ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2007, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (03): 546-555.

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Geoffrey Miller   

  1. University of New Mexico
  • 收稿日期:2006-06-30 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2007-05-30 出版日期:2007-05-30
  • 通讯作者: Geoffrey Miller

Reconciling Evolutionary Psychology and Ecological Psychology:
How to Perceive Fitness Affordances


  1. University of New Mexico
  • Received:2006-06-30 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-05-30 Published:2007-05-30
  • Contact: Geoffrey Miller

摘要: 进化心理学源自达尔文进化论,以分析心理机能及起源为主要研究目的。同样,生态心理学在Brunswik(1956)和Gibson(1979)开创引领下,探讨了有机体的知觉、判断、行为等因素在环境适应中的作用。尽管进化心理学和生态心理学都具有生物机能主义倾向,但过去研究较少探讨二者联系。该文引入适宜可用性观点来整合进化心理学和生态心理学的理论与实证研究。适宜可用性的观点认为,生存与繁衍问题中的代价与利益分析有助于特定种群的动物采取趋近或回避行为来保证潜在适宜性。适宜可用性的观点源自进化生物学中的知觉理论,它解决了认识论中许多传统问题,也整合了进化心理学和生态心理学的实验研究成果。适宜可用性的观点为新世纪的感觉、知觉、认知、情绪和决策的研究提供了新的理论基础

关键词: 生态心理学, 机能主义, 社会适宜性, 特化

Abstract: Following Charles Darwin (1871), evolutionary psychology has analyzed the origins and functions of complex psychological adaptations. Following Egon Brunswik (1956) and J. J. Gibson (1979), ecological psychology has analyzed the adaptive fit between organisms and environments with regard to perception, judgment, and action. Despite their common bio-functional orientation, these fields have developed in almost total isolation from each other. This paper tries to integrate their conceptual and empirical strengths by introducing the notion of ‘fitness affordances’ – objects and situations in the environment that carry potential fitness costs and benefits (negative or positive implications for survival or reproduction), and that can be avoided or exploited behaviorally by animals of a particular species. The fitness affordance idea grounds perceptual theory firmly in evolutionary biology, solves many traditional problems in epistemology, integrates diverse empirical work in evolutionary and ecological psychology, and offers new directions forward for 21st century research on sensation, perception, cognition, emotion, and decision-making

Key words: ecological psychology, functionalism, social affordances, specification
