ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

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刘豫, 毕丹丹, 赵凯宾, 史怡明, Hanna Yeshinegus Adamseged, 晋争   

  1. 郑州师范学院
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-23 修回日期:2024-08-23 接受日期:2024-10-17
  • 基金资助:
    2023年度河南省重点研发与推广专项项目:超重肥胖儿童不健康饮食习惯的可视化干预技术研究与示范(232102320151); 2023年河南省哲学社会科学规划青年项目:膳食互动教育对儿童挑食行为的影响及干预研究(2023CJY078)

Cognitive Factors Influencing Picky Eating Behavior in Children

LIU Yu, BI Dandan, ZHAO Kaibin, SHI Yiming, Hanna Y. ADAMSEGED, JIN Zheng   

  • Received:2024-04-23 Revised:2024-08-23 Accepted:2024-10-17

摘要: 挑食是造成儿童营养不均衡的关键因素,应在儿童早期成长阶段予以关注和干预。儿童的挑食行为不仅受到社会、环境等外部因素影响,还和认知过程有关。挑食的两大显著特征是膳食结构缺少多样性或(且)对陌生食物排斥以及产生负面影响。儿童挑食行为的发展在年龄上呈现出先上升后下降的趋势。现有研究发现,儿童的感官特征(味觉、嗅觉、触觉、和视觉)、对食物的心理表征、对奖惩的敏感度以及注意力都会影响其挑食倾向。未来研究可以关注听觉、多感官通道的整合、信息加工偏向对儿童挑食行为的影响。此外,还应考虑将奖惩敏感性和心理表征等认知因素纳入挑食的干预研究中;针对儿童的食物视觉和听觉设计相应的膳食改善实验,通过认知训练改善儿童对食物信息的注意和解释偏向。

关键词: 挑食, 新食物恐惧症, 儿童, 认知过程

Abstract: Picky eating behavior in children poses concerns for nutritional adequacy and warrants early intervention. While social and environmental factors play a role, cognitive processes also contribute to children's selective eating habits. Two key characteristics of picky eating are a lack of dietary diversity or (and) rejection of unfamiliar food, and long-term negative impact. The developmental trajectory of picky eating is typically peak in early childhood before diminishing. Existing studies have found that sensory attributes (including taste, smell, touch, and vision), cognitive representations of food, sensitivity to rewards and punishments, and attention all influence picky eating tendencies in children. Future research should further investigate the impact of audition, cross-modal integration of diverse sensory information, and information processing biases on children's picky eating behaviors. Additionally, cognitive factors such as reward and punishment sensitivity, as well as cognitive representation, should be considered in intervention studies on picky eating. Furthermore, future studies should design corresponding interventions based on children's visual and auditory perceptions of food and employ cognitive bias training to change children's attentional bias and interpretation bias for food-related information.

Key words: picky eating, food neophobia, children, cognitive processes