ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

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冯文婷, 薛舒允, 汪涛   

  • 收稿日期:2023-10-03 修回日期:2024-10-21 接受日期:2024-10-24

Anthropomorphic brands are more eco-friendly? The impact of anthropomorphic communication on green consumption tendency

  • Received:2023-10-03 Revised:2024-10-21 Accepted:2024-10-24

摘要: 越来越多的企业采用品牌拟人化沟通的方式进行品牌传播,促进绿色消费倾向。本研究将基于习得可评估性理论,探索品牌拟人化沟通对绿色消费倾向的影响机制及边界条件。本研究共包含 4 个实验。实验 1 表明品牌拟人化沟通能够有效促进绿色消费倾向,并验证了环保价值敏感性在品牌拟人化沟通和绿色消费倾向之间的中介作用,构建了从品牌拟人化沟通到习得可评估性到环保价值敏感性再到绿色消费倾向的完整因果链。实验 2 界定主效应的边界,发现相比于普通品牌,主效应在绿色品牌情境中更显著,再次验证主效应的理论逻辑。实验 3 分析了消费者动机类型(利己/利他)对主效应的调节作用。结果表明,当消费者利他动机被激发时,品牌拟人化沟通能够显著地促进绿色消费倾向,当消费者利己动机被激发时,品牌拟人化沟通不会影响绿色消费倾向。实验 4 验证了产品类型(搜索品/体验品)对主效应的调节作用。结果表明当产品类型为搜索品时,品牌拟人化沟通能够显著地促进绿色消费倾向,当产品类型为体验品时,品牌拟人化沟通不会影响绿色消费倾向。本研究拓展了品牌拟人化沟通以及绿色消费相关领域的研究。

关键词: 品牌拟人化沟通;绿色消费倾向;环保价值敏感性;习得可评估性理论

Abstract: An increasing number of companies are adopting anthropomorphic communication strategies to enhance brand messaging and promote green consumer tendencies. This study explores the influence mechanisms and boundary conditions of anthropomorphic communication on green consumption tendency based on the learned evaluability theory. It comprises four experiments. Experiment 1 shows that brand anthropomorphic communication can effectively promote green consumption tendency, and constructs a complete causal chain from brand anthropomorphic communication to the acquisition of evaluability, to brand environmental value sensitivity and then to the tendency of green consumption. Experiment 2 defined the boundaries of the main effect, and found that the main effect was more significant in the green brand context than in the ordinary brand context, which again verified the theoretical logic of the main effect. Experiment 3 analyzed the moderating effect of consumer motivation type (egoism/altruism) on the main effect. The results show that when consumers' altruistic motivation is stimulated, brand anthropomorphic communication can significantly promote green consumption tendency, and when consumers' egoistic motivation is stimulated, brand anthropomorphic communication does not affect green consumption tendency. Experiment 4 examines the moderating role of product type (search goods/experience goods) on the main effect, finding that anthropomorphic communication significantly promotes green consumption tendency for search goods, while having no effect for experience goods. This study expands the literature on anthropomorphic communication and green consumption.

Key words: brand anthropomorphic communication, green consumption tendency, environmental value sensitivity, learned evaluability theory