-social behaviors as intentions; in Study 2, we analyzed them as actual behaviors. In both studies, we conducted controlled experiments administered in the field. By using experimental and control conditions, we were able to manipulate corporate responsible actions in social contexts and a mediational analysis was conducted. Findings - Our results show that moral elevation mediates the positive relationship between the (1) CSR activity and consumer intention to donate (actual consumer donating behavior) to social causes and the (2) CSR activity and volunteering intention (actual volunteering behavior). Originality/value - This paper contributes to furthering CSR theory by showing the positive effects of company CSR initiatives on two pro-social "secondary" outcomes and the mediating role played by moral elevation. Important implications for the role of CSR are derived for companies and society in general.

Romani S., Grappi S., & Bagozzi R. P . ( 2016).

Corporate socially responsible initiatives and their effects on consumption of green products

Journal of Business Ethics, 135( 2), 253-264.

DOI:10.1007/s10551-015-2541-4      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Erratum to: J Bus Ethics DOI 10.1007/s10551-014-2485-0 The authors of the above-mentioned article would like to add the following paragraph: Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Unicoop Firenze for the precious assistance during the research process.

Sakai J. T., Dalwani M. S., Mikulich-Gilbertson S. K., McWilliams S. K., Raymond K. M., & Crowley T. J . ( 2016).

A behavioral measure of costly helping: Replicating and extending the association with callous unemotional traits in male adolescents

PLoS One, 11( 3), e0151678.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151678      URL     PMID:4792436     

Some conduct-disordered youths have high levels of callous unemotional traits and meet the DSM-5’s “with limited prosocial emotions” (LPE) specifier. These youths often do aggressive, self-benefitting acts that cost others. We previously developed a task, the AlAn’s game, which asks participants to repeatedly decide whether to accept or reject offers in which they will receive money but a planned charity donation will be reduced. In our prior work, more "costly helping" (i.e., rejecting the offered money and protecting the donation) was associated with lower callous unemotional traits. Here we extend that prior work in a larger sample of adolescent male patients with serious conduct problems and controls, and test whether this association is mediated specifically by a Moral Elevation response (i.e., a positive emotional response to another’s act of virtue). The adolescent male participants were: 45 patients (23 with LPE) and 26 controls, who underwent an extensive phenotypic assessment including a measure of Moral Elevation. About 1 week later participants played the AlAn’s game. All AlAn’s game outcomes demonstrated significant group effects: (1) money taken for self (p = 0.02); (2) money left in the charitable donation (p = 0.03); and, (3) costly helping (p = 0.047). Controls took the least money and did the most costly helping, while patients with LPE took the most money and did the least costly helping. Groups also significantly differed in post-stimulus Moral Elevation scores (p = 0.005). Exploratory analyses supported that the relationship between callous unemotional traits and costly helping on the AlAn’s game may be mediated in part by differences in Moral Elevation. The AlAn's game provides a standardized behavioral measure associated with callous unemotional traits. Adolescents with high levels of callous unemotional traits engage in fewer costly helping behaviors, and those differences may be related to blunting of positive emotional responses.

Schnall, S., & Roper, J . ( 2012).

Elevation puts moral values into action

Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3( 3), 373-378.

DOI:10.1177/1948550611423595      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Moral elevation has been shown to increase helping behavior. However, this might be due to a threatened moral self-image because people engage in a social comparison with a moral exemplar and conclude that their own moral integrity is inferior. Alternatively, feelings of elevation might provide a motivational impetus to act on one moral values. We provided participants with an opportunity to engage in self-affirmation, which was followed by an induction of moral elevation or a neutral control mood. Compared to the neutral mood, participants experiencing moral elevation showed higher levels of helping behavior following self-affirmation. This effect was especially pronounced in participants experiencing moral elevation who reminded themselves of previous prosocial behavior; they showed more helping than participants experiencing moral elevation who had not engaged in self-affirmation. Thus, rather than posing a threat to moral self-worth, feelings of elevation can provide the motivational trigger to act on affirmed moral values.

Schnall S., Roper J., & Fessler, D. M. T . ( 2010).

Elevation leads to altruistic behavior

Psychological Science, 21( 3), 315-320.

DOI:10.1177/0956797609359882      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Siegel J. T., Navarro M. A., & Thomson A. L . ( 2015).

The impact of overtly listing eligibility requirements on MTurk: An investigation involving organ donation, recruitment scripts, and feelings of elevation

Social Science & Medicine, 142, 256-260.

DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.08.020      URL     [本文引用: 1]

61Scholars have recruited MTurk workers with eligibility requirements overtly stated.61We experimentally assessed whether this approach can impair data integrity.61Overtly noting requirements was associated with higher donor registration intentions.61Recruitment approach did not interact with a mood induction to influence intentions.61The influence of recruitment on the MTurk data validity warrants further attention.

Siegel, J. T., & Thomson, A. L . ( 2017).

Positive emotion infusions of elevation and gratitude: Increasing help-seeking intentions among people with heightened levels of depressive symptomatology

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12( 6), 509-524.

DOI:10.1080/17439760.2016.1221125      URL     [本文引用: 1]

(2017). Positive emotion infusions of elevation and gratitude: Increasing help-seeking intentions among people with heightened levels of depressive symptomatology. The Journal of Positive Psychology: Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 509-524. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2016.1221125

Silvers, J. A., & Haidt, J . ( 2008).

Moral elevation can induce nursing

Emotion, 8( 2), 291-295.

DOI:10.1037/1528-3542.8.2.291      URL     PMID:18410202      [本文引用: 5]

There is little extant research on the psychological or physiological response to witnessing good deeds. The authors call the emotional reaction to virtue "moral elevation" and the authors examined its effects on mother-infant dyads. Breastfeeding women who watched a morally elevating video were more likely to nurse their infants and were marginally more likely to hug them, compared to women who watched an equally enjoyable comedy video. Both of these effects suggest that moral elevation may involve the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with lactation and affiliation.

Strohminger N., Lewis R. L., & Meyer D. E . ( 2011).

Divergent effects of different positive emotions on moral judgment

Cognition, 119( 2), 295-300.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2010.12.012      URL     PMID:21255773      [本文引用: 2]

Positive emotions are often treated as relatively similar in their cognitive-behavioral effects, and as having unambiguously beneficial consequences. For example, Valdesolo and DeSteno (2006) reported that a humorous video made people more prone to choose a utilitarian solution to a moral dilemma. They attributed this finding to increased positive affect. To determine whether such results actually stem in general from positive affect or from other more specific properties of humor, we conducted an experiment with moral dilemmas presented during an interleaved emotion-induction procedure involving mirth and another positive emotion, elevation. Mirth increased permissiveness for deontological violations, whereas elevation had the opposite effect. Furthermore, affective valence had no apparent independent influence on these judgments. Our results suggest that mirth and elevation have distinct cognitive consequences whose properties reflect their respective social functions, not their shared positive valence.

Thomson A. L., Nakamura J., Siegel J. T., & Csikszentmihalyi M . ( 2014).

Elevation and mentoring: An experimental assessment of causal relations

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9( 5), 402-413.

DOI:10.1080/17439760.2014.910824      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Mentoring is a prosocial behavior in which an experienced person guides someone with less experience. Elevation refers to the responses elicited when a person witnesses others upholding the highest standards of moral virtue. Three experimental studies bring these two domains together. For all three studies, participants were randomly assigned to either read a story of someone exhibiting moral excellence or to a control condition. Participants in the elevation condition reported feeling more elevated, more positive attitudes toward mentoring, less negative attitudes toward mentoring, greater intentions to become a mentor (Study 1); an increased proclivity to gather information about becoming a mentor (Study 2a); and, an increased tendency to engage in mentoring directly via submitting advice to students (Study 2b). In their totality, the current studies link another prosocial outcome with elevation and demonstrate a condition under which individuals are more likely to be motivated to become a mentor.

Thomson, A. L., & Siegel, J. T . ( 2013).

A moral act, elevation, and prosocial behavior: Moderators of morality

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8( 1), 50-64.

DOI:10.1080/17439760.2012.754926      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Elevation refers to the feeling experienced when a moral act is witnessed. The current study sought to illuminate elevation by examining conditions under which elevation is amplified. Study 1 demonstrated that the character of the recipient of the moral deed moderates the relationship between witnessing a moral deed and experiencing elevation. Study 2 replicated the first and included a behavioral outcome measure: donation behavior. Study 3 considered an additional factor: the immoral act. Finally, to ensure the character of the recipient is not the sole moderator, Study 4 experimentally tested a second moderating variable (i.e. the effort required for completing the moral act). As a whole, these four studies consistently support Haidt conceptualization of elevation, open the door for a new path of theoretical exploration, and introduce a new line of applied research seeking to maximize prosocial behavior by exposing people to acts of morality.

Thomson, A. L., & Siegel, J. T . ( 2017).

Elevation: A review of scholarship on a moral and other-praising emotion

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12( 6), 628-638.

DOI:10.1080/17439760.2016.1269184      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract The term elevation (also referred to as moral elevation), described by Thomas Jefferson and later coined by Jonathan Haidt, refers to the suite of feelings people may experience when witnessing an instance of moral beauty. The construct of elevation signifies the emotion felt when a person is a witness to, but not a recipient of, the moral behavior of others. Scholarship examining elevation has burgeoned since Haidt first introduced the construct. Researchers have explored the antecedents of, and outcomes associated with, witnessing instances of moral beauty. The current review will outline the existing scholarship on elevation, highlight conflicting findings, point out critical gaps in the current state of elevation research, and delineate fertile future directions for basic and applied research. Continued investigation of the affective, motivational, and behavioral responses associated with witnessing virtuous actions of others is warranted.

van Cappellen P., Saroglou V., Iweins C., Piovesana M., & Fredrickson B. L . ( 2013).

Self-transcendent positive emotions increase spirituality through basic world assumptions

Cognition & Emotion, 27( 8), 1378-1394.

DOI:10.1080/02699931.2013.787395      URL     PMID:23662802      [本文引用: 2]

Spirituality has mostly been studied in psychology as implied in the process of overcoming adversity, being triggered by negative experiences, and providing positive outcomes. By reversing this pathway, we investigated whether spirituality may also be triggered by self-transcendent positive emotions, which are elicited by stimuli appraised as demonstrating higher good and beauty. In two studies, elevation and/or admiration were induced using different methods. These emotions were compared to two control groups, a neutral state and a positive emotion (mirth). Self-transcendent positive emotions increased participants' spirituality (Studies 1 and 2), especially for the non-religious participants (Study 1). Two basic world assumptions, i.e., belief in life as meaningful (Study 1) and in the benevolence of others and the world (Study 2) mediated the effect of these emotions on spirituality. Spirituality should be understood not only as a coping strategy, but also as an upward spiralling pathway to and from self-transcendent positive emotions.

van de Vyver, J., & Abrams, D . ( 2015).

Testing the prosocial effectiveness of the prototypical moral emotions: Elevation increases benevolent behaviors and outrage increases justice behaviors

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 58, 23-33.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2014.12.005      URL     [本文引用: 4]

61This research draws on the appraisal tendency framework (ATF).61In line with ATF, elevation and outrage show distinctive effects on prosociality.61Elevation, but not outrage, increases belevolence-relevant behavior.61Outrage, but not elevation, increases justice-relevant behaviour.

Vianello M., Galliani E. M., & Haidt J . ( 2010).

Elevation at work: The effects of leaders’ moral excellence

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 5( 5), 390-411.

DOI:10.1080/17439760.2010.516764      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Leaders influence followers in many ways; one way is by eliciting positive emotions. In three studies we demonstrate that the nearly unstudied moral emotion of ‘elevation’ (a reaction to moral excellence) mediates the relations between leaders’ and their followers’ ethical behavior. Study 1 used scenarios manipulated experimentally; study 2 examined employees’ emotional responses to their leaders in a natural work setting; study 3 compared the effects of elevation to those of happiness, serenity, and positive affect. We found that leaders’ interpersonal fairness and self-sacrifice are powerful elicitors of elevation, and that this emotion fully mediates leaders’ influence on followers’ organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment. In the first study, we also observed a moderation effect of interpersonal fairness on self-sacrifice. Results underline the importance of positive moral emotions in organizations and shed light on the emotional process by which ethical leaders can foster positive organizational outcomes.


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