ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 549-565.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.00549

• Meta-Analysis • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Does seek feedback improve performance? A meta-analytic review about feedback-seeking behavior and individual performance

ZHANG Jianping(), QIN Chuanyan, LIU Shanshi   

  1. School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
  • Received:2019-07-30 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-02-24
  • Contact: Jianping ZHANG


The method of meta-analysis was utilized to analyze the relationship between feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) and individual performance. Sixty-two primary empirical studies with a total sample size of 15141 participants were included in this study. Results of the meta-analysis showed that FSB were positively and significantly correlated with individual performance (r = 0.329), and it correlated with innovation performance (r = 0.409) stronger than contextual performance (r = 0.302) and task performance (r = 0.258); Moreover, Inquiry FSB correlated with individual performance and its dimensions stronger than Monitoring FSB. The cultural background and data collection method moderate the relationship between feedback-seeking behavior and individual performance. Such relationship is the strongest in East Asian cultural background (r = 0.393) and with cross-sectional homologous data (r = 0.433), and it is still positive and significant with longitudinal paired data (r = 0.154), which fully shows that feedback-seeking behavior can improve individual performance; while the moderating effect of measuring tools and source of feedback-seeking behavior and the attribute of non-self-evaluation performance and participants are not significant. The study results provided more accurate estimates for predicting individual performance by feedback seeking behavior and also the future research directions of feedback seeking behavior.

Key words: feedback-seeking behavior, individual performance, meta-analysis, cultural background, data collection method.

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