经颅直流电刺激对健康大学生反应抑制的影响 *
王慧慧, 罗玉丹, 石冰, 余凤琼, 汪凯

Excitation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with transcranial direct current stimulation influences response inhibition
WANG Hui Hui, LUO Yu Dan, SHI Bing, YU Feng Qiong, WANG Kai
表2 刺激前后SSRT差异比较
组别 M ± SD t p
真刺激前SSRT 306.70 ± 44.78 -2.25 0.031
真刺激后SSRT 290.82 ± 40.97
伪刺激前SSRT 291.57 ± 33.21 1.99 0.055
伪刺激后SSRT 302.13 ± 40.50