ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1186-1192 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01186



叶晓燕1, 张得龙1, 常松2, 刘鸣,1

1 南师范大学心理学院, 广州 510631

2 东大学教育科学学院, 山东 烟台 264025

The individual difference of visual mental imagery and its neural basis

YE Xiaoyan1, ZHANG Delong1, CHANG Song2, LIU Ming,1

1 School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

2 School of Educational science, Lu Dong University, Yantai 264025, China

通讯作者: 刘鸣,

收稿日期: 2017-06-20   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31600907)

Received: 2017-06-20   Online: 2018-07-15

Fund supported: (31600907)


视觉表象涉及人类一种重要信息表征方式, 与工作记忆和注意相比, 视觉表象研究更为关注其所产生的主观内容, 而这一主观内容的产生存在明显的个体差异。本文从个体差异的角度, 系统介绍了视觉表象个体差异的表现与内在的神经基础及其可能的应用, 并展望了未来的研究方向。本研究将有助于对视觉表象个体差异的认识, 促进视觉表象功能与实质问题研究的进一步开展。

关键词: 表象; 图画式表征; 个体差异; 双眼竞争; 功能性核磁共振


Visual mental imagery is an important way of information representation for human being. Compared with working memory and attention, visual mental imagery sheds more light on the subjective contents which are different strikingly among individuals. With the perspective of individual differences, we review the various individual performances and the underlying neural basis of visual mental imagery. We also explore some potential applications and future directions of visual mental imagery. This review will lead to a better understanding of the nature of individual differences in visual mental imagery and accelerate the development in the research field.

Keywords: mental imagery; pictorial representations; individual difference; binocular rivalry; fMRI

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叶晓燕, 张得龙, 常松, 刘鸣. 视觉表象个体差异及其神经基础 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1186-1192 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01186

YE Xiaoyan, ZHANG Delong, CHANG Song, LIU Ming. The individual difference of visual mental imagery and its neural basis. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(7): 1186-1192 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01186

表象(mental imagery), 亦称心像, 是事物不在面前时头脑中出现的事物的感性形象。这一感性形象的产生涉及人类独特的信息表征方式, 即图画式表征(pictorial representations)。以这类独特的信息表征方式为载体, 人类大脑形成了具有“触类旁通” “举一反三” “见微知著” “融会贯通”的心理加工模式, 是目前人工智能设备不能复制的。然而, 在心理学研究历史上, 这一独特信息表征方式的研究一波三折(刘鸣, 2004), 出现了著名的“表象之争” (Pearson & Kosslyn, 2015)。“表象之争”主要围绕两个问题展开:第一个问题是表象与视知觉是否具有某些相同的表征, 或表象是否仅与更抽象的、知觉后的表征有关(Finke, 1980; Shepard, 1978)。第二个问题是表象的格式究竟是空间的, 还是命题性的(Kosslyn, 1980)。因此, 在表象表征方式问题的研究中, 表象与知觉是否机能等价成为争论的焦点。“表象之争”与表象具有复杂的主观特性而其研究又缺乏客观有效地研究方法不无关系。其中, 表象存在明显的个体差异, 这也是导致表象实质与功能研究存在分歧不容忽视的因素。有鉴于此, 本研究系统归纳了视觉表象个体差异的表现与内在的神经基础, 以及可能的应用。以期能够促进心理学研究对表象个体差异的关注, 推动表象实质与功能问题研究的进一步开展。

1 表象的个体差异

尽管头脑中产生各种事物形象的现象已经司空见惯, 但对这一现象进行科学的描述并非易事。时至今日, 将视觉表象与视知觉进行类比分析是对表象属性及其实质研究的基本途径。

1.1 视觉表象清晰度

表象是在记忆基础上对知觉经验的“再体验” (re-experience)。从这个角度, 表象往往被称为“弱知觉”, 表象拥有和知觉经验类似的属性。因此, 表象主观感觉包含知觉信息越多则越清晰, 而这一表象清晰度反映了表象与知觉内容的相似程度, 两者的相似程度决定了表象的主观生动性, 是表象最为重要的属性。

根据被试主观体验报告的表象清晰度成为表象属性最早的研究方法。其中, Galton (1880)的“餐桌回忆法”、Sheehan (1967)的表象问卷以及Marks (1973)的视觉表象生动性量表(Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire, VVIQ)都是其中较具代表性的研究方法。借助上述研究方法, 研究者发现视觉表象清晰度存在明显的个体差异, 其中, Galton (1880)最早报告被试根据相同指导语产生的视觉表象清晰度存在个体差异, 而视觉表象清晰度的个体差异与被试的专业类型(Sacco & Reda, 1998)和性别(Marks, 1973)等因素有关。而且, 借助上述方法测量被试的视觉表象清晰度与其认知功能(如认知控制力(Cui, Jeter, Yang, Montague, & Eagleman, 2007), 托伦斯创造力(Marks, 1999)等)存在显著相关。表象清晰度的个体差异可能反映了表象策略在大脑信息加工的使用程度(Goldenberg et al., 1989), 其不仅与认知功能密切相关, 而且在很大程度上影响个体的情绪加工过程(Pearson, Naselaris, Holmes, & Kosslyn, 2015)。

尽管借助被试主观内省的方法, 研究者实现了对表象属性的测量, 发现了表象属性存在个体差异的实验证据, 也进一步揭示了表象个体差异与认知、情绪之间的关系, 但基于被试主观报告的研究方法有其先天的不足, 具体论述见我们的一篇综述(刘鸣, 2004)。因此, 如何在研究中对表象的属性及其个体差异之间进行客观化的度量成为表象研究者面临的一个重要问题。

1.2 视觉表象空间信息

在认知心理学领域, 研究者试图对表象属性进行数量化的度量, 视觉表象的空间属性成为研究者关注的核心。为证实视觉表象具有类似知觉的空间属性, 研究者借助认知科学的“抽象分析法”对表象的空间属性与知觉进行了类比分析。其中, 比较著名的研究范式有Shepard的心理旋转(Shepard & Metzler, 1971)、Kosslyn的心理扫描(Kosslyn, 1973)、心理折纸(Shepard & Feng, 1972)等。上述研究范式从信息加工的角度, 借助反应时与错误率等指标, 数量化的探讨了视觉表象作为一种独立的信息表征方式在问题解决中的作用。

认知科学对表象研究的创新范式不仅为视觉表象与知觉的机能等价提供了实验证据, 其数量化指标也为研究者对表象个体差异数量化的度量提供了可操作途径。其实, 早在1978年, Vandenberg和Kuse (1978)等人借助心理旋转范式就明确指出视觉表象空间信息存在显著的个体差异。而且视觉表象空间信息的个体差异与其工作记忆、执行控制、想象、创造力等高级认知活动关系密切(Ernest, 1977; Knauff, Mulack, Kassubek, Salih, & Greenlee, 2002)。此后, 大量研究证实视觉表象空间信息操作的个体差异受性别(Jordan, Wüstenberg, Heinze, Peters, & Jäncke, 2002)、年龄(Roberts & Bell, 2000)、训练(De & Wolford, 2002)、疾病(Zacks, Michelon, Vettel, & Ojemann, 2004)等因素影响。此外, 研究者从信息加工的角度指出视觉表象空间信息的个体差异及其在认知活动中的作用可能受认知方式的影响(赵晓妮, 游旭群, 2007), 根据认知坐标系的理论模型(Just & Carpenter, 1985), 视觉表象空间信息操作的个体差异与认知坐标系以及认知策略的选择有关。

毋庸置疑, 认知科学范式通过巧妙的实验设计, 从空间信息的角度为视觉表象个体差异的研究提供了一个客观而且可重复的研究指标, 切实推动了研究者对视觉表象个体差异的认识。然而, 值得注意的是, 尽管空间信息是视觉表象区别于概念表征的主要维度, 而且视觉表象的空间信息也被大量研究证实在认知过程中发挥重大作用(Borst & Kosslyn, 2010), 但视觉表象作为独特的心理现象, 其区别于工作记忆与视觉注意的主要特点在于其内容本身带给个体的主观体验。有鉴于此, 如何就视觉表象内容进行数量化度量是研究者不可回避的问题。

1.3 视觉表象内容

就视觉表象内容而言, 头脑产生的形象与知觉到的形象的相似程度是其核心特征, 但头脑产生的形象具有高度的主观性, 采用客观方法进行度量并非易事。前人对视觉表象内容的研究主要借助一种非结构化的白噪音, 研究发现被试在白噪音的干扰下仍可以知觉到字母或脸孔, 而这种觉知源自人脑自上而下加工所产生的视觉表象内容(Gosselin & Schyns, 2003; Hansen, Thompson, Hess, & Ellemberg, 2010; Smith, Gosselin, & Schyns, 2012)。但这种实验范式并不能排除已有知识经验的影响。

近年来, 由于视觉表象与视知觉机能等价, 越来越多研究发现视觉表象对随后特定时间呈现相同内容的视知觉加工产生影响, 而这种影响可以作为数量化考察个体视觉表象内容的途径。而问题的关键在于实验中如何数量化的度量视觉表象对视知觉的影响?研究者发现视知觉存在明显的双眼竞争现象, 通过个体优势眼的调节使得左右眼知觉到视觉模式出现的比例达到平衡, 在此基础上, 研究者进一步通过视觉表象对随后双眼竞争模式的影响(亦即启动率)检测视觉表象的内容(Bergmann, Genç, Kohler, Singer, & Pearson, 2016)。

借助上述研究逻辑, 研究者提出了表象强度, 以此来客观量化表象内容的生动程度。具体而言, 被试根据给定线索形成表象, 并完成表象清晰度的主观评定, 然后闪现(750 ms)竞争刺激, 并记录被试知觉到的优势刺激, 据此可计算表象启动双眼竞争中优势刺激的比率, 这一启动率被定义为表象强度。研究者在表象强度的基础上, 进一步借助双眼竞争范式考察表象精确性。这里的表象精确性是指表象内容与真实客体在视觉底层特征(比如朝向、位置等)上的一致性。其中, 特定位置表象精确性被定义为被试根据给定线索形成特定位置的表象, 并完成表象清晰度的主观评定, 然后在一致和不一致位置随机闪现竞争刺激, 记录被试知觉的优势刺激。一致和不一致条件下启动率的差异程度被定义为特定位置的表象精确性。

表象强度与表象精确性从“视觉能”的角度度量了视觉表象内容对后续知觉的影响程度, 与视觉表象空间信息研究使用的指标相比, 这两个度量指标更为关注表象内容本身的视觉能量, 显而易见这个层次的度量更为全面, 生态性与敏感性也更高。借助这两个研究指标, 研究者对视觉表象个体差异的实质及其在脑功能中发挥的作用进行了更为深入的探讨。不仅证实了视觉表象个体差异在认知过程中发挥重要作用, 如工作记忆(Pearson, Rademaker, & Tong, 2011)与联想过程(Lewis, O’Reilly, Khuu, & Pearson, 2013), 而且发现任务背景亮度的改变会影响表象过程进而影响视觉工作记忆表现(Chang, Lewis, & Pearson, 2013), 进一步证实了视觉表象作为一种策略在认知加工中发挥独特作用。

2 表象个体差异的神经基础

脑成像技术的运用为我们认识表象的神经机制提供了途径, 同时也为我们揭示表象个体差异的神经基础提供了可能。由于表象是较为复杂的心理活动过程, 其产生、维持与操作涉及如前额叶、顶叶、颞叶和视觉皮层等大量的脑区(Formisano et al., 2002)。尽管如此, 表象过程中大脑初级视觉皮层是否激活成为探讨视觉表象是否包含知觉信息的核心问题, 具体论述见我们的另一篇综述(常松等, 2017)。当然, 目前研究者已证实表象过程是否激活大脑初级视觉皮层与使用的实验材料, 实验设计, 数据处理方式, 被试的任务, 仪器设备参数等因素有关, 但不容否认的是表象个体差异是导致不同研究结果分歧的重要因素(Reeder, 2016)。

脑成像技术的发展为我们认识表象个体差异的神经基础提供了可能。Goldenberg等 (1989)最早使用单光子发射断层扫描(SPECT)发现表象主观生动性和前额叶的局部脑血流量成负相关, 而和颞下区的脑血流量成正相关。借助fMRI技术的研究也发现表象主观生动性和初级视觉皮层的BOLD信号变化存在显著正相关(Cui et al., 2007; Olivetti et al., 2009)。此外, 大量研究结果表明视觉表象空间信息的操作主要激活大脑的顶叶、枕叶和额叶(Harris & Miniussi, 2006), 而且在性别之间存在显著区别。例如, 心理旋转研究发现男性主要激活负责加工空间信息(如顶叶)和表象操作的脑区(如基底核和楔前叶等), 而女性主要激活前额叶的背内侧和其他高级皮层(Butler et al., 2006; Jordan et al., 2002)。最后, 研究者进一步借助fMRI视网膜皮层映射技术发现视觉表象内容的个体差异可能存在明确的脑结构基础。例如, Bergmann 等(2016)等人发现表象强度与V1区表面积大小呈负相关, 即V1区表面积越小就越可能有强表象; 而表象精确性和V1区表面积大小呈正相关, 其中V1区的中心部分和精确性联系最为密切; 另外, V1区的皮层厚度和表象强度没有显著相关, 却表现出与表象精确性有一定的相关。

近年来, 基于脑成像数据的多体素模式分析方法(Multi-voxel pattern analysis, MVPA)为我们进一步揭示表象个体差异的神经基础提供了全新的研究视角。与传统以激活为基础的单变量数据分析方法不同, 多体素模式分析方法将兴趣区内各个体素的信号同时考察, 将兴趣区看作一个多维变量, 即空间模式来分析脑成像数据所携带的与任务相关的信息(Norman, Polyn, Detre, & Haxby, 2006)。这一数据处理思路的转变充分考虑单个体素特异性以及体素间的相互关系, 明显提高了数据处理的敏感性, 为表象内容个体化的研究提供了可操作的途径, 具体论述见我们的一篇综述(张得龙, 梁碧珊, 文学, 黄瑞旺, 刘鸣, 2014)。

具体而言, 多体素模式分析方法在体素水平上更进一步地探讨知觉与表象条件下大脑激活模式之间的关系, 其中最具有代表性的是解码模型和编码模型。早在2000年Craven等人借助传统的单变量数据分析方法就发现, 在特定类别中(例如, 人脸和地点)知觉和表象具有共同的神经基础, 而且知觉条件下大脑激活强度更大(O'Craven & Kanwisher, 2000)。近年来借助解码模型, 在知觉条件下, 可以成功从视觉皮层中将不同类型的刺激进行分类(Peelen, Fei-Fei, & Kastner, 2009)。更为重要的是, 知觉条件下刺激训练的分类器可以运用到表象刺激的解码中(Horikawa, Tamaki, Miyawaki, & Kamitani, 2013)。这一发现一方面为表象与知觉的机能等价提供了证据, 另一方面也表明在单个被试上采用多体素模式分析方法研究表象的神经基础成为可能。近年来, 借助该研究方法, 研究者发现视觉表象清晰度的评定等级与表象和知觉在视觉皮层的重叠程度存在显著相关, 这为其神经基础提供了实验证据(Dijkstra, Bosch, & van Gerven, 2017)。此外, 借助解码模型, 研究者实现从大脑神经激活模式中可以动态解码心理旋转角度, 为视觉表象空间信息操作的神经基础提供了实验证据(Mourao-Miranda, Ecker, Sato, & Brammer, 2009)。在此基础上, 研究者采用编码模型(Kay, Naselaris, Prenger, & Gallant, 2008)更进一步界定了表象内容的实质, 编码模型通过将视觉刺激转换到视觉底层特征(位置、朝向等)进行描述, 并使用刺激特征模式来预测大脑的激活, 从而建立了视觉刺激内容和大脑响应模式之间的函数关系, 为我们数量化的度量大脑视觉表征内容提供了途径(Kay et al., 2008)。更为关键的是, 在知觉条件下基于单个被试数据所构建的编码模型可以有效泛化到表象模式, 从而为表象在初级视觉皮层表征刺激的底层特征提供了直接的实验证据, 也为我们在单个被试上界定表象内容提供了可操作的途径(Naselaris, Olman, Stansbury, Ugurbil, & Gallant, 2015)。值得注意, 这一发现也从根本上终结了持续几十年的表象之争(Pearson & Kosslyn, 2015)。

总之, 以多体素模式分析方法探讨表象神经激活模式与知觉神经激活模式之间的关系, 是实现表象内容研究走向个体化的重要途径。

3 表象个体差异的应用

(1)在心理学所有研究主题中, 表象是研究分歧最大的领域, 出现了著名的“表象之争”。如前所述, 表象实质与功能研究存在分歧的影响因素众多, 其中个体差异是不容忽视的因素。目前, 我们在表象领域的一个基本研究假设是表象的属性和功能在所有被试的信息加工中发挥作用的权重是等价的, 亦即, 表象在不同被试认知加工中发挥作用程度是同质的。然而, 在表象研究中发现, 表象作为一种重要的信息加工策略在不同被试的认知加工中发挥作用的程度不尽相同。有鉴于表象个体差异的存在, 表象后续研究首先需要在“表象型”与“非表象型”被试、“表象策略”与“非表象策略”等不同群体上进行, 研究的相关结论也应该在不同类型群体上进行推论。

(2)表象是一种重要的信息加工策略, 在脑功能中发挥独特作用。既然表象在不同个体的脑功能中发挥作用程度不尽相同, 其在个体的认知加工与情绪过程中发挥的作用也不尽相同。因此, 表象既可用于反映脑功能状态也可用于脑功能模式的调控, 具有较大的应用前景。具体而言, 表象是在大脑执行控制作用下, 借助记忆和注意根据特定认知需求产生的心理加工过程。其中, 表象作为心理活动的重要“基石”直接参与记忆、联想、想象与决策等认知过程(Pearson, Clifford, & Tong, 2008), 进而对情绪和意志产生影响, 这些影响势必会反映在脑功能上。因此, 表象个体差异可以作为评估脑功能状态的一种重要方式(Gross, Crane, & Fredrickson, 2012)。

此外, 表象个体差异也可以作为一种干预和预测脑功能的重要途径。近年来, 正念(mindfulness)、冥想(meditation)以及实时的神经反馈技术(real-time neural feedback)被广泛应用于抑郁症、双向情感障碍、强迫症、创伤后应激障碍等心理疾病中(McManus, Muse, Surawy, Hackmann, & Williams, 2015)。而表象在这些技术中起核心作用, 具体而言这些技术主要通过修改脑海中消极表象的脚本, 或产生积极表象, 又或者占用视空资源使得负性的情景记忆固化率降低。因此对表象能力的界定在很大程度上可以预测以表象为基础的脑功能状态的发展变化趋势(Blackwell et al., 2013)。

4 展望

借助多体素模式分析的数据分析方法, 已经为表象实质和功能问题提供了一个全新的研究视角。但考虑到表象个体差异的存在, 未来相关研究需要进一步考虑如下2个基本问题:

(1)随着研究者对表象内容度量追求的深入, 加之当前基于功能性核磁共振技术方法的不断发展, 在大脑特定皮层探讨视觉表象内容与视觉刺激具体特征之间的数量化函数关系逐渐成为可能。毫无疑问, 能够精准到特定视觉特征在视觉表象内容中的神经表征是认知神经科学最接近表象内容神经基础的度量。与此同时, 借助双眼竞争范式, 认知科学从信息加工角度对视觉表象内容的度量也不断被证实客观有效, 并逐渐在相关问题的研究中发挥重要作用。因此, 将目前最接近表象本质的神经编码技术与表象认知研究最新的行为范式(双眼竞争)相结合, 是推动表象个体差异研究的关键。

(2)近年来, 越来越多的研究证实大脑不单纯是外界刺激驱动的“信息加工器”, 大脑静息态自发波动模式在脑功能中发挥重要作用(Reichle, 2010)。大脑静息态的自发波动属性可以预测个体任务态的表现(Tavor et al., 2016)。而另一方面, 已有研究证实, 在静息状态下, 头脑中更容易浮现各类形象(Wang et al., 2008), 这意味着表象可能与大脑静息态下记忆信息的固化存在关联, 进而对脑功能产生影响。因此, 探讨静息态自发波动属性与表象之间的关系将从全新的角度促进对表象个体差异实质的认识。


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赵晓妮, 游旭群 . ( 2007).


应用心理学, 13( 4), 334-340.

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采用2个2×2×6三因素混合设计实验,以图形和数字为实验材料,探讨能反应个体能力水平差 异的场认知方式对心理旋转的影响。两个实验结果均表明:(1)场认知方式的主效应显著,场独立性的被试比场依存性的被试反应时短,且正确率高;两类被试的 反应时、正确率曲线具有一致的变化趋势;(2)图形和数字的心理旋转反应时呈倒“V”形状,反应时随着旋转角度的增加而增加,180°时反应时最长,以 180°为界,曲线两侧的变化趋势对称;(3)正确率随着旋转角度的增加而降低,呈现“V”状,180°时正确率最低,曲线两侧的变化趋势对称。

Bergmann J., Genç E., Kohler A., Singer W., & Pearson J . ( 2016).

Smaller primary visual cortex is associated with stronger, but less precise mental imagery

Cerebral Cortex, 26( 9), 3838-3850.

DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhv186      URL     PMID:26286919      [本文引用: 2]

Despite mental imagery's ubiquitous role in human perception, cognition and behavior, one standout question remains unanswered: Why does imagery vary so much from one individual to the next? Here, we used a behavioral paradigm that measures the functional impact of a mental image on subsequent conscious perception and related these measures to the anatomy of the early visual cortex estimated by fMRI retinotopic mapping. We observed a negative relationship between primary visual cortex (V1) surface area and sensory imagery strength, but found positive relationships between V1 and imagery precision (spatial location and orientation). Hence, individuals with a smaller V1 tended to have stronger, but less precise imagery. In addition, subjective vividness of imagery was positively related to prefrontal cortex volume, but unrelated to V1 anatomy. Our findings present the first evidence for the importance of the V1 layout in shaping the strength of human imagination.

Blackwell S. E., Rius-Ottenheim N., Schulte-van Maaren, Y. W. M., Carlier I. V. E., Middelkoop V. D., Zitman F. G., .. Giltay E. J . ( 2013).

Optimism and mental imagery: A possible cognitive marker to promote well-being?

Psychiatry Research, 206( 1), 56-61.

DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2012.09.047      URL     PMID:23084598      [本文引用: 1]

Optimism is associated with a range of benefits not only for general well-being, but also for mental and physical health. The development of psychological interventions to boost optimism derived from cognitive science would have the potential to provide significant public health benefits, yet cognitive markers of optimism are little understood. The current study aimed to take a first step in this direction by identifying a cognitive marker for optimism that could provide a modifiable target for innovative interventions. In particular we predicted that the ability to generate vivid positive mental imagery of the future would be associated with dispositional optimism. A community sample of 237 participants completed a survey comprising measures of mental imagery and optimism, and socio-demographic information. Vividness of positive future imagery was significantly associated with optimism, even when adjusting for socio-demographic factors and everyday imagery use. The ability to generate vivid mental imagery of positive future events may provide a modifiable cognitive marker of optimism. Boosting positive future imagery could provide a cognitive target for treatment innovations to promote optimism, with implications for mental health and even physical well-being.

Borst, G., & Kosslyn S. M, . ( 2010).

Individual differences in spatial mental imagery

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63( 10), 2031-2050.

DOI:10.1080/17470211003802459      URL     PMID:20521213      [本文引用: 1]

In this article, we report a new image-scanning paradigm that allowed us to measure objectively individual differences in spatial mental imagery--specifically, imagery for location. Participants were asked to determine whether an arrow was pointing at a dot using a visual mental image of an array of dots. The degree of precision required to discriminate "yes" from "no" trials was varied. In Experiment 1, the time to scan increasing distances, as well as the number of errors, increased when greater precision was required to make a judgement. The results in Experiment 2 replicated those results while controlling for possible biases. When greater precision is required, the accuracy of the spatial image becomes increasingly important--and hence the effect of precision in the task reflects the accuracy of the image. In Experiment 3, this measure was shown to be related to scores on the Paper Folding test, on the Paper Form Board test, and on the visuospatial items on Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices--but not to scores on questionnaires measuring object-based mental imagery. Thus, we provide evidence that classical standardized spatial tests rely on spatial mental imagery but not object mental imagery.

Butler T., Imperato-Mcginley J., Pan H., Voyer D., Cordero J., Zhu Y. S., .. Silbersweig D . ( 2006).

Sex differences in mental rotation: Top-down versus bottom-up processing

NeuroImage, 32( 1), 445-456.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.03.030      URL     PMID:16714123      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Functional MRI during performance of a validated mental rotation task was used to assess a neurobiological basis for sex differences in visuospatial processing. Between-sex group analysis demonstrated greater activity in women than in men in dorsalmedial prefrontal and other high-order heteromodal association cortices, suggesting women performed mental rotation in an effortful, "top-down" fashion. In contrast, men activated primary sensory cortices as well as regions involved in implicit learning (basal ganglia) and mental imagery (precuneus), consistent with a more automatic, "bottom-up" strategy. Functional connectivity analysis in association with a measure of behavioral performance showed that, in men (but not women), accurate performance was associated with deactivation of parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC) as part of a visual-vestibular network. Automatic evocation by men to a greater extent than women of this network during mental rotation may represent an effective, unconscious, bottom-up neural strategy which could reasonably account for men's traditional visuospatial performance advantage.

Chang S., Lewis D. E., & Pearson J . ( 2013).

The functional effects of color perception and color imagery

Journal of Visionv, 13( 10), 227-232.

DOI:10.1167/13.9.227      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In primate area MT, direction-selective neurons convey information about a stimulus motion direction, as early as in their initial response. These neurons may also selectively signal transient changes in motion direction by increasing or decreasing their firing rate depending on whether the direction change deviated closer to or further away from their preferred direction. These properties may thus serve to detect and discriminate changes in a stimulus feature. Another potential source of neuronal encoding of motion direction relies on the activity of local field potentials (LFPs). Indeed, LFPs in area MT are tuned for motion direction, in a frequency-dependent manner. It is, however, unclear whether LFPs can provide a reliable signal to detect and discriminate changes in a stimulus feature. To investigate this issue, we recorded LFPs and spiking activity of direction-selective neurons in area MT of monkeys trained to covertly detect a 30-degree motion direction change in one of two moving RDPs. On each trial, both RDPs moved either in the preferred or antipreferred (AP) direction, and thus the actual motion direction after the change deviated away from either the preferred or the AP direction. Across the neuronal population (n=73), the motion direction change evoked a significant (p<0.05) decrease or increase in firing rates when the change deviated the motion direction away from preferred and AP, respectively. The direction change also induced changes in the LFP power in all frequency bands. However, only the gamma-band power reflected the identity of the change, being significantly larger when the change deviated the motion direction away from AP compared to away from preferred. These results indicate that the detection of transient stimulus changes can be encoded by LFPs in all frequency bands, while the discrimination of the type of change may be encoded by LFPs in the gamma band.

Cui X., Jeter C. B., Yang D., Montague P. R., & Eagleman D. M . ( 2007).

Vividness of mental imagery: Individual variability can be measured objectively

Vision Research, 47( 4), 474-478.

DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2006.11.013      URL     PMID:1839967      [本文引用: 2]

When asked to imagine a visual scene, such as an ant crawling on a checkered table cloth toward a jar of jelly, individuals subjectively report different vividness in their mental visualization. We show that reported vividness can be correlated with two objective measures: the early visual cortex activity relative to the whole brain activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and the performance on a novel psychophysical task. These results show that individual differences in the vividness of mental imagery are quantifiable even in the absence of subjective report.

De, L. R., & Wolford, J. L . ( 2002).

Improving children's mental rotation accuracy with computer game playing

The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 163( 3), 272-282.

DOI:10.1080/00221320209598683      URL     PMID:12230149      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The authors investigated the relation between mental rotation (MR) and computer game-playing experience. Third grade boys (n = 24) and girls (n = 23) completed a 2-dimensional MR test before and after playing computer games (during 11 separate 30-min sessions), which either involved the use of MR skills (the experimental group) or did not involve the use of MR skills (the control group). The experimental group outperformed the control group on the MR posttest but not on the pretest. Boys outperformed girls on the pretest but not on the posttest. Children whose initial MR performance was low improved after playing computer games that entailed MR skills. The findings imply that computer-based instructional activities can be used in schools to enhance children's spatial abilities.

Dijkstra N., Bosch S., & van Gerven, M. A. J . ( 2017).

Vividness of visual imagery depends on the neural overlap with perception in visual areas

Journal of Neuroscience, 37( 5), 1367-1373.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3022-16.2016      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Research into the neural correlates of individual differences in imagery vividness point to an important role of the early visual cortex. However, there is also great fluctuation of vividness within individuals, such that only looking at differences between people necessarily obscures the picture. In this study we show that variation in moment-to-moment experienced vividness of visual imagery, within human subjects, depends on the activity of a large network of brain areas, including frontal, parietal and visual areas. Furthermore, using a novel multivariate analysis technique, we show that the neural overlap between imagery and perception in the entire visual system correlates with experienced imagery vividness. This shows that the neural basis of imagery vividness is much more complicated than studies of individual differences seemed to suggest.Significance statement: Visual imagery is the ability to visualise objects that are not in our direct line of sight; something that is important for memory, spatial reasoning and many other tasks. It is known that the better people are at visual imagery, the better they can perform these tasks. However, the neural correlates of moment-to-moment variation in visual imagery remain unclear. In this study we show that the more the neural response during imagery is similar to the neural response during perception, the more vivid or perception-like the imagery experience is.

Ernest, C. H . ( 1977).

Imagery ability and cognition: A critical review

Journal of Mentaz Imagery, 1( 2), 181-215.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Reviews the literature on individual differences in imagery ability in the areas of learning, memory, perceptual, and conceptual processes over the past 10 yrs and attempts to place the imagery ability literature within the context of other operational approaches to imagery. The relative merits of self-ratings and objective measures of imagery as predictors of cognitive functioning are contrasted. It is concluded that (a) global statements concerning the predictive efficiency of self-ratings are inappropriate, (b) imagery control (whether measured by self-ratings or objective spatial tasks) seems to be an important element in predicting cognitive behavior, and (c) spatial-imagery differences in cognitive functioning manifest themselves when imagery is encouraged or primed and when the task is difficult. The need to investigate imagery ability in conjunction with verbal skills, verbal strategies and sex differences is discussed. (146 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Finke, R. A . ( 1980).

Levels of equivalence in imagery and perception

Psychological Review, 87( 2), 113-132.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295X.87.2.113      URL     PMID:7375609      [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Reviews recent experimental work on imagery, identifying specific levels of information processing within the visual system at which mental images and physical objects and events are functionally equivalent, as revealed by their perceptual and behavioral effects. Findings demonstrate that these functional equivalences can extend even to levels of the visual system where the effects produced cannot be explained by what people might know about objects and events, or by how they expect to perform. Effects produced when images are formed are often smaller than corresponding effects produced when objects and events are observed, and vivid imagers often show larger effects when forming images than nonvivid imagers. On the basis of these findings, it is argued that mental imagery can result in the activation of information-processing mechanisms at many levels of the visual system, even those mechanisms whose operating characteristics are not influenced by how objects and events might be conceptualized. (63 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Formisano E., Linden D. E. J., Di Salle F., Trojano L., Esposito F., Sack A. T., .. Goebel R . ( 2002).

Tracking the mind's image in the brain I: Time-resolved fMRI during visuospatial mental imagery

Neuron, 35( 1), 185-194.

DOI:10.1016/S0896-6273(02)00747-X      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Galton, F . ( 1880).

Visualised numerals

Nature, 21( 533), 252-256.

DOI:10.1038/021252a0      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Goldenberg G., Podreka I., Steiner M., Willmes K., Suess E., & Deecke L . ( 1989).

Regional cerebral blood flow patterns in visual imagery

Neuropsychologia, 27( 5), 641-664.

DOI:10.1016/0028-3932(89)90110-3      URL     PMID:2787003      [本文引用: 2]

Regional cerebral blood flow patterns were investigated by means of single photon emission computerized tomography in subjects who solved cognitive tasks which either did or did not require the use of visual imagery. In a first experiment judging the correctness of visual imagery sentences like “a grapefruit is bigger than an orange” led to increases of regional activity in inferior temporal and in the left inferior-occipital region when compared to blood flow patterns elicited by judgements about low imagery sentences or by responding differentially to “yes” and “no”. Motor imagery sentences did not cause such an increase. In a second experiment a condition in which visual images were used for counting the corners of letters was compared to a condition in which subjects internally rehearsed the alphabet. The only difference concerned the inferior frontal regions which showed higher activity in rehearsing the alphabet. However, activity in inferior temporal and inferior occipital regions showed a positive correlation to the self-rated vividness of the visual images in the corner counting condition. The results of both experiments yield converging evidence that visual imagery is selectively related to activity of inferior-temporal and occipital regions. They thus support the hypothesis that the cerebral correlate of visual imagery is different from that of non-imaginal thinking.

Gosselin, F., & Schyns, P. G . ( 2003).

Superstitious perceptions reveal properties of internal representations

Psychological Science, 14( 5), 505-509.

DOI:10.1111/1467-9280.03452      URL     PMID:12930484      [本文引用: 1]

Everyone has seen a human face in a cloud, a pebble, or blots on a wall. Evidence of superstitious perceptions has been documented since classical antiquity, but has received little scientific attention. In the study reported here, we used superstitious perceptions in a new principled method to reveal the properties of unobservable object representations in memory. We stimulated the visual system with unstructured white noise. Observers firmly believed that they perceived the letter S in Experiment 1 and a smile on a face in Experiment 2. Using reverse correlation and computational analyses, we rendered the memory representations underlying these superstitious perceptions.

Gross M. M., Crane E. A., & Fredrickson B. L . ( 2012).

Effort-Shape and kinematic assessment of bodily expression of emotion during gait

Human Movement Science, 31( 1), 202-221.

DOI:10.1016/j.humov.2011.05.001      URL     PMID:21835480      [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of this study was to identify the movement characteristics associated with positive and negative emotions experienced during walking. Joy, contentment, anger, sadness, and neutral were elicited in 16 individuals, and motion capture data were collected as they walked while experiencing the emotions. Observers decoded the target emotions from side and front view videos of the walking trials; other observers viewed the same videos to rate the qualitative movement features using an Effort-Shape analysis. Kinematic analysis was used to quantify body posture and limb movements during walking with the different emotions. View did not affect decoding accuracy except for contentment, which was slightly enhanced with the front view. Walking speed was fastest for joy and anger, and slowest for sadness. Although walking speed may have accounted for increased amplitude of hip, shoulder, elbow, pelvis and trunk motion for anger and joy compared to sadness, neck and thoracic flexion with sadness, and trunk extension and shoulder depression with joy were independent of gait speed. More differences among emotions occurred with the Effort-Shape rather than the kinematic analysis, suggesting that observer judgments of Effort-Shape characteristics were more sensitive than the kinematic outcomes to differences among emotions.

Hansen B. C., Thompson B., Hess R. F., & Ellemberg D . ( 2010).

Extracting the internal representation of faces from human brain activity: an analogue to reverse correlation

NeuroImage, 51( 1), 373-390.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.02.021      URL     PMID:20156567      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Much of the debate surrounding the precise functional role of brain mechanisms implicated in the processing of human faces can be explained when considering that studies into early-stage neural representations of the spatial arrangement of facial features are potentially contaminated by "higher-level" cognitive attributes associated with human faces. One way to bypass such attributes would be to employ ambiguous stimuli that are not biased toward any particular object class and analyze neural activity in response to those stimuli in a manner similar to traditional reverse correlation for mapping visual receptive fields. Accordingly, we sought to derive whole face representations directly from neural activity in the human brain using electroencephalography (EEG). We presented ambiguous fractal noise stimuli to human participants and asked them to rate each stimulus along a "face not present" to "face present" continuum while simultaneously recording EEGs. All EEGs were subjected to a time-frequency analysis near 170 ms (negative amplitudes near 170 ms post-stimulus onset have been linked to early face processing) for five different frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) on a trial-by-trial basis, independent of the behavioral responses. Images containing apparent face-like structure were obtained for theta through gamma frequency bands for strong negative amplitudes near 170 ms post-stimulus onset. The presence of the face-like structure in the spatial images derived from brain signals was objectively verified using both Fourier methods and trained neural networks. The results support the use of a modified reverse correlation technique with EEG as a non-biased assessment of brain processes involved in the complex integration of spatial information into objects such as human faces. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Harris, I., & Miniussi, C . ( 2006).

Parietal lobe contribution to mental rotation demonstrated with rTMS

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15( 3), 315-323.

DOI:10.1162/089892903321593054      URL     PMID:12729485      [本文引用: 1]

A large number of imaging studies have identified a role for the posterior parietal lobe, in particular Brodmann's area 7 and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), in mental rotation. Here we investigated whether neural activity in the posterior parietal lobe is essential for successful mental rotation performance by observing the effects of interrupting this activity during the execution of a mental rotation task. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was applied to posterior parietal locations estimated to overlie Brodmann's area 7 in the right and the left hemisphere, or to a posterior midline location (sham condition). In three separate experiments, rTMS (four pulses, 20 Hz) was delivered at these locations either 200–400, 400–600, or 600–800 msec after the onset of a mental rotation trial. Disrupting neural activity in the right parietal lobe interfered with task performance, but only when rTMS was delivered 400 to 600 msec after stimulus onset. Stimulation of the left parietal lobe did not reliably affect mental rotation performance at any of the time points investigated. The time-limited effect of rTMS was replicated in a fourth experiment that directly compared the effects of rTMS applied to the right parietal lobe either 200–400 or 400–600 msec into the mental rotation trial. The results indicate that the right superior posterior parietal lobe plays an essential role in mental rotation, consistent with its involvement in a variety of visuospatial and visuomotor transformations.

Horikawa T., Tamaki M., Miyawaki Y., & Kamitani Y . ( 2013).

Neural decoding of visual imagery during sleep

Science, 340( 6132), 639-642.

DOI:10.1126/science.1234330      URL     PMID:23558170      [本文引用: 1]

Visual imagery during sleep has long been a topic of persistent speculation, but its private nature has hampered objective analysis. Here we present a neural decoding approach in which machine-learning models predict the contents of visual imagery during the sleep-onset period, given measured brain activity, by discovering links between human functional magnetic resonance imaging patterns and verbal reports with the assistance of lexical and image databases. Decoding models trained on stimulus-induced brain activity in visual cortical areas showed accurate classification, detection, and identification of contents. Our findings demonstrate that specific visual experience during sleep is represented by brain activity patterns shared by stimulus perception, providing a means to uncover subjective contents of dreaming using objective neural measurement.

Jordan K., Wüstenberg T., Heinze H. J., Peters M., & Jäncke L . ( 2002).

Women and men exhibit different cortical activation patterns during mental rotation tasks

Neuropsychologia, 40( 13), 2397-2408.

DOI:10.1016/S0028-3932(02)00076-3      URL     PMID:12417468      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract The strongest sex differences on any cognitive task, favoring men, are found for tasks that require the mental rotation of three-dimensional objects. A number of studies have explored functional brain activation during mental rotation tasks, and sex differences have been noted in some. However, in these studies there was a substantial confounding factor because male and female subjects differed in overall performance levels. In contrast, our functional brain activation study examined cortical activation patterns for males and females who did not differ in overall level of performance on three mental rotation tasks. This allowed us to eliminate any confounding influences of overall performance levels. Women exhibited significant bilateral activations in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and the superior and inferior parietal lobule, as well as in the inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) and the premotor areas. Men showed significant activation in the right parieto-occitpital sulcus (POS), the left intraparietal sulcus and the left superior parietal lobule (SPL). Both men and women showed activation of the premotor areas but men also showed an additional significant activation of the left motor cortex. No significant activation was found in the inferior temporal gyrus. Our results suggest that there are genuine between-sex differences in cerebral activation patterns during mental rotation activities even when performances are similar. Such differences suggest that the sexes use different strategies in solving mental rotation tasks.

Just, M. A., & Carpenter, P. A . ( 1985).

Cognitive coordinate systems: Accounts of mental rotation and individual differences in spatial ability

Psychological Review, 92( 2), 137-172.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295X.92.2.137      URL     PMID:3887449      [本文引用: 1]

Strategic differences in spatial tasks can be explained in terms of different cognitive coordinate systems that subjects adopt. The strategy of mental rotation (of the type used in most mental rotation experiments and in some psychometric tests of spatial ability) uses a coordinate system defined by the standard axes of our visual world (i.e. horizontal, vertical, and depth axes). Within this strategy, rotations are performed around one or more of the standard axes. The paper provides a detailed theoretical account of the mental rotation of individuals of low and high spatial ability as they solve problems taken from psychometric tests. The theory is instantiated as two related computer simulation models that not only solve the problems, but also match the response times for the two groups. The simulation models contain modularized units of procedural knowledge called productions, that select and execute the appropriate actions at each knowledge state. Small localized differences between the two models simulate the large quantitative and qualitative differences between the two groups of subjects.

Kay K. N., Naselaris T., Prenger R. J., & Gallant J. L . ( 2008).

Identifying natural images from human brain activity

Nature, 452( 7185), 352-355.

DOI:10.1038/nature06713      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Knauff M., Mulack T., Kassubek J., Salih H. R., & Greenlee M. W . ( 2002).

Spatial imagery in deductive reasoning: A functional MRI study

Cognitive Brain Research, 13( 2), 203-212.

DOI:10.1016/S0926-6410(01)00116-1      URL     PMID:11958963      [本文引用: 1]

Various cognitive theories aim to explain human deductive reasoning: (1) mental logic theories claim syntactic language-based proofs of derivation, (2) the mental model theory proposes cognitive processes of constructing and manipulating spatially organized mental models, and (3) imagery theories postulate that such abilities are based on visual mental images. To explore the neural substrates of human deductive reasoning, we examined BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) contrasts of twelve healthy participants during relational and conditional reasoning with whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results indicate that, in the absence of any correlated visual input, reasoning activated an occipitoparietal rontal network, including parts of the prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area, BA, 6, 9) and the cingulate gyrus (BA 32), the superior and inferior parietal cortex (BA 7, 40), the precuneus (BA 7), and the visual association cortex (BA 19). In the discussion, we first focus on the activated occipito-parietal pathway that is well known to be involved in spatial perception and spatial working memory. Second, we briefly relate the activation in the prefrontal cortical areas and in the anterior cingulate gyrus to other imaging studies on higher cognitive functions. Finally, we draw some general conclusions and argue that reasoners envisage and inspect spatially organized mental models to solve deductive inference problems.

Kosslyn, S. M . ( 1973).

Scanning visual images: Some structural implications

Perception & Psychophysics, 14( 1), 90-94.

DOI:10.3758/BF03198621      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This experiment was designed to explore the spatial and structural properties of visual imagery. Forty Ss were shown drawings and later asked to verify pictorial features of the drawings from memory One group of Ss was instructed to be able to recall an image of each drawing and to focus initially on one specified end of their images during the subsequent verification task. Another group of Ss were asked to recall a verbal description of each drawing and initially to describe one specified end of a drawing during the verification task. Time to verify pictorial properties was a function of the spatial distance of a property from an initial focus point for both groups, but Ss in the verbal description group experienced much greater difficulty in performing the task. Comparison of these times with those from additional imagery, encoding and verbal encoding groups ~ven no focusing instructions indicated that focusing instructions effectively directed scanning strategies.

Kosslyn, S. M . ( 1980).

Image and mind

Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on software reusability, Cambridge, MA.

[本文引用: 1]

Lewis D. E., O’Reilly M. J., Khuu S. K., & Pearson J . ( 2013).

Conditioning the mind’s eye associative learning with voluntary mental imagery

Clinical Psychological Science, 1( 4), 390-400.

DOI:10.1177/2167702613484716      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Marks, D. F . ( 1973).

Visual imagery differences in the recall of pictures

British Journal of Psychology, 64( 1), 17-24.

DOI:10.1111/bjop.1973.64.issue-1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Marks, D. F . ( 1999).

Consciousness, mental imagery and action

British Journal of Psychology, 90( 4), 567-585.

DOI:10.1348/000712699161639      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article is founded on the bold claim that mental imagery is a basic building block of all consciousness. Conscious mental imagery is reported in association with waking, dreaming and intermediate states of consciousness. Meta-cognitive theory claims that the individual may be treated as an imperfect measuring device of his or her own consciousness. This is supported by the evidence on the psychological correlates of imagery vividness reported using the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ) (Marks, 1973). Meta-analysis of 150 studies has demonstrated high levels of reliability, content validity and criterion validity (McKelvie, 1995 a, b). This analysis demonstrates that under controlled conditions, verbal reports provide reliable and valid measures of conscious experience. The activity cycle theory of conscious imagery claims that a primary function of consciousness is the mental rehearsal of adaptive, goal-directed action through the experimental manipulation of perceptual-motor imagery. As predicted by this theory, the meta-analysis shows that the vividness of conscious mental imagery is strongly associated with precisely those performances most likely to benefit from the use of perceptual-motor imagery and mental practice. The theory helps to explain the existence and function of conscious experience.

McManus F., Muse K., Surawy C., Hackmann A., & Williams, J. M. G . ( 2015).

Relating differently to intrusive images: The impact of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) on intrusive images in patients with severe health anxiety (hypochondriasis)

Mindfulness, 6( 4), 788-796.

DOI:10.1007/s12671-014-0318-y      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Recurrent distressing intrusive images are a common experience in hypochondriasis. The aim of the current study was to assess the impact of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for hypochondriasis on the occurrence and nature of distressing intrusive imagery in hypochondriasis. A semistructured interview was used to assess intrusive imagery, and an adapted version of the Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire (SMQ) was used to assess participants’ relationship with their intrusive images. A consecutive series of participants ( N 65=6520) who were receiving MBCT for hypochondriasis as part of an ongoing research program were assessed prior to participating in an 8-week MBCT intervention, immediately following the intervention, and at 3-month follow-up. As compared to the baseline assessment, the frequency of intrusive images, the distress associated with them, and the intrusiveness of the images were all significantly reduced at the post-MBCT assessment. Participants’ adapted SMQ scores were significantly increased following the MBCT intervention, suggesting that participants’ relationship with their intrusive images had changed in that they had developed a more “mindful” and compassionate response to the images when they did occur. Effect sizes from pre- to post-intervention were medium to large (Cohen’s d 65=650.75–1.50). All treatment gains were maintained at 3-month follow-up. Results suggest that MBCT may be an effective intervention for addressing intrusive imagery in hypochondriasis.

Mourao-Miranda J., Ecker C., Sato J., & Brammer M . ( 2009).

Dynamic changes in the mental rotation network revealed by pattern recognition analysis of fMRI data

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21( 5), 890-904.

DOI:10.1162/jocn.2009.21078      URL     PMID:18702583      [本文引用: 1]

We investigated the temporal dynamics and changes in connectivity in the mental rotation network through the application of spatio-temporal support vector machines (SVMs). The spatio-temporal SVM [Mourao-Miranda, J., Friston, K. J., et al. (2007). Dynamic discrimination analysis: A spatial-temporal SVM. Neuroimage, 36, 88–99] is a pattern recognition approach that is suitable for investigating dynamic changes in the brain network during a complex mental task. It does not require a model describing each component of the task and the precise shape of the BOLD impulse response. By defining a time window including a cognitive event, one can use spatio-temporal fMRI observations from two cognitive states to train the SVM. During the training, the SVM finds the discriminating pattern between the two states and produces a discriminating weight vector encompassing both voxels and time (i.e., spatio-temporal maps). We showed that by applying spatio-temporal SVM to an event-related mental rotation experiment, it is possible to discriminate between different degrees of angular disparity (0° vs. 20°, 0° vs. 60°, and 0° vs. 100°), and the discrimination accuracy is correlated with the difference in angular disparity between the conditions. For the comparison with highest accuracy (0° vs. 100°), we evaluated how the most discriminating areas (visual regions, parietal regions, supplementary, and premotor areas) change their behavior over time. The frontal premotor regions became highly discriminating earlier than the superior parietal cortex. There seems to be a parcellation of the parietal regions with an earlier discrimination of the inferior parietal lobe in the mental rotation in relation to the superior parietal. The SVM also identified a network of regions that had a decrease in BOLD responses during the 100° condition in relation to the 0° condition (posterior cingulate, frontal, and superior temporal gyrus). This network was also highly discriminating between the two conditions. In addition, we investigated changes in functional connectivity between the most discriminating areas identified by the spatio-temporal SVM. We observed an increase in functional connectivity between almost all areas activated during the 100° condition (bilateral inferior and superior parietal lobe, bilateral premotor area, and SMA) but not between the areas that showed a decrease in BOLD response during the 100° condition.

Naselaris T., Olman C. A., Stansbury D. E., Ugurbil K., & Gallant J. L . ( 2015).

A voxel-wise encoding model for early visual areas decodes mental images of remembered scenes

NeuroImage, 105, 215-228.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.018      URL     PMID:25451480      [本文引用: 1]

61A model of representation in early visual cortex decodes mental images of complex scenes.61Mental imagery depends directly upon the encoding of low-level visual features.61Low-level visual features of mental images are encoded by activity in early visual cortex.61Depictive theories of mental imagery are strongly supported by our results.61Brain activity evoked by mental imagery can be used to guide internet image search.

Norman K. A., Polyn S. M., Detre G. J., & Haxby J. V . ( 2006).

Beyond mind-reading: Multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10( 9), 424-430.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2006.07.005      URL     PMID:16899397      [本文引用: 1]

A key challenge for cognitive neuroscience is determining how mental representations map onto patterns of neural activity. Recently, researchers have started to address this question by applying sophisticated pattern-classification algorithms to distributed (multi-voxel) patterns of functional MRI data, with the goal of decoding the information that is represented in the subject's brain at a particular point in time. This multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) approach has led to several impressive feats of mind reading. More importantly, MVPA methods constitute a useful new tool for advancing our understanding of neural information processing. We review how researchers are using MVPA methods to characterize neural coding and information processing in domains ranging from visual perception to memory search.

O'Craven, K. M., & Kanwisher, N .( 2000).

Mental imagery of faces and places activates corresponding stimulus- specific brain regions

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12( 6), 1013-1023.

DOI:10.1162/08989290051137549      URL     PMID:11177421      [本文引用: 1]

What happens in the brain when you conjure up a mental image in your mind's eye? We tested whether the particular regions of extrastriate cortex activated during mental imagery depend on the content of the image. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRRI), we demonstrated selective activation within a region of cortex specialized for face perception during mental imagery of faces, and selective activation within a place-selective cortical region during imagery of places. In a further study, we compared the activation for imagery and perception in these regions, and found greater response magnitudes for perception than for imagery of the same items. Finally, we found that it is possible to determine the content of single cognitive events from an inspection of the fMRI data from individual imagery trials. These findings strengthen evidence that imagery and perception share common processing mechanisms, and demonstrate that the specific brain regions activated during mental imagery depend on the content of the visual image.

Olivetti B. M., Palmiero M., Sestieri C., Nardo D., Di Matteo R., Londei A., .. Romani G. L . ( 2009).

An fMRI investigation on image generation in different sensory modalities: The influence of vividness

Acta Psychologica, 132( 2), 190-200.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2009.06.009      URL     PMID:19695558      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract In the present fMRI study the issue of the specific cortices activation during imagery generation in different sensory modalities is addressed. In particular, we tested whether the vividness variability of imagery was reflected in the BOLD signal within specific sensory cortices. Subjects were asked to generate a mental image for each auditory presented sentence. Each imagery modality was contrasted with an abstract sentence condition. In addition, subjects were asked to fill the Italian version of the Questionnaire Upon Mental Imagery (QMI) prior to each neuroimaging session. In general, greater involvement of sensory specific cortices in high-vivid versus low-vivid subjects was found for visual (occipital), gustatory (anterior insula), kinaesthetic (pre-motor), and tactile and for somatic (post-central parietal) imagery modalities. These results support the hypothesis that vividness is related to image format: high-vivid subjects would create more analogical representations relying on the same specific neural substrates active during perception with respect to low-vivid subjects. Results are also discussed according to the simulation perspective.

Pearson J., Naselaris T., Holmes E. A., & Kosslyn S. M . ( 2015).

Mental imagery: Functional mechanisms and clinical applications

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19( 10), 590-602.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2015.08.003      URL     PMID:26412097      [本文引用: 1]

Mental imagery research has weathered both disbelief of the phenomenon and inherent methodological limitations. Here we review recent behavioral, brain imaging, and clinical research that has reshaped our understanding of mental imagery. Research supports the claim that visual mental imagery is a depictive internal representation that functions like a weak form of perception. Brain imaging work has demonstrated that neural representations of mental and perceptual images resemble one another as early as the primary visual cortex (V1). Activity patterns in V1 encode mental images and perceptual images via a common set of low-level depictive visual features. Recent translational and clinical research reveals the pivotal role that imagery plays in many mental disorders and suggests how clinicians can utilize imagery in treatment.

Pearson J., Clifford C. W., & Tong F . ( 2008).

The functional impact of mental imagery on conscious perception

Current Biology, 18( 13), 982-986.

DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2008.05.048      URL     PMID:18583132      [本文引用: 1]

Mental imagery has been proposed to contribute to a variety of high-level cognitive functions, including memory encoding and retrieval, navigation, spatial planning, and even social communication and language comprehension [1 5]. However, it is debated whether mental imagery relies on the same sensory representations as perception [1, 6 10], and if so, what functional consequences such an overlap might have on perception itself. We report novel evidence that single instances of imagery can have a pronounced facilitatory influence on subsequent conscious perception. Either seeing or imagining a specific pattern could strongly bias which of two competing stimuli reach awareness during binocular rivalry. Effects of imagery and perception were location and orientation specific, accumulated in strength over time, and survived an intervening visual task lasting several seconds prior to presentation of the rivalry display. Interestingly, effects of imagery differed from those of feature-based attention. The results demonstrate that imagery, in the absence of any incoming visual signals, leads to the formation of a short-term sensory trace that can bias future perception, suggesting a means by which high-level processes that support imagination and memory retrieval may shape low-level sensory representations.

Pearson, J., & Kosslyn, S. M . ( 2015).

The heterogeneity of mental representation: Ending the imagery debate

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112( 33), 10089-10092.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1504933112      URL     PMID:26175024      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract The possible ways that information can be represented mentally have been discussed often over the past thousand years. However, this issue could not be addressed rigorously until late in the 20th century. Initial empirical findings spurred a debate about the heterogeneity of mental representation: Is all information stored in propositional, language-like, symbolic internal representations, or can humans use at least two different types of representations (and possibly many more)? Here, in historical context, we describe recent evidence that humans do not always rely on propositional internal representations but, instead, can also rely on at least one other format: depictive representation. We propose that the debate should now move on to characterizing all of the different forms of human mental representation.

Pearson J., Rademaker R. L., & Tong F . ( 2011).

Evaluating the mind's eye: The metacognition of visual imagery

Psychological Science, 22( 12), 1535-1542.

DOI:10.1177/0956797611417134      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Peelen M. V., Fei-Fei L., & Kastner S . ( 2009).

Neural mechanisms of rapid natural scene categorization in human visual cortex

Nature, 460( 7251), 94-97.

DOI:10.1038/nature08103      URL     PMID:2752739      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The visual system has an extraordinary capability to extract categorical information from complex natural scenes. For example, subjects are able to rapidly detect the presence of object categories such as animals or vehicles in new scenes that are presented very briefly. This is even true when subjects do not pay attention to the scenes and simultaneously perform an unrelated attentionally demanding task, a stark contrast to the capacity limitations predicted by most theories of visual attention. Here we show a neural basis for rapid natural scene categorization in the visual cortex, using functional magnetic resonance imaging and an object categorization task in which subjects detected the presence of people or cars in briefly presented natural scenes. The multi-voxel pattern of neural activity in the object-selective cortex evoked by the natural scenes contained information about the presence of the target category, even when the scenes were task-irrelevant and presented outside the focus of spatial attention. These findings indicate that the rapid detection of categorical information in natural scenes is mediated by a category-specific biasing mechanism in object-selective cortex that operates in parallel across the visual field, and biases information processing in favour of objects belonging to the target object category.

Reeder, R. R . ( 2016).

Individual differences shape the content of visual representations

Vision Research, 41, 266-281.

DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2016.08.008      URL     PMID:27720956      [本文引用: 1]

Visually perceiving a stimulus activates a pictorial representation of that item in the brain, but how pictorial is the representation of a stimulus in the absence of visual stimulation? Here I address this question with a review of the literatures on visual imagery (VI), visual working memory (VWM), and visual preparatory templates, all of which require activating visual information in the absence of sensory stimulation. These processes have historically been studied separately, but I propose that they can provide complimentary evidence for the pictorial nature of their contents. One major challenge in studying the contents of visual representations is the discrepant findings concerning the extent of overlap (both cortical and behavioral) between externally and internally sourced visual representations. I argue that these discrepancies may in large part be due to individual differences in VI vividness and precision, the specific representative abilities required to perform a task, appropriateness of visual preparatory strategies, visual cortex anatomy, and level of expertise with a particular object category. Individual differences in visual representative abilities greatly impact task performance and may influence the likelihood of experiences such as intrusive VI and hallucinations, but research still predominantly focuses on uniformities in visual experience across individuals. In this paper I review the evidence for the pictorial content of visual representations activated for VI, VWM, and preparatory templates, and highlight the importance of accounting for various individual differences in conducting research on this topic.

Reichle, M. E . ( 2010).

Two views of brain function

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14( 4), 180-190.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2010.01.008      URL     PMID:20206576      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Traditionally studies of brain function have focused on task-evoked responses. By their very nature, such experiments tacitly encourage a reflexive view of brain function. Although such an approach has been remarkably productive, it ignores the alternative possibility that brain functions are mainly intrinsic, involving information processing for interpreting, responding to and predicting environmental demands. Here I argue that the latter view best captures the essence of brain function, a position that accords well with the allocation of the brain's energy resources. Recognizing the importance of intrinsic activity will require integrating knowledge from cognitive and systems neuroscience with cellular and molecular neuroscience where ion channels, receptors, components of signal transduction and metabolic pathways are all in a constant state of flux.

Roberts, J. E., & Bell, M. A . ( 2000).

Sex differences on a mental rotation task: Variations in electroencephalogram hemispheric activation between children and college students

Developmental Neuropsychology, 17( 2), 199-223.

DOI:10.1207/S15326942DN1702_04      URL     PMID:10955203      [本文引用: 1]

The area of cognitive research that has produced the most consistent sex differences is spatial ability. In particular, men usually perform better on mental rotation tasks than women. Performance on mental rotation tasks has been associated with right parietal activation levels, both during task performance and prior to performance during baseline recordings. This study examined the relations among sex, age, electroencephalogram (EEG) hemispheric activation (at the 10.5 Hz to 13.5 Hz frequency band), and 2-D mental rotation task ability. Nineteen 8-year-olds (10 boys) and 20 college students (10 men) had EEG recorded at baseline and while performing a mental rotation task. Men had a faster reaction time on the mental rotation task than women, whereas there were no differences between boys and girls. After covarying for baseline EEG power values, men exhibited more activation (lower EEG power values) than women in the parietal and posterior temporal regions, whereas boys' and girls' power values did not differ in the parietal or posterior temporal regions. Furthermore, during the baseline condition, men generally exhibited more activation (lower EEG power values) throughout all regions of the scalp. Results support the hypothesis that a change that affects both brain activation and performance on mental rotation tasks occurs sometime between childhood and adulthood.

Sheehan, P. W . ( 1967).

A shortened form of Betts' questionnaire upon mental imagery

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23( 3), 386.

DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4679      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Shepard, R. N . ( 1978).

The mental image

American Psychologist, 33( 2), 125-137.

DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.33.2.125      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Shepard, R. N., & Feng C .( 1972).

A chronometric study of mental paper folding

Cognitive Psychology, 3( 2), 228-243.

DOI:10.1016/0010-0285(72)90005-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

On each trial Ss viewed one of the patterns of six connected squares that result when the faces of a cube are unfolded onto a flat surface. The Ss tried, as rapidly as possible, to decide whether two arrows, each marked on an edge of a (different) square, would or would not meet if the squares were folded back up into the cube. The time required to make such decisions increased linearly (from 2 to about 15 sec) with the sum of the number of squares that would be involved in each fold, if those folds were actually performed physically.

Shepard, R. N., & Metzler, J . ( 1971).

Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects

Science, 171( 3972), 701-703.

DOI:10.1126/science.171.3972.701      URL     PMID:5540314      [本文引用: 1]

The time required to recognize that two perspective drawings portray objects of the same three-dimensional shape is found to be (i) a linearly increasing function of the angular difference in the portrayed orientations of the two objects and (ii) no shorter for differences corresponding simply to a rigid rotation of one of the two-dimensional drawings in its own picture plane than for differences corresponding to a rotation of the three-dimensional object in depth.

Smith M. L., Gosselin F., & Schyns P. G . ( 2012).

Measuring internal representations from behavioral and brain data

Current Biology, 22( 3), 191-196.

DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2011.11.061      URL     PMID:22264608      [本文引用: 1]

78 We provide a method to visualize the content of subjective internal representations 78 We show where and when the brain uses this knowledge to interpret the visual input

Tavor I., Jones O. P., Mars R. B., Smith S. M., Behrens T. E., & Jbabdi S . ( 2016).

Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance

Science, 352( 6282), 216-220.

DOI:10.1126/science.aad8127      URL     PMID:27124457      [本文引用: 1]

When asked to perform the same task, different individuals exhibit markedly different patterns of brain activity. This variability is often attributed to volatile factors, such as task strategy or compliance. We propose that individual differences in brain responses are, to a large degree, inherent to the brain and can be predicted from task-independent measurements collected at rest. Using a large set of task conditions, spanning several behavioral domains, we train a simple model that relates task-independent measurements to task activity and evaluate the model by predicting task activation maps for unseen subjects using magnetic resonance imaging. Our model can accurately predict individual differences in brain activity and highlights a coupling between brain connectivity and function that can be captured at the level of individual subjects.

Vandenberg, S. G., & Kuse, A. . ( 1978).

Mental rotations, a group test of three-dimensional spatial visualization

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47( 2), 599-604.

DOI:10.2466/pms.1978.47.2.599      URL     PMID:724398      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract A new paper-and-pencil test of spatial visualization was constructed from the figures used in the chronometric study of Shepard and Metzler (1971). In large samples, the new test displayed substantial internal consistency (Kuder-Richardson 20 = .88), a test-retest reliability (.83), and consistent sex differences over the entire range of ages investigated. Correlations with other measures indicated strong association with tests of spatial visualization and virtually no association with tests of verbal ability.

Wang K., Jiang T., Yu C. S., Tian L., Li J., Liu Y., .. Li K. C . ( 2008).

Spontaneous activity associated with primary visual cortex: A resting-state fMRI study

Cerebral Cortex, 18( 3), 697-704.

DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhm105      URL     PMID:17602140      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Brain functions during the resting state have attracted considerable attention in the past several years. However, little has been known about spontaneous activity in the sensory cortices in the task-free state. This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the existence of spontaneous activity in the primary visual areas (PVA) of normal-sighted subjects and to explore the physiological implications of such activity. Our results revealed that we were able to detect spontaneous activity, which was nonrandom in that it was distinctly clustered both temporally and spatially in the PVA of each subject. In addition, the neural network associated with the PVA-related spontaneous activity included the visual association areas, the precuneus, the precentral/postcentral gyrus, the middle frontal gyrus, the fusiform gyrus, the inferior/middle temporal gyrus, and the parahippocampal gyrus. After considering the functions of these regions, we speculated that the PVA-related spontaneous activity may be associated with memory-related mental imagery and/or visual memory consolidation processes. These findings confirm the presence of spontaneous activity in the PVA and related brain areas. This confirmation supports the perspective that brain is a system intrinsically operating on its own, and sensory information interacts with rather than determines the operation of the system.

Zacks J. M., Michelon P., Vettel J. M., & Ojemann J. G . ( 2004).

Functional reorganization of spatial transformations after a parietal lesion

Neurology, 63( 2), 287-292.

DOI:10.1212/01.WNL.0000129844.11712.D8      URL     PMID:15277622      [本文引用: 1]

Background: Mental spatial transformations are ubiquitous and necessary for everyday spatial cognition, such as packing luggage into a car or repairing a broken vase. The posterior parietal cortex is known to be involved in performing such transformations. Objective: To measure reorganization after lesioning of posterior parietal cortex areas subserving spatial transformation. Method: Brain activity in a patient who underwent a resection of right parietal cortex to manage intractable epilepsy was measured using fMRI while he performed a set of spatial transformation tasks. These data were compared with data from a group of healthy control subjects. Results: During spatial transformations, activity in the regions overlapping the resection was reduced in the patient compared with control subjects, but activity in the contralateral cortex was greater than that of control subjects. Conclusions: After a lesion the left hemisphere can adopt components of spatial reasoning normally subserved by the right hemisphere. This converges with evidence that components of language proces sing normally subserved by the left hemisphere can be taken over by the right hemisphere, suggesting that plasticity of function in the adult human cortex is a general characteristic.


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