ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (09): 1002-1012.

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  1. 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心、心理学系, 广州 510631
  • 收稿日期:2010-10-18 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2011-09-30 出版日期:2011-09-30
  • 通讯作者: 张积家

The Position Effects of the Phonological and Orthographic in Chinese Word Production

YIN Cong;WANG Juan;ZHANG Ji-Jia   

  1. Center for Psychological Application, Department of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
  • Received:2010-10-18 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-09-30 Published:2011-09-30
  • Contact: ZHANG Ji-Jia

摘要: 以起始掩蔽启动效应(the Masked Onset Priming Effect, 简称MOP效应)为研究背景, 通过3个实验, 考察了语音和字形在MOP效应产生中的作用, 以及在汉语单字词产生中语音、字形启动的位置效应。实验1表明, 在汉语单字词的产生中, 语音启动的位置效应显著, 声母启动的效应量显著大于韵母启动的效应量, 与拼音文字研究得到的MOP效应类似, 说明在MOP效应中至少包含有语音效应。汉字单字词语音编码的最小单位是音位, 而且具有从左到右序列加工的特点, 支持言语产生的“音节临时形成论”。实验2表明, 与目标字左、右部件相同的启动刺激均能促进掩蔽启动范式中的命名反应, 被试对与启动字的右部件相同的目标字的反应显著快于对与启动字的左部件相同的目标字的反应, 与起始掩蔽启动效应的假设相反, 说明在MOP效应中不包含有字形的作用, 却发现了汉字单字词特有的命名的字形位置效应:右部件启动的效应量大于左部件启动的效应量。实验3采用图-词干扰范式对汉字左、右部件的启动效应做了进一步的探讨, 仍然发现汉字右部件启动的效应量显著大于汉字左部件启动的效应量。整个研究表明, MOP效应是单纯的语音效应, 并不包含有字形的作用; MOP效应产生于言语产生中的语音编码阶段, 支持言语计划理论的观点。

关键词: 起始掩蔽启动效应, 语音, 字形, 语音编码, 正字法规则

Abstract: Researchers have conducted lots of studies on the masked onset priming (MOP) effect in different languages such as French, Dutch and English. However, there are rare studies on this phenomenon in the field of Chinese at present. Two theories have been proposed to explain this phenomenon including a response competition hypothesis within a dual route framework and the speech-planning account. One of the main discrepancies of the two theories is the locus of the MOP effect: whether it arises during grapheme-to-phoneme conversion or at the level of phonological encoding of the speech response. Once pure phonological and orthographic effect can be separated from MOP effect, the locus where the effect arises would be clear: if only phonology was involved in MOP effect, MOP effect may arise at the level of phonological encoding; by contrast, MOP effect may arise during grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, if there was a orthographic effect, as well.
In experiment 1, types of the primes (phonemic, syllabled, or unrelated primes) and position of the (Shengmu or Yunmu) were used to test the pure phonological effect. The picture naming was facilitated by Shengmu much more than Yunmu, which indicated a pure phonological effect in MOP effect. What’s more, the different priming effects between different positions indicated that (1) phoneme instead of syllable is the least unit in phonological encoding; (2) a serial process was involved during phonological encoding; (3) the syllable is provisionally formed just before the speech production.
In experiment 2, the pure orthographic effect was tested by using left-component prime and right-component prime. It showed that right-component has more facilitation effect than left-component prime which is just contradict to the prediction of MOP effect, which indicated there was no orthographic factor in this effect.
Experiment 3 adopted picture-word interference paradigm to prove the finding of orthographic position effect in experiment 2. Result showed that right–components of interference words produced stronger prime effect than left-components. The superiority of right-component priming could be attributed to the fluency Chinese readers’ knowledge that left-components of Chinese characters indicate the meaning of while right- components indicate the pronunciation.
In short, MOP effect is a pure phonological effect. Thus the effect arises at the level of phonological encoding and the final results support the speech - planning account for MOP effect.

Key words: the masked onset priming effect, phonology, orthographic &, phonological encoding, orthographic effect