ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1244-1252 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01244



张静1, 陈巍,2,3

1 州电子科技大学心理健康研究所, 杭州 310018

2 兴文理学院心理学系, 绍兴 312000

3 港教育大学心理学系, 香港

The investigation of minimal self based on self-illusion: The embodied constructivism position

ZHANG Jing1, CHEN Wei,2,3

1 Institute of Psychological Health, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China

2 Department of Psychology, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China

3 Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hongkong, China

通讯作者: 陈巍,

收稿日期: 2017-07-17   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: 教育部人文社会科学青年基金(17YJCZH243)

Received: 2017-07-17   Online: 2018-07-15

Fund supported: (17YJCZH243)


以时间延展性为标准自我被划分为最小自我和叙事自我。具身建构论认为最小自我的核心概念就是区别自我和非我, 对自我的建构论主张的辩护应当重新回到对身体本身的重视上。最小自我的病理学研究和错觉研究均表明通过对拥有感和自主感本身, 及其不同类别和相关受损的研究来探讨最小的自我、自我和他者的区别将是当前研究中卓有成效的路径。未来有关具身建构论的深化应该重视对自我成分的建构、结构的建构以及过程的建构的探讨。

关键词: 最小自我; 具身建构论; 拥有感; 自主感; 橡胶手错觉


According to whether it is extended in time, self can be divided into two important parts—— minimal self and narrative self. Embodied constructivism holds the idea that distinguishing self from non-self is the core concept of minimal self. Therefore, defending the construction theory of self should emphasize the importance of the body itself. According to pathology and illusion studies of minimal self, investigating minimal self and self-other distinction by studying sense of ownership, sense of agency, as well as their deficits in certain disorders will be one fruitful path in current researches of self. Future studies could be focused on the discussion of the constructions of components, structures and processes of the self.

Keywords: minimal self; embodied constructivism; sense of ownership; sense of agency; rubber hand illusion

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张静, 陈巍. 基于自我错觉的最小自我研究:具身建构论的立场 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1244-1252 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01244

ZHANG Jing, CHEN Wei. The investigation of minimal self based on self-illusion: The embodied constructivism position. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(7): 1244-1252 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01244

1 引言

正如社会认知心理学家Klein (2012)抱怨的那样:“在心理学中恐怕没有哪一个术语比‘自我’应用的更为广泛却又如此莫衷一是。”因为在日常体验中, 我们是自身体验的拥有者和行动的发起者的感受是如此强烈, 因而从Decartes开始至今的自我实体论(substance theory)的拥护者, 对于一种单一、独立和实在的实体自我的论证与寻找几乎从未停止过。然而另一方面, 神经科学从未在人脑中找到与自我相对应的脑结构, 这导致有些研究者开始质疑自我的实在性, 有的甚至认为所谓的实体自我无非是脑创造的一种错觉。自我的建构论者指出, 当个体仔细观察自己的体验世界中那些我们称之为自我的概念及其相关应用时, 他并不能发现任何固有的事物或独立的实体, 能够发现的是相互联系的过程的集合。这些过程有些是身体的或生理的, 有些是精神的或心理的, 正是这个过程生成了一个“我”, 并且在这个过程中“我”和过程本身是等同的(Thompson, 2014)。自我就是在这个过程中被建构起来的。这样一种能基于不断变化的身体状态在概念上指定自己为一个自我的系统被称为自我标明系统(self- designating system), 而主张自我生成于这一系统中的观点则被称为自我的具身建构论(embodied constructivism)立场。自我的建构论立场认为, 自我涌现自一系列遗传的、心理的、社会的和文化的条件中, 但自我既不能被还原为一串DNA代码、一种心理侧写或是一个社会和文化背景, 也不能脱离这些因素而得以理解。自我的与众不同不是因为“你”拥有某种有别于他人的形而上的品质, 而是在于“你”是从一系列独特的和不可重复的条件和过程中涌现出来的。因此自我既不是一个事物或实体, 也不是一种错觉, 相反, 它是一个过程, 一个“我正在持续进行” (I-ing)的过程(张静, 2017)。

为了应对为自我建立恰当的模型的挑战, 诸多哲学家、心理学家和认知神经科学家不约而同地采用了寻找一个核心的或“最小的自我” (minimal self)的方式:“即便在所有自我的不必要的特征都被剥离之后, 我们仍然拥有一种直觉, 即存在一个基本的、直接的或原始的‘某物’我们愿意将其称为‘自我’。” (Gallagher, 2000)然而在寻找这一最小自我的过程中, 始终需要注意的一个问题便是如何避免陷入太过抽象的境地。“接地原则” (closer to the ground)被认为是一种比较好的办法, 即要理解最原初的能够使得自我感得以产生的主体, 我们要重视身体本身(Gallese & Sinigaglia, 2010)。因此, 理解自我是如何建构的, 首先必须要理解这种最小自我是如何建构的, 而要理解这种最小自我的建构就必然要重视基于身体的自我现象。

2 具身建构的视角

认知依赖于经验的种类, 这些经验来自具有各种感知运动能力的身体; 而这些个体的感知运动能力自身又内含在一个更广泛的生物、心理和文化的情境中。使用“具身”一词时意在突出的两点:一是关于心智嵌入身体, 二是关于身体嵌入情境与社会。如果要考察二, 必须先考察一(瓦雷拉, 汤普森, 罗施, 2010)。Damasio也指出, 身体是有意识心智的基础, 没有身体就没有心智、没有意识、没有自我。“我”是具身化的存在, 一个由躯体和脑构成的存在。要全面地理解人类心智和自我的问题就需要一个生命的视角, 一个身体的视角(李恒威, 董达, 2015)。

但是, 自我并不等同于身体, 对自我的理解显然也不能通过简单地将其还原为身体实在来进行。自我产生于一个不断进行着的过程中, 因此理解自我还需要一种建构论的视角。自我是一种过程的建构这一主张可以从包含生物学、心理学以及社会学等众多方面加以辩护。在所有这些方面中, 身体自我是基础的也是最小的自我形态。

具身建构论认为, 最小的自我概念就是区别自我和非我。因为身体的自我觉知首先需要一种对自我和非我界线的标定, 正是这种区分构成了基本的自我感和非我感的区分。通过对拥有感(sense of ownership) (“我”是那个正在做出某个动作或者经历某种体验的人的感觉)和自主感(sense of agency) (“我”是导致某个动作产生的原因的感觉)本身, 及其不同类别和相关受损的研究来探讨最小的自我、自我和他者的区别将是当前研究中卓有成效的路径。拥有感和自主感被认为是两类能够帮助个体进行有效识别身体自我的重要体验(Christoff, Cosmelli, Legrand, & Thompson, 2011)。身体拥有感赋予本体感官信号一种特殊的现象品质, 它使得自我意识变得根本上与众不同:我的身体和“我”之间的关系与我的身体和其他人的身体之间的关系是不同的, 与我和外部对象之间的关系也是不一样的。尽管构成个体身体的各成分会处于一个永不停息的建造和拆除的过程中, 然而我们却有一种自我感, 有着构成同一性的结构和功能的某种持续性, 有某种被称为人格的稳固的行为特质。身体拥有感的这种不变性正是个体将其视为最小自我的核心成分并加以研究的主要原因。

除了拥有感, 常识经验也表明个体还会根据我是否能让身体的某个特定部位受我的控制来判定身体的归属, 即自主感。较之拥有感, 自主感因其包含了更多的心理成分而更难界定。这里只关注自主感如何作为一种有助于人类进行自我识别的基本体验。大量的研究表明, 自主感的判断, 很大程度上依赖于预测结果和实际感官结果之间的一致和不一致程度。比较器模型(comparator model)认为在动作产生的同时会产生相应的输出信号(efferent signals), 而当动作被执行之后又会有再输入信号(re-afferent signals), 两者之间的匹配会让个体产生相应的自主感, 而不匹配则会造成自主感的降低甚至缺失(Franklin & Wolpert, 2011)。这些输出副本机制可能就是心理上自主体验的基础。

本文试图以拥有感与自主感为考察对象, 通过病理学层面上最小自我的解构以及实验诱发正常个体最小自我的建构等两方面的研究证据, 来论证具身建构论的合理性。

3 最小自我的病理学研究

3.1 拥有感的受损

躯体失认症和躯体妄想症是最为常见的也是被引用最多的拥有感受损的病例。两者的共同点是病人会产生一种对自己的单侧四肢的非归属的感受和信念, 即丧失对自己一侧身体的觉知。有别于躯体失认症, 躯体妄想症还有一个典型的特征是此类病人在否认自己的身体部分属于自己的同时往往会声称特定的身体部分是属于别人的, 即认为自己的手臂是属于另一个人的, 如家庭成员或自己的医生(Bottini, Bisiach, Sterzi, & Vallarc, 2002)。这两种病形象地展示了作为最小自我的核心成分之一的拥有感受损的情况, 同时它们的存在也提醒着个体曾经认为在关于“我的腿是我的或者我腿上的感受是我的感受”这些确认无疑的事情上我们也会犯错。Wittgenstein (1958)曾指出, 当我们以自我作为主体的方式使用第一人称代词时, 我们不可能错误地将“我”指称于错误的对象。确实, 通常对于腿是自己的问题, 我们不会出错。然而躯体妄想症提醒我们, 要知道我们看到的腿实际上是自己的或者腿上的感受是自己的感受, 脑必须以一种恰好正确的方式运作。

脑除了模拟它所栖息的身体的活动外, 它的某些部分也会记录其它部分的脑在干什么。也就是说, 某些神经回路会模拟和监控脑的其它部分的活动。而这个监控过程的中断则会导致自主感的缺失。近期研究显示, 右半脑顶叶区域的损伤或突发性的梗塞都会造成了这个过程的中断, 导致患者感觉并相信该肢体是异己的(不再属于自己而属于别人)或受别人控制(Demiryürek, Gündogdu, Acar, & Alagoz, 2016)。

3.2 自主感的缺失

最典型的自主感缺失当属异己手综合征(alien hand syndrome), 这种疾病通常被界定为一侧上肢无意愿的(unwilled)、不可控的(uncontrollable)但看似有目的的(purposeful)动作(陈巍, 单春雷, 袁逖飞, 2016)。异手症所涉及的临床表现有多种形式, 概而言之, 患者的手会表现出无法控制的行为(尽管这些动作以一种目的指向的和“有意为之”的方式而被执行), 并且患者会对这些行为产生极端的陌生感(Hertza, Davis, Barisa, & Lemann, 2012)。例如, 这只任性的手会抓住门把手不放, 或者拿起一支铅笔乱涂乱画。异己手的移动看似有意图, 但是移动看上去的意图和病人自己的意图是矛盾的, 即至少自主感的最低水平(即自主性感受)是没有发生的。因此, 异己手综合征患者会认为上肢的活动是由它自己所导致的, 即它是一个有着自己意图的独立的自主体(如“我没有那么做……”), 或者它是某个有着自己意图的独立自主体的一部分。然而, 即便患者丧失了目的性动作有关的自主感, 但仍表现出疏远的拥有感(如“虽然我知道这是自己的手”) (陈巍, 2016)。

拥有感和自主感失调的病理学案例一方面说明两类体验在生理和现象上的可分离性, 使得研究者能够对这两类基本体验分别进行研究, 另一方面也推动着研究者去思考个体视之为理所当然的自我感到底是如何被呈现出来的。作为最小自我的自我感的涌现需要有具身化的载体, 并与大脑、环境之间进行互动建构, 没有某一样或某一些事物可以直接等同于自我, 自我出现在各个过程的相互作用之中, 任何一个环节的紊乱都会导致自我感的异常或缺失。不过, 虽然病理学案例通过解构的方式能够让研究者更好地理解自我的具身建构。但是这样的研究一来数量有限, 二来也不能直接推论至正常个体身上。就此而言, 新的研究方式的引入不可或缺(Ionta et al., 2011)。

4 最小自我的错觉研究

4.1 橡胶手错觉

在自我问题的探索中最为杰出的错觉研究无疑是橡胶手错觉(rubber hand illusion, RHI)。它是一种将人造的橡胶手感受为自己真实身体一部分的知觉体验。因为能有效地在正常被试身上引发并检验拥有感体验, RHI被认为是自我相关问题研究中一种具有重大突破的实验方法(Suzuki, Garfinkel, Critchley, & Seth, 2013)。

在最初的实验中, 主试在被试面前放置一只人造的橡胶手, 并将一块挡板置于被试的真手和橡胶手之间。同时刷橡胶手和相对应的真手就能够使被试产生橡胶手仿佛成为了自己身体一部分的感受(Botvinick & Cohen, 1998)。随后的大量研究揭示影响错觉产生的首要原因是视触两类感官输入的同步性, 600 ms以上的时间间隔几乎无法让被试产生错觉。空间一致性和特征一致性也被认为会对错觉产生和错觉强度造成影响。当真手与橡胶手之间的距离超过27.5 cm时, 错觉强度会显著下降, 并且, 如果用与人手毫无相似之处的木块来代替橡胶手, 错觉也会消失(Guterstam, Petkova, & Ehrsson, 2011)。具体而言, 时间一致性所代表的是自下而上(bottom-up)的加工机制对身体拥有感的影响。即输入反馈总是让橡胶手和被试的真手保持同步会让人更容易产生错觉, 反之更不容易。而空间一致性和特征一致性则表明了自上而下(top-down)的加工机制的影响。即对于“我的手应该是怎么样的” (如形态与尺寸)或“我的手通常在什么位置” (如不能位于解剖学上不可能的位置)被试有着较为稳定的内部表征。当外界输入与之相匹配时, 更容易对橡胶手产生拥有感错觉体验, 反之更不容易(张静, 李恒威, 2016)。

近年来, 随着虚拟现实技术的快速发展及其在各领域的广泛应用, 与传统RHI相似度极高目前又广受欢迎并且几乎可以被视为传统RHI等价范式的虚拟手错觉(virtual hand illusion, VHI) (Ma & Hommel, 2015; Zhang & Hommel, 2016)研究也应运而生。除此以外, 还存在虚拟脸错觉(Tajadura- Jiménez, Grehl, & Tsakiris, 2012)、全身错觉(Petkova, Khoshnevis, Ehrsson, 2011)以及虚拟声音错觉(Zheng, MacDonald, Munhall, & Johnsrude, 2011)。所有这些范式的原理都是以同步的视触刺激为基础同时根据各自研究的需要叠加其它因素而使得正常的健康被试对实际上不属于自己身体一部分的外部对象产生拥有感或自主感。

最初的RHI实验对于拥有感和自主感的衡量主要是基于问卷, 随后本体感觉偏移以及皮肤电传导反应也作为辅助测量手段出现在研究中以消解大家对于问卷缺乏客观性的质疑(Riemer, KleinbÖhl, HÖlzl, & Trojan, 2013; Zhang, Ma, & Hommel, 2015)。随着神经成像技术的发展, 越来越多的研究开始对拥有感的相关脑机制进行探索。

4.2 橡胶手错觉中的拥有感

Tsakiris等在RHI实验中同步的视觉-触觉刺激之后的350 ms的时间点上通过TMS作用于右侧颞顶联合区(temporo-parietal junction), 结果发现同步的视触刺激不再会引发拥有感错觉(Tsakiris, Carpenter, James, & Fotopoulou, 2010)。这一结果说明右侧颞顶联合皮层在拥有感形成过程中的不可或缺。此外, 基于fMRI对橡胶手错觉过程中的相关脑区进行的研究发现在产生错觉时, 大脑两侧的腹侧前运动皮层、顶内沟、后顶叶、顶下小叶等区域均会产生激活(Brozzoli, Gentile, Petkova, & Ehrsson, 2011; Ehrsson, Wiech, Weiskopf, Dolan, & Passingham, 2007; Gentile, Guterstam, Brozzoli, & Ehrsson, 2013; Makin, Holmes, & Ehrsson, 2008; Limanowski & Blankenburg, 2015)。后顶叶的主要作用是整合与橡胶手有关的多感官信息。这一整合在橡胶手错觉体验发生之前开始, 说明后顶叶所涉及的过程可能是消解视觉刺激和触觉刺激之间的冲突, 其结果就是对视觉和触觉坐标系的再校准。由于顶下小叶主要是处理与身体轮廓的知觉判断有关的信息, 因此顶下小叶在橡胶手错觉中的作用主要表现为对身体部分的空间关系的表征。此外, Tsakiris及其同事通过PET所进行的研究发现后脑岛的激活和不同条件之间的本体感觉偏移之间存在着正相关(Tsakiris, Hesse, Boy, Haggard, & Fink, 2007), 说明了脑岛在拥有感的主观体验中可能起着重要的作用。脑岛能接受躯体生理状态的信息, 然后产生主观体验。因此, 脑岛和错觉过程中明显的本体感觉偏移有关不仅为本体感觉偏移作为拥有感错觉的指标提供了佐证, 同时也说明了拥有感的产生可能会进一步影响更高级的情感和认知加工。

基于橡胶手错觉的这些神经成像研究的结果说明, 上述拥有感所涉及的这些脑区共同形成了一个联合网络, 将当前刺激与个体自己独特的身体特征相联系, 而稳定统一的自我感则是在这一作用过程中被建构起来的(Tsakiris, 2010)。最新的一些行为与神经电生理实验也证实了上述猜想。例如, 张静和陈巍(2016)通过将虚拟手呈现于不同的空间参照系来考察被试在不同情境下拥有感体验的程度。实验结果表明, 一方面, 无论是同步性还是距离都会对虚拟手错觉中的拥有感产生影响; 另一方面, 不同的距离参照系对同一位置的拥有感体验影响差异显著。即知觉到的拥有感会受环境信息的影响, 错觉程度的大小与相对位置而非绝对位置关系更为密切。这一发现与单模态的匹配理论认为拥有感错觉依赖于预先存在的稳定的身体意象的假设相悖, 相反这一结果表明身体表征很有可能是基于一种较为宽泛的整合标准, 因而具有相当大程度的可塑性, 说明自主体对自身身体的表征更有可能是一种概率性的联合具身建构过程。

来自脑卒中患者身体拥有感的神经电生理学证据显示, 相比于正常被试, 脑卒中患者接受刺激的手的皮肤电反应(GSR)、皮肤温度与肌肉活动都显著的降低了, 而他们却报告体验到了更强烈的身体拥有感。因此, 脑卒中患者与正常被试的在拥有感上的具身化差异可能是通过增强身体图式(body schema)1(1身体图式(body schema)是一种知觉-运动系统能力, 能够持续控制姿态和动作。它是一种自动的程序系统, 无需知觉监控就可以运作。例如, 当我们穿过安检门、在电梯上保持平衡、坐在椅子上转圈或伸手取咖啡杯时, 身体图式确保我们的身体具有无意识、自动化地完成上述活动的能力。)的可塑性, 以及位于本体感觉之上的视觉输入这样一种病理性优势所驱动的。通过抑制交感神经系统的反射活动以及前运动皮质参与身体图式的重构, 可以促进神经生理反应的差异。这些结果可以证明, 脑损伤促进了的身体模式可塑性, 而前运动皮层在这种机制中扮演主要作用(Llorens et al., 2017)。

4.3 橡胶手错觉中的自主感

大量的研究表明, 自主感的判断在很大程度上依赖于预测结果和实际感官结果之间的一致程度(Vosgerau & Newen, 2007; Sidarus, Vuorre, & Haggard, 2017)。预测和实际结果之间的一致性将会导致自主感的产生, 而不一致则说明动作可能是由另一个自主体所导致的。因此, 很多研究都通过操纵动作的反馈(视觉反馈或听觉反馈)来控制自主感(Haggard & Chambon, 2012; Moore & Obhi, 2012)。空间偏差也被发现会对自主感产生影响。例如, 当光标和控制杆的移动在空间上被扭曲之后, 自主感程度的降低便会被观察到(Farrer, Bouchereau, Jeannerod, & Franck, 2008)。对自主感空间、时间规则的研究发现自主感存在的阈值在时间上是延时在0~150 ms之内, 而在空间上则是偏移在15~20°之内(Jeannerod, 2003)。超出这些范围之后被试便会开始将反馈判断为和他们的预期是不一样的, 即不会再认为是自己的动作引起反馈。

基于脑成像技术所发现的明确和自主感有关的脑区主要包括后顶叶、小脑、辅助运动皮层、颞顶联结与角回(David, Newen, & Vogeley, 2008; Kühn, Brass, & Haggard, 2013; Haggard, 2017)。后顶叶是重要的联合皮层区域, 不仅在感觉与运动整合方面起着重要作用, 同时也参与多种认知功能。后顶叶在橡胶手错觉实验产生自主感的过程中出现激活也说明对于自主感而言, 感官和运动信号之间的一致性的评估对自主感的产生至关重要。小脑在感官反馈的加工中也有作用, 它也被认为是运动控制的内部模型的基础(Manto et al., 2012)。对小脑受损的病人的研究发现, 当要求执行的任务与内部预测控制有关时, 他们便无法很好地完成(Synofzik, Lindner, & Thier, 2008)。说明小脑不仅使得个体能够不断更新内部表征从更好地适应外界的变化, 而且还能够帮助其对自我和他者所引发的刺激进行区别从而给出更恰当的反应。辅助运动皮层在对自我所产生的移动的觉知和执行中会产生激活。例如, 主导一个移动和仅仅是跟随或者观察一个移动相比较, 只有前者才会涉及辅助运动皮层的参与。并且, 它不仅在移动的执行过程中非常关键, 而且在准备阶段和发起阶段也很重要(Haggard, 2008)。颞顶联结会对意外的外在感觉事件产生反应, 即在缺少自主感的状态下, 它的激活或许反映的并非是自主性的归因过程, 而是对这一加工的可能结果的反映(例如, 判断这一认知事件是否外在诱发的) (Haggard, 2017)。

除此以外, 可能与自主感相关, 但作用并不是那么明确的区域还有颞上沟后部和脑岛以及基底神经节(David, 2012)。它们分别在社会知觉和情感认知中发挥重要作用, 和主观体验有着密切的联系, 并与顶叶皮层和小脑相连, 在运动控制中发挥着重要作用。因而, 与拥有感的研究结论一致, 自主感的产生也不能被归因为某个单一脑功能区的作用, 也不能全盘否定自我的实体性基础而认为它就是一种“有用的错觉”, 相反, 自我应该是在这些脑区的相互作用过程中被具身建构而涌现出来的。

这样一种具身建构的思想同样也有来自行为实验的支持。张静等通过拥有感和自主感对焦虑的影响来探讨上述问题:拥有感和自主感的可塑性; 不同拥有感和自主感状态对焦虑水平的影响; 任务类型在拥有感和自主感影响焦虑水平过程中的作用。研究结果表明, 一方面, 拥有感与自主感是彼此相对独立的, 在一定条件下两者是可以进行双向分离的; 另一方面, 拥有感与自主感之间也是存在交互作用的, 自主感能够促进拥有感, 但反之拥有感并不能促进自主感。此外, 根据上述实验结果, 研究者还可以超越拥有感和自主感作为最小自我核心成分的作用, 进一步对最小的自我和叙事的自我之间的关系进行一些探讨:不同的拥有感和自主感体验以及不同的任务类型都会对最终所测量的焦虑水平产生不一样的影响, 这说明最小自我和叙事自我之间应该同时存在自下而上的影响和自上而下的影响。并且最小自我和叙事自我之间很有可能是通过情感这一关键构成要素而产生更进一步联系的(Zhang & Hommel, 2016)。

不同的条件能够引发被试不同的身体拥有感和自主感体验(Kalckert & Ehrsson, 2014)。这意味着自我和非我之间的界限可能并不是那么一成不变, 至少在某些条件下可以改变。RHI及其变式中所揭示出来的自我表征和自我识别的可塑性直接动摇了自我是一个单一的固定不变的实体的观念, 相反它们暗示了这样一种可能性:自我是在我们与外界交互作用的过程中以脑的某些结构的活动为基础基于一定的原则和规范建构起来的。当然仅凭目前橡胶手错觉所开展的研究得出这样的结论还为时过早, 但是通过描述拥有感和自主感是如何可塑的方式, 橡胶手错觉及其变式的研究展现了稳定而统一的自我感是如何在主客体互动的过程中动态地形成的。

5 结语

自我涉及横向的复杂的心理内容和纵向的多层的演化-发展阶段, 而通常研究一个复杂事物的最好方式就是从考察它的最简形式开始。因此, 理解自我的出发点是最小自我。通过对拥有感和自主感所构成的最小限度的有意识自我在病理学中的解构和错觉研究中的建构, 可以论证一种自我的具身建构论。未来的研究可以从如下三个方面入手推进相关的探讨, 并检验其合理性。

首先, 就成分建构而言, 最小自我是由拥有感和自主感两个部分构成。一方面, 这两部分相互独立, 表现为可以在一定条件下彼此分开。例如, 在个体没有主动发出行为的意愿时如果其身体发生了移动, 他会根据拥有感和自主感之间的这种不一致快速地寻找原因并做出恰当的反应。如果仅仅是朋友开玩笑推一下, 他可能会一笑置之, 但如果是有人骑自行车不小心撞到的, 他可能会快速地躲开以避免更坏的结果发生。另一方面, 这两部分又彼此密切联系相互影响。正是由于拥有感和自主感之间的交互作用才保证了我们能够以恰当的方式对某些刺激进行反应。为什么个体不能给自己挠痒痒的问题或许是一个很好的例子。当我们自己挠自己的时候, 拥有感和自主感是一致的, 而当别人挠我们的时候, 拥有感依旧但自主感是不存在的。当两者之间不匹配时有所反应是满足个体的适应性需求的, 而当两者之间匹配时做出反应则是会令人诧异的。因此, 未来对自我建构的探索可以通过对最小自我的两种成分是如何建构的进行研究。

其次, 就结构建构而言, 在拥有感紊乱和自主感缺失的病理性研究中也可以看到拥有感或者自主感的失调会呈现不同的程度。即, 即便是拥有感发生了紊乱, 也不是全或无的形式。可见拥有感和自主感内部确实存在着不同的层级。有学者指出拥有感和自主感应该各自包含前反思的层面、判断的层面和元认知的层面(Synofzik, Vosgerau, & Newen, 2008)。那么, 每种基本感受的内部层级之间如何相互影响最终导致自我感呈现呢?近期, 预测编码模型(predictive coding model)对感官加工层级结构的解释或许可以使用对拥有感和自主感的考察。根据所加工信息的类型, 可以将拥有感和自主感每个层级上处理的内容分为自上而下的信息和自下而上的信息, 前者反映的是关于事件的感官结果的预测, 而后者反映的则是感官事件的影响。在这一层级的最上面是加工感官输入抽象表征的多感官的区域, 并且会有两类不同的神经元分别处理这两类不同的信息, 表征单元(representational units)负责加工关于即将到来的感官输入的概率表征, 而错误单元(error units)则是在预期的感官事件和实际的感官事件不符时对预测错误进行编码(Clark, 2013; Friston, 2005)。然而, 概率表征如何影响自上而下的预期, 从而消解自下而上的预测错误, 最终使得自我以稳定统一的方式得以呈现呢?其中, 在这种具身建构中, 身体意象与身体图式是稳定的还是可塑的?仍然存在争议有待澄清(Armel & Ramachandran, 2003; 张静, 陈巍, 2016; Llorens et al., 2017)。

最后, 就过程建构而言, Apps和Tsakiris (2014)认为, 对自我的表征和识别是一个将身体的单模态特征与来自其它感官系统的关于身体的信息进行概率性联合的过程。脑就是在不断地消解震惊和更新可能性表征的过程中建构起一个自我, 并将其以稳定和统一的自我感的形式呈现于每个人的有意识的体验之中。自由能量原理(The free-energy principle)认为, 自我组织(self- organizing)的有机体有一种抵制失调的自然倾向, 即面对永远不断变化的环境他们会尽可能保持自身原本的状态和形式(Friston, 2010)。有机体通过避免和感官状态关联的震惊来达到保持稳定的目的, 而这反过来又会导致一种外部世界对它们而言需要是高度可预测的状态。因此, 长远而言, 脑为了减少震惊的出现就必须“学会”如何构建一个更好的模型来预测感官输入的结果以期与实际的感官事件之间保持尽可能的一致。同样对于自我而言也是如此, 要在不断变化的环境中保持一种稳定的自我感, 同样需要构建一个良好的能够对感官输入进行较好预测的自我模型。此外, 这一模型在预测错误发生时也要能够进行更新。这种解释是否能令人信服仍然需要得到更多实验证据的检验。


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Recognising and representing one's self as distinct from others is a fundamental component of self-awareness. However, current theories of self-recognition are not embedded within global theories of cortical function and therefore fail to provide a compelling explanation of how the self is processed. We present a theoretical account of the neural and computational basis of self-recognition that is embedded within the free-energy account of cortical function. In this account one's body is processed in a Bayesian manner as the most likely to be “me”. Such probabilistic representation arises through the integration of information from hierarchically organised unimodal systems in higher-level multimodal areas. This information takes the form of bottom-up “surprise” signals from unimodal sensory systems that are explained away by top-down processes that minimise the level of surprise across the brain. We present evidence that this theoretical perspective may account for the findings of psychological and neuroimaging investigations into self-recognition and particularly evidence that representations of the self are malleable, rather than fixed as previous accounts of self-recognition might suggest.

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Abstract Subjects perceived touch sensations as arising from a table (or a rubber hand) when both the table (or the rubber hand) and their own real hand were repeatedly tapped and stroked in synchrony with the real hand hidden from view. If the table or rubber hand was then 'injured', subjects displayed a strong skin conductance response (SCR) even though nothing was done to the real hand. Sensations could even be projected to anatomically impossible locations. The illusion was much less vivid, as indicated by subjective reports and SCR, if the real hand was simultaneously visible during stroking, or if the real hand was hidden but touched asynchronously. The fact that the illusion could be significantly diminished when the real hand was simultaneously visible suggests that the illusion and associated SCRs were due to perceptual assimilation of the table (or rubber hand) into one's body image rather than associative conditioning. These experiments demonstrate the malleability of body image and the brain's remarkable capacity for detecting statistical correlations in the sensory input.

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Cerebral damage may induce a delusional belief so that patients claim that their limbs contralateral to the side of the lesion belong to someone else (somatoparaphrenia). This disorder, which is not due to a general , is frequently accompanied by the inability to feel tactile sensations in the 'non-belonging' part of the body. We report the unique case of a patient with somatoparaphrenia in whom dense tactile imperception in the left hand dramatically recovered when she was instructed to report touches delivered to her niece's hand, rather than to her own hand. We suggest that, through this verbal instruction, the mismatch between the patient's belief about the ownership of her left hand and her ability to perceive touch on it was transiently recomposed. This is evidence that apparently elementary deficits, such as hemianesthesia, and selective delusional , such as somatoparaphrenia, may both originate from an impairment of the body image.

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Rubber hands' feel' touch that eyes see

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fMRI adaptation reveals a cortical mechanism for the coding of space near the hand

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Behavioral studies in humans and electrophysiological recordings in nonhuman primates have suggested the existence of a specific representation of the space immediately surrounding the body. In macaques, neurons that have visual receptive fields limited to a region of space close around a body part have been found in premotor and parietal areas. These cells are hypothesized to encode the location of external objects in coordinate systems that are centered on individual body parts. In the present study, we used an fMRI adaptation paradigm on healthy participants to reveal areas in the anterior part of the intraparietal sulcus, the inferior parietal lobe (supramarginal gyrus), and the dorsal and ventral portions of the premotor cortex that exhibit selective BOLD adaptation to an object moving near the right hand. Crucially, these areas did not manifest adaptation if the stimulus was presented in far space (100 cm) or when the hand was retracted from the object. This hand-centered selectivity could not be detected when a traditional fMRI analysis approach was used. These findings are important as they provide the most conclusive neuroimaging evidence to date for a representation of near-personal space in the human brain. They also demonstrate a selective mechanism implemented by human perihand neurons in the premotor and posterior parietal areas and add to earlier findings from humans and nonhuman primates.

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Specifying the self for cognitive neuroscience

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15( 3), 104-112.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2011.01.001      URL     PMID:21288760      [本文引用: 1]

Cognitive neuroscience investigations of self-experience have mainly focused on the mental attribution of features to the self (self-related processing). In this paper, we highlight another fundamental, yet neglected, aspect of self-experience, that of being an agent. We propose that this aspect of self-experience depends on self-specifying processes, ones that implicitly specify the self by implementing a functional self/non-self distinction in perception, action, cognition and emotion. We describe two paradigmatic cases – sensorimotor integration and homeostatic regulation – and use the principles from these cases to show how cognitive control, including emotion regulation, is also self-specifying. We argue that externally directed, attention-demanding tasks, rather than suppressing self-experience, give rise to the self-experience of being a cognitive–affective agent. We conclude with directions for experimental work based on our framework.

Clark, A . ( 2013).

Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36( 3), 181-204.

DOI:10.1017/S0140525X12000477      URL     [本文引用: 1]

David, N . ( 2012).

New frontiers in the neuroscience of the sense of agency

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 161.

DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00161      URL     PMID:22670145      [本文引用: 1]

The sense that I am the author of my own actions, including the ability to distinguish my own from other people鈥檚 actions, is a fundamental building block of our sense of self, on the one hand, and successful social interactions, on the other. Using cognitive neuroscience techniques, researchers have attempted to elucidate the functional basis of this intriguing phenomenon, also trying to explain pathological abnormalities of action awareness in certain psychiatric and neurological disturbances. Recent conceptual, technological and methodological advances suggest several interesting and necessary new leads for future research on the neuroscience of agency. Here I will describe new frontiers for the field such as the need for novel and multifactorial paradigms, anatomically plausible network models for the sense of agency, investigations of the temporal dynamics during agentic processing and ecologically valid virtual reality applications.

David N., Newen A., & Vogeley K . ( 2008).

The “sense of agency” and its underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms

Consciousness and Cognition, 17( 2), 523-534.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2008.03.004      URL     PMID:18424080      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The sense of agency is a central aspect of human self-consciousness and refers to the experience of oneself as the agent of one's own actions. Several different cognitive theories on the sense of agency have been proposed implying divergent empirical approaches and results, especially with respect to neural correlates. A multifactorial and multilevel model of the sense of agency may provide the most constructive framework for integrating divergent theories and findings, meeting the complex nature of this intriguing phenomenon.

Demiryürek B. E., Gündogdu A. A., Acar B. A., & Alagoz A. N . ( 2016).

Paroxysmal posterior variant alien hand syndrome associated with parietal lobe infarction: Case presentation

Cognitive Neurodynamics, 10( 5), 453-455.

DOI:10.1007/s11571-016-9388-y      URL     PMID:27668023      [本文引用: 1]

Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is an involuntary and rare neurological disorder emerges at upper extremity. AHS is a disconnection syndrome with the symptoms of losing sense of agency and sense of ownershi

Ehrsson H. H., Wiech K., Weiskopf N., Dolan R. J., & Passingham R. E . ( 2007).

Threatening a rubber hand that you feel is yours elicits a cortical anxiety response

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104( 23), 9828-9833.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0610011104      URL     PMID:17517605      [本文引用: 1]

The feeling of body ownership is a fundamental aspect of self-consciousness. The underlying neural mechanisms can be studied by using the illusion where a person is made to feel that a rubber hand is his or her own hand by brushing the person's hidden real hand and synchronously brushing the artificial hand that is in full view. Here we show that threat to the rubber hand can induce a similar level of activity in the brain areas associated with anxiety and interoceptive awareness (insula and anterior cingulate cortex) as when the person's real hand is threatened. We further show that the stronger the feeling of ownership of the artificial hand, the stronger the threat-evoked neuronal responses in the areas reflecting anxiety. Furthermore, across subjects, activity in multisensory areas reflecting ownership predicted the activity in the interoceptive system when the hand was under threat. Finally, we show that there is activity in medial wall motor areas, reflecting an urge to withdraw the artificial hand when it is under threat. These findings suggest that artificial limbs can evoke the same feelings as real limbs and provide objective neurophysiological evidence that the rubber hand is fully incorporated into the body. These findings are of fundamental importance because they suggest that the feeling of body ownership is associated with changes in the interoceptive systems.

Farrer C., Bouchereau M., Jeannerod M., & Franck N . ( 2008).

Effect of distorted visual feedback on the sense of agency

Behavioural Neurology, 19( 1-2), 53-57.

DOI:10.1155/2008/425267      URL     PMID:18413918      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract It has been hypothesized that an internal model is involved in controlling and recognizing one's own actions (action attribution). This results from a comparison process between the predicted sensory feedback of the action and its real sensory consequences. The aim of the present study is to distinguish the respective importance of two action parameters (time and direction) on such an attribution judgment. We used a device that allows introduction of discordance between the movements actually performed and the sensory feedback displayed on a computer screen. Participants were asked to judge whether they were viewing 1) their own movements, 2) their own movements modified (spatially or temporally displaced), or 3) those of another agent (i.e, the experimenter). In fact, in all conditions they were only shown their own movements either unaltered or modified by varying amounts in space or time. Movements were only attributed to another agent when there was a high spatial discordance between participants' hand movements and sensory feedback. This study is the first to show that the direction of movements is a cardinal feature in action attribution, whereas temporal properties of movements play a less important role.

Franklin, D. W., & Wolpert, D. M . ( 2011).

Computational mechanisms of sensorimotor control

Neuron, 72( 3), 425-442.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.10.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Friston, K . ( 2005).

A theory of cortical responses

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 360( 1456), 815-836.

DOI:10.1098/rstb.2005.1622      URL     PMID:1569488      [本文引用: 1]

This article concerns the nature of evoked brain responses and the principles underlying their generation. We start with the premise that the sensory brain has evolved to represent or infer the causes of changes in its sensory inputs. The problem of inference is well formulated in statistical terms. The statistical fundaments of inference may therefore afford important constraints on neuronal implementation. By formulating the original ideas of Helmholtz on perception, in terms of modern-day statistical theories, one arrives at a model of perceptual inference and learning that can explain a remarkable range of neurobiological facts.It turns out that the problems of inferring the causes of sensory input (perceptual inference) and learning the relationship between input and cause (perceptual learning) can be resolved using exactly the same principle. Specifically, both inference and learning rest on minimizing the brain's free energy, as defined in statistical physics. Furthermore, inference and learning can proceed in a biologically plausible fashion. Cortical responses can be seen as the brain's attempt to minimize the free energy induced by a stimulus and thereby encode the most likely cause of that stimulus. Similarly, learning emerges from changes in synaptic efficacy that minimize the free energy, averaged over all stimuli encountered. The underlying scheme rests on empirical Bayes and hierarchical models of how sensory input is caused. The use of hierarchical models enables the brain to construct prior expectations in a dynamic and context-sensitive fashion. This scheme provides a principled way to understand many aspects of cortical organization and responses. The aim of this article is to encompass many apparently unrelated anatomical, physiological and psychophysical attributes of the brain within a single theoretical perspective. In terms of cortical architectures, the theoretical treatment predicts that sensory cortex should be arranged hierarchically, that connections should be reciprocal and that forward and backward connections should show a functional asymmetry (forward connections are driving, whereas backward connections are both driving and modulatory). In terms of synaptic physiology, it predicts associative plasticity and, for dynamic models, spike-timing-dependent plasticity. In terms of electrophysiology, it accounts for classical and extra classical receptive field effects and long-latency or endogenous components of evoked cortical responses. It predicts the attenuation of responses encoding prediction error with perceptual learning and explains many phenomena such as repetition suppression, mismatch negativity (MMN) and the P300 in electroencephalography. In psychophysical terms, it accounts for the behavioural correlates of these physiological phenomena, for example, priming and global precedence. The final focus of this article is on perceptual learning as measured with the MMN and the implications for empirical studies of coupling among cortical areas using evoked sensory responses.

Friston, K . ( 2010).

The free-energy principle: A unified brain theory?

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11( 2), 127-138.

DOI:10.1038/nrn2787      URL     PMID:20068583      [本文引用: 1]

A free-energy principle has been proposed recently that accounts for action, perception and learning. This Review looks at some key brain theories in the biological (for example, neural Darwinism) and physical (for example, information theory and optimal control theory) sciences from the free-energy perspective. Crucially, one key theme runs through each of these theories - optimization. Furthermore, if we look closely at what is optimized, the same quantity keeps emerging, namely value (expected reward, expected utility) or its complement, surprise (prediction error, expected cost). This is the quantity that is optimized under the free-energy principle, which suggests that several global brain theories might be unified within a free-energy framework.

Gallagher, S . ( 2000).

Philosophical conceptions of the self: Implications for cognitive science

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4( 1), 14-21.

DOI:10.1016/S1364-6613(99)01417-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gallese, V., & Sinigaglia, C . ( 2010).

The bodily self as power for action

Neuropsychologia, 48, 746-755.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.09.038      URL     PMID:19835895      [本文引用: 1]

The aim of our paper is to show that there is a sense of body that is enactive in nature and that enables to capture the most primitive sense of self. We will argue that the body is primarily given to us as source or power for action, i.e., as the variety of motor potentialities that define the horizon of the world in which we live, by populating it with things at hand to which we can be directed and with other bodies we can interact with. We will show that this sense of body as bodily self is, on the one hand, antecedent the distinction between sense of agency and sense of ownership, and, on the other, it enables and refines such distinction, providing a conceptual framework for the coherent interpretation of a variety of behavioral and neuropsychological data. We will conclude by positing that the basic experiences we entertain of our selves as bodily selves are from the very beginning driven by our interactions with other bodies as they are underpinned by the mirror mechanism.

Gentile G., Guterstam A., Brozzoli C., & Ehrsson H. H . ( 2013).

Disintegration of multisensory signals from the real hand reduces default limb self-attribution: An fMRI study

The Journal of Neuroscience, 33( 33), 13350-13366.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1363-13.2013      URL     PMID:23946393      [本文引用: 1]

The perception of our limbs in space is built upon the integration of visual, tactile, and proprioceptive signals. Accumulating evidence suggests that these signals are combined in areas of premotor, parietal, and cerebellar cortices. However, it remains to be determined whether neuronal populations in these areas integrate hand signals according to basic temporal and spatial congruence principles of multisensory integration. Here, we developed a setup based on advanced 3D video technology that allowed us to manipulate the spatiotemporal relationships of visuotactile (VT) stimuli delivered on a healthy human participant's real hand during fMRI and investigate the ensuing neural and perceptual correlates. Our experiments revealed two novel findings. First, we found responses in premotor, parietal, and cerebellar regions that were dependent upon the spatial and temporal congruence of VT stimuli. This multisensory integration effect required a simultaneous match between the seen and felt postures of the hand, which suggests that congruent visuoproprioceptive signals from the upper limb are essential for successful VT integration. Second, we observed that multisensory conflicts significantly disrupted the default feeling of ownership of the seen real limb, as indexed by complementary subjective, psychophysiological, and BOLD measures. The degree to which self-attribution was impaired could be predicted from the attenuation of neural responses in key multisensory areas. These results elucidate the neural bases of the integration of multisensory hand signals according to basic spatiotemporal principles and demonstrate that the disintegration of these signals leads to "disownership" of the seen real hand.

Guterstam A., Petkova V. I., & Ehrsson H. H . ( 2011).

The illusion of owning a third arm

PLoS One, 6( 2), e17208.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0017208      URL     PMID:21383847      [本文引用: 1]

Could it be possible that, in the not-so-distant future, we will be able to reshape the human body so as to have extra limbs? A third arm helping us out with the weekly shopping in the local grocery store, or an extra artificial limb assisting a paralysed person? Here we report a perceptual illusion in which a rubber right hand, placed beside the real hand in full view of the participant, is perceived as a supernumerary limb belonging to the participant's own body. This effect was supported by questionnaire data in conjunction with physiological evidence obtained from skin conductance responses when physically threatening either the rubber hand or the real one. In four well-controlled experiments, we demonstrate the minimal required conditions for the elicitation of this “supernumerary hand illusion”. In the fifth, and final experiment, we show that the illusion reported here is qualitatively different from the traditional rubber hand illusion as it is characterised by less disownership of the real hand and a stronger feeling of having two right hands. These results suggest that the artificial hand ‘borrows’ some of the multisensory processes that represent the real hand, leading to duplication of touch and ownership of two right arms. This work represents a major advance because it challenges the traditional view of the gross morphology of the human body as a fundamental constraint on what we can come to experience as our physical self, by showing that the body representation can easily be updated to incorporate an additional limb.

Haggard, P . ( 2008).

Human volition: Towards a neuroscience of will

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9( 12), 934-946.

DOI:10.1038/nrn2497      URL     PMID:19020512      [本文引用: 1]

The capacity for voluntary action is seen as essential to human nature. Yet neuroscience and behaviourist psychology have traditionally dismissed the topic as unscientific, perhaps because the mechanisms that cause actions have long been unclear. However, new research has identified networks of brain areas, including the pre-supplementary motor area, the anterior prefrontal cortex and the parietal cortex, that underlie voluntary action. These areas generate information for forthcoming actions, and also cause the distinctive conscious experience of intending to act and then controlling one's own actions. Volition consists of a series of decisions regarding whether to act, what action to perform and when to perform it. Neuroscientific accounts of voluntary action may inform debates about the nature of individual responsibility.

Haggard, P., & Chambon, V . ( 2012).

Sense of agency

Current Biology, 22( 10), R390-R392.

DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2012.02.040      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Haggard, P . ( 2017).

Sense of agency in the human brain

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 18( 4), 196-207.

DOI:10.1038/nrn.2017.14      URL     PMID:28251993      [本文引用: 2]

In adult life, people normally know what they are doing. This experience of controlling one's own actions and, through them, the course of events in the outside world is called 'sense of agency'. It forms a central feature of human experience; however, the brain mechanisms that produce the sense of agency have only recently begun to be investigated systematically. This recent progress has been driven by the development of better measures of the experience of agency, improved design of cognitive and behavioural experiments, and a growing understanding of the brain circuits that generate this distinctive but elusive experience. The sense of agency is a mental and neural state of cardinal importance in human civilization, because it is frequently altered in psychopathology and because it underpins the concept of responsibility in human societies.

Hertza J., Davis A. S., Barisa M., & Lemann E. R . ( 2012).

Atypical sensory alien hand syndrome: A case study

Applied Neuropsychology, 19( 1), 71-77.

DOI:10.1080/09084282.2011.643950      URL     PMID:22385382      [本文引用: 1]

Alien hand syndrome is a term used to describe a variety of rare conditions in which uncontrolled behavior or feelings of strangeness are felt in one extremity, most commonly the left hand. Etiology usually involves infarct of the right anterior or posterior cerebral arteries or cortical-basal degeneration. The medical and neuropsychological data of an elderly female who suffered a left middle cerebral artery stroke with resulting right-sided alien hand sign is presented. Neuropsychological assessment revealed declines in visual- and perceptual-based abilities and right-sided motor and sensory abilities consistent with the affected areas indicated on neuroimaging. This case demonstrates the utility of neuropsychological assessment in patients with unusual sensory/motor presentations.

Ionta S., Heydrich L., Lenggenhager B., Mouthon M., Fornari E., Chapuis D., .. Blanke O . ( 2011).

Multisensory mechanisms in temporo-parietal cortex support self-location and first-person perspective

Neuron, 70( 2), 363-374.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.03.009      URL     PMID:21521620      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Self-consciousness has mostly been approached by philosophical enquiry and not by empirical neuroscientific study, leading to an overabundance of diverging theories and an absence of data-driven theories. Using robotic technology, we achieved specific bodily conflicts and induced predictable changes in a fundamental aspect of self-consciousness by altering where healthy subjects experienced themselves to be (self-location). Functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) activity reflected experimental changes in self-location that also depended on the first-person perspective due to visuo-tactile and visuo-vestibular conflicts. Moreover, in a large lesion analysis study of neurological patients with a well-defined state of abnormal self-location, brain damage was also localized at TPJ, providing causal evidence that TPJ encodes self-location. Our findings reveal that multisensory integration at the TPJ reflects one of the most fundamental subjective feelings of humans: the feeling of being an entity localized at a position in space and perceiving the world from this position and perspective. Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Jeannerod, M . ( 2003).

The mechanism of self-recognition in humans

Behavioural Brain Research, 142( 1-2), 1-15.

DOI:10.1016/S0166-4328(02)00384-4      URL     PMID:12798261      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Recognizing oneself as the owner of a body and the agent of actions requires specific mechanisms which have been elucidated only recently. One of these mechanisms is the monitoring of signals arising from bodily movements, i.e. the central signals which contribute to the generation of the movements and the sensory signals which arise from their execution. The congruence between these two sets of signals is a strong index for determining the experiences of ownership and agency, which are the main constituents of the experience of being an independent self. This mechanism, however, does not account from the frequent cases where an intention is generated but the corresponding action is not executed. In this paper, it is postulated that such covert actions are internally simulated by activating specific cortical networks or representations of the intended actions. This process of action simulation is also extended to the observation and the recognition of actions performed or intended by other agents. The problem of disentangling representations that pertain to self-intended actions from those that pertain to actions executed or intended by others, is a critical one for attributing actions to their respective agents. Failure to recognize one's own actions and misattribution of actions may result from pathological conditions which alter the readability of these representations.

Kalckert, A., & Ehrsson, H. H . ( 2014).

The moving rubber hand illusion revisited: Comparing movements and visuotactile stimulation to induce illusory ownership

Consciousness and Cognition, 26, 117-132.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2014.02.003      URL     PMID:24705182      [本文引用: 1]

The rubber hand illusion is a perceptual illusion in which a model hand is experienced as part of one own body. In the present study we directly compared the classical illusion, based on visuotactile stimulation, with a rubber hand illusion based on active and passive movements. We examined the question of which combinations of sensory and motor cues are the most potent in inducing the illusion by subjective ratings and an objective measure (proprioceptive drift). In particular, we were interested in whether the combination of afferent and efferent signals in active movements results in the same illusion as in the purely passive modes. Our results show that the illusion is equally strong in all three cases. This demonstrates that different combinations of sensory input can lead to a very similar phenomenological experience and indicates that the illusion can be induced by any combination of multisensory information.

Klein, S. B . ( 2012).

“What is the self?”: Approaches to a very elusive question

Social Cognition, 30( 4), 363-366.

DOI:10.1521/soco.2012.30.4.363      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kühn S., Brass M., & Haggard P . ( 2013).

Feeling in control: Neural correlates of experience of agency

Cortex, 49( 7), 1935-1942.

DOI:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.09.002      URL     PMID:23067726      [本文引用: 1]

The ability to control external events through our own actions is a fundamental aspect of human experience. Both the subjective experience of agency, and its neural correlates, remain poorly understood. Previous studies show that the angular gyrus is activated when participants explicitly judge that they lack agency. In contrast, the positive sense of agency over external events is associated with distortions of time perception. Here, we show that the perceived interval between actions and a subsequent tone is shorter than the perceived interval between a physically comparable passive movement and a tone, replicating the ntentional binding effect reported previously. We considered this as a potential implicit marker of agency, and investigated its neural basis, by using parametric analyses to identify brain areas whose activation correlated more strongly with the perceived action-tone interval in the action condition, than in the passive condition. Small volume corrections were used to test specific hypotheses about the contribution of the angular gyrus, and of the supplementary motor area (SMA), based on previous literature. We found no correlation between angular gyrus and our temporal measure of sense of agency. In contrast, we found that a lateral, caudal region within the SMA proper was more strongly associated with the perceived action-tone interval than with perception of a control interval following a passive movement. We suggest that the supplementary motor complex contributes to the subjective experience of temporal flow that accompanies goal-directed voluntary actions.

Limanowski, J., & Blankenburg, F . ( 2015).

Network activity underlying the illusory self‐-attribution of a dummy arm

Human Brain Mapping, 36( 6), 2284-2304.

DOI:10.1002/hbm.22770      URL     PMID:25708317      [本文引用: 1]

Neuroimaging has demonstrated that the illusory self-attribution of body parts engages frontal and intraparietal brain areas, and recent evidence further suggests an involvement of visual body-selective regions in the occipitotemporal cortex. However, little is known about the principles of information exchange within this network. Here, using automated congruent versus incongruent visuotactile stimulation of distinct anatomical locations on the participant's right arm and a realistic dummy counterpart in an fMRI scanner, we induced an illusory self-attribution of the dummy arm. The illusion consistently activated a left-hemispheric network comprising ventral premotor cortex (PMv), intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and body-selective regions of the lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOC). Importantly, during the illusion, the functional coupling of the PMv and the IPS with the LOC increased substantially, and dynamic causal modeling revealed a significant enhancement of connections from the LOC and the secondary somatosensory cortex to the IPS. These results comply with the idea that the brain's inference mechanisms rely on the hierarchical propagation of prediction error. During illusory self-attribution, unpredicted ambiguous sensory input about one's body configuration may result in the generation of such prediction errors in visual and somatosensory areas, which may be conveyed to parietal integrative areas.

Llorens R., Borrego A., Palomo P., Cebolla A., Noé E., i Badia S. B., & Baños R . ( 2017).

Body schema plasticity after stroke: Subjective and neurophysiological correlates of the rubber hand illusion

Neuropsychologia, 96, 61-69.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.01.007      URL     PMID:28077329      [本文引用: 2]

61Stroke could increase body-ownership and agency over an external limb.61Stroke could limit changes in galvanic skin response and skin temperature.61Illusion of ownership could decrease electromyographic activity in stroke subjects.61It is hypothesized that the premotor cortex could cause these effects.61Results could evidence a body schema plasticity promoted by stroke.

Ma, K., & Hommel, B . ( 2015).

Body-ownership for actively operated non-corporeal objects

Consciousness and Cognition, 36, 75-86.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2015.06.003      URL     PMID:26094223      [本文引用: 1]

Rubber-hand and virtual-hand illusions show that people can perceive body ownership for objects under suitable conditions. Bottom-up approaches assume that perceived ownership emerges from multisensory matching (e.g., between seen object and felt hand movements), whereas top-down approaches claim that novel body parts are integrated only if they resemble some part of a permanent internal body representation. We demonstrate that healthy adults perceive body ownership for a virtual balloon changing in size, and a virtual square changing in size or color, in synchrony with movements of their real hand. This finding is inconsistent with top-down approaches and amounts to an existence proof that non-corporeal events can be perceived as body parts if their changes are systematically related to one actions. It also implies that previous studies with passive-stimulation techniques might have underestimated the plasticity of body representations and put too much emphasis on the resemblance between viewed object and real hand.

Makin T. R., Holmes N. P., & Ehrsson H. H . ( 2008).

On the other hand: Dummy hands and peripersonal space

Behavioural Brain Research, 191( 1), 1-10.

DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2008.02.041      URL     PMID:18423906      [本文引用: 1]

Where are my hands? The brain can answer this question using sensory information arising from vision, proprioception, or touch. Other sources of information about the position of our hands can be derived from multisensory interactions (or potential interactions) with our close environment, such as when we grasp or avoid objects. The pioneering study of multisensory representations of peripersonal space was published in Behavioural Brain Research almost 30 years ago [Rizzolatti G, Scandolara C, Matelli M, Gentilucci M. Afferent properties of periarcuate neurons in macaque monkeys. II. Visual responses. Behav Brain Res 1981;2:147–63]. More recently, neurophysiological, neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and behavioural studies have contributed a wealth of evidence concerning hand-centred representations of objects in peripersonal space. This evidence is examined here in detail. In particular, we focus on the use of artificial dummy hands as powerful instruments to manipulate the brain's representation of hand position, peripersonal space, and of hand ownership. We also review recent studies of the ‘rubber hand illusion’ and related phenomena, such as the visual capture of touch, and the recalibration of hand position sense, and discuss their findings in the light of research on peripersonal space. Finally, we propose a simple model that situates the ‘rubber hand illusion’ in the neurophysiological framework of multisensory hand-centred representations of space.

Manto M., Bower J. M., Conforto A. B., Delgado-García J. M., da Guarda, S. N. F., Gerwig M., .. Timmann D . ( 2012).

Consensus paper: Roles of the cerebellum in motor control—the diversity of ideas on cerebellar involvement in movement

The Cerebellum, 11( 2), 457-487.

DOI:10.1007/s12311-011-0331-9      URL     PMID:22161499      [本文引用: 1]

AbstractConsiderable progress has been made in developing models of cerebellar function in sensorimotor control, as well as in identifying key problems that are the focus of current investigation. In this consensus paper, we discuss the literature on the role of the cerebellar circuitry in motor control, bringing together a range of different viewpoints. The following topics are covered: oculomotor control, classical conditioning (evidence in animals and in humans), cerebellar control of motor speech, control of grip forces, control of voluntary limb movements, timing, sensorimotor synchronization, control of corticomotor excitability, control of movement-related sensory data acquisition, cerebro-cerebellar interaction in visuokinesthetic perception of hand movement, functional neuroimaging studies, and magnetoencephalographic mapping of cortico-cerebellar dynamics. While the field has yet to reach a consensus on the precise role played by the cerebellum in movement control, the literature has witnessed the emergence of broad proposals that address cerebellar function at multiple levels of analysis. This paper highlights the diversity of current opinion, providing a framework for debate and discussion on the role of this quintessential vertebrate structure.

Moore, J. W., & Obhi, S. S . ( 2012).

Intentional binding and the sense of agency: A review

Consciousness and Cognition, 21( 1), 546-561.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2011.12.002      URL     PMID:22240158      [本文引用: 1]

It is nearly 1002years since Patrick Haggard and colleagues first reported the ‘intentional binding’ effect ( Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002 ). The intentional binding effect refers to the subjective compression of the temporal interval between a voluntary action and its external sensory consequence. Since the first report, considerable interest has been generated and a fascinating array of studies has accumulated. Much of the interest in intentional binding comes from the promise to shed light on human agency. In this review we survey studies on intentional binding, focusing, in particular, on the link between intentional binding and the sense of agency (the experience of controlling action to influence events in the environment). We suggest that, whilst it is yet to be fully explicated, the link between intentional binding and the sense of agency is compelling. We conclude by considering outstanding questions and future directions for research on intentional binding.

Petkova V. I., Khoshnevis M., & Ehrsson H. H . ( 2011).

The perspective matters! Multisensory integration in ego-centric reference frames determines full-body ownership

Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 35.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00035      URL     PMID:3108400      [本文引用: 1]

Recent advances in experimental science have made it possible to investigate the perceptual processes involved in generating a sense of owning an entire body. This is achieved by full-body ownership illusions which make use of specific patterns of visual and somatic stimuli integration. Here we investigate the fundamental question of the reference frames used in the process of attributing an entire body to the self. We quantified the strength of the body-swap illusion in conditions where the participants were observing this artificial body from the perspective of the first or third person. Consistent results from subjective reports and physiological recordings show that the first person visual perspective is critical for the induction of this full-body ownership illusion. This demonstrates that the multisensory integration processes producing the sense of corporeal self operates in an ego-centric reference frame.

Riemer M., KleinbÖhl D., HÖlzl R., & Trojan J . ( 2013).

Action and perception in the rubber hand illusion

Experimental Brain Research, 229( 3), 383-393.

DOI:10.1007/s00221-012-3374-3      URL     PMID:23307154      [本文引用: 1]

Voluntary motor control over artificial hands has been shown to provoke a subjective incorporation of the artificial limb into body representations. However, in most studies projected or mirrored images of own hands were presented as ‘artificial’ body parts. Using the paradigm of the rubber hand illusion (RHI), we assessed the impact of tactile sensations and voluntary movements with respect to an unambiguously body-extraneous, artificial hand. In addition to phenomenal self-reports and pointing movements towards the own hand, we introduced a new procedure for perceptual judgements enabling the assessment of proprioceptive drift and judgement reliability regarding perceived hand location. RHI effects were comparable for tactile sensations and voluntary movements, but characteristic discrepancies were found for pointing movements. They were differently affected by the induction methods, and RHI effects were uncorrelated between both methods. These observations shed new light on inconsistent results concerning RHI effects on motor responses.

Sidarus N., Vuorre M., & Haggard P . ( 2017).

How action selection influences the sense of agency: An ERP study

NeuroImage, 150, 1-13.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.02.015      URL     PMID:28188916      [本文引用: 1]

61Difficulty of action selection reduces the sense of agency over action outcomes.61Neural signals at the time of the action contribute to judgements of agency.61Neural processing of action outcomes also contributes to sense of agency.61Sense of agency integrates action- and outcome-related neural information.

Suzuki K., Garfinkel S. N., Critchley H. D., & Seth A. K . ( 2013).

Multisensory integration across exteroceptive and interoceptive domains modulates self-experience in the rubber-hand illusion

Neuropsychologia, 51( 13), 2909-2917.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.08.014      URL     PMID:23993906      [本文引用: 1]

Identifying with a body is central to being a conscious self. The now classic "rubber hand illusion" demonstrates that the experience of body-ownership can be modulated by manipulating the timing of exteroceptive (visual and tactile) body-related feedback. Moreover, the strength of this modulation is related to individual differences in sensitivity to internal bodily signals (interoception). However the interaction of exteroceptive and interoceptive signals in determining the experience of body-ownership within an individual remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that this depends on the online integration of exteroceptive and interoceptive signals by implementing an innovative "cardiac rubber hand illusion" that combined computer-generated augmented-reality with feedback of interoceptive (cardiac) information. We show that both subjective and objective measures of virtual-hand ownership are enhanced by cardio-visual feedback in-time with the actual heartbeat, as compared to asynchronous feedback. We further show that these measures correlate with individual differences in interoceptive sensitivity, and are also modulated by the integration of proprioceptive signals instantiated using real-time visual remapping of finger movements to the virtual hand. Our results demonstrate that interoceptive signals directly influence the experience of body ownership via multisensory integration, and they lend support to models of conscious selfhood based on interoceptive predictive coding.

Synofzik M., Lindner A., & Thier P . ( 2008).

The cerebellum updates predictions about the visual consequences of one's behavior

Current Biology, 18( 11), 814-818.

DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2008.04.071      URL     PMID:18514520      [本文引用: 1]

Each action has sensory consequences that need to be distinguished from sensations arising from the environment. This is accomplished by the comparing of internal predictions about these consequences with the actual afference, thereby isolating the afferent component that is self-produced. Because the sensory consequences of actions vary as a result of changes of the effector's efficacy, internal predictions need to be updated continuously and on a short time scale. Here, we tested the hypothesis that this updating of predictions about the sensory consequences of actions is mediated by the cerebellum, a notion that parallels the cerebellum's role in motor learning. Patients with cerebellar lesions and their matched controls were equally able to detect experimental modifications of visual feedback about their pointing movements. When such feedback was constantly rotated, both groups instantly attributed the visual feedback to their own actions. However, in interleaved trials without actual feedback, patients did no longer account for this feedback rotation--neither perceptually nor with respect to motor performance. Both deficits can be explained by an impaired updating of internal predictions about the sensory consequences of actions caused by cerebellar pathology. Thus, the cerebellum guarantees both precise performance and veridical perceptual interpretation of actions.

Synofzik M., Vosgerau G., & Newen A . ( 2008).

I move, therefore I am: A new theoretical framework to investigate agency and ownership

Consciousness and Cognition, 17( 2), 411-424.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2008.03.008      URL     PMID:18411059      [本文引用: 1]

The neurocognitive structure of the acting self has recently been widely studied, yet is still perplexing and remains an often confounded issue in cognitive neuroscience, psychopathology and philosophy. We provide a new systematic account of two of its main features, the sense of agency and the sense of ownership, demonstrating that although both features appear as phenomenally uniform, they each in fact are complex crossmodal phenomena of largely heterogeneous functional and (self-)representational levels. These levels can be arranged within a gradually evolving, onto- and phylogenetically plausible framework which proceeds from basic non-conceptual sensorimotor processes to more complex conceptual and meta-representational processes of agency and ownership, respectively. In particular, three fundamental levels of agency and ownership processing have to be distinguished: The level of feeling, thinking and social interaction. This naturalistic account will not only allow to “ground the self in action”, but also provide an empirically testable taxonomy for cognitive neuroscience and a new tool for disentangling agency and ownership disturbances in psychopathology (e.g. alien hand, anarchic hand, anosognosia for one’s own hemiparesis).

Tajadura-Jiménez A., Grehl S., & Tsakiris M . ( 2012).

The other in me: Interpersonal multisensory stimulation changes the mental representation of the self

PLoS One, 7( 7), e40682.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0040682      URL     PMID:3404924      [本文引用: 1]

Recent studies have shown that the well-known effect of multisensory stimulation on body-awareness can be extended to self-recognition. Seeing someone else's face being touched at the same time as one's own face elicits changes in the mental representation of the self-face. We sought to further elucidate the underlying mechanisms and the effects of interpersonal multisensory stimulation (IMS) on the mental representation of the self and others.Participants saw an unfamiliar face being touched synchronously or asynchronously with their own face, as if they were looking in the mirror. Following synchronous, but not asynchronous, IMS, participants assimilated features of the other's face in the mental representation of their own face as evidenced by the change in the point of subjective equality for morphed pictures of the two faces. Interestingly, synchronous IMS resulted in a unidirectional change in the self-other distinction, affecting recognition of one's own face, but not recognition of the other's face. The participants' autonomic responses to objects approaching the other's face were higher following synchronous than asynchronous IMS, but this increase was not specific to the pattern of IMS in interaction with the viewed object. Finally, synchronous, as compared to asynchronous, IMS resulted in significant differences in participants' ratings of their experience, but unlike other bodily illusions, positive changes in subjective experience were related to the perceived physical similarity between the two faces, and not to identification.Synchronous IMS produces quantifiable changes in the mental representations of one's face, as measured behaviorally. Changes in autonomic responses and in the subjective experience of self-identification were broadly consistent with patterns observed in other bodily illusions, but less robust. Overall, shared multisensory experiences between self and other can change the mental representation of one's identity, and the perceived similarity of others relative to one's self.

Thompson, E . ( 2014). Waking, dreaming, being: Self and consciousness in neuroscience, meditation, and philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press.

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Tsakiris, M . ( 2010).

My body in the brain: A neurocognitive model of body-ownership

Neuropsychologia, 48( 3), 703-712.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.09.034      URL     PMID:19819247      [本文引用: 1]

Empirical research on the bodily self has only recently started to investigate how the link between a body and the experience of this body as is developed, maintained or disturbed. The Rubber Hand Illusion has been used as a model instance of the normal sense of embodiment to investigate the processes that underpin the experience of body-ownership. This review puts forward a neurocognitive model according to which body-ownership arises as an interaction between current multisensory input and internal models of the body. First, a pre-existing stored model of the body distinguishes between objects that may or may not be part of one's body. Second, on-line anatomical and postural representations of the body modulate the integration of multisensory information that leads to the recalibration of visual and tactile coordinate systems. Third, the resulting referral of tactile sensation will give rise to the subjective experience of body-ownership. These processes involve a neural network comprised of the right temporoparietal junction which tests the incorporeability of the external object, the secondary somatosensory cortex which maintains an on-line representation of the body, the posterior parietal and ventral premotor cortices which code for the recalibration of the hand-centred coordinate systems, and the right posterior insula which underpins the subjective experience of body-ownership. The experience of body-ownership may represent a critical component of self-specificity as evidenced by the different ways in which multisensory integration in interaction with internal models of the body can actually manipulate important physical and psychological aspects of the self.

Tsakiris M., Carpenter L., James D., & Fotopoulou A . ( 2010).

Hands only illusion: Multisensory integration elicits sense of ownership for body parts but not for non-corporeal objects

Experimental Brain Research, 204( 3), 343-352.

DOI:10.1007/s00221-009-2039-3      URL     PMID:19820918      [本文引用: 1]

The experience of body ownership can be successfully manipulated during the rubber hand illusion using synchronous multisensory stimulation. The hypothesis that multisensory integration is both a necessary and sufficient condition for body ownership is debated. We systematically varied the appearance of the object that was stimulated in synchrony or asynchrony with the participant’s hand. A viewed object that was transformed in three stages from a plain wooden block to a wooden hand was compared to a realistic rubber hand. Introspective and behavioural results show that participants experience a sense of ownership only for the realistic prosthetic hand, suggesting that not all objects can be experienced as part of one’s body. Instead, the viewed object must fit with a reference model of the body that contains important structural information about body parts. This body model can distinguish between corporeal and non-corporeal objects, and it therefore plays a critical role in maintaining a coherent sense of one’s body.

Tsakiris M., Hesse M. D., Boy C., Haggard P., & Fink G. R . ( 2007).

Neural signatures of body ownership: A sensory network for bodily self-consciousness

Cerebral Cortex, 17(10), 2235-2244.

DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhl131      URL     PMID:17138596      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Body ownership refers to the special perceptual status of one's own body, which makes bodily sensations seem unique to oneself. We studied the neural correlates of body ownership by controlling whether an external object was accepted as part of the body or not. In the rubber hand illusion (RHI), correlated visuotactile stimulation causes a fake hand to be perceived as part of one's own body. In the present study, we distinguished between the causes (i.e., multisensory stimulation) and the effect (i.e., the feeling of ownership) of the RHI. Participants watched a right or a left rubber hand being touched either synchronously or asynchronously with respect to their own unseen right hand. A quantifiable correlate of the RHI is a shift in the perceived position of the subject's hand toward the rubber hand. We used positron emission tomography to identify brain areas whose activity correlated with this proprioceptive measure of body ownership. Body ownership was related to activity in the right posterior insula and the right frontal operculum. Conversely, when the rubber hand was not attributed to the self, activity was observed in the contralateral parietal cortex, particularly the somatosensory cortex. These structures form a network that plays a fundamental role in linking current sensory stimuli to one's own body and thus also in self-consciousness.

Vosgerau, G., & Newen, A . ( 2007).

Thoughts, motor actions, and the self

Mind & Language, 22( 1), 22-43.

DOI:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2006.00298.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Abstract: The comparator-model, originally developed to explain motor action, has recently been invoked to explain several aspects of the self. However, in the first place it may not be used to explain a basic self-world distinction because it presupposes one. Our alternative account is based on specific systematic covariation between action and perception. Secondly, the comparator model cannot explain the feeling of ownership of thoughts. We argue—contra Frith and Campbell—that thoughts are not motor processes and therefore cannot be described by the comparator-model. Rather, thoughts can be the triggering cause (intention) for actions. An alternative framework for the explanation of thought insertion in schizophrenics is presented.

Wittgenstein, L . ( 1958). The blue and brown books. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

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Zhang, J., & Hommel, B . ( 2016).

Body ownership and response to threat

Psychological Research, 80( 6), 1020-1029.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-015-0698-1      URL     PMID:5069314      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract A virtual-reality setup was used to investigate the relationship between perceived body ownership and subjective anxiety, as assessed by an anxiety inventory (SA-I). A pilot study confirmed that synchrony between the participant's real hand movements and the movements of a virtual effector induced perceived ownership illusions. The illusions were comparable for virtual human hands and virtual cat claws, even though the overall acceptance was greater for human hands. In Experiment 1, participants used the virtual effector to collect coins and avoid knives descending on a screen before anxiety was measured. The level of anxiety increased with synchrony and was higher for human hands than for cat claws, but these two effects were independent. Experiment 2 separated effects of coin catching and knife avoiding by means of a between-participant design. The outcome of Experiment 1 was replicated in the knife-avoiding task but not in the coin-catching task, in which anxiety levels were low and not systematically affected by the type of virtual effector. Taken altogether, our findings suggest that subjective anxiety and ownership are strongly related.

Zhang J., Ma K., & Hommel B . ( 2015).

The virtual hand illusion is moderated by context-induced spatial reference frames

Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1659.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01659      URL     PMID:4623196      [本文引用: 1]

The tendency to perceive an artificial effector as part of one own body is known to depend on temporal criteria, like the synchrony between stimulus events informing about the effector. The role of spatial factors is less well understood. Rather than physical distance, which has been manipulated in previous studies, we investigated the role of relative, context-induced distance between the participant real hand and an artificial hand stimulated synchronously or asynchronously with the real hand. We replicated previously reported distance effects in a virtual reality setup: the perception of ownership increased with decreased distance, and the impact of synchrony was stronger for short distances. More importantly, we found that ownership perception and impact of synchrony were affected by previous distance: the same, medium distance between real and artificial hand induced more pronounced ownership after having experienced a far-distance condition than after a near-distance condition. This suggests that subjective, context-induced spatial reference frames contribute to ownership perception, which does not seem to fit with the idea of fixed spatial criteria and/or permanent body representations are the sole determinants of perceived body ownership.

Zheng Z. Z., MacDonald E. N., Munhall K. G., & Johnsrude I. S . ( 2011).

Perceiving a stranger's voice as being one's own: A ‘rubber voice’ illusion?

PLoS One, 6( 4), e18655.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0018655      URL     PMID:3072407      [本文引用: 1]

We describe an illusion in which a stranger's voice, when presented as the auditory concomitant of a participant's own speech, is perceived as a modified version of their own voice. When the congruence between utterance and feedback breaks down, the illusion is also broken. Compared to a baseline condition in which participants heard their own voice as feedback, hearing a stranger's voice induced robust changes in the fundamental frequency (F0) of their production. Moreover, the shift in F0 appears to be feedback dependent, since shift patterns depended reliably on the relationship between the participant's own F0 and the stranger-voice F0. The shift in F0 was evident both when the illusion was present and after it was broken, suggesting that auditory feedback from production may be used separately for self-recognition and for vocal motor control. Our findings indicate that self-recognition of voices, like other body attributes, is malleable and context dependent.


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