ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (7): 1169-1180.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.01169

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1河海大学公共管理学院暨应用心理研究所, 南京 211100) (2南京师范大学心理学院暨认知神经科学实验室, 南京 210097)
  • 收稿日期:2014-09-25 出版日期:2015-07-15 发布日期:2015-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 沈汪兵, E-mail:; 袁媛, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:


Sociocultural Basis underlying Creative Thinking

SHEN Wangbing1,2; YUAN Yuan2   

  1. (1 School of Public Administration and Institute of Applied Psychology, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China) (2 School of Psychology and Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China)
  • Received:2014-09-25 Online:2015-07-15 Published:2015-07-15
  • Contact: SHEN Wangbing, E-mail:; YUAN Yuan, E-mail:


创造性思维作为创造性的内核, 是个体在一定社会文化背景上产生新颖独特且实用观点或产品的思维形式。文章基于社会文化的三层次模型, 分别从文化观念、文化活动或经历以及文化工具三个层面, 围绕人性价值观、中庸取向、非价值性文化传统、海外旅居、多语种学习、以及文化工具所涵盖的文化规则、符号和实物七个方面阐述了社会文化对创造性思维的影响。未来研究有必要在此基础上继续从文化与社会因素的依存性、个体差异控制、文化和创造性思维的类型差异以及多重研究取向协作四方面深入。

关键词: 创造性思维, 社会文化, 文化活动, 价值观, 中庸取向


As the inner core of creativity, creative thinking is a kind of thinking mode that generates novel and appropriate viewpoints or products. Guided by the model of “three levels of culture”, the present work focused on the cultural values and underlying assumptions, cultural communications or multicultural experience, as well as cultural artifacts these three social cultural levels, and mainly examined the influences of human nature values, Zhong Yong orientation, non-valued cultural tradition, oversea living, multilingual learning, and cultural artifacts such as cultural rules, signs and matters on human creative thinking. Future studies should pay more attention to the dependence of social and its relevant cultural factors, the control of individual differences, the variable types of culture and creative thinking, as well as the collaboration of multiple research approaches.

Key words: creative thinking, socioculture, cultural activities, value view, Zhong Yong orientation