ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(12): 1400-1412 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01400



宋潮1, 李婉君2,3, 蒙晓晖1, 邢怡伦1, 符仲芳1, 王建平,1

1 北京师范大学心理学部, 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室, 心理学国家级实验教学示范中心<北京师范大学>, 北京 100875;

2 江苏食品药品职业技术学院, 江苏 淮安223003

3 北京师范大学教育学部, 北京 100875

Assessing the symptom structure, characteristics, and predictive factors of posttraumatic stress disorder among Shidu parents

SONG Chao1, LI Wanjun2,3, MENG Xiaohui1, XING Yilun1, FU Zhongfang1, WANG Jianping,1

1 Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology; National Demonstration Center for Experimental Psychology Education <Beijing Normal University>; Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;

2 Jiangsu Food & Pharmaceutical Science College, Huai’an 223003, China;

3 Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

通讯作者: 王建平,

收稿日期: 2018-04-4   网络出版日期: 2018-11-30

基金资助: * 国家社科基金重大投标项目: 基于全国调研数据的中国失独人群心理健康援助体系研究资助.  16ZDA233

Received: 2018-04-4   Online: 2018-11-30


为考察我国失独父母创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的症状特征及预测因素, 采用失独父母自身和孩子有关的基本信息问卷, 创伤后应激检查量表平民版(PCL-C), 对中国的463名失独父母进行调查。结果表明: (1)采用验证性因素分析验证了包括闯入、回避性、麻木性、精神痛苦性唤起和焦虑性唤起等5个因子的PTSD精神痛苦性唤起模型在中国失独父母中的适用性。(2)根据DSM-IV的诊断标准进行筛查, 71.92%的失独父母为PTSD阳性, 其中PTSD的回避、闯入、精神痛苦性唤起、情感麻木、焦虑性唤起因子阳性率依次增高。(3)失独父母的年龄、孩子的离世时长与PTSD症状具有显著的相关性; 失独父母的PTSD症状得分在自身性别、家庭所在地及家庭收入状况上存在显著差异; 将所有因素纳入回归方程后发现: 最能预测失独父母PTSD症状的因素包括: 性别、家庭所在地、年龄。

关键词: 失独父母 ; 创伤后应激障碍 ; 症状特征 ; 预测因素


The Chinese culture regards death as a taboo subject that is often avoided in daily conversations. Moreover, the death of a family member is a family affair that is inappropriate to share with others. Thus, the bereavement experience of the Chinese is a particularly mysterious territory that provides limited information. Among all types of bereavement, the death of a child is the most significant stressor that a parent could experience. In particular, an only child’s death is the ultimate trauma that any parent could ever encounter. However, China’s one-child policy, which has been implemented since the late 1970s, has the number of bereft parents who lost their only child to illness, accident, and other causes reaching millions. For shidu parents, the death of their only child may be the most significant source of traumatic stress, coupled with financial difficulties, thereby possibly leading to a state of stress and even severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therefore, research on PTSD symptoms in shidu parents is critical. This study attempts to analyze the symptom characteristics and predictive factors of PTSD in shidu parents.

The study investigated 463 shidu parents (mean age = 60.20 years, SD = 7.58) from March 2017 to December 2017 by using convenience sampling. The subjects completed the Parents Themselves and Their Children’s Basic Information Questionnaire and PTSD Checklist—Civilian Version (PCL-C). The survey results indicated that (1) the five-factor dysphoric arousal model entailing intrusion, avoidance, emotional numbing, dysphoric arousal, and anxious arousal was verified in the sample group of shidu parents. (2) The PTSD prevalence in the sample group was 71.9%. Among them, the incidence of PTSD, intrusion, avoidance, dysphoric arousal, emotional numbing, and anxious arousal increased. Repeated stress events; memory of past events (children), ideas, and the pain; and attempt to avoid stress factor (children’s death events) memory are the symptoms with the highest positive rates. (3) PTSD symptoms are significantly correlated with the duration of the loss and age of the shidu parents. Significant differences in PTSD symptoms were demonstrated in terms gender, home location, and family income status. The variables were incorporated into a regression equation and the three factors (i.e., gender, home location, and age) can be used to predict the PTSD symptoms.

This research has theoretical and practical significance. First, this research enriched the study of PTSD symptom structure by verifying Elhai’s five-factor dysphoric arousal model. Second, this study determined that the three main factors, namely, gender, home location, and age, can be used to predict PTSD symptoms. This finding is beneficial for scholars to study the mechanism for PTSD emergence and development. Lastly, this research will enable the development of effective intervention methods for Chinese shidu PTSD. In the process of psychosocially assisting shidu parents, patients with high risk of PTSD should be screened in five aspects: intrusion, avoidance, emotional numbing, dysphoric arousal, and anxious arousal, particularly intrusion and avoidance. Furthermore, shidu patients should be distinguished in terms of age, home location, and gender to be able to implement effective approaches to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD.

Keywords: Shidu parents ; posttraumatic stress disorder ; symptom characteristics ; predictive factors

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宋潮, 李婉君, 蒙晓晖, 邢怡伦, 符仲芳, 王建平. 失独父母创伤后应激障碍的症状结构、特征及预测因素 . 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(12): 1400-1412 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01400

SONG Chao, LI Wanjun, MENG Xiaohui, XING Yilun, FU Zhongfang, WANG Jianping. Assessing the symptom structure, characteristics, and predictive factors of posttraumatic stress disorder among Shidu parents. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(12): 1400-1412 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01400

1 引言

20世纪70年代以后, 中国政府开始大力推行计划生育, 实施“一对夫妻只生一个孩子”的独生子女政策, 这个政策造就了中国一代独生子女家庭, 改变了千百万中国人的传统家庭结构(陈建强, 陆林森, 2006)。国家卫生计生委发布首个《中国家庭发展报告》, 指出中国现约有4.3亿户家庭, 计划生育家庭为3亿户左右, 约占全国家庭户总数的70% (国家卫生和计划生育委员会, 2014)。有学者认为, 独生子女家庭本质上就是风险家庭(穆光宗, 2014), 由于种种原因(如车祸、疾病、灾难等), 家庭中唯一子女的死亡, 造就了一批悲剧的“失独父母” (彭善民, 2013)。

根据中国人口普查数据(2011)推断: 目前全国失独家庭已超过100多万, 且每年新增7.6万个, 预计到2050年, 失独父母将达到2200万(马一, 2014; 王广州, 2013)。孩子死亡的事件是父母经历最严重的创伤之一(Luo et al., 2017; Kun, Tong, Liu, Pei, & Luo, 2013), 独生子女的死亡对其父母来说可能是更重大创伤应激源, 再加上经济、养老等困境, 会使失独父母陷入严重的应激状态, 甚至产生创伤后应激障碍。

创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD)是因个体暴露于异乎寻常的威胁性、灾难性事件后所发生的一种持续的、严重的心理疾患(Lancaster, Melka, Rodriguez, & Bryant, 2014)。给个体带来创伤的应激源包括战争(Wolf et al., 2017)、自然灾害(如地震、飓风) (Ironson et al., 2014)、公共突发事件(如恐怖袭击) (Hill et al., 2013)以及意外事故(如车祸) (Delahanty, Raimonde, & Spoonster, 2000)、性侵犯(Dworkin, Ullman, Stappenbeck, Brill, & Kaysen, 2018)、受虐待(Keeshin, Strawn, Out, Granger, & Putnam, 2014)、疾病(Glover & Poland, 2002)、失去亲人(Wang, Gao, & Yang, 2015)和流产(Lopez & Seng, 2014)等。目前也有把孩子的死亡作为应激源的研究(Chan et al., 2012; Xu, Herrman, Bentley, Tsutsumi, & Fisher, 2014), 但未发现唯一孩子死亡的事件对父母PTSD症状影响的系统研究。

PTSD不仅会严重影响患者的身心健康和生活质量, 还会为其家庭和国家带来巨大的经济损失和社会安全隐患。全球流行病学调查显示, 近年来随着自然灾害和人为创伤事件的增多, PTSD的发病风险有大幅升高, 其终生患病率已达到7%~12% (Kessler, Chiu, Demler, Merikangas, & Walters, 2005)。国外研究显示, 不同灾害类型的PTSD患病率不同, 关于自然灾害暴露人群的PTSD患病率为5%~60%, 人为/技术性灾害暴露人群的PTSD患病率为25%~ 75% (Galea, Nandi, & Vlahov, 2005)。国内学者对PTSD的研究主要聚焦于地震后的幸存者, 该人群的PTSD患病率为6.5%~65.6% (Chan et al., 2012; Wang, Long, Li, & Armour, 2011; 周宵, 伍新春, 袁晓娇, 陈杰灵, 陈秋燕, 2015), 其他灾害暴露人群的PTSD患病率为7.2%~41.8% (王倩, 高隽, 杨蕴萍, 2015; 徐向东等, 2014; 朱琳, 徐慰, 安媛媛, 陈晓丽, 2018)。

自从美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version IV, DSM-IV; APA, 1994)提出PTSD的诊断以来, 关于PTSD的症状结构的争议持续了20多年。DSM-IV中PTSD的临床症状标准包括17个主要症状和在此基础上形成的3维症状结构, 即闯入(B1~B5)、回避/情感麻木(C1~C7)以及高唤起(D1~D5)。在临床上, 只有当个体同时存在至少1个闯入症状、至少3个回避/反应性麻木症状以及至少2个高唤起症状时, 才可做出相应诊断。DSM-IV提出PTSD的3维症状模型受到早期研究者的质疑, 并提出了一系列的替代模型(Armour, 2015)。鉴于不同的PTSD结构模型包含的症状结构不同, 对PTSD的诊断标准及其发生率的判定也不尽相同(曹倖, 王力, 曹成琦, 张建新, 2015)。因此, 准确界定PTSD在不同人群中的症状结构, 将有利于揭示PTSD的发病机制、完善PTSD的诊断标准及有效开展PTSD的预防和干预工作。

随着研究的深入, 研究发现上述的3维症状模型并不能很好地表征PTSD的临床症状结构(Elhai et al., 2011; Simms, Watson, & Doebbelling, 2002), 同时还容易导致共病率与误诊率较高等问题(曹倖 等, 2015)。因此, 研究者们基于实证与理论研究先后提出了一系列替代模型。其中, King, Leskin, King和Weathers (1998)提出的4维情感麻木模型和Simms等人(2002)提出的4维精神痛苦模型、Elhai等人(2011)提出的5维精神痛苦性唤起模型得到了更广泛的实证支持。King等人(1998)将DSM-IV中的回避(C1~C2)与情感麻木(C3~C7)症状结构拆分为两个独立的因子, 它们与闯入(B1~B5)、高唤起(D1~D5)因子共同构成了一个4因子模型, 即4维情感麻木模型(见表1)。Simms等人(2002)提出的4维精神痛苦模型是基于4维情感麻木模型修正而成的, 它将3个高唤起中的睡眠问题、易激惹以及注意力问题(D1~D3)与情感麻木(C3~C7)症状合并为一个因子, 即精神痛苦因子, 以此来反映PTSD中与心境及焦虑障碍所共享的一般负性情感成分(Watson, 2009)。由闯入、回避、精神痛苦以及包含2个症状的高唤起因子构成的4维精神痛苦模型(见表1)较好地区分了PTSD的特异性与非特异性症状结构, 并在一定程度上解释了PTSD与心境及焦虑障碍的高共病现象(曹倖 等, 2015)。大量研究证实4维因子的情感麻木模型和精神痛苦模型显著优于DSM-IV的3维症状结构模型(Armour, Müllerova, & Elhái, 2016; Elhai et al., 2011; Lenferink, Keijser, Smid, Djelantik, & Boelen, 2017; Simms et al., 2002; Yufik & Simms, 2010)。不过, 关于两个4维结构模型哪个更优, 尚没有一致性的结论(Armour et al., 2016)。

表1可以看出, 精神痛苦模型与情感麻木模型的区别主要在D1~D3的位置不同。有研究证明D1~ D3症状在高唤起与精神痛苦因子上都具有量级不高的载荷值, 说明这3个症状并非上述两个因子的明确指标, 可能表征着PTSD临床症状结构中的一个独立因子(Shevlin, Mcbride, Armour, & Adamson, 2009)。据此, Elhai等人(2011)将它们从4维精神痛苦模型的精神痛苦因子中分离出来, 提出了闯入(B1~B5)、回避(C1~C2)、情感麻木(C3~C7)、精神痛苦性唤起(D1~D3)和焦虑性唤起(D4~D5)5个因子(见表1)。近年来, 越来越多的实证研究在丧亲个体、地震幸存者、飓风幸存者、老人以及青少年等多创伤类型、多文化背景样本中得到了支持5维精神痛苦性唤起模型的结果(Armour et al., 2016; Pietrzak et al., 2014; Pietrzak, Van Ness, Fried, Galea, & Norris, 2012; Wang et al., 2013)。

表1   PTSD模型的项目分布表


注: I, 闯入; A, 回避; N, 情感麻木; H, 高唤起; D, 精神痛苦; DA, 精神痛苦性唤起; AA, 焦虑性唤起。

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美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第五版(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version 5th, DSM-5; APA, 2013)对PTSD的临床症状标准进行了修订, 对PTSD的症状结构的划分如Elhai等人(2011)提出的精神痛苦性唤起模型一样, 主要受到了King等人(1998)的4维情感麻木模型和Simms等人(2002)的4维精神痛苦模型的影响(Armour et al., 2016)。具体的变化有: (1)采用类似于情感麻木模型的4维表型模型, 包含闯入、回避、负性的认知与情绪改变以及高唤起4个因子; (2)将DSM-IV中的5个情感麻木症状与新增的2个症状(歪曲责备和持续性负性情绪状态)共同构成了负性的认知与情绪改变因子; (3)将DSM-IV中的5个高唤起症状以及新增的1个症状(鲁莽或自毁行为)共同构成了高唤起因子。此外, 研究者在DSM-5的PTSD症状结构模型基础上, 先后提出了DSM-5的4维精神痛苦模型、DSM-5的5维精神痛苦性唤起模型、6维快感缺失模型、6维外化行为模型和7维综合模型等, 并且这些模型在许多研究中得到了验证(周宵, 伍新春, 安媛媛, 林崇德, 2017)。

基于DSM-5诊断系统, 学界虽然发展出了大量PTSD的症状结构模型, 并都有一定的证据支持, 但是这些模型的症状结构较为分散, 这可能会使PTSD的诊断过于泛化(Pietrzak et al., 2015)。由此可见, 对基于DSM-IV的PTSD结构的进一步考察仍具有重要意义(Boasso et al., 2016)。因此本研究对DSM-IV的3维结构模型及后期发展的结构模型进行深入考察, 可以为DSM-5及以后的诊断系统中的PTSD结构完善提供借鉴意义。

相比于国外的研究, 国内PTSD的研究比较少, 主要聚焦在地震后人群的PTSD症状及相关因素的研究(Chan et al., 2012; 安媛媛, 苑广哲, 伍新春, 王文超, 2018; 周宵 等, 2017)。曹倖等(2015)指出PTSD在不同人群及文化中的症状结构不同, 对PTSD的诊断标准及其发生率的判定也不尽相同。不同创伤类型的人群会表现出不同的PTSD特征, 因此对失去唯一孩子的失独父母进行PTSD的系统研究具有理论意义和应用价值。

另外, 国外对丧亲群体PTSD的研究基本都是普遍丧亲的群体(Boelen, van den Hout, & van den Bout, 2008), 并没有对丧亲群体进行具体的划分和探讨。普遍丧亲群体的PTSD结果方面, DSM-IV提出PTSD的3维结构模型及后续发展的4维和5维结构模型均得到验证(Boelen et al., 2008; van Denderen, de Keijser, Huisman, & Boelen, 2016)。也有研究发现, 自身性别(Mitchell & Terhorst, 2017)、逝者性别和丧失时间及丧亲级别(比如父母逝去是一级丧亲) (van Denderen et al., 2016)、社会经济地位(Norberg, Pöder, Ljungman, & von Essen, 2016)等是丧亲群体PTSD的影响因素。

然而, 个体所经历的丧亲事件若存在差异, 则可能导致PTSD症状、特点及结构上存在差异。正如何丽(2015)所言, 与国外家庭独生子女离世的现象有所不同的是, 中国由于“独生子女”的政策, 失独父母的数量更为庞大, 问题更加复杂。此外, 在中国“不孝有三, 无后为大”的传统文化下, 唯一孩子的死亡导致失独父母无法完成“传宗接代”延续家族子嗣的任务; 同时死亡在中国的文化中又是一个禁忌话题, 使得丧子事件对于中国失独父母的影响更加巨大(何丽, 唐信峰, 朱志勇, 王建平, 2014)。因此, 在中国传统文化背景下, 对失独父母的PTSD症状进行研究有重要的意义。

考察在中国政策和社会背景下, 失独人群PTSD分类特点、症状特征及预测因素, 可以为PTSD的诊断分类提供实证依据; 同时, 为测量工具PCL-C的临床应用和跨文化研究提供证据。此外, 通过分析失独父母PTSD症状类型及特点, 也可以为失独父母PTSD的预防与治疗提供理论依据和实践参考。

2 对象与方法

2.1 对象

根据方便取样的原则, 在2017年3月~12月, 通过现场调查选取江苏省、山东省、安徽省、河南省及吉林省失独父母463名。被试平均年龄为60.20 ± 7.58岁, 其中男性161人, 女性299人, 性别信息缺失3人, 其他人口学资料如表2所示。入组标准如下: 1)丧子经历12个月以上; 2)由于年龄或其他等原因, 被试不能或不愿再生育、收养子女; 3)目前未因为精神疾病而服用药物或接受心理治疗。本研究得到研究者所在学院伦理委员会批准后, 由经过培训的研究人员进行入户调查, 告知被试调查目的及问卷填写方法, 承诺保密性的原则, 获得被试知情同意。研究人员在问卷填写之前承诺如果问卷测评结果达到临床显著意义, 会主动联系被试并提供专业心理治疗机构的联系途径。

表2   被试的基本信息表(N = 463)

父子161 (34.77%)332 (71.71%)74 (15.98%)
母子299 (64.57%)130 (28.08%)382 (82.50%)
缺失3 (0.65%)缺失1 (0.22%)缺失7 (1.51%)
农村215 (46.44%)小学及以下120 (25.92%)0~999134 (28.94%)
城市243 (52.48%)中学293 (63.28%)1000~199997 (20.95%)
缺失5 (0.11%)本科/大专及以上35 (7.59%)2000~2999149 (32.18%)
缺失15 (3.20%)3000及以上83 (17.93%)
有伴侣317 (68.47%)401 (86.61%)117 (25.27%)
离异或丧偶139 (30.02%)54 (11.66%)333 (71.92%)
缺失7 (1.51%)缺失8 (1.73%)缺失13 (2.81%)

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2.2 研究工具

2.2.1 基本信息问卷包

问卷包包括被试的基本人口学信息和丧失相关信息。人口学信息包括: 性别、年龄、家庭所在地、教育程度、婚姻状况、经济状况和宗教信仰。丧失相关的信息包括: 与逝者的关系、逝者离世时长、逝者离世时的年龄、与逝者的亲密程度和是否有孙辈。

2.2.2 创伤后应激检查量表平民版(PTSD Checklist- Ci-vilian Version, PCL-C)

PCL-C由Weathers等在1993年编制, 杨晓云、杨宏爱、刘启贵和杨丽珠(2007)修订, 包括17个与DSM-IV中PTSD诊断标准相对应的项目, 对测查对象近一个月内的PTSD症状进行筛查。量表分为B (闯入, 1~5条), C (回避/情感麻木, 6~12条)和D (高唤起, 13~17条)三个分量表, 每项症状的严重程度按 1~5 级评分(1 = 没有发生, 2 = 轻度, 3 = 中度, 4 = 重度, 5 = 极重度)。利用PCL-C筛查PTSD时, 症状计数的方法是至少出现1个闯入的症状、3个回避/情感麻木的症状及1个高唤起的症状, 且以该项目评分超过3为症状阳性。该量表在本研究中的内部一致性系数为0.903。

2.3 研究程序

第一, 研究者根据现有资源, 确定施测的地区, 与当地民政局、社区负责人或服务失独人群的公益组织取得联系; 第二, 对有心理咨询背景的志愿者进行培训, 并开展模拟测试的工作; 第三, 研究者及志愿者进入家庭, 指导失独人群签署知情同意书并填写调查问卷; 第四, 测试过程中, 研究者保持对失独父母的关注, 进行即时化的心理安抚, 并介绍团队服务公众号(提供自助书籍、心理援助、真人真事等方面的信息服务平台), 测试结束后向参加测试的失独父母支付被试费; 第五, 研究者在30个工作日内反馈调查结果, 给予相关建议。

2.4 统计方法

采用SPSS 21.0软件和MPLUS 7.0进行数据的处理和分析, 采用χ2/df、CFI、TLI、RMSEA等指标来评价模型的拟合情况。此外, 采用竞争模型的方式, 比较模型之间的验证性因素分析的拟合指数, 其中嵌套模型的比较采用两模型χ2差异分析(Satorra & Bentler, 2001), 如果两个嵌套模型之间χ2差异的p值小于0.05, 说明两模型之间存在显著差异, 此时选择模型拟合指数(CFI、TLI、RMSEA和SRMR)较好的模型作为最优模型; 非嵌套模型之间比较采用两模型之间的BIC差异分析对模型的优劣进行判断(Schwarz, 1978), BIC差异为0~10时支持该值较小的模型, 当差异大于10时说明两模型之间有较大的差异, 此时强烈支持该值较小的模型作为最优模型(Raftery, 1995)。

计数资料采用个数构成比和百分比进行描述, 采用Pearson相关分析连续性人口学变量和丧失相关变量与PTSD的相关, 采用独立样本t检验单因素方差分析进行分类型人口学变量和丧失相关变量在PTSD上的差异。以PTSD得分作因变量, 人口学变量和丧失相关变量为回归变量, 采用Enter法建立线性回归方程。

2.5 共同方法偏差的控制与检验

受客观条件限制, 本研究仅采用被试自我报告的方法来收集数据资料, 结果可能受共同方法偏差的影响。根据周浩和龙立荣(2004)的建议, 从程序方面进行控制, 如采用匿名方式进行测查、部分条目使用反向题等。在数据收集完成后, 采用Harman单因子检验法进行共同方法偏差检验(Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003), 将研究变量纳入到一个探索性因素分析中, 检验因素分析的结果, 结果表明旋转和未旋转都得到5个因子特征根大于1, 未旋转得到的第一个因子解释的变异量为27.47%, 旋转得到的第一个因子解释的变异量为20.67%, 都远小于40%的临界值, 说明研究不存在明显的共同方法偏差。

3 结果

3.1 模型比较

使用验证性因子分析方法检验4个竞争模型的拟合情况, 表3显示各模型的拟合程度良好。嵌套模型之间, M3优于M1 (Δχ2 = 3.15, Δdf = 1, p < 0.001)、M4优于M1 (Δχ2 = 11.55, df = 5, Δp < 0.001)、M3优于M2 (Δχ2 = 25.28, Δdf = 1, p < 0.001)、M4优于M3 (Δχ2 = 8.40, Δdf = 4, p < 0.001)。综合嵌套模型的结果, M4的拟合指数最佳。对M1和M2两个非嵌套模型之间采用BIC差异分析, 结果显示, M1明显优于M2 (ΔBIC = 19.14)。综上所述, M4是最优的模型, 说明中国失独父母PTSD的症状结构包含闯入、回避、情感麻木、精神痛苦性唤起以及焦虑性唤起5维结构。5个因子项目载荷的计算结果见表4, 因子载荷量均符合标准(aij > 0.30)。

表3   各竞争模型的拟合指数


注: M1~M4分别代表DSM-IV模型(3维), 情感麻木模型(4维), 精神痛苦模型(4维), 精神痛苦性唤起模型(5维)

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表4   精神痛苦性唤起模型标准化的因子负荷和因子相关

B4.想起压力性事件, 内心就非常痛苦0.70
B5.想起压力性事件, 身体有反应(如呼吸困难、出汗)0.59
D1.难以入睡, 或睡眠很浅0.34

注: I, 闯入; A, 回避; N, 情感麻木; DA, 精神痛苦性唤起; AA, 焦虑性唤起

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3.2 失独父母PTSD的症状特征

所有被试在PCL-C上的平均得分为50.10 ± 11.73分, 最高得分85分, 最低得分18分。根据DSM-IV的诊断标准, 1个以上闯入症状、3个以上回避/情感麻木的症状及2个以上高唤起的症状条目的得分大于等于3分时, 可以判断为PTSD筛查阳性。根据此标准, 在463名失独父母中, 共有333人(71.92%)为PTSD筛查阳性。表5为PTSD筛查阳性和阴性被试在不同的PTSD症状上的百分比。从表5中可以看出, 两组被试出现频率最高的项目都是回避因子, 然后是闯入因子等。其中, 反复出现压力性事件(孩子逝去的事件)的记忆、想法及引发的痛苦, 努力回避压力性事件(孩子去世的事件)的人物、地点及记忆、想法是都是出现频率最高的症状。

表5   失独父母在PCL-C各项症状上得分超过3分的百分比(N = 463)

B4.想起压力性事件, 内心就非常痛苦92.8%77.7%
B5.想起压力性事件, 身体有反应(如呼吸困难、出汗)49.5%13.1%
精神痛苦性唤起D1.难以入睡, 或睡眠很浅83.8%72.0%33.8%28.7%

注: 为了结果呈现方便, 有关症状的描述都是简化版。

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3.3 失独父母PTSD的预测因素

采用Pearson相关分析发现: PTSD得分与被试的年龄呈显著的负相关(r = -0.18, p < 0.01), 与孩子的离世时长呈显著的负相关(r = -0.10, p < 0.05), 与孩子去世时的年龄相关性不显著(r = 0.06, p > 0.05)。

采用独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析发现: PTSD得分在被试的性别因素上有显著性差异, t(458) = -5.58, p < 0.01, Cohen's d = 0.54, 女性失独者的PTSD症状(M = 52.29, SD = 11.11)比男性的PTSD症状(M = 46.08, SD = 11.87)更加严重。PTSD得分在家庭所在地因素上的差异显著, t(456) = 4.21, p < 0.01, Cohen's d = 0.39, 农村失独父母的PTSD症状(M = 52.42, SD = 12.43)比城市的PTSD症状 (M = 47.90, SD = 10.57) PTSD更加严重。此外, PTSD症状在家庭人均收入因素上的差异显著, F(3, 458) = 2.74, p < 0.05, Cohen's d = 0.26, 收入为0~999 (M = 52.21, SD = 13.79)和1000~1999 (M = 51.19, SD = 11.71)的失独父母症状最为严重, 2000~2999 (M = 48.85, SD = 10.95)和3000及以上(M = 48.45, SD = 10.46)的失独父母症状相对轻微。

PTSD得分在逝者性别、受教育程度、是否预料到孩子的去世、是否有孙辈和孩子出事时的夫妻关系等因素上的差异不显著(p > 0.05)。

将上述分析中与PTSD得分显著相关的变量和在PTSD得分存在显著差异的变量纳入一个回归方程, 采用虚拟编码的方式将分类变量转化为连续变量, 其中性别(0 = 男, 1 = 女)、家庭所在地(0 = 农村, 1 = 城市)。回归分析发现最终有三个变量可以显著预测PTSD症状, 见表6。被试年龄、家庭所在地和性别显著预测失独父母PTSD症状。

表6   PTSD预测因素的回归分析分析结果(N = 463)


注: * p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

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4 讨论

生活中创伤性事件将给亲历者带来巨大的心理冲击, 可能导致严重的精神疾患。PTSD作为创伤暴露后最常见的疾患, 有着重大的研究价值(Dworkin et al., 2018; Ironson et al., 2014)。明确不同群体在不同文化背景下的PTSD症状结构模型, 了解其发病特征及预测因素对于有效地预防、干预PTSD至关重要。本研究以中国失独父母为被试, 验证了5维精神痛苦性唤起模型在该群体中的适用性, 分析了失独父母在各症状中的特征, 并考察了与失独有关的人口学变量对PTSD症状的影响。

4.1 失独父母PTSD的症状结构

结果显示, 中国失独父母的PTSD 症状结构主要包括闯入性症状、回避性症状、情感麻木性症状、精神痛苦性唤起症状和焦虑性唤起症状等五个方面。PTSD的5维模型症状模型与两个4维症状模型之间的差异主要在于D1~D3的位置不同, 5维症状模型把D1~D3作为单独的精神痛苦性唤起因子。这一分类越来越多地在一般创伤暴露人群、家庭暴力受害者、飓风幸存者、震后幸存者和一般丧亲人群中的研究中得到证实(Armour et al., 2016; Elhai et al., 2011; Pietrzak et al., 2014; Pietrzak et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013; 周宵 等, 2017)。本研究的结果验证了5维症状模型在中国失独父母中的适应性, 不仅丰富了PTSD跨文化及人群的研究, 也有助于深化人们对PTSD具体症状特征的理解, 并为心理工作者有针对性地对失独父母开展 PTSD的预防和干预提供理论支持。

4.2 失独父母PTSD症状特征

本研究中, 失独父母PTSD阳性的检出率为71.9%, 普遍高于以往经历自然及技术性灾难的研究结果(Breslau, 2001; Chan et al., 2012; Galea et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2011 )。有关丧亲人群PTSD的研究显示, 筛查PTSD阳性率为18.7%~55.3% (Boelen et al., 2008; van Denderen et al., 2016; 吴垠, 陈雪军, 郑希付, 2011; 赵高锋 等, 2009)。不同于父母、配偶等亲人, 孩子往往与个体的人生意义紧密相连, 当孩子去世时, 个体关于父母的身份、生活方式和世界观都将受到影响(Hibberd, Elwood, & Galovski, 2010), 从而导致更严重的PTSD症状。

除此以外, 引起PTSD发生率的不同, 还可能存在以下原因: 首先, PTSD的发生率与创伤事件的性质及程度有关, 创伤事件越严重, 发生率越高(杨燕, 韦国永, 黄永偶, 2016); 其次, 不同的受害者类别, 如女性幸存者(Zhang & Ho, 2011)或年老的幸存者(Chan et al., 2012) PTSD的发生率偏高, 并且不同创伤事件发生的时间点也影响到PTSD的发生率(Xia, Ding, Hong, & Yi, 2015); 最后, PTSD在不同人群及文化中的症状结构不同, 对PTSD的诊断标准及其发生率的判定也因此不尽相同(曹倖等, 2015)。

中国的失独家庭, 失去的是家里唯一的孩子, 作为家庭三角结构的重要组成部分, 唯一孩子的死亡会对家庭造成毁灭性的打击, 致使家庭核心结构破碎, 父母关系僵化, 生活动力缺失等等(徐晓军, 刘炳琴, 2017)。失独父母是在中国特殊政策历史背景下产生的一个群体, 他们的心理势必会受到中国特定文化的影响。中国自古以来推崇孝文化, 强调传宗接待和祖先崇拜(何丽等, 2014); 中国重生轻死的文化(郭于华, 1992; 路晓军, 路小燕, 田根胜, 2004), 对死亡话题的避讳, 都会造成失独父母伦理价值的崩溃。从这个角度来看, 失独父母的PTSD阳性率高也是文化情境形塑的结果。

失独父母PTSD5维症状结构中, 回避是阳性检出率最高的因子, 其次是闯入因子。而在以往的研究, 闯入被认为是PTSD出现频率最高的症状(邓明昱, 2016), 这一观点也在丧子人群PTSD的症状研究中得到证实(Seino, Takano, Mashal, Hemat, & Nakamura, 2008)。这可能是因为经历自然灾害、战争、性侵犯、受虐待、意外事故和疾病等创伤类型的个体都亲身经历了创伤事件, 闯入的创伤性体验会更多。而在本研究中, 70.1%的孩子因交通事故、突发病故、自然灾害、溺水和被人残害等意外缘故死亡, 84.0%的失独父母没有预料到孩子的逝去, 没有亲身经历孩子逝去的场景, 这可能是失独父母出现较少闯入症状的原因。

具体症状表现方面, 努力回避压力性事件(孩子去世的事件)的活动、记忆、想法, 及反复出现压力性事件(孩子逝去的事件)的记忆、想法及引发的痛苦是阳性率最高的症状, 属于回避及闯入因子中的条目。失独父母的回避症状表现为采用压抑(回避社交, 回避提醒物), 分散及转移(工作, 旅游, 性, 酒精), 抒发和排解(哭, 多话, 过度活动)等应对孩子死亡的方式, 闯入是突然产生的跟孩子逝去有关的想法和画面(何丽, 2015)。在中国传统文化中占有正宗地位的儒家文化认为, 子孙后代是自我生命的继续, 也是祖先生命的延续, 无后就是断子绝孙, 也就是真正的死亡。让祖宗断了香火, 是最大逆不道的行为(路晓军 等, 2004)。因此相较于国外的家庭, 失去孩子对于中国失独父母来说是更为痛苦的事件。此外, 绝口不提孩子死亡议题, 使得丧子事件对于中国失独父母的影响更加巨大(何丽等, 2014)。所以在面临与孩子去世相关的场景, 及闯入的画面和想法时, 失独父母多采用回避的方式, 避免重复体验内心的痛苦。

4.3 失独父母PTSD预测因素

本研究发现, 对失独父母PTSD有显著预测作用的因素包括被试年龄、性别和家庭所在地。就性别而言, 女性的PTSD的症状比男性更严重, 与国外丧亲研究的结果一致(Mitchell & Terhorst, 2017)。其中, 依恋和应对方式被认为是导致差异的潜在因素。相比于失独父亲, 失独母亲对孩子的依恋焦虑、依恋回避与PTSD症状相关性更密切(徐晓军, 刘炳琴, 2017)。此外, 持续性联结是丧亲后, 生者与死者形成的依恋模式(Rubin, 1999)。何丽、唐信峰和王建平(2017)通过质性研究发现失独母亲更加倾向于保持与孩子的联结, 并表现出更多消极的联结方式(如保留遗物), 失独父亲更倾向于切断联结。具体而言, 失独母亲为了与孩子保持联结而留存的大量遗物可能成为刺激线索, 导致其产生更多的PTSD症状, 如: 闯入性的记忆等。

Christiansen, Olff和Elklit (2014)调查发现丧子母亲更倾向于采取情绪取向的应对方式, 表现出更多的PTSD症状。而死亡这类生活事件是不可逆转的, 所以无法采取问题中心的应对。在孩子去世之后, 许多失独父母会采用情绪中心的应对方式。当翻涌而来的情绪袭来之时, 有些人会选择压抑情绪, 或者回避引发情绪痛苦的人和事, 而相比于失独父亲, 失独母亲情绪中心的应对方式更强烈, 会加重丧子事件对其的影响。

从家庭所在地看, 农村的失独父母PTSD症状更严重。国外的研究得出相似的结果, 即家庭社会经济地位是丧亲个体PTSD症状的影响因素(Norberg et al., 2016)。收入作为家庭社会经济地位的重要体现, 代表了希望, 在以农业为主要收入的农村, 收入和生活水平较低, 应对打击的能力更差。正如Lee和Xiao (1998)所说, 积累财富在中国的文化中是为了养老及展示家族的地位和价值。而中国社会的城乡二元结构使得城市失独父母与农村失独父母生存境况差异较大, 农村失独父母面临着更多、更严重的生存困境。城乡二元结构的影响, 农村失独父母的收入水平低、医疗养老保障不完善所带来的物质生活困境及由此衍生的心理困扰, 以及农村的熟人社会性质与重视传宗接代的文化环境、和“养儿防老”的家庭保障方式, 使得农村失独父母遭遇更强的心理困境(陈恩, 2016)。

从年龄来看, 失独父母的年龄越大, 其PTSD症状越不明显。原因可能如下: 首先, 随着年龄的增长, 个体由于阅历而在负性事件方面积累了更多的经验, 有更加足够的心理能量来应对灾难性事件(Laska, Smith, Wislocki, Minami, & Wampold, 2013); 其次, 研究被试的年龄在49~87岁, 年龄越小的失独父母, 受到政策影响越大, 而接受国家失独家庭扶助金更少(周伟, 米红, 2013), 其对独生子女政策的意见更显著, 面临更复杂的心理压力; 最后, 个人步入老年后会对整个人生进行整理, 通过回忆往事来评价自我是否达到预期的目标, 研究显示积极词的具体性记忆比例与失独年龄呈正相关(杨玉婷, 2015), 说明年龄越大的失独父母回忆的人生事件越积极和具体, 因此其PTSD症状较年龄低的失独父母更轻。

5 研究不足与展望

验证精神痛苦唤起模型在中国失独父母中的适应性, 并分析了其发病特征及影响因素, 进一步丰富了PTSD的理论研究, 可以对失独人群的PTSD干预提供理论依据。但是, 研究中还存在一定的不足。第一, 目前虽然大量的研究已经开始对DSM-5的PTSD症状结构进行考察, 然而由于本研究投稿至今, 还未有基于DSM-5的中文PTSD的测量工具。因此, 研究中对PTSD的症状结构主要基于DSM-IV, 后续的研究将引入基于DSM-5的PTSD的测量工具, 并进行本土化的研究。

第二, 研究结果显示失独父母的回避是最明显症状, 区别于学界对于PTSD的理解, 即闯入是最具特征性表现的症状, 但没有对失独父母的回避进行深入分析。未来研究可以采用质性研究的方式对失独父母的回避症状的特点及影响进行探讨。

第三, 研究采用的横断设计, 考察失独父母PTSD的症状特点及相关因素, 在一定程度限制了研究的推广范围。未来研究可以采用纵向设计或者选取不同文化背景和创伤类型的样本(如不同的丧子类型与其他丧亲类型), 来进一步检验某一模型的跨时间、跨样本的稳定性。

第四, 研究中采用的PTSD症状评估量表为筛查量表, 筛查阳性的人群未经临床结构化访谈确诊, 因此可能会高估PTSD持续阳性患者的比率。未来的研究可以结合临床访谈工具以此弥补自评问卷的不足。

第五, 国外也有丧失唯一子女的父母群体, 但未发现针对该群体的PTSD研究。未来可进行跨文化的比较, 分析此群体在PTSD结构、症状、预测因素及机制等方面的异同。

尽管如此, 本研究也具有一定的理论和现实意义, 首先, 研究充实了以往关于PTSD症状结构的研究, 支持了Elhai等人(2011)的5维精神痛苦性唤起模型, 说明该模型适用于中国的失独父母; 其次, 研究结果显示不同性别、年龄及家庭所在地对失独父母PTSD的预测作用, 可以为后续学者对失独父母PTSD产生和发展的机制的研究提供借鉴; 最后, 研究的结论可以为中国失独父母PTSD预防与干预提供理论依据, 即在进行失独父母的心理援助过程中, 应该从闯入性症状、回避性症状、情感麻木性症状、精神痛苦性唤起症状和焦虑性唤起症状等五个方面来筛查具有PTSD高风险的患者, 并重点针对回避性症状和闯入性症状进行干预, 同时要区分不同年龄、家庭所在地及性别的患者, 采取针对不同类型失独群体的有效的干预方法。


An Y. Y., Yuan G. Z., Wu X. C., & Wang W. C . ( 2018).

The relationship between social support, posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth among adolescents after Wenchuan earthquake: Understanding the role of self- efficacy

Psychological Development and Education, 34( 1), 98-104.


To examine the relationship among adopting traumatic exposure questionnaire,social support,self-efficacy,posttraumatic stress disorder( PTSD) and posttraumatic growth( PTG),this study investigates 1185 adolescents at 8. 5 years after Wenchuan earthquake by using social support scale,the self-efficacy scale,the modified DSM-5 PTSD checklist and posttraumatic growth inventory. The structural equation model was used to examine the relationship,wherein the traumatic exposure would be controlled because its importance. The results found that after controlling for traumatic exposure,social support has direct and negative effect on PTSD,and it can also exert indirect and negative effect on PTSD via self-efficacy. In addition,social support has direct and positive effect on PTG,and it may also positively affect PTG via self-efficacy.

[ 安媛媛, 苑广哲, 伍新春, 王文超 . ( 2018).

社会支持对震后青少年创伤后应激障碍和创伤后成长的影响: 自我效能感的中介作用

心理发展与教育, 34( 1), 98-104.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

American Psychiatric Association . ( 1994).

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition (DSM-4). Washington, DC: Author

[本文引用: 1]

American Psychiatric Association . ( 2013).

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). Washington, DC: Author

[本文引用: 1]

Armour C. , ( 2015).

The underlying dimensionality of PTSD in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: Where are we going?

European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 6( 1), 1-8.

DOI:10.3402/ejpt.v6.28074      URL     PMID:4439421      [本文引用: 1]

There has been a substantial body of literature devoted to answering one question: Which latent model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) best represents PTSD's underlying dimensionality? This research summary will, therefore, focus on the literature pertaining to PTSD's latent structure as represented in the fourth (DSM-IV, 1994) to the fifth (DSM-5, 2013) edition of the DSM. This article will begin by providing a clear rationale as to why this is a pertinent research area, then the body of literature pertaining to the DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR will be summarised, and this will be followed by a summary of the literature pertaining to the recently published DSM-5. To conclude, there will be a discussion with recommendations for future research directions, namely that researchers must investigate the applicability of the new DSM-5 criteria and the newly created DSM-5 symptom sets to trauma survivors. In addition, researchers must continue to endeavour to identify the orrect constellations of symptoms within symptom sets to ensure that diagnostic algorithms are appropriate and aid in the development of targeted treatment approaches and interventions. In particular, the newly proposed DSM-5 anhedonia model, externalising behaviours model, and hybrid models must be further investigated. It is also important that researchers follow up on the idea that a more parsimonious latent structure of PTSD may exist.

Armour C., Müllerova J., & Elhái J. D . ( 2016).

A systematic literature review of PTSD's latent structure in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-iv to DSM-5

Clinical Psychology Review, 44( 4), 60-74.

DOI:10.1016/j.cpr.2015.12.003      URL     PMID:26761151      [本文引用: 5]

61The dysphoric arousal model has been deemed optimal within the DSM-IV PTSD literature.61The dysphoric arousal model provided superior fit to data regardless of gender, type of trauma, or measure.61Two six-factor models have been shown to provide superior fit to data compared to the DSM-5 PTSD model.61The seven-factor hybrid model has potential in the DSM-5 literature, but more work is needed.

Boasso A. M., Steenkamp M. M., Fox A. B., Nash W. P., Larson J. L., & Litz B. T . ( 2016).

The structure of PTSD in active-duty marines across the deployment cycle

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 8( 2), 127-134.

DOI:10.1037/tra0000109      URL     PMID:26914679      [本文引用: 1]

OBJECTIVE: There has been significant debate about the optimal factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In military and veteran samples, most available studies have employed self-report measures, assessed PTSD cross-sectionally, used treatment-seeking samples, and assessed symptoms years after deployment. We extend previous studies by comparing the factor structure of clinician-assessed and self-report Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) PTSD in a nontreatment seeking sample at 4 time points spanning the deployment cycle. METHOD: The data source for this study was the Marine Resiliency Study (MRS), a longitudinal study of 4 battalion cohorts of active-duty male Marines deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan between 2008 and 2012. We examined the fourth cohort (N = 892), which was evaluated 1 month predeployment, and 1, 5, and 8 months postdeployment. RESULTS: Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) revealed that the 5-factor solution best fit the data across all time points, and across both interview and self-report assessments. CONCLUSION: The temporal consistency and convergence demonstrated by our analyses underscores the validity of the 5-factor model among service members exposed to warzone stressors. In particular, the findings suggest that diagnostic criteria for PTSD may benefit from disaggregating hyperarousal symptoms in military samples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

Boelen P. A, van den Hout M. A., & van den Bout , J. ., (2008).

The factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among bereaved individuals: A confirmatory factor analysis study

Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22( 8), 1377-1383.

DOI:10.1016/j.janxdis.2008.01.018      URL     PMID:18342486      Magsci     [本文引用: 3]

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined in DSM-IV as an anxiety disorder that encompasses symptom-clusters of reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal. Several studies have examined the factor structure of PTSD symptoms. To our knowledge, no studies have yet examined the factor structure of loss-related PTSD symptoms in samples exclusively comprised of bereaved individuals. Such an examination is important because it can advance our understanding of the stability of the structure of PTSD symptoms across groups confronted with different aversive life-events and of processes underlying the occurrence of PTSD symptoms after loss. In this study, five alternative models of the factor structure of PTSD symptoms were examined in a sample of 347 mourners. Results showed that, in this group, PTSD symptoms are best conceptualized as forming four factors: reexperiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and hyperarousal. Patterns of correlations with depression and complicated grief supported the validity of the model.

Breslau N., .,(2001).

The epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder: What is the extent of the problem?

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 62( 17), 16-22.

DOI:10.1021/ef060326e      URL     PMID:11495091      [本文引用: 1]

Until recently, our understanding of relied almost entirely on studies of war veterans and disaster victims. A handful of epidemiologic studies have now been conducted that investigate the natural course of as it occurs in the general population. Estimates of prevalence have tended to vary according to the diagnostic criteria used to define the disorder, assessment procedures, sample characteristics, and the definition of qualifying traumatic events. This article reviews key findings from these studies to provide insight into the burden of in the general population. Possible reasons for the observed difference in lifetime prevalence of between the sexes (a female-to-male lifetime prevalence ratio of 2:1 is typically reported) and factors thought to be associated with an increased risk for the disorder after exposure to trauma are reviewed.

Chan C. L. W., Wang C-W., Ho A. H. Y., Qu Z-Y., Wang X-Y., Ran M-S., .. Zhang X. L . ( 2012).

Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among bereaved and non-bereaved survivors following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake

Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26( 6), 673-679.

DOI:10.1016/j.janxdis.2012.05.002      URL     PMID:22721751      Magsci     [本文引用: 5]

Many studies have suggested that unexpected death of a loved one is an important risk factor of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among disaster survivors, but few have examined the magnitude of psychiatric morbidities among bereaved survivors. This study examined the prevalence rates of clinically significant PTSD and depressive symptoms and their associated risk factors among Chinese adult survivors following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Two hundred and fifty-one bereaved adults were compared with 1474 non-bereaved adult survivors. The estimated rates of PTSD and depressive symptoms were 65.6% and 64.8% for those who lost first-degree family members, 34.1% and 45.5% for those who lost second-degree relatives, and 27.1% and 37.5% for non-bereaved survivors respectively. Loss of a child was a significant predictor of psychopathological symptoms. The results suggested that effective and sustainable mental health services were required, especially for bereaved single-child parents.

Chen J. Q, & Lu J. S.. ,( 2006) .Parents of only children:Survey of the first generation of only parents in China Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press Survey of the first generation of only parents in China . Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press.

[ 陈建强, 陆林森 . (2006). 独生父母:中国第一代独生父母调查. 上海: 上海辞书出版社.]

[本文引用: 1]

Chen E., , (2016).

Origin of psychological dilemma of rural parents who Lost their only child—A discussion based on a number of cases from Jiangsu province

Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), 16( 5), 29-36.


We investigate the structural causes and the subject construction of the psychological dilemma of rural parents who lost their only child from the perspective of constructivism theory.The factors of"retribution for sin(karma)" belief,imagination of life in old age without the social safety net,things after death,and acquaintances society constitute the structural background of meaning construction for rural parents who lost their only child,their long and intense psychological dilemma is the result of meaning construction.The solution is through friendship and mutual assistance within their group,to gain spiritual social support from informal social network of the community,so as to promote the psychological predicament ease and social integration.

[ 陈恩 . ( 2016).


西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版), 16( 5), 29-36.]

[本文引用: 1]

Cao X., Wang L., Cao C., & Zhang J . ( 2015).

Phenotypic model of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom dimensionality

Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science Edition), ( 6), 87-99.


Since the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV)published in 1994,there has been an intense debate on the phenotypic model of posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD)symptom dimensionality.From the initial tripartite DSM-IV model(intrusion,avoidance and emotional numbing,and hyperarousal)to the latest DSM-5based seven-factor hybrid model(intrusion,avoidance,negative affect,anhedonia,externalizing behaviors,anxious arousal,and dysphoric arousal),studies on the phenotypic model of PTSD symptom dimensionality have made substantial progress in recent two decades.The current study began by outlining the previous studies in this field,and then reviewed the findings of the phenotypic model of DSM-IVand DSM-5PTSD symptom dimensionality respectively.After that,limitations with previous studies,in terms of sampling,assessment,design,and psychometrics were discussed.The paper finally indicated the directions for future studies.

[ 曹倖, 王力, 曹成琦, 张建新 . ( 2015).


北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), ( 6), 87-99.]

URL     [本文引用: 4]


Christiansen D. M., Olff M., & Elklit A . ( 2014).

Parents bereaved by infant death: Sex differences and moderation in PTSD, attachment, coping and social support

General Hospital Psychiatry, 36( 6), 655-661.

DOI:10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2014.07.012      URL     PMID:25218784      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Parents bereaved by infant death experience a wide range of symptomatology, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that may persist for years after the loss. Little research has been conducted on PTSD in fathers who have lost an infant. Mothers report most symptoms to a greater extent than fathers, but not much is known about other sex differences following infant death. The present cross-sectional study examined sex differences in PTSD and sex differences in the relationship between PTSD severity and related variables. Subjects were 361 mothers and 273 fathers who had lost an infant either late in pregnancy, during birth or in the first year of life. Participants filled out questionnaires between 1.2 months and 18 years after the loss (M=3.4 years). Mothers reported significantly more PTSD symptoms, attachment anxiety, emotion-focused coping and feeling let down, but significantly lower levels of attachment avoidance than fathers. Attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance and emotion-focused coping were significantly more strongly associated with PTSD severity in mothers than fathers, but only when examined alone. When all variables and time since the loss were examined together, there were no longer any significant moderation effects of sex. Persistent posttraumatic symptomatology exists in both mothers and fathers long after the loss. There are several sex differences in severity and correlates of PTSD, and a few moderation effects were identified for attachment and emotion-focused coping. Overall, more similarities than differences were found between mothers and fathers in the associations between PTSD and covariates.

Delahanty D. L., Raimonde A. J., & Spoonster E . ( 2000).

Initial posttraumatic urinary cortisol levels predict subsequent PTSD symptoms in motor vehicle accident victims

Biological Psychiatry, 48( 9), 940-947.

[本文引用: 1]

Deng M.L . ( 2016).

New progress of clinical research to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (DSM-5 Update)

China Journal of Health Psychology, 24( 5), 641-650.

[ 邓明昱 . ( 2016).


中国健康心理学杂志, 24( 5), 641-650.]

DOI:10.13342/j.cnki.cjhp.2016.05.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Dworkin E. R., Ullman S. E., Stappenbeck C., Brill C. D., & Kaysen D . ( 2018).

Proximal relationships between social support and PTSD symptom severity: A daily diary study of sexual assault survivors

Depression & Anxiety, 35( 1), 43-49.

DOI:10.1002/da.22679      URL     [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: In cross-sectional studies, social support and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms appear related, in that higher severity of PTSD is associated with lower social support and vice versa. Theoretical models of the causal direction of this relationship differ. Most longitudinal studies suggest that PTSD symptoms erode social support over time, although some suggest that higher social support is prospectively associated with decrease in PTSD symptom severity. It is unclear, though, how social support and PTSD affect each other in the short term. The purpose of this study was to test day-to-day relationships between PTSD and social support to elucidate how PTSD and social support influence each other. METHODS: Using 1173 daily observations from 75 college women who met screening criteria for lifetime sexual assault and past-month PTSD, this study tested same-day and next-day relationships between PTSD and social support using mixed models. RESULTS: Within-person analyses indicated that, when PTSD was higher than usual on a given day, social support was higher the next day. Between-person analyses suggested that people with generally higher social support tended to have lower PTSD symptoms on a given day, but average PTSD symptom severity was not associated with day-to-day fluctuations in social support. CONCLUSIONS: Rather than eroding in response to daily symptoms, social support might be sought out following increases in PTSD, and when received consistently, might reduce symptoms of PTSD in the short term. Interventions that increase college women's access to social support after sexual assault may thus be helpful in addressing PTSD. 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Elhai J. D., Biehn T. L., Armour C., Klopper J. J., Frueh B. C., & Palmieri P. A . ( 2011).

Evidence for a unique PTSD construct represented by PTSD's D1-D3 symptoms

Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25( 3), 340-345.

DOI:10.1016/j.janxdis.2010.10.007      URL     PMID:21094021      Magsci     [本文引用: 4]

Two models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have received the most empirical support in confirmatory factor analytic studies: King, Leskin, King, and Weathers (1998) Emotional Numbing model of reexperiencing, avoidance, emotional numbing and hyperarousal; and Simms, Watson, and Doebbeling's (2002) Dysphoria model of reexperiencing, avoidance, dysphoria and hyperarousal. These models only differ in placement of three PTSD symptoms: sleep problems (D1), irritability (D2), and concentration problems (D3). In the present study, we recruited 252 women victims of domestic violence and tested whether there is empirical support to separate these three PTSD symptoms into a fifth factor, while retaining the Emotional Numbing and Dysphoria models remaining four factors. Confirmatory factor analytic findings demonstrated that separating the three symptoms into a separate factor significantly enhanced model fit for the Emotional Numbing and Dysphoria models. These three symptoms may represent a unique latent construct. Implications are discussed.Research highlights? PTSD symptoms of sleep, concentration and irritability problems represent a unique PTSD factor. ? A 5-factor PTSD model fit significantly better than four-factor models. ? The Emotional Numbing model fit better than the Dysphoria model.

Galea S., Nandi A., & Vlahov D . ( 2005).

The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder after disasters

Epidemiologic Reviews, 27( 1), 78-91.

DOI:10.1093/epirev/mxi003      URL     PMID:15958429      [本文引用: 2]

Traumatic experiences are relatively common. More than two thirds of persons in the general population may experience a significant traumatic event at some point in their lives, and up to one fifth of people in the United States may experience such an event in any given year (1-5). Although comparable international data are limited, large proportions of populations in many countries have been exposed to terrorism, forced relocation, and violence, which suggests that the overall prevalence of exposure to traumatic events worldwide may be even higher than that in the United States (6, 7).Disasters (e.g., floods, transportation accidents) are traumatic events that are experienced by many people and may result in a wide range of mental and physical health consequences (8). In one survey of US residents, 13 percent of the sample reported a lifetime exposure to natural or human-generated disaster (9). In the National Comorbidity Survey, 18.9 percent of men and 15.2 percent of women reported a lifetime experience of a natural disaster (4). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most commonly studied and probably the most frequent and debilitating psychological disorder that occurs after traumatic events and disasters (8, 10).

Glover D.A., &Poland , R. E . ( 2002).

Urinary cortisol and catecholamines in mothers of child cancer survivors with and without PTSD

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 27( 7), 805-819.

DOI:10.1016/S0306-4530(01)00081-6      URL     PMID:12183216      [本文引用: 1]

Reduced cortisol coupled with elevated catecholamines has been reported for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) precipitated by war and other traumas considered to be utside the range of usual experiences. It is unclear whether these neuroendocrine abnormalities also occur in PTSD precipitated by more commonly experienced traumas associated with life-threatening illness. Overnight (12-h) urinary cortisol, norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E) were measured in 21 mothers of pediatric cancer survivors with ( n=14) and without PTSD symptoms ( n=7) and in control mothers of healthy children ( n=8). Mothers meeting subthreshold and full PTSD criteria were combined to form the PTSD symptoms group. The PTSD group showed lower total urinary cortisol and a trend for higher total urinary NE than the non-PTSD group, who in turn were no different from controls. There were no significant group effects for E. Cortisol (but not NE) effects remained after controlling for symptoms of co-morbid depression. The finding of reduced cortisol in illness-related PTSD demonstrates neuroendocrine dysregulation similar to that found previously in other types of trauma (e.g., war-related). Future longitudinal studies with repeated urinary collection procedures will be necessary to clarify measurement issues and establish the time course and health implications of the neuroendocrine perturbations.

Guo Y. H. ( 1992). The obsession with death and the persistence of life: Chinese folk funeral rites and the traditional view of life and death. BeiJing: China Renmin University Press.

[ 郭于华 . ( 1992). 死的困扰与生的执著: 中国民间丧葬仪礼与传统生死观. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.]

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He L.. ( 2015).

The bereavement experience of shidu parents (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). Beijing Normal University

[ 何丽 . ( 2015).

失独父母的哀伤经验 (博士学位论文): 北京师范大学.]

[本文引用: 1]

He L., Tang X-F., & Wang J-P . ( 2017).

Qualitative research on continuing bonds of the parents who lost their only child

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 25( 4), 697-703.


Objective: To explore Continuing Bonds of the parents who lost their only child("Shi du"parents in Chinese) in China. Methods: Eleven parents from Beijing who experienced the death of their only child participated the study.Data was collected through in-depth interview and objects collection, and analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis(IPA). Results: Continuing Bonds were classified into the following five aspects: seeing the deceased again; keeping the belongings of the deceased; mourning and memory; dreaming about the deceased child; internalized Continuing Bonds. Conclusion:"Shi du"parents still keep connection with their children after loss; Continuing Bonds of"Shi du"parents show universal and unique culture characteristics.

[ 何丽, 唐信峰, 王建平 . ( 2017).

生死相连: 失独父母持续性联结的质性研究

中国临床心理学杂志, 25( 4), 697-703.]


He L., Tang X-F., Zhu Z-Y., & Wang J-P . ( 2014).

Great pain: Qualitative research on grief reactions of the parents who lost their single child

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 22( 5), 792-798.


Objective: To explore grief reactions of the parents who lost their single child("Shidu"parents in Chinese)in China. Methods: Four parents from Beijing who experienced the death of their single child participated the study. Data was collected by deep interviews and objects collection, and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Grief reactions were separated into the following four aspects: 1Emotional reactions, including missing/yearning, loneliness, regret/guilt,helplessness/hopelessness, pity, fear of festival, empty, anxiety, shocked, and pain. 2Cognitive reactions, including disbelief, injustice, hallucinations, intrusive thoughts, rumination, self-deprecation, suicidal ideation. 3Behavioral reactions, including crying, social withdrawal, avoidance of reminders of the deceased, arrange and keep the belongings of the deceased.4Physical reactions, including fatigue, sleeping disturbance, dreams of the deceased. Conclusion:"Shidu"parents experienced great pain after loss;Grief reactions of"Shidu"parents showed universal and unique characteristics.

[ 何丽, 唐信峰, 朱志勇, 王建平 . ( 2014).

殇痛: 失独父母哀伤反应的质性研究

中国临床心理学杂志, 22( 5), 792-798.]

URL     [本文引用: 3]


Hibberd R., Elwood L. S., & Galovski T. E . ( 2010).

Risk and protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder, prolonged grief, and depression in survivors of the violent death of a loved one

Journal of Loss and Trauma, 15( 5), 426-447.

DOI:10.1080/15325024.2010.507660      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The violent death of a loved one leaves survivors at increased risk for a host of negative outcomes, including posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and intense or prolonged grief. In the wake of increased interest in the phenomenology and course of these responses, there has been a corresponding interest in identifying specific predictors of psychological outcomes among survivors. However, most reviewers have focused primarily on predictors located within the individual survivor, such as coping style and trauma history. Externally located variables are equally important in identifying individuals at risk but have been relatively neglected in the literature. We review the three best-studied external predictor variables: cause of death, relationship of the mourner to the deceased, and social support. For each of these variables, we critically examine studies investigating its relationship to outcomes of violent death survivorship, offer conclusions based on available data, and suggest future directions for research.

Hill M. N., Bierer L. M., Makotkine I., Golier J. A., Galea S., & Mcewen B. S., .. Yehuda R . ( 2013).

Reductions in circulating endocannabinoid levels in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder following exposure to the world trade center attacks

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38( 12), 2952-2961.

DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2013.08.004      URL     PMID:3870889      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Endocannabinoid (eCB) signaling has been identified as a modulator of adaptation to stress, and is integral to basal and stress-induced glucocorticoid regulation. Furthermore, interactions between eCBs and glucocorticoids have been shown to be necessary for the regulation of emotional memories, suggesting that eCB function may relate to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To examine this, plasma eCBs were measured in a sample (n = 46) drawn from a population-based cohort selected for physical proximity to the World Trade Center (WTC) at the time of the 9/11 attacks. Participants received a structured diagnostic interview and were grouped according to whether they met diagnostic criteria for PTSD (no PTSD, n = 22; lifetime diagnosis of PTSD = 24). eCB content (2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and anandamide (AEA)) and cortisol were measured from 8 a.m. plasma samples. Circulating 2-AG content was significantly reduced among individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The effect of reduced 2-AG content in PTSD remained significant after controlling for the stress of exposure to the WTC collapse, gender, depression and alcohol abuse. There were no significant group differences for AEA or cortisol levels; however, across the whole sample AEA levels positively correlated with circulating cortisol, and AEA levels exhibited a negative relationship with the degree of intrusive symptoms within the PTSD sample. This report shows that PTSD is associated with a reduction in circulating levels of the eCB 2-AG. Given the role of 2-AG in the regulation of the stress response, these data support the hypothesis that deficient eCB signaling may be a component of the glucocorticoid dysregulation associated with PTSD. The negative association between AEA levels and intrusive symptoms is consistent with animal data indicating that reductions in AEA promote retention of aversive emotional memories. Future work will aim to replicate these findings and extend their relevance to clinical pathophysiology, as well as to neuroendocrine and molecular markers of PTSD. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Lenferink L. I. M., Keijser J. D., Smid G. E., Djelantik A. A. A. M. J., & Boelen P. A . ( 2017).

Prolonged grief, depression, and posttraumatic stress in disaster-bereaved individuals: Latent class analysis

European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8( 1), 1-11.

DOI:10.1080/20008198.2017.1298311      URL     PMID:5399993      [本文引用: 1]

Background: Hundreds of individuals lost one or more significant others in the MH17 plane crash in 2014 in Ukraine. The current study is the first to explore subgroups of disaster-bereaved individuals based on presence of psychopathology clusters. This may inform the development of diagnostic instruments and tailored interventions. Objective: Aims of the current study were to examine (1) subgroups based on presence of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), major depressive disorder (MDD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters and (2) associations between class membership, disaster-related variables (i.e. experiencing multiple losses, conducting multiple burials for the same deceased, and time to confirmation of death), and a sense of unrealness. Method: Self-rated PGD (10 items of the Traumatic Grief Inventory represented in two symptom clusters), MDD (16-item Quick Inventory Of Depressive Symptomatology represented in one symptom cluster), and PTSD (20-item PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 represented in four symptom clusters) from 167 participants were subjected to latent class analysis to identify subgroups (i.e. classes). Correlates of class membership were assessed using the three-step approach. Results: A three-class solution yielded the best model fit. Class 1 (Resilient class; 20.0%) was predominantly characterized by low probability of PGD, MDD, and PTSD symptom clusters, class 2 (PGD class; 41.8%) by moderate to high probability of presence of PGD, and class 3 (Combined class; 38.2%) by moderate to high probability of presence of PGD, MDD, and PTSD symptom clusters. Compared with the Resilient class, a sense of unrealness was more likely to be experienced by individuals in the PGD class and the Combined class. Conclusions: Our results indicate that subgroups of disaster-bereaved individuals can be distinguished based on the presence of PGD, MDD, and PTSD symptom clusters. A sense of unrealness was the strongest distinguishing feature of the subgroups.

Lu X.J., Lu X.Y, &Tian G.S, . ( 2004).

The life and death of traditional Chinese culture

Seeker,( 6), 171-173.

[ 路晓军, 路小燕, 田根胜 . ( 2004).


求索,( 6), 171-173.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

人生活在群体之中 ,生与死自然都会引发人们共同的关怀。传统儒家文化“贵生、乐生、轻死” ,道家却以一个智者观察和审视人生 ,对生死关怀有两种不同的取向 :其一是“全生避死” ,其二是“生死如一”。佛教提倡轮回说 ,其影响有两点 :一是有效打破了传统文化中将人的生活限定在今世的生死观 ;二是通过因果报应 ,使每个人都需要对自己的行为负责 ,从而使世界人生具有了某种道德秩序和意义 ,因而也满足了人对意义的基本需要。

Ironson G., Kumar M., Debra G., Schneiderman N., Cruess D., Kelsch C. B., .. Baum A . ( 2014).

Posttraumatic stress symptoms, intrusive thoughts, and disruption are longitudinally related to elevated cortisol and catecholamines following a major hurricane

Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 19( 1), 24-52.

DOI:10.1111/jabr.12014      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 2]

This is the first study of a natural disaster (Hurricane Andrew) in which psychological and neuroendocrine data were collected 1–4 and 9–12 months afterward. Data were assessed using a community sample (N65=65111) of hurricane survivors. Elevated posttraumatic stress symptoms (intrusive and avoidant thoughts) and stress hormones that initially were twice normal control values decreased significantly over time and returned to levels of non-hurricane controls by the end of the year. In contrast to previous reports, suggesting low cortisol in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), our sample had elevated cortisol, perhaps due to the nature of the trauma (i.e., natural disaster vs. crime, rape or war), our timing, or getting samples a few months after the event. In addition, the decrease in stress hormones over the year (cortisol and epinephrine [E]) was related to a decrease in psychological symptoms of trauma. Cortisol and norepinephrine (NE) were both related to the hurricane experience as well (damage and rebuilding; damage and disruption). Gender differences showed women reported more distress, but men had higher NE and cortisol. Finally, cortisol correlated most consistently both cross sectionally and longitudinally with reported days ill.

Keeshin B. R., Strawn J. R., Out D., Granger D. A., & Putnam F. W . ( 2014).

Cortisol awakening response in adolescents with acute sexual abuse related posttraumatic stress disorder

Depression and Anxiety, 31( 2), 107-114.

DOI:10.1002/da.22154      URL     PMID:23893710      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Little is known regarding changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) of adolescent girls with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who have recently experienced sexual abuse. Therefore, in this pilot study, we utilized non-stressed home saliva collection three times a day for three days to assess the levels, diurnal variation and awakening response of cortisol in recently sexually abused adolescent girls.MethodsTwenty-four adolescent girls (mean age: 15 00± 1.5 years) with a history of recent sexual abuse (sexual abuse occurred 10900096 months prior to study enrollment) and 12 healthy, nontraumatized comparison subjects (mean age: 14.8 00± 1.3 years) collected saliva at home upon awakening, 30 min after waking, and in the late afternoon on three consecutive school days.ResultsAmong sexually abused girls, flattening of the morning cortisol awakening response was associated with PTSD severity (r = 090808.41, P &lt; .05) as well as intrusive symptoms (r = 090808.42, P &lt; .05). Increased adversity prior to sexual abuse was also associated with flattening of the cortisol awakening response (r = 090808.53, P &lt; .01).ConclusionsAttenuation of the cortisol awakening response in recently sexually abused girls suggests that alterations in HPA-axis functioning may occur relatively proximate to the traumatic event and correlate with symptom severity of PTSD, intrusive symptoms, and hyperarousal symptoms. These data raise the possibility that subacute alterations in the dynamic secretion of cortisol are directly related to the pathophysiology of sexual abuse-related PTSD symptoms in adolescent girls.

Kessler R. C., Chiu W. T., Demler O., Merikangas K. R., & Walters E. E . ( 2005).

Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of 12-month DSM-iv disorders in the national comorbidity survey replication

Archives of General Psychiatry, 62( 6), 617-627.

[本文引用: 1]

King D. W., Leskin G. A., King L. A., & Weathers F. W . ( 1998).

Confirmatory factor analysis of the clinician- administered PTSD Scale: Evidence for the dimensionality of posttraumatic stress disorder

Psychological Assessment, 10( 2), 90-96.

DOI:10.1037/1040-3590.10.2.90      URL    

ABSTRACT The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS; Blake et al., 1990) is a structured interview that assesses the 17 key symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD) as established in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM V; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). CAPS data from 524 treatment-seeking male military veterans were submitted to confirmatory factor analysis to test a series of nested models reflecting alternative representations of PTSD dimensionality: (a) a 4-factor, 1st-order solution; (b) a 2-factor, higher order solution; (c) a single-factor, higher order solution; and (d) a single-factor, 1st-order solution. The model of best fit was the 4-factor, 1st-order solution, containing moderately to highly correlated yet distinct 1st-order factors corresponding to the reexperiencing, effortful avoidance, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal aspects of PTSD. Implications for theory, assessment, and future research are presented in this article. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Kun P., Tong X., Liu Y., Pei X., & Luo H . ( 2013).

What are the determinants of post-traumatic stress disorder: Age, gender, ethnicity or other? Evidence from 2008 Wenchuan earthquake

Public Health, 127( 7), 644-652.

DOI:10.1016/j.puhe.2013.04.018      URL     PMID:23806187      [本文引用: 1]

To estimate the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and assess determinants related to PTSD symptoms among adult earthquake survivors after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China. Cross-sectional multicluster sample surveys with data collected from four counties. Surveys were conducted separately in four counties in Sichuan Province, with a total of 2004 respondents. Beichuan County and Dujiangyan City were damaged more severely than Yaan County and Langzhong County during the earthquake. In total, 1890 households were represented, with a mean of 2.2 respondents per household. Data were collected using structured interviews, and the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria were used to diagnose PTSD. The prevalence rates of suspected PTSD were 47.3% (n=436) in heavily damaged areas and 10.4% (n=93) in moderately damaged areas. The prevalence rates of PTSD symptoms among elderly, middle aged and young adults were 55.8%, 50.2% and 28.6% (P=0.001), respectively, in heavily damaged areas. Older age, female gender, unmarried/divorced/widowed, ethnic minority, death of family member, no household income and damaged household were independent risk factors for PTSD symptoms in heavily damaged areas. Interventions designed to reduce PTSD among populations affected by the 2008 earthquake should focus on people without household incomes, those with damaged households and those who experienced the death of a family member. Effective, sustainable and culturally sensitive psychosocial interventions and mental health services are required, and attention should be directed to survivors who experienced the death of a family member, women and older adults following the devastating natural disaster. Governments should support income-generating activities and improve living conditions. Trained field personnel can assist with PTSD assessments and referrals, and existing rural healthcare services can be used to provide treatment for common psychiatric disorders.

Lancaster S. L., Melka S. E., Rodriguez B. F., & Bryant A. R . ( 2014).

Ptsd symptom patterns following traumatic and nontraumatic events

Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma, 23( 4), 414-429.

DOI:10.1080/10926771.2014.893276      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study extends research examining posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following different types of potentially traumatic events. Specifically, the study examined and compared the symptom patterns observed in those who suffered a major accident, the unexpected death of a loved one, or sexual assault. Based on recent findings, this project also examines those who reported nontraumatic (but stressful) events, as well as comparing symptom patterns across gender. Findings suggest different types of traumas might be associated with differences in severity and patterns of symptoms for women (but not for men), suggesting symptom patterns manifest differently in men and women. Results also call into question the assumption that traumatic events demonstrate different symptom patterns than other types of events.

Laska K. M., Smith T. L., Wislocki A. P., Minami T., & Wampold B. E . ( 2013).

Uniformity of evidence-based treatments in practice? therapist effects in the delivery of cognitive processing therapy for PTSD

Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60( 1), 31-41.

DOI:10.1037/a0031294      URL     PMID:23356465      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Objective: Various factors contribute to the effective implementation of evidence-based treatments (EBTs). In this study, cognitive processing therapy (CPT) was administered in a Veterans Affairs (VA) posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specialty clinic in which training and supervision were provided following VA implementation guidelines. The aim was to (a).estimate the proportion of variability in outcome attributable to therapists and (b) identify characteristics of those therapists who produced better outcomes. Method: We used an archival database of veterans (n = 192) who completed 12 sessions of CPT by therapists (n = 25) who were trained by 2 nationally recognized trainers, 1 of whom also provided weekly group supervision. Multilevel modeling was used to estimate therapist effects, with therapists treated as,a random factor. The supervisor was asked to retrospectively rate each therapist in terms of perceived effectiveness based on supervision interactions. Using single case study design, the supervisor was interviewed to determine what criteria she used to rate the therapists and emerging themes were coded. Results: When initial level of severity on the PTSD Checklist (PCL; McDonald & Calhoun, 2010; Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1993) was taken into account, approximately 12% of the variability in the PCL at the end of treatment was due to therapists. The trainer, blind to the results, identified the following characteristics and actions of effective therapists: effectively addressing patient avoidance, language used in supervision, flexible interpersonal style, and ability to develop a strong therapeutic alliance. Conclusions: This study adds to the growing body of literature documenting the importance of the individual therapist as an important factor in the change process.

Lee Y-J., &Xiao Z.Y, . ( 1998).

Children’s support for elderly parents in urban and rural China: Results from a national survey

Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology, 13( 1), 39-62.

DOI:10.1023/A:1006591608724      URL     PMID:14617918     

This study examines the factors that determine adult children's financial support for elderly parents, using data from the China Survey on Support Systems for the Elderly conducted in 1992. The findings support the hypotheses of need-based transfers. In both urban and rural areas, children's financial transfers to their elderly parents are based on the parents' need, and familial support compensates for inequalities in elderly persons' access to public resources. The data also suggest that elderly support is an outcome of short- and long-term arrangements between generations. Elderly Chinese, especially those in urban areas, have short-term exchanges with their adult children, providing housing or other services and receiving financial support in return. Also, adult children's support for elderly parents may be a repayment of parental investment made in them earlier.

Lopez W.D., &Seng J.S, . ( 2014).

Posttraumatic stress disorder, smoking, and cortisol in a community sample of pregnant women

Addictive Behaviors, 39( 10), 1408-1413.

DOI:10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.04.027      URL     PMID:24926909      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

61Among women who smoke in pregnancy, those with PTSD have the highest cortisol levels.61This study shows additive effects of smoking and PTSD on pregnancy cortisol.61Research on PTSD somatic experience, smoking, and cortisol might inform intervention.61PTSD-specific smoking cessation strategies may help more pregnant women quit smoking.

Luo Y. F., Liu Y., Qin Y. X., Zhang X. J., Ma T. L., Wu W. B., Cao Z. H . ( 2017).

The atrophy and laterality of the hippocampal subfields in parents with or without posttraumatic stress disorder who lost their only child in china

Neurological Sciences, 38( 7), 1241-1247.

DOI:10.1007/s10072-017-2952-3      URL     PMID:28417215      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Investigating hippocampal subfields may provide new and important insights into the pathophysiology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, no study has examined the hippocampal subfield volume changes in parents with or without PTSD who had lost their only child and could no longer conceive in China. Fifty-seven parents with PTSD (PTSD+), 11 trauma-exposed parents without PTSD (PTSD-), and 39 non-traumatized controls were recruited to examine the hippocampal subfield volumes using magnetic resonance imaging. Correlations of the volumes with the time since trauma and Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) scores were investigated in the PTSD+ group. The volumes of the bilateral cornu ammonis (CA) 2-3, CA4-dentate gyrus (DG), and left subiculum were significantly smaller in the PTSD+ and PTSD- groups than in the controls, but there were no significant differences between the PTSD+ and PTSD- groups. Additionally, the left CA2-3 and CA4-DG volumes reduced more than those on the right side in the PTSD+ and PTSD- groups. The subfield volumes were not related to the time since trauma and the CAPS scores in the PTSD+ group. In conclusion, hippocampal subfield volumes decreased in parents who lost their only child with or without PTSD, and the volumetric reduction may be independent of PTSD and trauma-related. Moreover, the hippocampal volume deficits showed laterality that the left side was affected more than the right, and the hippocampal subfields may show differential vulnerabilities to trauma/PTSD, with the CA2-3 and CA4-DG subfields more sensitive than others.

Ma. Y . ( 2014).

The compensation of right restrictions: Legal protection mechanism of loss-of-single-child families

Journal of Shandong University, 5( 3), 42-51.


The loss-of-single-child families in China have reached millions,and the trend still keeps upward.Being unattended in life,losing the economical support and mental pain are the difficulties that loss-of-single-child families have to face,meanwhile the legal protection of loss-of-single-child families is almost blank.Because of the theoretical and legislative limitations,it is not realistic for state compensation now,but as the price of the restrictions of the reproductive rights,it is the basic responsibility of government to make this up.Taking the social compensation fee as the major source of funding for compensation for the loss of the loss-of-single-child families,defining the administrative institution of loss-of-single-child families clearly,establishing special nursing homes for loss-of-single-child families,and revising relevant laws and regulations are the urgent things to do.

[ 马一 . (2014).


山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 5( 3), 42-51.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Mitchell A.M., &Terhorst , L. ( 2017).

PTSD symptoms in survivors bereaved by the suicide of a significant other

Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 23( 1), 61-65.

DOI:10.1177/1078390316673716      URL     PMID:27742751      [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: Although bereavement is not usually considered the type of stressor associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a risk factor often associated with poorer bereavement outcomes is when a death is sudden and unexpected. AIMS: The purpose of this exploratory study is to describe PTSD symptoms in survivors bereaved by the suicide of a significant other. The relationship of PTSD to mental health and grief were explored, as well as gender differences in PTSD symptoms. METHOD: To measure PTSD symptoms, the 15-item Impact of Event Scale (IES) was used. RESULTS: The IES intrusion and avoidance subscales were significantly correlated with the mental health subscale of the MOS SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study-Short Form 36), indicating that lower mental health scores were associated with higher PTSD symptoms. Those survivors scoring higher than 25 on the Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG) had significantly higher scores on both the intrusion and avoidance subscales of the IES compared with those scoring lower than 25 on the ICG. Females reported significantly higher intrusion symptoms and total stress than males. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a death by suicide may lead to the development of PTSD symptoms, at least in some individuals, and is associated with lower mental health quality of life and complicated grief responses.The Author(s) 2016.

Mu G.Z . ( 2013).

One-child family is essentially a risky family

Population Research, 28( 1), 33-37.

[ 穆光宗 . ( 2014).


人口研究, 28( 1), 33-37.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6087.2004.01.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]


National Health and Family Planning Commission. ( 2014). China family development report in 2014. Beijing: Chinese People's Publishing House.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 国家卫生和计划生育委员会. (2014). 中国家庭发展报告2014. 北京: 中国人口出版社.]

[本文引用: 1]

Norberg A. L., Pöder U., Ljungman G., & von Essen L . ( 2012).

Objective and subjective factors as predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms in parents of children with cancer - A longitudinal study

Plos One, 7( 5), e36218.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0036218      URL     PMID:3342166      [本文引用: 1]

Parents of children with cancer report post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) years after the child's successful treatment is completed. The aim of the present study was to analyze a number of objective and subjective childhood cancer-related factors as predictors of parental PTSS. Data were collected from 224 parents during and after their child's cancer treatment. Data sources include self-report questionnaires and medical records. In a multivariate hierarchical model death of the child, parent's perception of child psychological distress and total symptom burden predicted higher levels of PTSS. In addition, immigrants and unemployed parents reported higher levels of PTSS. The following factors did not predict PTSS: parent gender, family income, previous trauma, child's prognosis, treatment intensity, non-fatal relapse, and parent's satisfaction with the child's care. Although medical complications can be temporarily stressful, a parent's perception of the child's distress is a more powerful predictor of parental PTSS. The vulnerability of unemployed parents and immigrants should be acknowledged. In addition, findings highlight that the death of a child is as traumatic as could be expected.

Peng, S. M . ( 2013).

The significance and possibility of social work lost

Chinese Journal of Social Work,( 4), 1-1.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 彭善民 . ( 2013).


中国社会工作,( 4), 1-1.]

URL     [本文引用: 2]


Pietrzak R. H., Feder A., Schechter C. B., Singh R., Cancelmo L., Bromet E. J... Southwick S. M . ( 2014).

Dimensional structure and course of post-traumatic stress symptomatology in world trade center responders

Psychological Medicine, 44( 10), 2085-2098.

DOI:10.1017/S0033291713002924      URL     PMID:24289878      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in response to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster of 11 September 2001 (9/11) is one of the most prevalent and persistent health conditions among both professional (e.g. police) and non-traditional (e.g. construction worker) WTC responders, even several years after 9/11. However, little is known about the dimensionality and natural course of WTC-related PTSD symptomatology in these populations. Data were analysed from 10 835 WTC responders, including 4035 police and 6800 non-traditional responders who were evaluated as part of the WTC Health Program, a clinic network in the New York area established by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were used to evaluate structural models of PTSD symptom dimensionality; and autoregressive cross-lagged (ARCL) panel regressions were used to examine the prospective interrelationships among PTSD symptom clusters at 3, 6 and 8 years after 9/11. CFAs suggested that five stable symptom clusters best represent PTSD symptom dimensionality in both police and non-traditional WTC responders. This five-factor model was also invariant over time with respect to factor loadings and structural parameters, thereby demonstrating its longitudinal stability. ARCL panel regression analyses revealed that hyperarousal symptoms had a prominent role in predicting other symptom clusters of PTSD, with anxious arousal symptoms primarily driving re-experiencing symptoms, and dysphoric arousal symptoms primarily driving emotional numbing symptoms over time. Results of this study suggest that disaster-related PTSD symptomatology in WTC responders is best represented by five symptom dimensions. Anxious arousal symptoms, which are characterized by hypervigilance and exaggerated startle, may primarily drive re-experiencing symptoms, while dysphoric arousal symptoms, which are characterized by sleep disturbance, irritability/anger and concentration difficulties, may primarily drive emotional numbing symptoms over time. These results underscore the importance of assessment, monitoring and early intervention of hyperarousal symptoms in WTC and other disaster responders.

Pietrzak R. H., Tsai J., Armour C., Mota N., Harpaz-Rotem I., & Southwick S. M . ( 2015).

Functional significance of a novel 7-factor model of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study

Journal of Affective Disorders, 174, 522-526.

DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2014.12.007      URL     PMID:25556669      [本文引用: 1]

While posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in the recently published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) are clustered into four factors, emerging confirmatory factor analytic studies suggest that this disorder is best characterized by seven symptom clusters, including re-experiencing, avoidance, negative affect, anhedonia, externalizing behaviors, and anxious and dysphoric arousal symptoms. To date, however, data are lacking regarding the relation between this novel model of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms and measures of clinical significance in this population (e.g., functioning). Using data from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study (NHRVS), a contemporary, nationally representative sample of 1484 U.S. veterans, we evaluated clinical and functional correlates of a novel 7-factor model of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms. Differential patterns of associations were observed between DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters, and psychiatric comorbidities, suicidal ideation, hostility, and functioning and quality of life. Anhedonia symptoms, in particular, were strongly related to current depression, as well as reduced mental functioning and quality of life. Externalizing behaviors were most strongly related to hostility, supporting the convergent validity of this construct. Cross-sectional design and employment of self-report measures. These results suggest that a more refined 7-factor model of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms may provide greater specificity in understanding associations with comorbid psychopathology, suicidal ideation, and functioning and quality of life in U.S. veterans. They further suggest that prevention and treatment efforts that target distinct aspects of the PTSD phenotype may be more effective in mitigating key clinical and functional outcomes in this population.

Pietrzak R. H., Van Ness P. H., Fried T. R., Galea S., & Norris F . ( 2012).

Diagnostic utility and factor structure of the PTSD checklist in older adults

International Psychogeriatrics, 24( 10), 1684-1696.

DOI:10.1017/S1041610212000853      URL     PMID:22647669      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Background:Little research has examined the diagnostic utility and factor structure of commonly used posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) assessment instruments in older persons. Methods:A total of 206 adults aged 60 or older (mean age = 69 years; range = 60–92), who resided in the Galveston Bay area when Hurricane Ike struck in September 2008, completed a computer-assisted telephone interview two–five months after this disaster. Using the PTSD Checklist (PCL), PTSD symptoms were assessed related both to this disaster and to participants’ worst lifetime traumatic event. Total PCL scores were compared to PCL-based,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV)-derived probable diagnoses of PTSD to determine optimal cut scores. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were conducted to evaluate PTSD symptom structure. Results:Receiver operating characteristic analyses indicated that a PCL score of 39 achieved optimal sensitivity and specificity in assessing a PCL-based, algorithm-derived DSM-IV diagnosis of worst event-related PTSD; and that a score of 37 optimally assessed probable Ike-related PTSD. CFAs revealed that a recently proposed five-factor model – comprised of re-experiencing, avoidance, numbing, dysphoric arousal, and anxious arousal factors – provided a better fitting representation of both worst event- and disaster-related PTSD symptoms than alternative models. Current Ike-related anxious arousal symptoms demonstrated a significantly stronger association with current generalized anxiety than depressive symptoms, thereby supporting the construct validity of this five-factor model of PTSD symptomatology. Conclusions:A PCL score of 37 to 39 may help identify probable PTSD in older persons. The expression of PTSD symptoms in older adults may be best characterized by a recently proposed five-factor model with distinct dysphoric arousal and anxious arousal clusters.

Podsakoff P. M., Mackenzie S. B., Lee J-Y., & Podsakoff N. P . ( 2003).

Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies

Journal of Applied Psychology, 88( 5), 879-903.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.88.5.879      URL     PMID:1451625114516251      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.

Raftery A.E . ( 1995).

Bayesian model selection in social research

Sociological Methodology, 25( 25), 111-163.

DOI:10.2307/271063      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is argued that P-values and the tests based upon them give unsatisfactory results, especially in large samples. It is shown that, in regression, when there are many candidate independent variables, standard variable selection procedures can give very misleading results. Also, by selecting a single model, they ignore model uncertainty and so underestimate the uncertainty about quantities of interest. The Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing, model selection, and accounting for model uncertainty is presented. Implementing this is straightforward through the use of the simple and accurate BIC approximation, and it can be done using the output from standard software. Specific results are presented for most of the types of model commonly used in sociology. It is shown that this approach overcomes the difficulties with P-values and standard model selection procedures based on them. It also allows easy comparison of nonnested models, and permits the quantification of the evidence for a null hypothesis of interest, such as a convergence theory or a hypothesis about societal norms.

RubinS. S . ( 1999).

The two-track model of bereavement: Overview, retrospect, and prospect

Death Studies, 23( 8), 671-681.

DOI:10.1080/074811899200731      URL     PMID:10848088      [本文引用: 1]

Sustaining meaning in life, maintaining emotional well-being, and balancing attachments to the living and the deceased are features associated with the psychological (and often private) impact of loss. In the Two-Track Model of Bereavement, the loss process is conceptualized along two distinct but interactive axes that attend to these overt and covert aspects of the response to loss. Whereas Track I is concerned with biopsychosocial functioning in the wake of loss, it is Track II that focuses on the bereaved's ongoing emotional attachment and relationship to the deceased. The contributions of the model to theory and research can serve to clarify our thinking about bereavement as a process resonating throughout one's life. Initially, research and clinical findings from bereaved parents are presented to illustrate the Two-Track Model and its contribution to the deepening of our understanding of loss throughout the life cycle. The contributions of the model to clinical practice are then considered for their ability to clarify our thinking and interventions. Two clinical cases illustrate situations where a predominant focus is on one or the other of these tracks. Ultimately, the Two-Track Model of Bereavement's use extends to the organization and clarification of theory, research, and clinical work.

Satorra A. &Bentler P.M, . ( 2001).

A scaled difference chi-square test statistic for moment structure analysis

Psychometrika, 66( 4), 507-514.

DOI:10.1007/BF02296192      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

<a name="Abs1"></a>A family of scaling corrections aimed to improve the chi-square approximation of goodness-of-fit test statistics in small samples, large models, and nonnormal data was proposed in Satorra and Bentler (1994). For structural equations models, Satorra-Bentler's (SB) scaling corrections are available in standard computer software. Often, however, the interest is not on the overall fit of a model, but on a test of the restrictions that a null model say<i>M</i> <sub>0</sub> implies on a less restricted one<i>M</i> <sub>1</sub>. If<i>T</i> <sub>0</sub> and<i>T</i> <sub>1</sub> denote the goodness-of-fit test statistics associated to<i>M</i> <sub>0</sub> and<i>M</i> <sub>1</sub>, respectively, then typically the difference<i>T</i> <sub> <i>d</i> </sub>=<i>T</i> <sub>0</sub>&#8722;<i>T</i> <sub>1</sub> is used as a chi-square test statistic with degrees of freedom equal to the difference on the number of independent parameters estimated under the models<i>M</i> <sub>0</sub> and<i>M</i> <sub>1</sub>. As in the case of the goodness-of-fit test, it is of interest to scale the statistic<i>T</i> <sub> <i>d</i> </sub> in order to improve its chi-square approximation in realistic, that is, nonasymptotic and nonormal, applications. In a recent paper, Satorra (2000) shows that the difference between two SB scaled test statistics for overall model fit does not yield the correct SB scaled difference test statistic. Satorra developed an expression that permits scaling the difference test statistic, but his formula has some practical limitations, since it requires heavy computations that are not available in standard computer software. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an easy way to compute the scaled difference chi-square statistic from the scaled goodness-of-fit test statistics of models<i>M</i> <sub>0</sub> and<i>M</i> <sub>1</sub>. A Monte Carlo study is provided to illustrate the performance of the competing statistics.

Schwarz G. ( 1978).

Estimating the dimension of a model

Annals of Statistics, 6( 2), 15-18.

[本文引用: 1]

Seino K., Takano T., Mashal T., Hemat S., & Nakamura K . ( 2008).

Prevalence of and factors influencing posttraumatic stress disorder among mothers of children under five in Kabul, Afghanistan, after decades of armed conflicts

Health & Quality of Life Outcomes, 6, 29.

DOI:10.1186/1477-7525-6-29      URL     PMID:2374772      [本文引用: 1]

pAbstract/p pBackground/p pIn the period following wars and other forms of armed conflict, health and quality of life of mothers is a major concern as they have the closest contact with children. The present study was performed to examine the impact of exposure to events related to armed conflicts on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women raising children, and to identify factors that alleviate the negative consequences of exposure to traumatic events./p pMethods/p pA structured interview survey was conducted in Kabul Province, Afghanistan, in 2006. The subjects were the mothers of children less than 5 years old randomly selected from 1400 households in Kabul Province, Afghanistan. Symptoms of PTSD were assessed according to the criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). Exposure to traumatic events related to armed conflict, experience of hardship with regard to basic needs, resources that the subjects seek for mental health support, and socioeconomic variables were evaluated. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the association between PTSD symptoms and predictor variables./p pResults/p pThe prevalence rate of PTSD among 1172 women participated in this study was 29.8%. The most prevalent symptom was arousal (74.8%), followed by re-experiencing (54.9%) and avoidance (33.7%). The prevalence rate of PTSD symptoms among subjects who reported having experienced at least one event related to armed conflict (52.7%) was significantly higher than that among those who reported no such experiences (9.6%). Experience of food shortage was independently associated with PTSD. Seeking support for mental health was related to lower prevalence of PTSD symptoms among those who reported no direct experience of events related to armed conflict. However, no such relationship was observed with PTSD symptoms among those who reported having direct experience of events related to armed conflict./p pConclusion/p pDirect exposure to traumatic events was significantly associated with PTSD symptoms among women raising children. For those who had experienced armed conflict-related events, food security mitigated the occurrence of PTSD symptoms; however, support seeking behavior did not show a significant mitigating influence on PTSD. Means to alleviate the negative influence of exposure to armed conflicts on the quality of life of women should be developed from the viewpoint of quality of mental health support and avoidance of material hardship./p

Shevlin M., Mcbride O., Armour C., & Adamson G . ( 2009).

Reconciling the differences between the king et al. (1998) and simms et al. (2002) factor models of PTSD

Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23( 7), 995-1001.

DOI:10.1016/j.janxdis.2009.07.001      URL     PMID:19632810      [本文引用: 2]

Much of the debate surrounding the dimensionality of PTSD relates to three specific Hyperarousal symptoms (D1–D3) and whether they are appropriate indicators of one of two broad constructs that constitute PTSD: Dysphoria or Hyperarousal. This study addressed this issue by testing a series of confirmatory factor models to determine which factor, or factors, these symptoms measured the strongest. Data from individuals who satisfied the conditions for Criterion A of the diagnostic criteria for a DSM-IV diagnosis of PTSD ( n = 12,467) in the 2004–2005 NESARC were used in the analysis. The results revealed that the D1–D3 symptoms were not clear indicators of either factor, but measured both Dysphoria and Hyperarousal. Two symptoms, however, loaded more highly on the Dysphoria, rather than Hyperarousal, factor. The present findings lend support to the factor model proposed by Simms et al. [Simms, L. J., Watson, D., & Doebbeling, B. N. (2002). Confirmatory factor analyses of posttraumatic stress symptoms in deployed and non-deployed veterans of the Gulf War. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111, 637–647] but also question the use of symptoms that are not unique indicators of specific factors.

Simms L. J., Watson D., & Doebbelling B. N . ( 2002).

Confirmatory factor analyses of posttraumatic stress symptoms in deployed and nondeployed veterans of the Gulf War

Journal of abnormal psychology, 111( 4), 637-647.

DOI:10.1037/0021-843X.111.4.637      URL     PMID:12428777      [本文引用: 4]

Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare 6 models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, ranging from 1 to 4 factors, in a sample of 3,695 deployed Gulf War veterans (N = 1,896) and nondeployed controls (N = 1,799). The 4 correlated factors-intrusions, avoidance, hyperarousal, and dysphoria-provided the best fit. The dysphoria factor combined traditional markers of numbing and hyperarousal. Model superiority was cross-validated in multiple subsamples, including a subset of deployed participants who were exposed to traumatic combat stressors. Moreover, convergent and discriminant validity correlations suggested that intrusions may be relatively specific to PTSD, whereas dysphoria may represent a nonspecific component of many disorders. Results are discussed in the context of hierarchical models of anxiety and depression.

van Denderen M., de Keijser J., Huisman M., & Boelen P. A . ( 2016).

Prevalence and correlates of self-rated posttraumatic stress disorder and complicated grief in a community-based sample of homicidally bereaved individuals

Journal of interpersonal violence, 31( 2), 207-227.

DOI:10.1177/0886260514555368      URL     PMID:25389188     

Abstract People confronted with homicidal loss have to cope with separation distress, related to their loss, and traumatic distress, associated with the circumstances surrounding the death. These reactions are related to complicated grief (CG) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The psychological effects for people who have lost someone through homicide, in terms of PTSD and CG, are largely unclear. This cross-sectional study (a) examined the prevalence of self-rated PTSD and self-rated CG in a community-based sample of 312 spouses, family members, and friends of homicide victims and (b) aimed to identify socio-demographic, loss-related, and perpetrator-related correlates of PTSD and CG. Participants were recruited via support organizations for homicidally bereaved individuals in the Netherlands (i.e., support group), and by casemanagers of a governmental organization, which offers practical, non-psychological, support to bereaved families (i.e., casemanager group). Prevalence of self-rated PTSD was 30.9% (support group) and 37.5% (casemanager group), prevalence of CG was 82.7% (support group) and 80.6% (casemanager group). PTSD and CG severity scores varied as a function of the relationship with the victim; parents were at greater risk to develop emotional problems, compared with other relatives of the victim. Time since loss was negatively associated with PTSD and CG scores. The Author(s) 2014.

Wang G.Z . ( 2013).

Only-child-death” family and its developing trends under the current family planning policy

Chinese Journal of Population Science, ( 1), 57-65.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 王广州 . ( 2013).


中国人口科学, ( 1), 57-65.]

[本文引用: 2]

Wang L., Cao C., Wang R., Qing Y., Zhang J., & Zhang X. Y . ( 2013).

Pac1 receptor (adcyap1r1) genotype is associated with PTSD's emotional numbing symptoms in Chinese earthquake survivors

Journal of Affective Disorders, 150( 1), 156-159.

DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2013.01.010      URL     PMID:23394710      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Genetic factors are important in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following exposure to traumatic events. However, the molecular genetic underpinnings of this disorder remain largely unresolved. The present study investigated the association between ADCYAP1R1 rs2267735 genotype and PTSD symptoms in a highly traumatized sample of Chinese adults. Participants included 326 victims who experienced 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and lost their children during the disaster. PTSD symptoms were assessed with the PTSD Checklist (PCL). The ADCYAP1R1 rs2267735 SNP was genotyped with the Sequenom iPlex chemistries and the MassARRAY system. The results indicated that although the rs2267735 ‘CC’ genotype was not associated with total PTSD symptoms, it could significantly predict severity of PTSD's emotional numbing symptoms in women. A relatively small sample exposed to specific traumatic events was used, and PTSD was assessed using a self-reported instrument. The findings suggest that the PACAP–PAC1 receptor pathway may play an important role in female human responses to traumatic stress, and carry implications for better understanding and treating of posttraumatic psychopathology.

Wang L., Long D., Li Z., & Armour C . ( 2011).

Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom structure in Chinese adolescents exposed to a deadly earthquake

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39( 5), 749-758.

DOI:10.1007/s10802-011-9508-4      URL     PMID:21484333      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract) and the four-factor dysphoria model Simms et al. (Journal of Abnormal Psychology 111:637鈥647, ). Further examination of the external convergent and discriminant validity revealed that except for the dysphoric arousal factor, the remaining four PTSD factors yielded significantly different correlations with external measures of anxiety vs. depression. The findings add to the limited literature on the factor structure of PTSD in youths and on the five-factor PTSD model. In addition, they provide more detail into the latent psychopathological processes of PTSD, and inform the forthcoming DSM-5.

Wang Q., Gao J., & Yang Y-P . ( 2015).

The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the classification of PTSD symptoms among Chinese HIV-positive people

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23( 3), 482-486.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

Objective:This research aimed to explore the prevalence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) and its symptoms classification among Chinese HIV-positive patients.Methods:Ninety-one(sample 1) and 366 HIV-positive patients(sample 2) completed the Traumatic Events Questionnaire and PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version(PCL-C).The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV AXIS I Disorders(SCID-I) was conducted in sample 1.In sample 2,confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test three competitive models.Results:1The optimal cut-off point of PCL-C for PTSD in HIV sample was 44,with the sensitivity of 0.842,the specificity of 0.906 and the diagnostic efficiency of 0.94.The prevalence of PTSD was 41.80%.2The inter-correlated four-factor model was the best fit for the data.Conclusion:The prevalence of PTSD in HIV-positive people was rather high and the PTSD symptoms classification was best described by the four-factor model,indicating a fairly good cross-sample validation of this model.

[ 王倩, 高隽, 杨蕴萍 . ( 2015).


中国临床心理学杂志, 23( 3), 482-486.]

DOI:10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2015.03.022      URL    


Watson D. ( 2009).

Differentiating the mood and anxiety disorders: A quadripartite model

Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 221-247.

DOI:10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.032408.153510      URL     PMID:19327030      [本文引用: 1]

Recent work has focused on explicating the relations among the current mood and anxiety disorders. This research has yielded some important findings (e.g., the very strong link between generalized anxiety disorder and the unipolar mood disorders). I discuss problems associated with disorder-based analyses, however, and I argue that they need to be supplemented by examining relations among the specific symptom dimensions within these diagnostic classes. I demonstrate that two quantitative elements need to be considered when analyzing the properties of symptoms-the level of specificity and the magnitude of the general distress variance. These quantitative elements can be used to organize relevant symptoms into four groups (i.e., a quadripartite model) that reflect varying combinations of distress and specificity I illustrate the value of this approach by reviewing the properties of the major symptom dimensions within posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and major depression.

Weathers F. ( 1993).

The PTSD checklist (PCL): Reliability, validity, and diagnostic utility

The manual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 167( 12), 1-3.

[本文引用: 1]

Wolf J., Joksimovic L., & Rohleder N . ( 2017).

Determinants of altered intracellular endocrine immune interplay in Bosnian war refugees suffering from PTSD

Sychoneuroendocrinology, 83( 2017), 86-87.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2016.04.005      URL     PMID:27086273     

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been repeatedly linked to changes in glucocorticoid (GC) sensitivity. To increase our understanding of this phenomenon and its potential relevance for PTSD development and treatment, the current study investigates the interplay between two key moderators, glucocorticoid receptor (GRα) and GR co-chaperone FKBP5, and their relation to GC sensitivity. A GC sensitivity assay was performed in 52 Bosnian war refugees (19m; 40.8±8.7 years) clinically diagnosed with PTSD to divide the patient group into a high (HS) and a low (LS) GC sensitivity group. Expression of GRα and FKBP5 mRNA was quantified by real-time RT-PCR. Links between gene expression and GC sensitivity were driven by the HS group of PTSD patients, which also showed increased expression of GRα but not FKBP5 compared to the LS group. Further, expressions of FKBP5 and GRα were strongly correlated in the HS patient group, while this association was missing in the LS PTSD group. Our findings suggest that PTSD phenotypes may be characterized by differences in intracellular signaling transduction processes. The associations of expression of GRα and FKBP5 in the high-sensitive PTSD subgroup may thereby reflect physiological adaptation to preserve immune-relevant GC signaling. Further research is needed to understand the role and consequences of GRα-FKBP5 dissociation in low GC sensitivity PTSD patients.

Wu Y., Chen X-J., & Zheng X-F . ( 2011).

Post-traumatic stress symptoms, mental health and correlates among women after wenchuan earthquake

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19( 1), 92-95.

DOI:10.1007/s10008-010-1224-4      URL    

Objective:To explore the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD),the mental health problem,and the correlates of them in women who were exposed to Wenchuan earthquake.Methods:The PTSD Check List-Civilian Version(PCL-C),Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS) and General Health Questionnaire(GHQ-28) were used to investigate 99 women who were exposed to Wenchuan earthquake(47 experienced bereavements in earthquake,52 did not experienced bereavements).Results:①There were significant differences of the detectable rates of PTSD and mental health problem between the women who experienced bereavements and did not.②There was a significant positive correlation between PCL-C and the GHQ-28 overall score and every dimension.③There was a significant main effect of bereavement status on overall score and every dimensions of post-traumatic stress disorder.④Social support was a protective factor for PTSD symptoms and mental health problems in women who exposed to Wenchuan Earthquake,and the bereavement was a risk factor.

Xia L. X., Ding C., Hollon S. D., & Yi Y . ( 2015).

Interpersonal self-support, venting coping and post - traumatic stress disorder symptoms among adolescent earthquake survivors

Current Psychology, 34( 1), 14-25.

DOI:10.1007/s12144-014-9237-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Interpersonal self-support is a personality factor that is believed in China to protect against distress. This study explored the relation among interpersonal self-support, venting coping, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in a sample of 311 15 to 1602year-olds students 1802months after the Wenchuan earthquake using the Interpersonal Self-Support Scale for Adolescent Students (ISSS-AS), the Coping Style Scale of Middle School Students (CSSMSS), and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R). As expected, a moderation model was not supported and venting coping mediated the effect of low interpersonal responsibility ( b 65=65610.11, p 65<650.001) and low interpersonal openness ( b 65=65610.08, p 65<650.001) on PTSD symptoms. Interpersonal independence was inversely related to PTSD symptoms. Overall, the current findings supported the venting coping mediation model with regard to the relationship between interpersonal self-support traits and PTSD symptoms, and have contributed to current knowledge with respect to the relation of personality, venting coping and PTSD symptoms.

[ 吴垠, 陈雪军, 郑希付 . ( 2011).

汶川地震极重灾区妇女创伤后应激症状, 心理健康及其影响因素

中国临床心理学杂志, 19( 1), 92-95.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Xu, X. J., &Liu , B. Q . ( 2017).

Post-traumatic stress disorder and recovery of only-child loser

Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences), 70( 2), 122-128.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 徐晓军, 刘炳琴 . ( 2017).


武汉大学学报(人文科学版), 70( 2), 122-128.]

DOI:10.14086/j.cnki.wujhs.2017.02.014      URL    


Xu X-D., Lv-S. Y., Zhang L., Li Y-E., Chen L., Tu-Er-Xun M., .. A-Bu-Du-Ke-Li-Mu M . ( 2014).

Related factors to post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder in community residents after a sudden mass incident

Chinese Mental Health Journal, 28( 4), 241-247.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 徐向东, 吕淑云, 张莉, 李月娥, 陈亮, 买买提热夏提·吐尔逊... 买力开木·阿布都克里木 . ( 2014).


中国心理卫生杂志, 28( 4), 241-247.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6729.2014.04.001      URL    

目的:探讨突发群体事件后社区居民创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和抑郁症发病的相关因素.方法:乌鲁木齐市 某突发群体事件后2个月,对事发地之一沿街社区年龄≥15岁的居民931人进行调查.由精神科医生以美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版修订版(DSM-Ⅳ -TR)轴Ⅰ障碍临床定式检查患者版进行检查,使用DSM-Ⅳ对各类精神障碍进行诊断,计算PTSD和抑郁症的检出率.用创伤后应激障碍筛查表 (PTSD7)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和应付方式问卷(CSQ)评估应激症状和人格及应付方式,分析PTSD和抑郁症发病的相关因素.结果:PTSD 检出率为13.5%,抑郁症为8.7%,排在所有精神障碍检出率的前两位.将931人按诊断结果分4组,即无病组(n =705)、PTSD组(n=72)、抑郁症组(n=28)和PTSD抑郁症共病组(n=53).无病组EPQ神经质得分小于其他3组 [(5.8±4.8) vs.(10.6±5.1),(10.9±4.9),(14.0±5.2)],PTSD组和抑郁症组小于共病组(均P<0.01).无病组的CSQ退避、 幻想、自责、合理化4个因子得分均低于其他3组,共病组的自责因子得分高于其他3组,无病组和抑郁症组的求助因子得分高于共病组.Logistic回归分 析显示,年龄大、事发时暴露程度高,神经质、掩饰性和自责得分高者更容易出现PTSD(OR=1.03 ~ 3.95)和抑郁症(OR=1.04 ~4.33).结论:突发群体事件后社区居民PTSD和抑郁症检出率较高,心理创伤后PTSD和抑郁症发病的危险因素有年龄大、事发时暴露程度高,以及较 高水平的神经质、掩饰性和自责.

Xu Y., Herrman H., Bentley R., Tsutsumi A., & Fisher J . ( 2014).

Effect of having a subsequent child on the mental health of women who lost a child in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake: A cross-sectional study

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92( 5), 348-355.

DOI:10.2471/BLT.13.124677      URL     PMID:24839324      [本文引用: 1]

To assess whether having a subsequent child had an effect on the mental health of Chinese mothers who lost a child during an earthquake.A cross-sectional survey of bereaved mothers was conducted 30 to 34 months after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake using individual structured interviews to assess sociodemographic characteristics, post-disaster experiences and mental health. The interviews incorporated standardized psychometric measures of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complicated grief (CG). Social support was also assessed. An adjusted model taking potential confounders into account was used to explore any association between psychological symptoms and the birth of a subsequent child.The prevalence of psychological symptoms was higher in mothers who did not have a child after losing the first one. In an adjusted model, symptoms of anxiety (odds ratio, OR: 3.37; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.51-7.50), depression (OR: 9.47; 95% CI: 2.58-34.80), PTSD (OR: 5.11; 95% CI: 2.31-11.34) and CG (OR: 10.73; 95% CI: 1.88-61.39) were significantly higher among the 116 women without a subsequent child than among the 110 mothers who had another child after bereavement. More than two thirds of the mothers with new infants had clinically important psychological symptoms.Women who have lost an only child in a natural disaster are especially vulnerable to long-term psychological problems, especially if they have reached an age when conception is difficult. Research should focus on developing and evaluating interventions designed to provide women with psychosocial support and reproductive services.

Yang X. Y., Yang H. A., Liu Q. G.,& Yang L. Z . ( 2007).

The research on the reliability and validity of pcl-c and influence factors

China Journal of Health Psychology, 15( 1), 6-9.

[ 杨晓云, 杨宏爱, 刘启贵, 杨丽珠 . ( 2007).


中国健康心理学杂志, 15( 1), 6-9.]

Yang Y., Wei G-Y., & Yang Y-P . ( 2015).

Content analysis of post-traumatic stress disorder in 2004-2014

Chinese Mental Health Journal, 30( 9), 689-693.

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[ 杨燕, 韦国永, 黄永偶 . ( 2016).


中国心理卫生杂志, 30( 9), 689-693.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6729.2016.09.010      URL    


Yang Y.T . ( 2015).

Autobiographical memory of shidu parents and the relationship between autobiographical memory and prolonged grief (Unpublished master’s thesis)

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失独父母自传体记忆与延长哀伤的关系研究 (硕士学位论文)


Yufik T. &Simms L.J, . ( 2010).

A meta-analytic investigation of the structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119( 4), 764-776.

DOI:10.1037/a0020981      URL     PMID:21090877      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Converging lines of evidence have called into question the validity of conceptualizations of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) and suggested alternative structural models of PTSD symptomatology. We conducted a meta-analysis of 40 PTSD studies (N = 14,827 participants across studies) that used a DSM-based measure to assess PTSD severity. We aggregated correlation matrices across studies and then applied confirmatory factor analysis to the aggregated matrices to test the fit of competing models of PTSD symptomatology that have gained support in the literature. Results indicated that both prominent 4-factor models of PTSD symptomatology yielded good model fit across subsamples of studies; however, the model comprising Intrusions, Avoidance, Hyperarousal, and Dysphoria factors appeared to fit better across studies. Results also indicated that the best fitting models were not moderated by measure or sample type. Results are discussed in the context of structural models of PTSD and implications for the diagnostic nosology. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved

Zhang Y.Q., &Ho , S. M. Y . ( 2011).

Risk factors of posttraumatic stress disorder among survivors after the 512 wenchuan earthquake in china

Plos One, 6( 7), e22371.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0022371      URL     PMID:3143136      [本文引用: 1]

This study investigated the psychological reactions of survivors of the 512 Wenchuan earthquake in China and the risk factors associated with those reactions. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), Type D Scale-14 (DS14), a self-developed trauma experience questionniare, and a demographic questionnaire were administered to 956 earthquake survivors (389 males and 567 females) in Mianzhu, one of the cities most affected by the earthquake. The results showed that postraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms affected 84.8% of survivors one to two months after the earthquake. Significant risk factors associated with PTSD symptoms included: (1) being female; (2) older age; (3) higher exposure to traumatic events during the earthquake; and (4) negative affect in Type-D personality.

Zhao G-F., Yang Y-C., Zhang Q., Zhang S-S., Deng H., Zheng X. F., .. Sun X-L . ( 2011).

Prevalence and Related factors for PTSD in Community Residents after the Wenchuan Earthquake

Chinese Mental Health Journal, 23( 7), 478-483.

DOI:10.1360/972009-782      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Objective:To investigate the prevalence and related factors of post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) among community residents after the Wenchuan Earthquake,and to provide the information for the psychological and medical intervention.Methods:A total of 820 community residents aged 12 years or older were randomly selected from 2 large communities in Anxian and Shifang cities.The demographic situation and health state were collected the subjects were assessed with the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version(PCL-C) and Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS).The diagnosis of PTSD were made with the Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders(IV Edition) criteria.Results:Among the 820 retrieved questionnaires,785 were valid.In the 785 questionnaires,male to female ratio was 1:1.41,and the mean age was(43±18)years;26.0% of subjects suffered from physical diseases,28.4% had drinking habits before the earthquake,and 23.6% had drinking behavior after earthquake.The mean score of PSSS was(61.05±10.54),and there were no significant differences in PSSS score between different age groups.The prevalence of PTSD in this sample was 12.4%(97/785).Logistic regression analysis showed that female(OR=2.070,95% CI:1.274~3.365),experience of being buried(OR=2.806,95%CI:1.249 ~6.306),losing relatives(OR=1.537,95%CI:1.087~2.173),and low PSSS score(OR=0.961,95%CI:0.941~0.979) were the risk factors for PTSD.Conclusion:In the post-disaster reconstruction process,the community residents suffer from the psychological problems after the earthquake.Female,experience of being buried,losing relatives,and low PSSS score may be the risk factors for PTSD and should be paid more attention.

[ 赵高锋, 杨彦春, 张强, 张树森, 邓红, 朱燕.. 孙学礼 . (2009).


中国心理卫生杂志, 23( 7), 478-483.]

&Zhou H., Long L.R . ( 2004).

Statistical remedies for common method biases

Advances in Psychological Science, 12( 6), 942-950.

DOI:10.1007/BF02911031      URL     Magsci    

The problem of common method biases has being given more and more attention in the field of psychology, but there is little research about it in China, and the effects of common method bias are not well controlled. Generally, there are two ways of controlling common method biases, procedural remedies and statistical remedies. In this paper, statistical remedies for common method biases are provided, such as factor analysis, partial correlation, latent method factor, structural equation model, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately. Finally, suggestions of how to choose these remedies are given.

[ 周浩, 龙立荣 . ( 2004).


心理科学进展, 12( 6), 942-950.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3710.2004.06.018      URL    

The problem of common method biases has being given more and more attention in the field of psychology, but there is little research about it in China, and the effects of common method bias are not well controlled. Generally, there are two ways of controlling common method biases, procedural remedies and statistical remedies. In this paper, statistical remedies for common method biases are provided, such as factor analysis, partial correlation, latent method factor, structural equation model, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately. Finally, suggestions of how to choose these remedies are given.

Zhou W., &M H. , ( 2013).

Quantitative estimates on families lost only child and social assistance to them

Chinese Population Science,( 5), 2-9.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 周伟, 米红 . ( 2013).


中国人口科学,( 5), 2-9.]



Zhou X., Wu X. C., An. Y. Y., & Lin C. D . ( 2017).

Assessing the latent structure of PTSD among Chinese adolescent after earthquake

Psychological Development and Education, 33( 2), 206-215.

DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.04.029      URL     PMID:28441585      [本文引用: 3]

AbstractTo examine the underlying substructure of DSM-5 PTSD in an adolescent sample, this study used a confirmatory factor analysis alternative model approach to assess 813 adolescents two and a half years after the Ya'an earthquake. Participants completed the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale for Children, and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders. The results found that the seven-factor hybrid PTSD model entailing intrusion, avoidance, negative affect, anhedonia, externalizing behaviors, anxious arousal, and dysphoric arousal had significantly better fit indices than other alternative models. Depression and anxiety displayed high correlations with the seven-factor model. The findings suggested that the seven-factor model was more applicable to adolescents following the earthquake, and may carry important implications for further clinical practice and research on posttraumatic stress symptomatology.

[ 周宵, 伍新春, 安媛媛, 林崇德 . ( 2017).


心理发展与教育, 33( 2), 206-215.]

DOI:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.10      URL    


Zhou X., Wu X. C., Yuan X. J., Chen J. L.,& Chen Q. Y . ( 2015).

The role of core beliefs challenge, subjective fear, and intrusive rumination in association between severity of traumatic exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder among adolescent survivors after the Yaan earthquake

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47( 4), 455-465.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00455      URL    

The Yaan earthquake in 2013,another destructive natural disaster that occurred in Sichuan,China after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008,has caused widespread loss of life and property.Adolescent survivors of this earthquake experienced significant psychological reactions,and posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is often considered to be the most frequent one in the aftermath of disasters.Many researchers,to date,have examined the reason for the high prevalence of PTSD,and found that the severity of traumatic exposure was a precondition of PTSD.However,not all the traumatized people been exposed to traumatic events would experience PTSD.This can be attributed to the differences in cognitive reaction.The shattered world assumption suggests that the extent of core beliefs being challenged by traumatic event can activate the development of different cognitive reactions and elicit the development of PTSD.According to the cognitive evaluation theory,people exposed to traumatic events can also take different strategies to cope the traumatic clues,and negative coping strategies,such as intrusive rumination,are important risk factors for PTSD.What calls for special attention is that both the shattered world assumption and the cognitive evaluation theory emphasize the effect of cognition after traumatic exposure in the developing process of PTSD,and they also share the same limit in clinical intervention for PTSD by ignoring the role of emotion.Thus,some researchers suggest that more attention should be paid to people's emotive reactions,such as fear,in the PTSD study.And based on the model of fear network,traumatic exposure can make people experience more fear for the trauma,which may in turn increase the likelihood of the appearance of PTSD.While traumatic exposure,core beliefs challenge,intrusive rumination and subjective fear were theoretically speculated as important risk factors,the specific paths how traumatic exposure elicits PTSD by these factors are unclear.Furthermore,the predictive utility of these risk factors has not been evaluated in an integrated model,and the relationship between cognitive reactions and emotive reactions in the developing process of PTSD has not been examined.In addition,previous researchers mainly studied the general adults or college students,and few focused on the adolescent survivors after disaster.Regarding the above limitations,the current study aimed to explore the role of core beliefs challenge,intrusive rumination,and subjective fear in the association between traumatic exposure and PTSD among adolescent survivors six months after the Yaan earthquake.310 adolescent survivors were selected from several junior and senior middle schools in the county of Lushan,the area most severely affected by the Yaan earthquake.Participants completed Traumatic Exposure Questionnaire,Subjective Fear Questionnaire,Core Beliefs Inventory,The Event Related Rumination Inventory and The Revised Child PTSD Symptom Scale six months after the Yaan earthquake.The results found that both the mean level and the prevalence of PTSD were relatively low.The mean level of PTSD of male students was lower than that of female students,and the mean level of PTSD of grade 1 students in senior middle school was higher than that of all the other grade students who participated in the survey.The analysis of structural equation model found that the severity of traumatic exposure had positive effect on PTSD by core beliefs challenge and by that via the multiple mediator effect of intrusive rumination.Moreover,traumatic exposure could positively affect PTSD by the severity of subjective fear via the multiple mediator effect of intrusive rumination.However,the severity of traumatic exposure had no effect on PTSD by intrusive rumination or subjective fear.

[ 周宵, 伍新春, 袁晓娇, 陈杰灵, 陈秋燕 . (2015).


心理学报, 47( 4), 455-465.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00455      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhu L., Xu W., An Y. Y., & Chen X. L . (2018).

The effect of PTSD symptoms on quality of life for breast cancer: Mediating effect of depression and caregivers pressure

China Journal of Health Psychology, 26( 2), 225-229.


Objective:To explore the mediating role of depression and caregivers' distress in the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and quality of life in women with breast cancer.Methods:A total of 221 patients were surveyed with PTSD Symptom Scale,Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast and Patient Health Questionnaire-9;using Caregiver Self-assessment Questionnaires to test their primary caregivers.Results:(1)The incidence of PTSD in patients with breast cancer was 7.2%;(2)PTSD could directly affect the quality of life in patients with breast cancer(尾=-0.59,t=-10.72,P0.001),depression and caregivers' stress exerted mediating effects on the relationship between PTSD and quality of life.The confidence interval from Bootstrap output were 95%[-0.19,-0.10]and 95%[-0.10,-0.01].Conclusion:The depression of breast cancer patients and the pressure of their caregivers are important factors in patients with PTSD affecting the quality of life.In order to improve the quality of life of patients,we should not only pay more attention to improve the patients' depression,but also to alleviate primary caregivers' psychological pressure in the treatment and rehabilitation process in women with breast cancer.

[ 朱琳, 徐慰, 安媛媛, 陈晓丽 . ( 2018).

乳腺癌患者创伤后应激障碍对生命质量的影响: 抑郁和照顾者压力的中介作用

中国健康心理学杂志, 26( 2), 225-229.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


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